Jason's Princess: A King Brothers Story (5 page)

BOOK: Jason's Princess: A King Brothers Story
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Smiling around a bite of apple, his green eyes glowed with humor. “Most men appreciate a homemade meal, especially one prepared by a beautiful woman.” Never taking his eyes off her he took another bite of his apple.

“Uh…,” her thoughts scattered on her. Was Jason flirting with her?

No. Way

In all the years that she had known him, he had never expressed anything other than tolerance, the only exception was when he was with Charlie. He was amazing with her brother. She could admit that because without Jason and his family’s influence, Charlie would have suffered greatly after their parents’ deaths. Jason had come into his life when Charlie needed it most; giving him something else to focus on other than the overwhelming grief that had been drowning him. Jason gave him the council and courage to grow, and deal with the loss of their parents, where she could not. In her heart, she would always be indebted to Jason.

She muttered an embarrassed “oh” and continued with her breakfast preparations. She had muffins and pound cake. She used a toaster every morning, not considering the appliance as a form of cooking. She organized disposable bowls filled with homemade granola cereal. Depending on the weather the guys could eat it hot or cold and she had a variety of seasonal fruits.

She heard Jason speaking to the first bunch of hungry workers, surprised that he was still here. He merely glanced at her, smiled and continued to hang out with the men as they ordered their breakfasts.

“Hey Julie, why the frown?”

She looked down to see a familiar face at her window. She pasted a bright smile on her face. “Just caught me thinking too hard, Dennis. What can I get for you this morning?”

And so the morning went, seemingly normal except for Jason, who stayed until most of the men had finished their breakfasts and began heading back to their various jobs. When the rush finally slowed down, she asked the question that had been burning her brain all morning.

“Why are you still here, Jason? Don’t you have work to do this morning?”

“Nothing that couldn’t wait ’til you’re done.”

Frowning, she asked, “Seriously. What do you think you’re doing? Babysitting? Jason, yesterday was a fluke.” She gave him the same face she gave Charlie when she wanted him to do something and he was arguing about it; the face that brooked no arguments.

It was completely lost on Jason. “Maybe, but I’m not taking any chances. This is my site, Julie. And you fall under the same safety regulations as everyone else around here.”

“Technically, I am not on your site. I’m across the street, so I don’t fall under your jurisdiction at all.” She smiled sweetly at him but soon the smile faded as those emerald gems in his handsome face darkened to a glare. She knew by the stern, commanding look, and the confident tone of his voice, that he wasn’t going to be persuaded to leave. Fine. If he wanted to hang out by her truck all day it was none of her concern. She had work to do anyway.

As she turned to clean up breakfast and begin lunch preparations she heard him say, “Open the door please. I need to speak to you in private.”

“I’m really busy and there’s really not enough room in here. Can it wait ’til after lunch?” She’d never liked other people in her galley, especially large, green-eyed, tattooed men.

There were a few moments of silence, when she hoped that he would just go away, before he spoke again. “Let me in, Jujyfruit. This can’t wait.”

She scrunched her brow up in thought. The usual patronizing nickname he had given her all those years ago sounded more like an endearment this time. She unlocked the door and stepped back out of the way, too puzzled by the change in his demeanor to be worried about the size of her kitchen.

Her small truck seemed to get smaller when his big body entered and he closed the door behind him. Her eyes widened at their proximity and her breathing accelerated. Panicking, she did what she could to calm herself down. It was just Jason, for crying out loud! She was being ridiculous.

She shivered as his eyes touched her entire body. Then she saw him straighten, take a big breath and slowly let it out. He had to calm himself too, which only enflamed her confused emotions even more. Finally, he growled out, “Stop looking at me like that, Babe. I can only take so much before I lose control and kiss you.”

Stunned at his words, her disobedient eyes went back to his face. Holy cow, he was right! Her eyes had been ogling him without her permission. Not knowing what to do with her embarrassment, she got mad. “What do you want, Jason? I have work to do!”

