Jax's Dilemma:Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 2) (3 page)

BOOK: Jax's Dilemma:Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 2)
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“Thought you’d be bangin’ the shit outta that icy blonde at Dream House,” Chas said before throwing his shot down his throat.

“You mean Cherri? Nah, she’s a bitch.”

“Could’ve fooled me. Every time you see her, your dick gets hard.” Chas chuckled.

“Why the fuck are you looking?” Jax joked as he punched Chas in the arm. “Anyway, she’s just another stripper. Who the fuck cares?”

“You haven’t missed one of her numbers since she’s been at Dream House.”

Jax was getting pissed. “When did this become your fuckin’ business?”

“Just sayin’. She’s got a pretty ass, but her tits are too small.”

Jax grunted as the heat from his anger spread throughout his body. If Chas didn’t shut the fuck up, he was going to have to kick his ass good. Luckily, a short brunette with big tits came over to Chas and started rubbing his thighs. Turning toward her, Chas pulled her between his legs.

Jax turned around to survey the room and spotted a few members from some of the charter clubs he hadn’t seen in a long time. Most of the brothers were either fucking one or two sluts or playing pool. He looked around for his favorite club whore, Rosie. He
wanted to get laid. He had hoped his sweet Cherri would have been up to the task, but she was turning out to be a pain in his ass, so he decided he’d fuck his brains out with Rosie instead.

Finding her by the worn-out green couch in the corner of the room, he noticed she had her short skirt hiked high around her waist, her ass in the air, face twisted with desire. One of the brothers, Throttle, had his dick in her pussy as he banged away. A bitter smile whispered across Jax’s lips as he shook his head. He liked fucking Rosie—she was a firecracker in bed, and her mouth did amazing things to a man’s cock. She used to be a hoodrat who hung around on the weekends before deciding to become a club whore. After making sure she was who she said she was, she became property of the Insurgents and earned the club’s protection and a place to sleep upstairs, in the attic. Lola bitched about having another club whore around, but that slut would bitch about anything. Since Rosie was new, she was very popular, and Jax knew that pissed the hell out of Lola.

He wanted her, but she was too busy servicing Throttle and it looked like Axe was next in line.
Fuck, I really need to get laid.
Looking around at the half-naked women in the room, his eyes landed on one of the dancers from Dream House. As a rule, the dancers stripped and nothing more. The women didn’t come to the clubhouse or club parties unless they wanted to; then they came as club girls and were available for servicing all the men, all night long. Insurgents never forced women to have sex—that wasn’t their style, and they didn’t allow any of that shit to happen at their club. Sometimes, when charter clubs or other biker guests came to party, things got out of hand and a few rough and drunk guys would force themselves on the women. If the Insurgents knew about it or found out about it, though, the guy would be banned from coming to any more parties at the clubhouse.

Peaches, a cute blonde with brown eyes, had a firm ass and muscular legs. Her tits were a little too big for Jax’s liking, but he was horny as hell and he thought Peaches, in her tight spandex skirt and neon blue tube top, would do nicely.

After pushing himself from the bar, he swaggered over to her. He saw her watch him from the corner of her eye, pretending she didn’t see him. Putting his hand on her shoulder, he leaned near her ear and said, “Baby, do you wanna have some fun tonight?”

Turning toward him, the tip of her tongue between her teeth, she looked him up and down. Jax had noticed Peaches checking him out many times at Dream House, and he guessed she wanted to fuck him in the worst way. A few times, she made some moves on him at the club, but he wasn’t interested in going out with her. Going out with the dancers could be complicated since they weren’t regarded as free-for-all whores like the club sluts and hoodrats. But Peaches was at the clubhouse, on his turf, and he was ready to shove his thick cock into her wet warmth.

Planting a kiss on her lips, he jerked his head toward the doorway, saying, “Let’s go and have a good time.”

