Read Jenna's Consent Online

Authors: Jennifer Kacey

Jenna's Consent (35 page)

BOOK: Jenna's Consent
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Chapter Twenty-Seven


“We’re supposed to wear what?” Jenna stared at the scrap of
fabric in her hand as if it were some venom-infused breath mint. Looked
unassuming but it hid something sinister.

“What does yours look like?” Haleigh bounced across the prep
room. The large open room was full of women getting dressed. She took the
triangles and dental floss out of Jenna’s hand. “Oooh… It looks like something
Princess Leia would wear.”

“Sure. If she were a stripper.” Jenna added, glaring at it
when Haleigh handed it back. Then she glanced at her corset, leather pants and

There was no way she could wear the outfit Nick had given to
her without taking off her corset. He knew that was a hard limit, yet when she
reminded him of the fact he’d leaned in close and whispered, “Not tonight.”

What the hell had that meant?

He’d stalked off before she could tell him exactly what she
thought of his highhanded attitude. For the rest of the evening, he’d given her
heated glances but so had Ian. They’d been doing it for several days even
though it seemed as if they were giving her a few to cool down.

Or something.

Those looks. Those men. They heated her core until she
couldn’t concentrate on anything but wanting them.

They weren’t good for her though. She wished the rest of her
would get on board with her ability to reason.

She shook herself. Haleigh had said something but she didn’t
have a clue what. “What about you?” she asked, nodding to the see-through
fabric she clutched in her hand.

Haleigh held hers up, cocking her head to the side with a
serious look on her face. “Jasmine, maybe. From
. You know. A
naughty Jasmine.”

Jenna couldn’t help but smile at the gleam in her eye. Her
enthusiasm was contagious even if she felt anything but excited.

“Come on. It’s supposed to be fun.”

Jenna looked up at Haleigh, who was giving her puppy-dog
eyes. She decided to distract her. “Go get dressed and I’ll do your hair and
makeup.” Another sub, Kellee, who was unattached, had been playing with another
couple at the club. Davis and Angel were part of whatever was going on
downstairs, and Kellee couldn’t have looked more exited as she walked out of
the bathroom. Her geisha outfit set off her pretty eyes. “I’ll have the rest of
the girls finished in around fifteen minutes. I’ll snag you when I’m done and
we’ll get you ready to go down to whatever the men have planned.”

“Kay.” Haleigh kissed Jenna’s cheek and moved back toward
Cyn and Skye, who were getting ready across the room.

None of them knew what was going on.

Each of their men had given them a costume—not provided by
Jenna, which rubbed her the wrong way on many fronts. The bottoms were told to
be downstairs at the main stage at exactly nine thirty. With no additional
information, no matter how many times or how many of them asked what was

Not even Haleigh batting her pretty lashes at Kyle and Scott
had gotten them any info.

Jenna opened a drawer to grab a pretty hair clip and shoved
her costume in the back corner. She had every intention of working on the girls
until it was too late for her to get ready. She didn’t know what the men had
planned since they’d told her she couldn’t help downstairs.

She gave up her Wednesday girls’ night out for this.

Not that she had a choice. Chris and Jared told her she had
to be here. And when her bosses said things like that, she listened.

Her curiosity was piqued but it would just have to live with

She moved behind Kellee as she sat on the stool in front of
the makeup counter. “Okay, let’s turn you into a geisha.”


An hour later, she held open the door to the prep room,
ushering her three best friends out the door. “Go on, girlies. You’re going to
be late if you don’t go now and I don’t want to be responsible for you getting
punished. So move it.”

“But it’s gonna be awesome.” Cyn, dressed as Pocahontas,
grabbed her hand and squeezed it, trying to pull her along.

“You have no more of a clue what’s happening than any of the
rest of us, so don’t try that convincing on me, missy.”

“If my guys have anything to do with it, then it’s going to
be amazing.”

Her faith in her men lit a giant spark of longing in Jenna’s

“I’ll come down in just a few. Go show off my skills and
make me proud.”

