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Orrick, William H., Jr.
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Select Bibliography

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Select Bibliography


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Select Bibliography

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Zaroulis, Nancy, and Gerald Sullivan.
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Zizek, Slavoj.
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Select Bibliography


———. “The Identity Vulnerable Activist and the Emergence of Post-New Left Armed, Underground Organizations in the United States.” Center for Studies of Social Change Working Paper Series, 1995.

———. “Domestic Counterterrorism: U.S. Government Responses to Political Violence on the Left in the Reagan Era.”
Social Justice
1988: 16.


Acid Test, 105–6, 171

Richard; Pentagon; state violence;

Action Directe, 302

Vietnam War

Adenauer, Konrad, 31, 350n167

American New Left, 3–4; black distinc-

Adorno, Theodor, 40

tions from whites, 23, 90–91, 104,

aesthetics, Marcusean, 167, 336n90

155–56, 185, 187, 297, 313n1;

Agnew, Spiro, 116, 125, 134, 159, 165

democratic values, 21–29, 49, 55,

Albert, Stew, 86, 98–99

58, 124, 130, 182, 294; dissolutions,

Albrecht, Susanne, 234, 305

49–50, 105, 106, 188, 196, 291,

Allen, Woody, 116

298; evolution of, 21–30, 45–62;

Alpert, Jane, 118, 119, 120, 149, 178

German New Left compared, 5, 6–

Altamont, 161, 168–69

7, 10–18, 21, 224, 290–91, 308–

Althusser, Louis, 94

9; “Hard Times” conference, 297;

American blacks.
black Americans;

murders by, 178, 193–95, 295, 299–


302, 342n217; vs. prison abuses,

American democracy: mass politics, 114,

299–300; and reality, 75, 86–89, 93,

132–34, 142, 146; New Left con-

96–97, 102, 104–6, 111, 136, 146,

cerns with, 5–6, 21–23, 28, 123–24,

167, 177; Symbionese Liberation

139, 144, 275; political violence in,

Army (SLA), 292, 294, 295, 300;

2, 5–6, 9–10; Vietnam War and, 34,

and Vietnam War, 7–17, 21, 26–27,

114–15, 123–24, 132, 134–36, 139,

36, 49, 51–53, 61–62, 74–195, 243,

144, 146

293–99, 308–11, 314n3, 331n75;

American government: antiterrorism, 4–

violence, 3, 7–18, 21, 36, 51, 61,

5, 311, 316n19; different response

74–195, 208–11, 243, 294–99, 308–

to white and black radicals, 333n19;

9, 310–11, 314nn3,5.
See also

duplicity on Vietnam, 331n82;

Left violence; nonviolence; Students

German alliance, 6–7; and Iraq,

for a Democratic Society (SDS);

341n215; military bases bombed

underground press, American;

by RAF, 210–13, 245, 302, 306;


Nazi comparisons, 6, 98–99,

American police, 88, 93, 94, 118, 275;

326n85; Reagan, 309, 316n19,

vs. black Americans, 14, 22, 36–37,

See also
American democ-

153–57, 159, 162–64, 186, 275,

racy; law enforcement; Nixon,

318n41, 333nn15,19, 334n40;




American police

arsons: RAF, 20, 41–42, 62–63, 201–8,

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