Jasper (27 page)

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Authors: Faith Gibson

BOOK: Jasper
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Chapter Thirty-Two


getting things ready at the armory, Urijah returned to the Pen to retrieve Kallisto.
There were plenty of rooms they could have used for what they were going to do,
but Dominic didn’t want Lilly subjected to the inner workings of the prison. Plus,
the armory offered plenty of privacy, and he had been able to set up the scene
exactly as Jasper requested.

Uri went into the room where the woman was being held, he paid a visit to her
sidekick. Sergei was in a cell in the Basement. When he’d gotten a good look at
what else was housed in the lowest level, it didn’t take long for the man to

is the passcode for your phone?” Uri asked through the cell door.

want to see Kallisto,” he replied.

you want to keep her alive, you’ll give me the passcode. I’m not going to ask
you again.”

Please don’t hurt her.”

didn’t bother responding. He took the stairs to the next floor up and unlocked
the room where Theron’s sister was sitting on a cot, handcuffed to the rail.

my father finds out what you’ve done to me, you’ll be sorry.”

ignored her and unfastened the cuffs from the bed. “Move.”

are you taking me? Are you letting me go?”

Now move.”

woman stopped and turned to Urijah. Her hands were cuffed in front of her,
allowing her to place them on Uri’s chest. “You don’t have to do this. Let me
go, and I’ll make you feel good.”

grabbed her hands and said, “You’re not my type.” Faster than she could blink,
he unlocked her cuffs and reattached them with her hands behind her back. As he
was pushing her along to the back exit, Isabelle turned the corner and stopped
when she saw who he was escorting.

well, well, if it isn’t the Princess,” she snarled. She began walking toward
them, and before Uri realized her intention, Isabelle hauled off and hit
Kallisto across the face. “That was for my son.” She hit her again and said,
“That was for me, you bitch.” Uri stood back in case Isabelle wanted to have
another go at her. Instead, she looked at him and winked. “Carry on.” Isabelle
shook out her hand as she walked away. Uri could have sworn he heard a “whoop”
when she was out of sight.

her hands cuffed behind her, Kallisto couldn’t rub what was sure to be a bruise
tomorrow. Still, she didn’t utter a word until Urijah tossed her into the back
seat of his SUV next to Mason. Even though her hands were bound, the young
Goyle would make sure their guest didn’t try anything stupid. Mason slipped a
black mask over her head so she didn’t know where they were taking her. Uri had
instructed Mason not to make small talk in front of her. They would offer no
personal information whatsoever that she could use against them at a later
date. “Where are you taking me?” Neither one answered her, so she tried
threatening again. “Do you have any idea who my father is? You think things
have been bad up to this point? You just wait. When I don’t check in, Theron
will come back for me.”

counting on it,” Uri informed her. “Here you go,” he said to Mason as he passed
a roll of duct tape into the back seat.

Mason raised the mask, tore off a strip of the shiny tape, and placed it not so
gently across her mouth. “Much better.” He slid the mask back down and returned
to his side of the SUV.

turned up the radio, and he and Mason enjoyed the rest of the ride to the
armory. When they arrived, Uri pulled her out of the backseat and tossed her
over his shoulder. She tried to object, but the tape was doing its job. She
began twisting, doing her best to wiggle out of his grip, but he squeezed her
thighs tighter in his strong arm. He thought about slapping her on her ass, but
he figured the crazy bitch would like it. He didn’t need that.

they reached the room where the photos would be taken, he left the mask and
tape on her. Kallisto did her best to fight him when he re-cuffed her hands in
front of her so he could attach them to a pulley system he had installed just
for this occasion. With her arms stretched above her head, Uri slashed through
her clothes with a claw. Kallisto complained behind the tape covering her
mouth, but her mumbles were ignored. Since Lilly was with Dominic, Jasper
instructed them to leave Kallisto’s underwear on. Uri held one leg, and Mason
took the other while Dominic proved he could, indeed, tie pretty knots. Lilly
looked on in morbid fascination as her mate wound the rope dramatically around
Kallisto’s body, basically recreating the look Theron had tortured Jasper with.
When they were satisfied, Uri cranked the winch, raising Kallisto into the air.

asked everyone to leave the room so only Kallisto would be in the photos. He
took the hood off her head but left the tape over her mouth. He seriously didn’t
want to hear any more of her threats. Uri retrieved Sergei’s cell phone and
snapped several photos. The spot where Isabelle struck Kallisto’s face was
already beginning to bruise. Jasper hadn’t wanted the woman harmed, but there
was no way Uri would have stopped Isabelle from getting her small taste of

of sending the pictures to Theron right away, Jasper asked Uri to wait until he
had a plan in place and had talked with Rafael about that plan. He also wanted
to make sure he was at his full strength before he had to face the Goyle.
Dominic and Lilly left to go back to Gregor and Tessa’s. As much as Uri wanted
to leave Kallisto tied up, he lowered her to the floor and cut the rope away.
She had kidnapped Sophia’s parents as well as Connor. She tormented Isabelle.
She was not a nice person. He had a feeling she would get what was coming to
her soon enough.



was nervous. Excited, but nervous. He was about to have sex for the first time,
and it wasn’t just sex. He was going to make love to Jasper. He’d watched
enough porn to know the semantics, but he didn’t want to hurt him. Not that his
dick was huge, but it was above average if the men in the videos were any
indication of what average was. Jasper didn’t bother closing the bedroom door.
They were alone. Finally. Just the two of them. Jasper had anticipated this
moment earlier, or maybe it had been wishful thinking. Either way, he was
prepared to bottom for Trevor so they could consummate the mating. The way
Jasper was looking at him let him know the beast was close to the surface.
Trevor wasn’t sure how he knew that, but he did. It must have something to do
with accepting the bond and giving him his blood.