Peaches molded her body against his as he encircled her waist, walking out of the great room. They climbed the stairs to the third floor where Jax had his own room, since he was a board member. The third floor was reserved just for board members, and each of the six officers and three elected board members had rooms even if they didn’t live at the club regularly, like Hawk or Banger. Jax had lived at the clubhouse since his father was killed at Sturgis when he was eighteen years old and a prospect with the Insurgents. Seven years later, he was a fully patched officer and wore his colors proudly.

Kicking open the door of his room, he pulled Peaches in. Pinning her against the wall, he roughly kissed her lips, darting his tongue in and out of her mouth while her groans made his dick grow harder. When he pulled down her tube top, her breasts spilled out and he rubbed them, tweaking her nipples as he kissed her neck. Peaches squirmed against the wall, her knee grinding against his cock. Yanking her skirt up over her hips, he shoved his hand down her panties, squeezing her wet pussy.

“I like that, sexy,” she purred.

He threw her one of his boyish grins, the one that melted women’s hearts. “Fuck, I like that you’re wet for me.”

“I’ve been wet for you since I saw you at Dream House. I’ve wanted you inside me for a while now,” she murmured against his moist lips.

Throwing her on the bed, Jax stripped off his clothes and joined her, his body looming over hers. Using his tongue, he traced from her neck down to her mound. Spreading her legs, he buried his face in her slit, his tongue flicking up and down between her folds. Peaches writhed beneath him as he stuck a couple fingers in her pussy. Not able to hold back any longer, Jax grabbed a condom, encased his dick, and thrust into her inviting wetness. He rode her hard, slamming in and out. Looking down on her as he fucked her, he did a double-take—Peaches had disappeared and Cherri had taken her place, her pouty lips slightly parted, and her mouth quivering with her satisfied moans. Jax felt his cock tighten before he spurted his release.

He pulled off his condom, threw it in the trashcan next to his bed, and rolled over. Peaches snuggled against him, kissing his side. She ran her long nails over his sculpted chest. “Wow, you’re built. How do you do it?”

“I work out a lot.” It was true; ever since he was thirteen years old, he had been working out like a fiend. It helped control the rage caged between his bones and his flesh. The obsession with pushing himself physically to the max was born the day his mom ditched him and his dad for another biker. His fury was born that day, as well, and grew as his father, too weak to handle his wife’s betrayal, gave up on being a father and threw himself into the slippery hands of Jack Daniels. If that wasn’t all fucked up, he didn’t know what was. A darkness spread over his face as his thoughts took him to places in his past he didn’t want to go.

“Whatcha thinkin’?” Peaches asked as she nuzzled deeper into the crook of his arm.

“You’re a good fuck. How many brothers you serviced so far tonight?”

“You’re my only one. This is the first time I’ve come to one of the parties. I came hoping you’d be here.”

“Is that right?”

“I’ve seen you looking at me at the strip bar. I have a bit of a crush on you,” she whispered.

“Don’t be having that shit on me. I don’t do this ‘one woman’ thing. You’re a good fuck, and I’d like to have you in my bed again, but don’t think I’m gonna be pining for you or bringing you roses, or shit like that. I fuck pussy, and that’s about it.”

Nodding, she said, “That’s fine. I just want to be with you. Is it okay if I don’t do any of the other guys?”

“If you come to the parties again, you’re considered a club whore for the night and you’re open to all the members. If you come with me, then you’re with me.”

“Can I come with you? I mean, to be with you at the parties and at other times?”

“I’ll let you know when I want to fuck you. Remember, you won’t be my girlfriend, just my fuck-buddy. If you’re cool with that, I’m down for that… for a while.”

“I’m down.” Peaches kissed Jax’s face, her leg rubbing against his thigh. His dick twitched, and immediately her blonde head started its descent toward his hardening shaft. Watching as her thin lips wrapped around his dick, he found himself wishing it were Cherri sucking his hardness.

Fuck it all to Hell

Chapter Three

our ass is
fuckin’ outta here. We don’t tolerate drug use, you fuckin’ crack head!” Emma was beyond pissed. She ran a clean club, and this sniveling bitch had been given a couple of warnings from her already, yet there she was, flying higher than a damn kite.

