Jax (Cocky Cage Fighter Series) (12 page)

BOOK: Jax (Cocky Cage Fighter Series)
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"Fuck no I don't. That's why I've got an incredibly smart and very expensive attorney."

"What if I let you down? Maybe we should bring someone else on until Ryan's trial finishes up. He said he could be tied up a few more weeks."

"You're not going to let me down," I tell her, and watch as she chews on her bottom lip with unnecessary worry. "That's maybe the only thing in my life that I'm actually certain of."

"But-" she starts.

"But nothing," I interrupt her, and then pull open the door to the clinic. I carry Page in and sit her down in a plastic chair while I go to the front desk to check her in.

"Hi," the young woman in scrubs says to me with a smile while blatantly ogling me. I've kept my glasses and hat on to cover at least part of my face. "We normally require shirts, but I think we can make an exception to that policy for you."

"Ah, thanks. We were just out swimming in the ocean when she got stung by a jellyfish," I explain, nodding over to Page.

"Oh," the nurse says, her facing falling when she sees the beautiful woman I just carried in. "She'll need to fill out these forms, and then the doctor should be able to see you soon."

"Thanks," I say, accepting her offered clipboard that holds a stack of papers and has a pen attached with a metal string.

"Here, they need you to fill all this out," I tell Page, handing it off to her.

She nods and takes the forms to start completing them. I look over her shoulder and see that her birthday is December twentieth, which is about the crappiest time for one. She's allergic to penicillin and mold. She had her tonsils taken out when she was eight-years-old, and she takes anti-anxiety and antidepressant medications every day. So she really has been diagnosed as being high strung. Once she checks all the little boxes and signs her name fifteen times I take the forms back to the lady at the front, and then we wait.

Every few minutes Page continues to wince like she's in pain while we sit in the hard plastic chairs. I'm about to go bitch about them taking forever when they finally call her back. As soon as I stand up beside her, she holds out her palm. "I'm pretty sure I can walk that far."

I motion for her to go for it, walking slowly behind her. It's the first chance I've had to get a good look at her sting, and it's something else. Red wavy whelps cover a section of her lower back and around her side, with more of the same under her right butt cheek, that yes, I also checked out.
. No wonder she's in pain.

After they confirm with her that she doesn't mind me tagging along, they check her blood pressure, which is a little high at one-twenty-eight over ninety. The nurse assures us it’s probably due to the pain. Page's temperature is normal, and she weighs a hundred and twenty-six pounds.

Page lays flat on her stomach on the exam table after the nurse leaves us alone in a room. With nothing but her tiny strings holding up her top, and the small triangle covering her perfectly curved ass, I'm about to lose my shit. I sit down in the plastic chair and apply pressure to my rising cock, doing more harm than good. Now it's just springing back up looking for more attention.

Unable to take the temptation any longer, I jump out of my seat. Under the pretense of looking at her injury I stand right beside her ass and trail my fingertips along the sting imprints, careful not to actually touch them. Page squirms and cold chill bumps raise under the tips of my fingers. "Cold?" I ask her.

"No," she replies. She doesn't tell me to stop touching her, so I don't. Hell, I
she wants my hands on her, and it's a goddamn shame I can't take things further. Well, maybe a little further won't hurt anything.



Oh for the love of all that is holy, what is that man doing? I mean, not that I want him to stop. I'm barely suppressing my groans because the skin to skin contact feels so good, but I'd also like to know what the heck he's doing. Is this what Jude meant? That I'm finally wearing him down?

Jax has been acting differently today. Not in the weird,
this is awkward because I turned you down
way either. No, it's more like a sensitive side to him I've never experienced. And I was shocked to find out that this normally tough, arrogant, angry man is scared of needles and small spaces. Now I have even more motivation to make sure he's not found guilty by a jury so that he won't get an active prison sentence.

Pushing those unhappy thoughts aside, I close my eyes to savor this amazingly intimate experience. Jax's massive lethal hand gliding a path so soft and gentle along my spine and down my leg. He knows exactly what he's doing to me. But wait. He said he didn't want me. Is he just horny and I'm the only available option?

Ugh. I don't like that thought at all. I don't have much time to ruminate on that though, because Jax finds a way to distract me. On an up pass his feather light touch moves to the inside of my thigh, and I almost hyperventilate.

"You're leaving a wet spot on the table," he says.

"Huh?" I ask. Am I so aroused it's leaking out? I look down at the white paper covering the exam table. Of course he's referring to my still soggy bathing suit. "Haha," I mutter, relaxing my body back down.

Jax's finger is grazing along the outer seam of my bikini bottom when there's a knock on the door. He jerks his hand away like I've managed to sting him.

"Miss Davenport?" a woman's voice asks.

"Oh, um, hey," I say, starting to get into a sitting position.

"No stay where you are, so I can get a good look," she says, and I hear the snap of gloves. "I'm Dr. Bailey, and...Well, hello there."

Of course she's checking out Jax.

"Hi, how's it going?" he asks and she giggles. The doctor, a woman who spent years in medical school, is actually giggling like a little girl. You'd think he asked her to strip down naked instead of offering a neutral greeting. It reminds me of Joey from
being able to just say "
How you doin
'?" to make women swoon.

I yelp and jump out of my skin when the woman actually touches the sting!

"You okay?" Jax asks when he comes to stand up by my head.

"Uh-huh," I answer. And, oh yes, he's a very nice distraction from the pain. I'll just memorize the indentations of his six pack of abs while the doctor pokes and prods me. Ah, and those lovely cuts of muscle that travel down underneath the low waistband of his board-shorts forming a V. I want to follow those two beautiful lines home.    

