Jarrett (3 page)

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Authors: Kathi S. Barton

Tags: #tuebl

BOOK: Jarrett
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“I felt when it hit me, then nothing.” He looked at her face; her eyes were open now, and she frowned. “Why do I have the incredible urge to kiss you?”

Her voice was low, full of promise, and he wanted to lean down to her and sample her. But his father spoke behind him, and Jarrett tore his eyes from her to look at him when he said his name.

“Is she?” Jarrett looked at Addie, then back at his dad. “Jarrett, is she your mate? Is Addie your mate?”

“Yes.” He couldn’t lie to his father any more than he could Hunter or any other member of his family. “I wasn’t sure when I caught her, but now I am. I brought her here so I could…I don’t know, so I could have her close to me.”

“What are you saying?” Jarrett smiled at her when she spoke. “What does your father mean? Mate? I’m not anything to you.”

Carl told her to be still, and she looked at him. “I need to get this done, honey. The longer we wait, the more swelling there will be. There won’t be as much scarring either.”

She lay back but she’d moved off his thigh. He felt as if he’d been stripped of something amazing and moved closer to her. Addie moved again and Carl laughed before catching himself from laughing too much. Then he bent to sew her up.

After Carl was finished, he put a large piece of gauze on it with some tape and told her to lie still for about an hour. He looked at Jarrett but said nothing. The smile on his face, however, said a great deal. When Hunter and Carl left the room, his dad sat on the chair next to the bed while Jarrett continued to watch Addie.

You have to talk to her.
Jarrett told his dad through their link that he would
. She’s human and I don’t think…I was serious about her being in a bad way. I’m thinking she’s a danger to herself until you two get together.

I’m not going to mate with her until we can talk.
His dad laughed and Jarrett flushed.
I want her, more than anyone I’ve ever seen before, but I won’t just take her because we have this chemistry. I can’t do that.

You made her a promise. How you gonna keep it and not have her here? You know that your wolf is going to want to keep her close.
Jarrett told his dad that he already did want her here.
Jarrett, you can’t lie to her. You’ll have to explain what’s going on.

I will.
He watched her, knowing that at some point she’d fallen asleep.
Dad, what will happen to her once I change her? Do you think her depression, or whatever it is you think she has, is going to go away? Or will she still be…will she be safe?

I don’t know, son. I honestly don’t know. But I do know that her being out there in that camper without anyone around isn’t right. She needs someone to care for her.
Jarrett nodded and stood up when his dad did.
I’m going on home now. You need me, or want me to watch over her for you for a few hours while you work, you call me.

I will.
His dad looked at him, then back at Addie.
I’m going to have Luke see what he can find out about her. Maybe there’s an ex-husband or boyfriend out there that has her in the condition that she’s in.

His dad moved to the door, and Jarrett paused long enough to pull the blanket up over her body. He’d have to talk to Slone or Jack to come by and help him clean her up. She was covered in blood.

As he made his way into the kitchen, he noticed that Carl and Hunter were gone. He had a moment to wonder about James but let it go. Hunter would have taken care of it, and if he hadn’t, Jarrett would. It wasn’t the first time they’d had complaints about the way James treated his employees, but times were tough and it was hard to get anyone to say much.

“You want some advice?” Jarrett nodded at his dad. “Get her camper out to Hunter’s place. It’ll be safe there and you can have them wolves of Slone’s keep an eye on it. Don’t know much about them things, but I’m thinking the thing is at least fifteen years old. Maybe you can have it fixed up for her sometime.”

“She’ll leave me.” His dad smiled and nodded, and Jarrett wondered what he thought was so funny. “I don’t know that much about her other than what you’ve told me, but I have a feeling she’s tougher than she looks. And though she might suffer from depression or whatever, she’s keeping a good handle on it.”

“Look at her wrists, son.” Jarrett frowned and looked back at his room where she was. “She’s cut herself at least once. I’d say from the scars that she’d done it about five years ago. And she…she had some knowledge on what she was about, too. Someone saved her for you, and you’d better make sure you keep her safe.”

“She cut her wrists?” His dad nodded, and Jarrett wanted to wake her and ask her about it but knew that she needed her rest more. “I’ll watch her. I promise. And I’ll try my best to keep her happy. I know enough about this illness to know that it’s a misunderstood illness, but I’ll see what I can find out.”

