Jared: Red, Hot, & Blue, Book 4 (7 page)

BOOK: Jared: Red, Hot, & Blue, Book 4
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She shook her head. “You really know how to push my buttons, Jared Gordon.”

Jared growled low in his throat and dipped his head low and close to hers. “I’d like a chance to get to push your buttons again real soon.”

Leaning in to close the final distance separating them, he kissed her for not nearly long enough. She pulled back.

Her chest rose and fell beneath the silky top as she breathed in deeply. She shook her head. “This is impossible. I shouldn’t have gotten involved with you at all, but we definitely can’t be together once the taping starts.”

“Fine, if it’s a choice between being with you or taping this show, the decision is easy.” He hadn’t needed to consider that for very long at all. Grasping the consent form with two hands, he was about to rip it in half when she stopped him.

“Wait.” Mandy laid a hand on his.

He paused, waiting.

After a moment of consideration, she let out a huff of breath. “We’ll figure something out.”

He wanted clarification before he released his hold on her precious consent form. “What exactly does that mean?”

Mandy sighed so deeply it was like the weight of the world was on her shoulders. “It means that we have to be very discreet, and we may have to sneak around after hours, but we can probably swing some time together once the crew is here.”

He broke out into a delighted grin. Sneaking around sounded like fun. He hadn’t “snuck” since he was a teen. He nodded and handed the paper back to her. “Okay then. But I’m gonna hold you to that.”

She folded it neatly in thirds and slipped it into an invisible pocket in her skirt. She hung her head. “I have no doubt that you will.”

He lifted her chin. “You want me as much as I want you, darlin’. Admit that to me, just once.”

“This is hard for me, Jared.”

He resisted making a joke about how
it was for him too, and was extremely proud of his own restraint. Instead, he said something that he hoped was actually helpful.

“It’s only hard for you because you’re always so hard on yourself. Work is one thing, and I respect you for your dedication, but it shouldn’t dominate your entire life. You need to take time to slow down, smell the roses, kiss the farmer…” With a smile, he lowered his mouth to just a breath from hers. He slid his hand up her thigh and under her short skirt. “Let me show you how relaxed I can make you.”

His finger slid beneath the elastic of her underwear and she drew in a quick breath. “Jared. We’re in public.”

He’d never thought of his farm as public before. “We’re fine. Don’t worry.”

She swallowed hard and her eyes drifted shut as he found her sweet spot. “Your mother.”

“Out shopping two towns away. She’ll be gone for hours.” He nibbled on her earlobe.

“Your employees.” She was starting to sound breathless. He loved he could do that to her so easily.

“Out fixing a fence on the far side of the property. Won’t see them ’til lunch and we would see the truck coming long before they can see us anyway.” Running his tongue down her throat, Jared felt her pulse hammering away.

He noticed the small bruise he’d left there the night before and smiled. She was marked as his for all to see. The fact she hadn’t taken the time even to try to cover it up with makeup proved how angry she’d been at him. A man couldn’t rile a woman so easily unless he meant something to her. He had really gotten under her skin. Jared liked that idea too.

He dipped his finger into her warmth. It was addictive. He searched for more before slipping out to tease her some more, harder this time. At his touch, she took a shaky breath and started to tremble.

It appeared she had nothing else to say. He nuzzled her neck. “What’s the matter, darlin’? Run out of problems and excuses? You may have to actually enjoy yourself.”

“You are so…oh—” She was panting softly, but still managed to start to bitch at him. She never got to finish though as he redoubled his efforts and felt her shatter beneath his touch.

One hand still very busy, he wrapped his free arm around her waist as he felt her knees start to fold. “Hold on to me, darlin’. I got you.”

Mandy clung to his neck as she came. He didn’t let up until she was slumped against him. It was almost as good feeling and hearing her orgasm as having one of his own. Almost, but not quite, and it left Jared with a hard-on that he could hammer nails with.

Coming back to her senses, even though he wished she wouldn’t, Mandy moved away and pulled the bottom of her skirt down until she was decent again.

She looked up at him with heavily lidded baby blues. “I have to leave for LA for a bit to get everything ready for the taping. When I get back, this is one of the things we can’t do once the camera crews are here.”