Jax squats down so that he's eye level with me, resting his forearms on the exam table. I reach out and pull his sunglasses off, wanting to actually see his midnight eyes. His gorgeous face is even better than his sculpted muscles.                                                                

"Now you just ruined my secret identity," he tells me with a wide, panty-wetting smile.

"I think you're safe from all your fan girls in here," I respond. "Mostly."

"Well, it looks like there aren't any tentacles left behind," the doctor says. "I'm going to apply some vinegar and then we'll need to use a razor to shave the area, making sure to remove any remaining nematocysts."

"What the fuckocysts?" Jax asks, making me and the doctor both laugh. "And you won't have to use any, ah, needles will you?"

"No needles, and nematocysts are the jellyfish's poisonous cells that activate their venom," she says before she opens the door and gives instructions to the nurse. A few minutes later vinegar is poured on my back and upper thigh. Then the sadist runs the razor with no shaving cream over the raised stings!

"Ah God," I groan and press my forehead against my folded arms. I feel Jax's palms rubbing up and down them before he squeezes my hand. I hold onto him while the evil woman works her dull blade all the way down my burning lower back and side, to the skin below my bottoms. When I feel liquid poured over it again I assume it's over, thank goodness.

"All set. You may need some hydrocortisone cream to rub on the areas once or twice a day until it heals."

"Great," I say sarcastically.

"Give this to them out front and they'll take care of you," the doctor tells us quickly, papers rustling. "You might want to stay out of the ocean for a few days." The door opens and then quickly shuts again.

I move into a sitting position, letting my legs dangle off the side of the table before trying to ease my weight down on the sore area near my upper thigh.

"Frick," I huff as I finally accomplish my goal. I'm about to jump down, but then Jax is suddenly there in front of me. His big warm hands spread my legs apart to wedge his body between them. I gasp when I feel his hard, thick length press between my thighs. Only two very thin pieces of fabric keep us from finding out how well his enormous key will fit into my throbbing lock. Oh and I bet he'd slide right in, even if it would require a minute to adjust to all of his size.

My greedy hands automatically reach for his sculpted stomach while his continue sliding forward up the top of my thighs. When I look up into his beautiful face, his dark eyes are filled with need. Need for me or just...any woman?

Before I can ask, his lips part and dip down to capture my bottom one between his two. They move to do the same to my smaller top lip before his tongue sweeps in and brushes mine, making me moan. I'm desperate for more, and tangle my hands in his hair to tell him so. In response his palm reaches up to cup my jaw, tilting my head to the side allowing him a better angle at which to dominate my mouth.

God the man kisses even better than he looks. As if his seeking tongue isn't enough to turn up the heat, melting me from the inside out, one of his thumbs on my inner thigh wanders over and presses against my pulsing clit through my thin, damp swimsuit.

"Mmm." I shudder and moan with pleasure, urging Jax onward.

Between the incredible kiss and the applied pressure of his thumb, it doesn't take long before my body starts to shake. While I'm gasping for air and convulsing, Jax's mouth moves down my chest. His tongue snakes underneath one of the triangles covering my breast and flicks against my nipple before his hand jerks the material out of the way to grant him unrestricted access to suck on more flesh. The cold air and my arousal have my nipples beaded and sensitive. My fingers continue to thread in the back of his wet hair, holding him in place.

Once I have some of my wits back I realize Jax is still hard as a rock between my legs, needing his own sweet relief. I let go of his hair with one palm and reach down between our bodies to caress his cock.

"Ah fuck," Jax mutters around his mouth full of my tingling nipple. He keeps his hands busy weighing and taking measurements of both of my breasts.

I like the feel of his long thickness in my grasp, but I want to touch his skin and run my fingers over every vein and every single inch of his length. Sliding my hand underneath his waistband I finally get my hand around his velvety smooth, hard as steel shaft.

On a groan, Jax goes completely still a second before his hips began to thrust, slowly at first and then becoming more frantic, telling me he's getting close. He's a lot to hold on to, but I try and cover as much ground as I can with my small hand.

Jax's teeth nip my breast before his mouth returns to mine, his tongue plunging possessively in and out of my mouth in time to my quickening strokes. He growls low in his throat and shudders when his warm release pulses all over my fingers. The pressure of his lips on mine ease up as his body gradually relaxes.

"God...I needed that," is the first thing he says. That snaps me back to reality quicker than you can click the heels of your ruby slippers. He said he "needed that", meaning the orgasm, not that he needed me or even wanted me.    

"Because it's been a long time?" I ask, quickly losing the last wave of the ecstasy that had felt as strong as a tsunami just moments ago.

"Well, yeah," Jax replies, moving away from me to grab some tissues from the opposite counter. He offers me a wad, which I accept to clean up with.

"How long?" I ask, keeping my eyes lowered.

"Huh?" he asks. "I haven't fucked anyone since the night before I got arrested."

"So you'll what? Screw around with me because it's convenient for you to get off, even though you're not 'interested' in me?" I ask, hopping off the table. I try not to let my face show the pain that shoots through my leg and back.

When my cold feet hit the tile floor I also realize I'm screwed. I don't have any shoes because the big jerk carried me. Forget that, I'd rather take my chances with tetanus. Maybe I can get a booster shot before I walk out of the office.

I grab my beach bag and head for the exam room door after I make sure my girly parts are all covered back up. I eventually find the front of the clinic, walking as fast as my sore leg will allow.

"Page, wait," Jax says behind me, but I ignore him. He's horny. I'm here and throwing myself at him. It doesn't take a genius to figure out what just went down and why.

I smile at the woman behind the checkout counter when I hand her my paperwork, although I'm the furthest thing from being in a cheerful mood.

"That'll be one-fourteen," the middle-aged brunette says unenthusiastically.

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