“You do that. Me too. I’ll see what I can find out on the inter-web, as well as talk to that new doc of the packs. Maybe he has something that’ll help us.” Jarrett wanted to tell his dad that she was his to look after, but knew that it would be like telling the counter to stay clean. His dad had his mind set and that was it.

As soon as his dad left, Jarrett got his laptop and took it to the bedroom where she was. He contacted both Slone and Jack, who said they’d help him out. Then he talked to Luke.

I can find out everything you need, but asking her might get you some major brownie points. Jack really hates it when I just assume. I think it’s a woman thing
. Jarrett grinned and knew that Jack was pissy about him doing things for her without asking. She was still trying to acclimate herself to having money all the time.
She got really pissed last week when I got her that car.

She was pissed because you bought her a “big fucking” car, I think she called it. And I will ask her, but I want to make sure that no one is going to be coming for her, like a husband
. Luke said he would check.
Also, can you please set up some houses for us? I’m not keen on living in one, but she’ll want one

Luke said he would but suggested once again that he ask Addie.
And welcome her to the family for me. I’m assuming that she’ll be at dinner tomorrow

Jarrett had no idea, and when he closed the connection to his brother he had to let Jack in. Twenty minutes later, he was tossed out of his apartment when she said she’d care for his Addison.



Chapter 3


Addie glared at the door to the rest of the apartment. She’d either have to go out there half dressed…less than half dressed…or stay in this room. She wasn’t really fond of either option, but she was hungry. The woman, Jack, had assured her over two hours ago that she’d be back with some clothes. Addie was going to murder her. When her belly grumbled again, she moved to the door and pulled it open.

There wasn’t anyone in the living room, though she thought that if she had to be here, this would be a room she would spend a great deal of time in. Like the bedroom, there were so many shades of reds and blues that she wondered if the owner had a color chart no one else was privy to. It was gorgeous. She heard music in one of the other rooms and moved opposite to it. Where she heard music she thought there would be people, and she wasn’t in the mood for them right now.

Going into what she assumed was the front of the place, she found herself in the kitchen, and Jarrett was there as well. By the way he was dressed—and damn, the man was dressed—she assumed he was on his way to work.

“Should you be up?” Her mouth was broken, she figured, when after three tries all she could manage was a grunt and a groan. “Jack said that you’d more than likely sleep for a little while longer. I was headed out.”

“I would like to go back to my camper.” He looked down her body and then at her face again. “In the event you didn’t notice, I have nothing here to wear.”

She thought he said he had noticed, but he turned from her then. As he spoke, he looked into the depths of the huge refrigerator and started putting things on the counter. The scent of food made her belly protest again.

“Carl said you could have whatever you wanted to as long as you took it easy.” Jarrett was pulling a glass from the cabinet and set it on the counter as he continued. “I made some tea, but it doesn’t have any sugar in it. Dad always told us it was easier to put it in than take it out.”

“I like it sugarless.” Addie felt stupid standing there like she was and moved to the sink. Jarrett watched her before he reached for a second glass. Addie had no idea why, but she thought he was nervous. “I’m not going to pounce on you.”

As soon as the words left her mouth, she knew that she’d made a major mistake. He turned so quickly that she backed up and hit her ass on the counter behind her. He didn’t stop there but took the two more steps to have her leaning back to look up at him.

“I’d like nothing more than to have you pounce on me.” His voice was a soft growl that had her thinking all sorts of things that had nothing to do with food. “You’re very beautiful.”

“No, I’m not.” He nodded and halved the distance between them. “You’re too close. I can’t think when you’re this close.”

“I’ve been thinking. A great deal.” His hands touched her thighs just below the shirt tale. There was nothing under the shirt, and she’d looked for her panties and bra for an hour with no luck. When he cupped her ass and lifted her to sit on the counter, he stepped between her legs and she leaned back. “Do you have any idea what I’d like to do to you right now? How badly I’d like to see if your nipples are a dusty rose, like I’ve been imagining them, or a dark pink?”

He lowered his head to her mouth, and she could feel his hot breath. Licking her lips, Addie had an overwhelming urge to pull him to her and kiss him. Jarrett never moved closer, but she could feel his heat.

“I don’t know what’s going on.” He nodded and his lips brushed gently over hers with the movement. “I want you to kiss me. I want more, but kissing me is a good start.”