“Please, Emma. I swear, I’ll never use again. I need this job! I got a kid to support,” Mandy said, eyes dilated and nose running, her words rushing out.

“You’re toast, bitch. I gave you more than enough chances. I’m done with your shit. Pack up your stuff and get the hell outta here.” Emma looked toward Holt, who was wiping down the bar, and yelled out to him, “Make sure this slut’s outta here in ten minutes, or throw her ass out, got it?”

Not looking up, he nodded in agreement. Mandy ran out of the room, screaming obscenities. Emma looked at Cherri who sat at the corner of the bar, sipping an iced Coke with lemon. “You’ll take Mandy’s spot,” she said.

Swallowing hard, Cherri wiped her mouth then said, “What, you want me to be the lead dancer?”

“Yep, and I want you to be the one supervising the dancers in the back before the shows.”

“I can’t do that! I don’t know what the hell I’m doing. I’ve only been here for two months. Give the position to Peaches. She wants it bad, and she’s been here longer than me.” Cherri stabbed at the ice slivers in her glass, her eyes cast downward.

“You misunderstood. I’m not asking if you want it; I’m
you that’s what you’re gonna do.”

“Peaches is gonna be pissed,” Cherri mumbled.

“Why would you think I give a fuck about that?”

Shrugging, Cherri continued playing with her straw.

“Your new position starts today. I’ll go over some stuff with you, and then you can get into it tonight.” Emma turned on her heel and walked toward her office in the back.

Emma had been in charge of Dream House for the past four years. She loved running the place, and she made it her mission to have a well-organized strip bar. She selected the dancers and the wait staff, and, except for a few minor upsets, Dream House ran well under her strict direction. Each time a dancer fucked up, it pissed her off to no end. Whenever a dancer tested for drugs, she’d go ballistic; she broke her ass for her dancers, and when they screwed up, it was like they betrayed her.

Before she ran the strip bar, she was a club whore. She first came to the Insurgents for a weekend party ten years before, and she never left. Emma loved being a part of the Insurgents’ world, and she used to love partying and fucking just as much as all the brothers. She had fucked practically all of them before she met the love of her life, Danny. It took her a while to get him to realize he couldn’t live without her, but he came around and they shared a small house together in the outskirts of town. Danny still enjoyed the weekend parties and the raunchy fun they brought, but he only indulged about once a month, and Emma was just fine with that.

A tightness in her chest made her realize how upset she was that Mandy had forced her hand. She trusted Mandy; they were a bit like friends, and she had given Mandy so many chances, way more than she had to any of the other girls she threw out for testing dirty. She couldn’t let Mandy slide again, though. If she did, she’d lose the respect and control of the club, and she had no intention of doing that.

She was confident Cherri would do a good job. The girl was an odd mix of toughness, coldness, and vulnerability. Emma suspected she had gone through a lot in her short life. Cherri had a frailty about her that brought out men’s caveman instinct to protect. She was one of the most popular dancers in the club, and every guy fantasized about fucking her. As far as Emma knew—although she didn’t know much, because Cherri was so private—Cherri hadn’t given it up to any of the men in the club, including any of the Insurgents. Cherri was a strange one, all right, but she was smart and level-headed, and that was what Emma needed in a lead dancer and supervisor. Cherri was going to work out just fine.

*     *     *

“Why so down?”
Lexie sat down next to Cherri at the bar. “Give me a draft, Holt.”

“Emma threw Mandy’s ass out. She tested dirty.”

“I heard. Mandy was cussing up a storm in the back room. I can’t feel sorry for her, though; Emma warned her two times before. That slut just can’t give up the crank. Don’t spend any more time worrying about her.”

“But she has a small daughter to support.”

“She doesn’t give a shit about her. She’s always dumping the poor little thing with someone. Fuck, she only wants money for crank. I’m glad she’s gone.”

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