Jared (8 page)

Read Jared Online

Authors: Teresa Gabelman

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Vampires, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban

BOOK: Jared
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Jared felt the same damn way, but the
needed him. He had more information, he knew it. “In good time
y.” Jared headed toward the car,
opening the passenger side door for Tessa holding out his hand.

Tessa stood there staring at him. “What?”

“Get in and give me the keys. I’m driving.” Jared glanced around making sure everyone was accounted for before looking
down at her
his hand still outstretched.  Adam had already gotten into the backseat of the Mustang.

“Ah, no way.
I’m driving.” Tessa shook her head. “This is my
car and if
thing happens to it it’s my ass….literally.”

“Give me the keys Tessa.” His tone
firm as his glare.

“No.” Backing away Tessa stuck them in her front pocket
with a smirk
. “I drive or you walk.”

Jared grabbed her
sticking his hand in her front pocket fishing out the keys
that Tessa didn’t have time to react. He dangled the keys in front of her. “Who’s walking?”

Tessa made a grab at them, but he was faster, way faster. Slapping her hands on her hips Tessa frowned. “You’
re an

ting his head Jared chuckled. “Yeah, well you’re a pain in my asshat. Get in the damn car.” He gently, but firmly guided her into the front seat.

“Brute.” Tessa hissed yanking her arm from his grasp.

Making sure all her body parts were in he slammed the door. Walking around the back of the car he smiled. “Asshat
” he chuckled. Where in the hell d
id she come up with her insults?

“You better not put one scratch on this car.” Tessa fumed from the passenger seat.

Jared reached over and snapped her seat
belt while she slapped at his hands
. Adam chuckled from the backseat. Starting the car
ved the engine for a few seconds. Glancing over at Tessa who was sneering at him
he grinned. “
You know one wo
think out of the thousands
of years
ve been on this earth I would have gotten my

eyes popped open wide. “You don’t have your drive……”

Not giving her a chance to finish her screaming protest Jared gave her a wink as he
in reverse
at a high rate of speed
, then proceeded to shift into gear sweeping them into a full sliding turn heading forward down the driveway going so fast rocks pinged against the beautiful red paint.



Tessa stood in an angry pose, foot tapping, glaring at Jared. They were
inside what they called the warehouse
, which looked more like a workout gym
. Thank God there
had been no
pings in the car, because Bobby would have had a shit fit. But she was still ticked off and it showed.

“Tessa chill out.” Adam stood beside her. “The car i

have a driver’s license Adam.” Tessa replied still glaring at the warrior who was now on the phone.

“Give me a freakin break.” Adam snorted. “How many times did you sneak out, push

car down the driveway and go for a cruise before you had your
license? Hum?”

“That was different.” Tessa defended.

Oh yeah and how’s that
?” Adam shot back.

Glancing up at her brother she elbowed him in the stomach. “Shut up.”

Adam laughed
where she had hit him
. “Listen Tessa
I think these guys might really want to help us. The car is fine so just cool it

He knew all about her red head temper
, had been a victim of it
many times

Shrugging her shoulder she waited a minute before she nodded. “He’s just lucky he didn’t do damage. Bobby would kill me
, then I’d have to stake his ass to a wall

“You never did answer me.” Adam frowned. “What did you promise Bobby because I know that
n’t have just given up his keys?

Tessa really didn’t want to bring it up here because she knew Adam hated Bobby. Thankfully
the warriors headed their way.
“Here they come.”

“Don’t make me
have to pry Tessa, cause I will.
” Adam warned.

“You promised not to read
.” Tessa pointed at him. “You better not break that promise Adam Samuel Pride.”

“What you gonna
ground me?” Adam teased rolling his eyes. “Send me to my room?”
He gave her a nudge which sent her flying into the wall.

Jared was there in a flash
stepping between them. “Hey, you need to be more careful.” He looked at Tessa who was rubbing her arm. “You okay?”

“Yeah, he didn’t mean it.” Tessa defended her brother.

“Sorry Tess.” Adam looked sheepish and a little embarrassed.

“I know he didn’t, but he still needs to be careful. He isn’t use to the strength he has yet.”
looked her over before turning his attention to her brother
. “
You ready to talk?”

Adam nodded at them all. “
Actually you all know about as much as we do.” Adam nodded toward the other five
s. “We were all taken at some point. I think we were drugged because I don’t remember much. I do remember Chad
and there were two other guys, but I never did see them.”