“Hurry. Okay?” Skye looked up at her. She wore nothing but a
black bra and panties, with metal chains around her stomach and throat.

“I will. Now go.” Jenna shooed them down the hall, breathing
a sigh of relief when the doors on the elevator closed. When she stepped back
inside the prep room the lights cut out and a hand closed around her throat,
yanking her inside the rest of the way.

“Fucker.” She struck out with her elbow, trying to
throat-punch the person manhandling her as her heart pounded away in her chest.

He easily evaded her, taking her down to the floor, putting
almost all his weight on her. Her hands were cuffed behind her back in two
seconds flat, followed quickly by cold metal cuffs of some kind circling her

She lifted a leg, digging her knee into the ground to try to
get away and she was surprised that one wouldn’t rise by itself.


The dude—who weighed as much as a tank—yanked her leg flat
and then sat on her knees so she couldn’t move, shoving a meaty hand between
her shoulder blades and pinning her quite effectively. The urge to scream
bubbled up, but couldn’t get past the pressure on her chest.

“They figured you wouldn’t come easily tonight.”

She knew that voice.

Douglas, from CJ’s.

“What are you talking about?”

“A pretty girl like you will fetch quite a price at

“Auction?” She breathed out the question, pieces falling
into place with what the men had planned for the women tonight.

But not her.

“No, I—”

His hand came down on her ass so fast she couldn’t process
what happened. Then the burn lit beneath her skin, stealing the rest of her

“No isn’t a word a proper slave uses.”

“Slave?” She squeaked as he rubbed the sting away on her

“Whoever purchases you tonight will own you. No questions.
No limits.” He let the last two words float between them. Almost as if they
were one of those flash-bang fireworks. It shot into the air, almost silent and
then it exploded, shaking everyone in a mile radius.


His hand rained down rapid-fire on the
flesh of her backside until adrenaline flooded her system.

His hand must be the size of a dinner plate.

“Please,” she begged.

He leaned over, gently fisted her hair and tugged her head
to the side. “Please what?” he whispered in her ear. “Please stop?” He popped
, tickling her cheek. “Or please more?”

His hand snaked between their bodies and he scraped her ass
with his fingernails.

“Mmm, mmhmm.” She couldn’t keep from begging—from whining.
He wasn’t someone she’d normally be attracted to, though he was gorgeous. The
thought of two other men setting all this up, giving her a fantasy, along with
being kidnapped made her blood race in her veins.

Damn she was already wet between her legs and her nipples
ached for attention.

“Whatever you want.”

He chuckled, nuzzling her neck. “Very good.”

His weight shifted so suddenly she blinked in the darkness,
and then he was there again, hauling her to her feet.

“Now that you’re in a more suitable mindset.” He slid a
blindfold over her eyes and she thought he may have turned the lights on.
“Let’s get rid of these pants, shall we?”

“But the shackles are in the way.”

clicked a pocketknife.

“You’re going to cut my clothes off!” She sounded shrill
even to her own ears but she couldn’t help it.

“No.” He slid the knife between the tight pants and her
ankle and split the fabric up to her knee. “Only your pants. Someone else has
plans for that corset.”

Air hitched in her chest when she tried to suck in enough
oxygen for his last comment to make sense.
Surely he couldn’t mean…

Cool air rushed across her legs as he cut her pants away.

They fell in a heap where he tossed them.

A warm hand palmed her ass. The fleshy globes revealed by a

“Nice and rosy. My favorite.”

He clicked the knife closed, then took her by the upper arm
just as she pictured him doing to some criminal.

She stepped away from him, turning around to where she hoped
she faced him. “I’m not going to go easily. I’m not.” She took a couple more
steps backward until he yanked her back by a hand around her throat.

“You’ll go where I tell you to.”

She tried to hurl a curse at him but he squeezed just enough
to restrict her vocal cords.

“This is not my first rodeo, little girl.”

“Obviously,” she squeaked as soon as he relaxed.

The door whooshed open beside her, which wasn’t where she
thought she was in the room. He shoved her out into the hallway.