He chuckled, and she thought she heard him mutter the word “you” but then clearly, he said, “I’ll be here during every meal service until next week. I’ve hired some additional security until I can convince you to move your truck closer to the office. I talked to Dad and he wants you to move onto site property.”

He talked to James? And James wants her moved to the construction site, too? Geez, if it was so dangerous why didn’t they just ask her to leave altogether. She wanted to argue, but he was right, it wasn’t safe right now. She nodded her agreement. Besides, she didn’t want to move her truck to another location. She would have to deal with permits in town and the income wasn’t as steady.

“What? No argument?”

“What’s to debate? You’ve already hired someone, right?”

“Well…. yeah.” He soughed out a breath, shook his head and grinned. She was really confused by his awkward behavior. Jason was always confident and in control; the consummate autocrat. She furrowed her brow as she realized that he was acting almost human; still a bully, but at least one she could deal with.

Still grinning, he said, “Yes. I did hire someone. And thank you for making this easier.” She began to argue at THAT point but before she could get out a word he flat-out changed the subject.

“What’s for lunch?” He gave her that wicked smile again. God help her, she felt weak. Once again, her breathing accelerated and her brain sizzled into an incoherent mess. She glared at him when his expression turned into a chuckle.

Liking this new side of Jason, she let herself relax and began explaining today’s menu to him. She panicked again when she realized she still had to get the soup ready.

“Where’s your marker? I’ll go change your white board to the lunch specials. What are they today?”

Stunned, she handed him the pen and told him what to write. He grabbed it and went back outside. As she began her prep work he confirmed the menu with her then stepped back inside.

“Hand me a knife and I’ll help you chop.”

“Don’t you have your own work to do?”

“Actually, after this morning’s meeting, I’m free until this afternoon. Besides, I have my cell with me if there are any emergencies.” He aimed that heart-stopping smile on her again. She was going to need a cardiologist at this rate.

“Uh… there’s really not much room in here,” she said, a bit breathless but she knew by his glare (again!) that he wasn’t going to leave. “Fine. You chop the onions.” She tried hard not to brush against him, only to find that it was impossible in the minuscule space of Cafe Armstrong.

His expression showed elated confidence and she swore he wanted to fist-pump the air, like he’d won a big contest. He suddenly stopped the motion as she handed him a knife. And then a miracle happened; she smiled back at him. She couldn’t help herself. He looked so carefree and open. It was a completely reflexive action on her part. She could feel her heart warm a little and further crack the ice that had walled up around it over the years towards this particular toad… No, he wasn’t acting like a toad. He was more like a friendly frog today.


Jason couldn’t believe how one woman could be so beautiful just by smiling. If he didn’t love her before, he was definitely falling hard now. He wished he would’ve done this sooner, but he had been a coward, fearing more of her rejection. For years he loved this woman knowing that she hated him in return. It was a horrible realization that he would never have what his parents had, a life-long partner to love forever. So he settled for what little contact he could have with her by mentoring Charlie, who was a terrific kid. His relationship with her was some sort of weird “divorced parental” interaction that barely sustained his need to be in contact with her. He’d hoped that she might come around in those early years after her parents’ death but, if anything, she only tolerated him and had become more distant. Things were only changing now because she had decided to feed his crews.

Thank. God

This morning was different though. She was smiling, and better yet, he had caught her eyes wondering over his body as if he were naked. If the circumstances hadn’t been dangerous, he would have kissed her like he had threatened to do but he still didn’t know the “why” of the attack and until he did he would stick close and stay alert, whether she was feeling happy about it or not.

Peeling the skin off of the onion he made his first cut into the pungent bulb. His eyes immediately began to water and burn. “How many of these things do you need?” he sniffled.

“Two. I’m only making one batch today. Why? Can’t you handle the burn?” she giggled.

Holy shit, she’s flirting! YES!

The need to punch the sky was strong but he remained calm and impassive. He didn’t want to spook her.

Keeping his face serious he said, “I can handle the heat, Jujyfruit. Can you?”