closed the distance and began undressing Trevor. He wasn’t taking his time.
Wasn’t offering soft words or kisses. Jasper was in a hurry to get down to it.
When Trevor was standing naked in front of Jasper, he wasn’t ashamed of his
body. He wasn’t a god like Jasper, but he was fit, and his cock was standing
out long and proud, pointing at Jasper. Jasper licked his lips and shed his own
clothes in record time. His cock was just as hard and ready. Trevor wanted a
chance to take in Jasper’s body. To appreciate all the muscle and soft hair
covering his chest, arms, and legs. He wanted to run his hands over every
single inch of the body that was now his. Trevor couldn’t wrap his head around
the fact that he would have access to all this yummy goodness any time he
wished. He vowed right then and there to get serious about working out so that
Jasper would have a nice body to look at as well.

Jasper took a couple of steps toward him and their hard-ons rubbed together,
all thoughts of
fled Trevor’s brain. He wanted to feel.


He knew Jasper was losing patience. He had needed to take Trevor as soon as he
awoke from his state of unconsciousness, and that had been hours ago. “Lube and
condom?” he asked, ready to get on with it as well.

opened the drawer of the bedside table and rummaged around. He came out with a
half-used bottle of lube and placed it on the pillow. “No condom. We’re mates.
There’ll never be anyone else, and I want to feel you. All of you.”

do you want to do this? Do you want on your knees?” Trevor wanted Jasper to
feel comfortable.

pushed the bedding out of the way, and stacked the pillows against the
headboard. He lay down on his back with his shoulders against the pillows. He pulled
his feet towards his ass, placing them flat on the bed, with his knees pointing
at the ceiling. Jasper let his legs open naturally as he grabbed hold of his
cock. He stroked slowly, leisurely, his eyes never leaving Trevor’s. “No, I
want to be right here on my back so I can look at your face. I want to watch as
you slide your beautiful cock deep in my ass. I want to see your expression
when you come.”

was jealous of Jasper’s hand. He climbed onto the bed and crawled between his
spread legs.  He knew Jasper needed this soon, but Trevor couldn’t resist
relishing the feel of Jasper beneath his hands. He started at his feet, kissing
his ankles, his knees, his inner thighs, replacing his lips with his hands. He
scooted closer so his hard-on was settled between Jasper’s cheeks. He lowered
himself so their chests were touching. He rubbed from side to side, Jasper’s
chest hair causing friction of the best kind. He couldn’t take his eyes off
Jasper’s. Seeing the lust staring back at him was a look he would never get
tired of. He lowered his face, and Jasper opened for him, their tongues
immediately finding that familiar rhythm that had both their cocks twitching.

Trevor needed to come up for air, he pulled back and grabbed the lube. He rose
up on his knees and poured the liquid onto his fingers. He rubbed one finger
around Jasper’s pucker, taking his time, making sure Jasper knew this time was
going to be different than the others. This time, his partner would take care
of his needs. This time, Jasper would be made love to, not made to be a vessel
for someone else’s sadistic games. He eased his finger in up to the first
knuckle, twisting. Jasper, eyes still on Trevor, moaned at the intrusion.
“More,” he husked. Trevor slid his finger farther in, finding that spongy spot
he knew would make Jasper feel good. He touched Jasper’s prostate and was
rewarded with another moan. This one louder, deeper, than the first. “Fuck,

added a second finger, sliding in and out, coating the inside of Jasper’s hole
with lube. “Trevor, Baby, I’m ready. I need you to be inside me.”

slowly removed his fingers, touching Jasper’s prostate one more time for good
measure. He applied a liberal amount of lube to his dick, but he didn’t make
too many passes up and down with his hand, because he already felt the familiar
tug at the base of his spine. “I’m not going to last long,” he admitted.

okay. We have all night.”

Trevor took a deep breath and placed the head of his cock at
Jasper’s entrance. Jasper pulled his legs up farther so Trevor had easy access.
Trevor breached the entrance and pushed, not stopping until he was all the way
in. He figured it was like ripping a Band-Aid off. Hurry up and get the sting
over with so you could blow on it and make it feel better. In this case,
instead of blowing, Trevor was fucking. “You okay?” he asked.

“Perfect. Now move that beautiful body of yours, and let me
see how much you love me.”

Love. He did love Jasper. Whether it was the mate pull
causing his heart to swell with the emotion or just being around Jasper, he did
love the Gargoyle. He placed his hands on Jasper’s knees for leverage and began
a slow, steady rhythm. It didn’t take long for Jasper’s moans to get louder and
Trevor’s grunts to come faster. “Goddamn, Jas, I had no idea it would feel like

“Me, neither,” Jasper whispered and closed his eyes.

Trevor couldn’t hold off any longer. “Jas, I’m really close.”
He sped up but didn’t thrust as hard as he wanted to. This first time he was going
to show Jasper what it was like to be loved, not used. Later? He hoped to be
able to let loose. “Oh, fuck… Jas…” Trevor grabbed Jasper’s shaft and stroked
in time with his cock pumping in and out. Jasper’s hands were on Trevor’s hips,
helping him keep the rhythm going. Jasper growled and his fangs dropped. Trevor
knew they were already mated, but he wanted Jasper to know he was serious. “Forever,
Jas. Mark me.”

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