“I have to talk to you first.” Talking, she thought at that moment, was highly overrated. “There are some things you have to know about me. A lot of things.”

“Are you married, engaged, or have someone that I need to kill for a kiss?” He shook his head and grinned. Addie thought of the term “boyish charm” and thought it suited him perfectly. “You don’t want me then. I can understand that. Few do.”

He pulled her closer to him and rocked into her. Addie felt her entire body light on fire and grabbed his shoulders to hang on. The man was thick, hard, and she wanted to taste him in the worst sort of way.

“I want you. Desperately.” She nodded, and he moved his mouth down her chin to her throat. Addie leaned her head to the side, wanting his touch more than she wanted to breathe. “I’d like nothing better than to pull my shirt off your body and taste every inch of it, feast on the parts of you that make you a woman. I want to drink from you, taste your cream as you come down my throat, and then lean you back and fuck you until you can’t move, only to start over again.”

“Please.” He pulled her tighter against his cock, and she knew that when he took her—because there was no doubt that he would—she was going to feel him all the way to the back of her throat. “Fuck me. Please. I need…I’ve never needed anyone as badly as I do you. I know we don’t know each other, but I need you.”

The nip at her throat had her crying out, and she curled her fingers into his hair to hold him to her. But he let her go, took several steps back, and left her there. Addie was burning with need, her body not just on fire for him but hurting as well. When he took another step back, she felt as if he’d slapped her.

He stood staring at her, and Addie had to work hard not to cry. She hated tears more than anything, but she was hurting right now and didn’t want him to see it. Instead, she hopped off the counter and was glad to hear him moan. Fucker. She’d be out of here now even if she had to go naked.

“We have to talk.” Addie nodded at him but didn’t look at him. She picked up one of the glasses and filled it with water just to keep her hands busy. “I have to tell you some things about me, and I don’t want to do anything to you that would hurt you later.”

“It’s fine.” Taking a long drink of the icy water, she turned to him when she had more control. But as soon as she looked at him, it went out the door with her thoughts.

“I’ve had your camper taken to my brother’s house where it can be stored. I…it needs a new engine and some tires. I was going to take care of that for you.” It was on the tip of her tongue to tell him she was responsible for her own camper, but thought he could have the thing before she’d tell him to fuck off. “Jack said she’d bring you some clothes too. Something besides my shirts, I mean.”

“All right.” He nodded at her and looked at the door. “I’m sure you’re on your way to work. Don’t let me keep you.”

The sooner he left her the better. Her depression, always on the surface, was ready to take her to her knees. Right now it weighed on her like a heavy blanket, hot and itchy. She was sure he was going to say something else, but he finally just nodded and left. Addie fell to her knees, then completely to the floor. It was all she could do to keep breathing. Then the crying started, and the great sobbing that came with it.

She lay there for a while, not really sure how long, but when she got up, she was achy and sore. Making her way to the phone that hung on the wall, she had to think how to call her attorney. Using a cell phone to call him all the time made it difficult to remember his number. Finally, she got it and placed the call. His secretary answered on the first ring, and she told her who she was and asked to speak to him. In two minutes he was on the phone.

“I need some money and transportation. I’m…I’m going home.” He told her to hang on, and she reached for the paper towels to wipe at her tears. When he came back, she told him again what she needed.

“I need the name of the closest bank and where you are.” She had no idea and looked around the kitchen until she found an envelope with Jarrett’s name and address on it and gave it to him. “I can find a bank there if you don’t know it. After that, you have to tell me when you think you’ll be at your house. It’s been closed up for some time, honey, and will need to be aired out.”

It wouldn’t. Not for what she had planned, but told him she thought a few days to a week. “It’s not closed up. Bill and Carrie have been taking care of the place for me for a few months now. There are things we have to talk about too when I get there. There is some business that I need for you to tell me about. Also have the….” Her heart took a hard twist, and she had to stop talking to sob for a few minutes. Duncan said nothing but let her cry until she was ready. “My dad’s things…could you have them boxed up for me? And anything else that was his when he lived there.”

“I can. I’ll have a firm go in and do that today. I can give them away if you want, or keep them for you to go through first.” She told him that too had been taken care of by Bill. “There are some papers you’re going to have to sign. If you’re taking possession now, you left a few things unfinished when you left.”