As the door latched into place he spun her around, fisting
her hair and propelling her down the hallway.

“Let’s go see how much a slave with your
bring at auction. I’m halfway tempted to bid on you myself.”

“Oh God,” she mumbled as he moved her into the elevator.

His chuckle did funny things to her insides as she stood
there in nothing but a corset, tiny panties and five-inch heels.

“Even he might be enticed by the image of you. You could
tempt a saint, I do believe.”

His hand tightened in her hair as the doors opened and he
thrust her forward.

Her heels clicked along the hardwood until she reached the
plush carpet of the bar. She swiveled her head several inches either way but
couldn’t hear anything. No members, nothing.

Another door was opened before her and the hushed murmurs of
a crowd crashed over her. A familiar voice boomed all around her. “Anyone else
have a piece of property to put up for auction?”

“I do,” Douglas called out from behind her.

She froze, digging her heels in, not liking that she
couldn’t see.

“She seems…willful still.”

Douglas shoved her along—toward the front, she thought. Her
position was confirmed when he led her up several steps.

“That’s not my problem. Whoever is lucky enough to win her
will have the pleasure of conditioning her.”

“Her ass is a bit red. Give you some trouble on the way over?”

“Duke? Is that you?” she called out as her wrists were moved
in front of her and then raised above her head.

“Sure is, pretty girl. Douglas, why don’t you take that
blindfold off and let our next item see for herself what she’s just walked

The blindfold loosened and light flooded her eyes. She
squinted, rubbing them against her arm until she could blink and focus. Douglas
stood next to her, looking like he was enjoying himself way too much.

“Enjoy tonight,” he whispered and tucked a few pieces of
hair behind her ear. “It’s all for you, even though your friends got to have a
bit of fun too.” He nodded behind her toward the front of the stage.

“Fuck…” she gasped.

People filled the room. Well-dressed men and women sat a
tables with small signs with black numbers on them.

Auction signs.

The lighting was so harsh onstage she couldn’t make out the
faces of people.

“Yes, Sirs,” tickled her ears off to the left. Cyn stood
before Chris and Jared as they inspected their property.

Sensation bloomed along the flesh of Jenna’s thigh as they
touched her friend.

She looked farther down the wall and Jackson had Skye
strapped to a cross, his body pressed tightly to hers.

On the other wall, Scott had Haleigh and Kyle cuffed
together. Their lips moved as they spoke to him and he ran the cracker, the end
of a whip, across their flesh. Apparently females weren’t the only commodity up
for sale.

Couples and groups of people had claimed spots all along the
altered walls of the room. Gone was the industrial feel of the dungeon space it
had been that morning. Now it was a high-end auction house with tablecloths and
waiters. Everyone was dressed to perfection, except the slaves. They all wore
close to nothing or nothing at all.

“Do I hear two thousand?”



She glanced at Duke for the first time, even though he
wasn’t far from her. He spoke on a microphone attached to a podium and had a
gavel in his hand that he gestured toward the crowd with.

“Three thousand? Ah, yes, you in the back.”

Jenna squinted, trying to pull her hand down to shield her
eyes. Her hands were bound above her. She looked and they were cuffed to one of
the movable lines running in the mesh above the main stage. She certainly
wasn’t going anywhere.

“Six thousand?”

“Six,” she mumbled and positioned her head so she could peek
out between her arms.

“Six,” came from a man sitting at a table, midway back.

She’d know his voice anywhere and didn’t know if she wanted
to hide or preen as she stared at him.

His confident eyes locked with hers and her mouth went dry.
He wore a tuxedo. As if he wasn’t devastatingly handsome before.

“Seven,” called a man from the back of the room. He didn’t
even wait for Duke to call the next bid.

Ian stood close to the back, half in shadow. She tried to
rub her legs together to find some relief but all that did was make her wetter.

Nick stood next to his table and glared toward Ian. “Eight.”

“Well it seems we have a bit of a bidding war, ladies and

BOOK: Jenna's Consent
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