“No more of this? Hmm. Is a blow job out of the question then?” He laughed as she raised one brow in his direction.

“Out here in the open? Yes. Definitely out of the question.”

He pulled her close and growled low near her ear. “So how about in the hay room?”

Her eyes opened wide and before she could protest, he grabbed her hand and pulled her into the barn.

Jared hopped up and sat on a waist-high stack of hay bales and pulled her between his legs. She looked around the room lit only by the sunlight filtering through the cracks in the walls. “I’ve never rolled in the hay before.”

He laughed. “I don’t recommend it. It’s itchy. This was my brother’s favorite hiding spot when he had a girl, not mine, but it’ll serve our purposes.”

“You have a brother?” She pulled back, looking a little too interested in his brothers.

“Yup. You didn’t know? I’ve got two.” He could see the wheels in her head turning, no doubt still thinking about work, even now.

“Do they live around here? Do they look anything like you?”

Stifling jealousy over her interest in his brothers, Jared decided to consider that last question a compliment. She could ask all she wanted and it didn’t matter anyway. Jared still couldn’t tell her his brothers were both covert special operatives and couldn’t be on her little show.

He’d just have to get her mind back on him and off them and work.

“Hey there now, darlin’. They’re both taken, and I plan on being more Gordon than you can handle as it is.” He placed her one hand on the bulge in the crotch of his jeans. “Forget about them and leave me something to remember you by while you’re away in LA.”

With her hand on his belt, she smiled like the devil. “Oh, believe me. You’re not going to forget me any time soon.”

Mandy made short work of his belt and the fly on his jeans She took a wider stance, and lowered her head. She was really going to do it. Right here in the hay room. His little city girl never failed to surprise him.

She reached into his underwear and stroked what he knew was rock hard and more than ready for a little attention. Jared drew in a sharp breath between his teeth. Mandy stroked him again, harder, and he couldn’t stop his groan. As he watched she ran one perfectly manicured fingernail down the slit, letting it slip inside him just a bit. He hissed as a shudder ran through him. Smiling, she repeated the action, and got a similar reaction.

“Go easy there, darlin’.”

“You didn’t go easy on me, did you?”

She had a point there. He was about to concede that when she lowered her head and ran the tip of her tongue where her finger had just teased him.

As he willed his eyes to stay open so he could watch, she looked up. Her gaze met his and she slipped the tip of her tongue inside the tip of him. He knew she’d taste how ready he was to finish this. That was probably the reason she smiled at him before she began to work him in earnest, taking in the length of him.

Her mouth left him long enough for her to say, “Oh, and by the way, I like to use my teeth too.” Mandy went on to prove that was absolutely true and Jared found it impossible to stay upright.

Booted feet still on the floor, he lay back on the bales until he was staring at the cobweb-filled ceiling. Last night on the dresser. Today on the hay. Maybe one day, they would actually make it to a bed. Not that he was complaining, but imagine what they could do on a nice big mattress. That was the last coherent thought he had once she pushed his briefs farther aside and began to use both hands and mouth on him.

She felt so good, he grit his teeth and prolonged it for as long as he could. Considering he’d been ready to go off the moment she started, he felt like he’d lasted an impressively long time, but he wasn’t going to be able to fend off the inevitable for long.

Her mouth left him again. “You’re holding back.”

Gasping, he managed one word. “Yup.”

He lifted his head and got a glimpse of her hand wrapped around him as her lips hovered just over him.

“Don’t.” She narrowed her eyes at him and then went back to work.

He’d been close before, but Mandy’s renewed enthusiasm drove him over the edge. Her mouth, her hands, her tongue and fingers, they did things to him that no other woman had ever done. It all combined to make him shoot off like a cannon.

Good thing the boys really were clear on the other side of the farm because Jared came with a loud shout that he couldn’t have controlled even if he’d wanted to. His body was still jumping with the aftershocks when she finally rose and smiled.

“Holy cow, woman.” Jared was having trouble catching his breath. “What the hell did you do to me?”

“You needed to relax. I helped you.” She shrugged, but there was nothing casual about the smoldering look she sent him.