“I just
remember waking up in a room l
ying on a steel table.” One boy who looked to be sixteen added. “Everything was fuzzy, but I do remember them injecting me with something.”

Duncan and Jared glanced at each other.
your name?” Duncan ask
the boy who
looked scared to death.

“Matt Reed.” He replied glancing at Tessa who nodded in support.

Do you all remember being i
njected with something?” Duncan
in a notebook.

They all nodded. “It burned really bad like my insides were
on fire
.” Another boy
, Dillon,
who looked
to be
the youngest answered
, his face scrunched up remembering the pain
. “When I couldn’t take the pain anymore I guess I passed out.”

What happened when you woke up?

Jared ask
watching them all closely.

“It’s hard to explain.” Adam answered this time. “It was like nothing had changed, I was me, but different with fangs
, strong, more aware of everything
and hungry

His eyes quickly shot to Tessa’s then away just as fast.

Jared could understand that. He remember
the day he was changed like it was yesterday. “Did they inject you more than once?”

“Not sure.” Adam replied. “I only remember the one time.”

“How did you get away?” Duncan kept writing in his notebook, but when they didn’t answer he glanced up at them. They were all staring at Tessa.

“Tessa got us out.” Dillon
replied shuffling his feet.

“You were there?” Jared frowned
, his eyes narrowed. This was new information
. “Why aren’
t you changed like them?
” He was glad that she hadn’t been changed, but suspicious of why.

Tessa flushed looking away. “They were waiting for something different to inject me with.”

“They told you this?”
eyebrow cocked.

“They didn’t really seem to care what they said in front of any of us. Adam and the rest were drugged. I wasn’t. I was blindfolded, but could hear everything.”

“I don’t understand why they didn’t change you with them.” Duncan frowned
glancing at them all then down at Tessa who blushed again.

She shrugged her shoulder looking away from them all. “Don’t know.”

“She’s lying.” Damon accused.

Are y
ou in on it with them? Why else would you keep something like that from us?”
Damon demanded, his usual scowl planted firmly on his face.

“Because I don’t trust you.
” Tessa hissed. “
son of a b….

“Whoa there.” Damon’s mate, Nicole
walked into the warehouse stopping in front of Tessa. “That’s my man you’re talking to.”

“My condolences.” Tessa snorted
around the woman to glare at Damon.

Nicole cocked an eyebrow trying to hide a smile. “What did he do?”

“What do you mean what did I do?” Damon growled stepping up behind his mate. “What makes you think I did anything?”

“Because I know you.” Nicole tossed over her shoulder.
“You have a way about you that pisses people off.”

at Jared. “What the hell?”

“Don’t look at me
bro.” Jared
threw his hands up
. “You mated with her.”

Nicole stood staring at Tessa then leaned closer to her even though she knew every vampire in the building could hear what she was about to say. “Trust them. They can be total assholes, but th
the good guys.”

Why should I trust you
Tessa eyed the woman wanting to believe her, but didn’t know who to trust. Since this happened trust wasn’t even in her

Nicole flashed her a smile showing fangs, then glanced around her at the warriors. “
I really t
hink I’m gonna like her.” Nicole turned back around to stare at Tessa
eyes the golden
hue of a vampire
. “
You need to trust me b
ecause if you have to deal with these guys you’re going to want me on your side.
I know their weaknesses and I give them more
than anyone has a right to.

For the first time since this whole ordeal happened Tessa felt a genuine smile
across her face.
She immediate
liked this woman. Glancing at J
ared she saw him staring at her,
his intense stare puzzled her. “
That may come in handy
.” Tessa replied
pulling her gaze from Jared.

Nicole nodded
with a wink
. “
Oh believe me it will
Nicole stuck her hand out. “Nicole Callahan, soon to be Mrs. Damon

took the woman’s hand. “Tessa

turned toward Damon and Jared
with a ‘get with the program’ smile. “You’re welcome.” She told them taking a step back.

“Mrs. Damon
?” Jared’s
widened eyes
back and forth
between Damon and Nicole.

Sticking her hand out
Nicole displayed the diamond rock on her finger. “He’s mine now.” Nicole grinned
happiness glowing from every pore.

Giving Nicole a quick hug and peck on the cheek he turned to Damon slapping him on the back. “Congrats my man.” He
truly happy for his friend. “When’s the big day

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