“I had to.” Duncan Shepard, her attorney, told her he understood. “I have a camper, the one I got a few months ago. It’s…I’m not sure of the address, but a person by the name of Hunter Emerson has it. I think he’s married to a woman by the name of Slone.”

“Slone Emerson? You’re there with them?” She told him she’d only just met them and gave him the names of the rest of the family. “You’re keeping good company. If you’re there with them…honey, how long have you been there? I just spoke to you a few days ago and you never mentioned Slone.” His voice sounded…well, she had never used the term before, but she thought he sounded peeved. She was as well.

“I was here when I called you.” Addie liked Cash, the only one of them that she really did like. “I’m staying at one of the boy’s houses. A guy by the name of Jarrett Emerson.”

“I’ll see what I can find out about him as well. I don’t want you in with the wrong crowd.”

She had no idea why he thought he of all people was any judge of her company, but she said nothing. “I’m leaving here today, as soon as you get me the money and a car. Can you do that?”

“I can do that. I just wish you’d let me handle things for you a little more. That’s what I’m here for.” She didn’t say anything, wondering about the missing money, but knew she’d get it cleared up. “Did you download that program that I told you about? The one that makes it so we can chat when you need me?”

“I haven’t had the time, and no Wi-Fi.” He sighed heavily and she felt her temper rise. “Send the money and car. I’m going to be out of here before nightfall or you’re going to…I’ll fire you.” She was going to anyway, but he just told her he’d fix things.

“I’ll have it there. You feeling all right, honey? You have been really stressed out lately. Short to me and all. I was wondering what’s going on. It’s not your depression again, is it?”

“I’m just fine and dandy, thanks, and I’ve not been short, just aggravated about things.” Addie had no idea why, but she was afraid now. Her need to get away was profound. “I don’t want to chat with you either on the computer. The new one is doing just fine for what I need it for. I want to be left alone.”

“Oh, all right.” She could hear the anger in his voice, but she didn’t really care. Once she was in the same room with him, she’d find out all that she wanted to know and then some. But this shit was ending today. Addie didn’t want to be taken care of by anyone, or handled, and it felt as if that was what Duncan was trying to do, handle her. She wanted…she looked down at the scars on her wrist and knew just what she wanted. “I’m sending the money right now. The name of the bank is Sommersville Bank. It’s on Main Street.”

After hanging up, she slid to the floor. She knew that she had to get moving. There was no telling when Jarrett would return. Standing up, she staggered slightly and made her way to his bedroom. Doing something she hadn’t wanted to earlier, she went through his clothing to find something she could wear. Addie ended up with a pair of his pants that were several sizes too big, and a hoodie. She also found a pair of boots that were big enough for both her feet to fit into one, but knew that time was running out. She was leaving by the side door when she realized she might need some identification to get her money, but wasn’t going to worry about that unless she had to.


Luke looked up when Allen came into his office. He looked…well it was hard to tell how he looked, but Luke would swear he was trying his best not to burst out laughing. Luke leaned back in his chair and waited while Allen tried to get some control over his mirth.

“There’s a woman wanting to see you. I think…she smells like Jarrett and your dad, but I don’t think that either of them…she’s raided Jarrett’s dresser, I think, and didn’t find much to fit her.” Luke started to stand when Allen shook his head. “You have to prepare yourself. She’s not in the best of humor. The bank manager is with her, and if she could, I think she’d strangle him right now.”

“What’s going on?” A burble of laughter spilled from Allen’s mouth, and Luke laughed. “This is going to be epic, isn’t it?”

“I think so. She apparently has no identification on her but demands that the money wired to her be given to her. Hap, the manager at the bank, would give it to her, but as I’ve said, she had no ID. I’m thinking…I believe it’s a good deal of money, and he’s nearly having a heart attack trying to keep her from slapping him. Apparently, she has already.”

“Hit him?” Allen nodded and laughed again. “Why, pray tell, did she hit him? Or do I want to know? And just for the record, I’ve wanted to hit Hap Jenkins every day since we got here. If there were a more incompetent man in the world, I’d never want to—”

His door opened and there she stood. Luke had to cover his mouth because he was sure if he laughed right now, she’d come across his desk and do to him what she’d done to Hap. The man’s eye was swollen shut and he looked like he had blood on his shirt. Hap kept wiping his huge brow with a handkerchief as he watched the woman.

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