Her expression was comical. This was going to be fun.
Goal for the day: Get Julie to initiate another hug

He smiled to himself. He loved a good challenge and Julie was definitely a challenge he would not walk away from.

Eyes big as saucers, she turned back to her task. She stunned him with an abrupt change of subject. “I’m thinking about getting a gun to stash in Cafe Armstrong.”

He glanced at her serious expression. Was she asking his permission? Hell, not only did she have it but he would take her down and help her pick one or two out. Looking around at the tiny space he asked, “Hand gun or shot gun?”

“I… uh… I’m not sure. Shot gun, maybe? Before I do anything I need to try one out first. You know, to see if I can even shoot. What do you think?” Her eyebrows were raised to her hairline and he could see her vulnerability. She had given him a huge gift by asking his opinion on something so important; her personal safety, trusting him with something that was obviously scary to her. He was going to be as honest as he could, and try very hard not to intimidate her in any way. He would only offer encouragement. His father had insisted on personal safety for his family. He remembered his mother’s reaction to the idea had been fearful and apprehensive. Once she started shooting, though, there was no stopping her from going to the range.


“Yeah. Tell me you think it’s a stupid idea.” She turned back to her work trying to shut him out again.

Uh oh…. Tread carefully. She’s already intimidated and it was her idea

He scrunched his brows in confusion trying to figure out what he had said or done to make her react that way. It bothered him that she would think that he would treat her badly. Shaking his head, he continued on in the conversation as if she hadn’t turned her back on him. “Truthfully, I would feel better if you practiced and carried both.”

She turned her head to look at him in shocked amazement. “What do you mean?”

“Well, you should keep a shotgun in here,” he motioned to the small galley and continued, “just as a precaution. I have a license for concealed carry and I keep a handgun on me at all times. Everyone who feels there is a potential danger should exercise their right to defend themselves.” He shrugged at that admission. Might as well get that out in the open, especially if she was going to be hugging him.

Which would be soon

Those beautiful brown eyes of hers bugged out of her head. “What do you mean you carry a gun at all times?” Her eyes began to rove all over his body again but this time it was in curiosity, not lust.

“Just what I said.” He lifted up his pant leg to show her the compact .45 on his ankle just above his short work boot. Her look was priceless.

“You fought those men yesterday with a loaded gun on your person? Are you out of your mind?” She chopped the celery with new vigor. She was really too adorable for words. He wanted to cuddle her until she was out of this annoyed mood, but the subject was a serious one, and he wanted her to know that she had his support.

“No, I’m not out of my mind… with the weapon concealed on my ankle I wasn’t worried that that goon would disarm me. If you really want to know, I prefer using my fists to make my point but, make no mistake Julie, better me with the weapon than the asshole who is trying to hurt me or the people I care about. Do you understand what I’m saying?” He wanted her to know that she was one of those people. She also needed to know the difference between being cocky and being prepared. He knew that she was dealing with a lot. It was time he mentored her as well as Charlie.

“I don’t know what to say.”

Taking a deep breath he said, “Let’s do this; if you’re serious about a firearm for self-defense I would be more than happy to take you AND Charlie to the range to fire some rounds. Between me and my brothers we should have more than enough firearms for you to choose from and try out. What do you say?” He held his breath while she contemplated his offer. When it was apparent that she still hadn’t decided he turned back to his cutting board.

“Is Saturday too soon?”

Hell no. It’s not soon enough!

“Saturday is perfect. I’ll ask my brothers if they can make it. If not, I’ll ask if we can borrow their weapons so you can get a variety.”

“Thanks Jason. I really appreciate it. Charlie will have a blast too.”

“Yeah, I know. The last time I took him to the range I practically had to drag him out of there at the end of the day.” He chuckled at the memory. The kid had been eager but clumsy. After a stern lecture on gun safety, Charlie had pulled it together pretty well and made some great shots. But then, Charlie was a great kid who could do anything he set his mind to.

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