Jared reached out and pulled her until she was sitting across his lap. “Mmm. Yeah, you did. Just remember that what’s good for the goose, is good for the gander.”

“And that means what?” She batted her eyelashes at him.

“It means you better watch that sweet ass of yours, darlin’, because I sure will be.” He slid his hand beneath her skirt and cupped her ass with one hand.

“I’ll try and remember that.” She pulled away. “But now, I have to go.”

He drew her back to him and nuzzled her breasts through her blouse. “No, you don’t.”

She laughed. “Yes, I do. First of all, this suit probably cost as much as one of your horses and it shouldn’t be doing any more rolling in the hay. Second, I have to catch my flight back to LA.”

He sighed and released her, sliding her gently back onto her feet on the hay strewn floor.

“First of all, there is no way that suit cost anything near one of my horses, but I’ll forgive that insult being you’re a city girl and all. Second, go catch your flight, because the sooner you get to LA and do what you gotta do, the sooner you’ll be back here with me.” Jared kissed her softly.

“God, this is such a bad idea.” Mandy shook her head in the dim light.

“Do I have to prove to you again that it’s not?” Standing, he took both of her hands in his, and then stepped forward until he was pressed against her.

“No. You don’t and I don’t have time now. This is a problem I have to deal with on my own.” She stepped back.

He frowned. He hadn’t thought of her being with him as a problem, but she seemed to see it as one.

“A problem shared by two is only half as big, darlin’. Remember that.” He lowered his head and kissed her long and hard as she let his tongue tangle with hers. Then he pulled away. “That was something to remember me by.”

“Don’t worry. I won’t be forgetting you anytime soon, Jared Gordon.” She turned and left, but not without a backward glance that told him she regretted going as much as he hated seeing her go.

Then he realized he was standing alone in the hay room with his jeans wide open and his dick hanging out. Blowing out a long, slow breath as he relived the past few minutes, Jared righted himself and tried not to miss her already.

Footsteps interrupted his reminiscences.

“Well, well, well. You two have a little romp in the hay room?” Bobby grinned wide.

Good thing Bobby hadn’t been a few minutes earlier. Although, being deputy sheriff, Bobby had probably caught every young person in this town doing it at least once.

Jared rolled his eyes and slowly shook his head. “No.”

“Don’t bother trying to deny it. I saw your city girl getting into her car. There was hay in her hair. She looked like she wanted to crawl into a hole in the ground when I pointed it out to her. Never thought I’d see that one blush, but she was blushing all right.”

“I’m not denying it.” Jared screwed up his mouth unhappily. Poor Mandy. She was having enough trouble as it was with this situation, although why, he didn’t know. To top it off, here his supposed friend was teasing her. “Don’t give her a hard time anymore, Bobby. I like her. A lot.”

“What else is new?” Bobby laughed.

“I mean it.” Sure Jared had his share of women, but things felt different with Mandy. He needed Bobby to see that.

“This isn’t just two adults scratching an itch the way it was with Sue Ann?”

“No way. This is nothing like Sue Ann and me.” Jared shook his head violently. He blew out a frustrated breath. “Damn, I’ve got it bad. I miss Mandy already and she’s barely out of the drive. What the hell am I gonna do when the show is over and she goes back to California for good?”

“Show?” Bobby appeared about as surprised as Jared thought he would at that little piece of news.

“Yup. I signed her consent form to be in the show.”

Bobby raised a brow. “Really? Hmm.”

“Hmm, what?” Jared crossed his arms in front of him.

“I’m just wondering why, that’s all. You sure were set against it before you left the bar last night to go see Mandy in her hotel room.”

He knew exactly what his friend was insinuating. “I signed because it’s good for this town, that’s why.”

Jared didn’t add that it was good for him too. He figured he had two months to convince Mandy she couldn’t live without him. That should be plenty of time. Hell, he was a Gordon, after all.

Chapter Seven


Never ever in her entire career had Mandy mixed business with pleasure. Yet here she was driving as fast as she could from the airport, rushing back to Jared Gordon and she was actually feeling not so bad about it.

BOOK: Jared: Red, Hot, & Blue, Book 4
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