Japan's New Middle Class: The Salary Man and His Family in a Tokyo Suburb (48 page)

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Authors: Ezra F. Vogel

Tags: #General, #Social Science, #Sociology, #History, #Asia, #Social History, #Japan, #Social conditions, #Social Classes, #Middle class

BOOK: Japan's New Middle Class: The Salary Man and His Family in a Tokyo Suburb
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Hiroshima, 93

Homans, George C., 213 , 214 n.

Homework, 54

(main family), 168

Honorific language, 120 , 122

Housework, 185 -193

Housing shortage, 75

Hozumi, Nobushige, 165 n., 166 n.

Hungarian revolt, 143


loss of job by, 18 ;

successful businessman as, 23 -24;

independent professional as, 28 -29;

shopkeeper as, 31 -32;

salary man as, 37 ;

and household budget, 76 -77, 276 -277;

community of, 102 -108;

role of, in home, 181 -184, 195 -197;

authority of, 198 -200;

management by wife of, 200 -203;

and mother in household, 206 -207;

and relations with wife, 216 -224

Husband management, 200 -203

Hyman, Herbert, 261 n.


(family line), 165 -180, 255 , 257 , 262 ;

defined, 165 ;

children and, 166 , 167 , 168 ;

bride and, 166 ;

authority of head of, 166 -167;

branch family in, 168 -171;

welfare system of, 172 -174;

and marriages, 175 -178;

remnants of, 178 -179;

decline of family principles in, 180

Imperial family, 88 -90

Individualism, 142 , 145 , 147

Industrial revolution, 8 , 255

Inheritance, 25 , 73 , 172 , 173

Interviewing techniques, 293

Introductions, 258

Ishida, Takeshi, 89 n., k46 n., 264 n.

Isomura, Eiichi, 16 n., 241 n.



modernization of, 3 ;

national pride of, 277 -279


difficulties faced by contemporary, 3 ;

postwar adjustment of, 4

Joya, Mock, 86 n.


(family customs), 166 , 206

Kawashima, Takeyoshi, 16 n., 149 n., 241 n., 256 n.

Keio University, 46

Kimono, 82

Kindergartens, 46

Kinsey, Alfred C., 107 n., 220 n., 221 n.

Kinship terminology, 180 n.

Kishi, Prime Minister, 92 , 94

Klein, Melanie, 209

Kluckholn, Florence, 104 n., 146 n., 150 n., 156 , 285 n.

Knowles, Jack, 106 n.

, 147.

See also Individualism

(connection), 61

(heating device), 12 , 186 , 187 , 208 , 209 , 280

Koyama, Takashi, 16 n., 38 n., 125 n., 173 n., 179 n., 183 n., 198 n., 224 n., 241 n.


Labor shortage, 8

Lanham, Betty, 245 n., 250 n.


"maximum working hour," 35 n;

mediation in, 145 n.

Leisure, 21 , 24 , 28 , 31 , 35 , 71 , 104 -105, 275

Levine, Solomon B., 6 n., 260 n.

Levy Marion J. 255 n., 261 n.

Lewin, Kurt, 118

Liberal Democratic Party, 279

Liberalism, 145

Life expectancy, 103

Longevity, 18

Loyalty, 18 , 140 , 147 -156


mai homu-shugi
("my home-ism"), 279 -281

Maids, 128 , 129 , 185

Male dominance.


Mamachi (study area):

location of, 10 ;

description of, 11 ;

houses in, 11 ;

house furnishings in, 11 -12;

shopping area of, 12 -13;

public buildings of, 13 ;

commuting patterns of, 13 -14;

economic status of families in, 15 -19, 271 -272, 276 ;

business men in, 19 -26;

doctors and dentists in, 26 -30;

shopkeepers in, 30 -32;

salary men in, 32 -39, 272 -275;

residents and entrance examinations in, 40 -67;

domestic consumption in, 71 -85, 276 ;

residents and government, 86 -101;

community relationships in, 102 -141;

value system in, 142 -162, 271 -281;

remnants of
system in, 179 -180;

division of labor in, 181 -193;

family au-


thority in, 194 -207;

family solidarity in, 208 -226;

child-rearing in, 227 -252;

national pride of, 277 -279;

prosperity of, 275 -277;

political attitude of, 279

Mannari, Hiroshi, 266 n.

Marriage, 18 , 107 , 175 -177, 190 , 219

Maruyama, Masai, 87 n.

Marxism, 142 , 145 , 267

Matsumoto, Yoshiharu Scott, 38 n. 133 n., 144 n., 146 n., 172 n.

Meiji, Emperor, 83

Meiji Restoration, 5 , 57 , 91 , 256

Memorization, 248

(arranged marriage), 175 , 176 , 177 , 217

Michiko, Princess, 89

Middle class, 99 n.;

"new," 4 , 263 ;

"old," 4 , 19 -32, 264 ;

and salary man, 5 ;

in Mamachi, 10 ;

and welfare, 15 ;

wife in Mamachi, 16 ;

field work on, 285 -298.

See also
Businessmen, successful; Professionals, independent; Salary man; Shopkeepers

Militarism, 142 ;

rejection of, 91 -92

Mills, C. Wright, 98 n.

Ministry of Education (Japanese), 57

Mizushima, Keiichi, 265 n.

Mobility, 8 , 54 , 117 ;

group control of, 258 -260

Modernization, 256

Moneylenders, 16


and entrance examinations, 47 -51, 54 -57;

and neighborhood, 109 -113;

and children vs. father, 211 -216;

and childrearing, 227 -241, 243 -252;

field work related to, 297

"My home-ism," 279 -281

Mythology, 86 -87


Nagai, Michio, 165 n.

Nara period, 88

National Institute of Health (Japanese), 250 n., 285 n., 293

Negro, American, 207

Neutralism, 95

Nihilism, 145

Noda, Kazuo, 7 n., 149 n., 157 n., 235 n., 262 n., 266

Norbeck, Edward, 15 n., 150 n.

Nuclear family, 130 , 151 , 180 , 184 , 195 , 208 , 224 n., 255 , 257

Nuclear weapons, 278 -279


(ghosts), 233

Obligations, 124 -126, 130 , 136

O-bon festival, 167

Ochanomizu Women's University, 46

Oedipal relationships, 218 , 243

Office girls, 222 -224

Okinawa, 278

Olympic games, 87 , 278

, 276


Parent-Teachers Association (PTA), 49 , 59 , 110 -111, 112 , 113 , 115 , 206

Parsons, Talcott, 154 n.

Passive dependency, 230 n.

Paternalism, 7 , 36 , 255

Pease, Damaris, 234

Pelzel, John C., 4 n., 16 n., 150 n., 262 n.

Performance, 66

Piecework, 161 n.

Plath, David W., 186 n., 208 n., 268 n.

Polls, 90 n., 95 n., 100 n., 172 n., 182 -183 n., 186 n., 189 n.

Professionals, independent, 26 -30;

composition of, in Mamachi, 26 ;

practice of, 27 ;

skills of, 27 ;

leisure of, 28 ;

and wives, 28 -29;

and children, 28 ;

finances of, 28 -30

Profit, 160

Projective tests, 45 n., 177 n., 218 n., 285 n., 293

Psychoanalytic theory, 230 n.

Public schools, 62

Punishment, 244


Questionnaires, 229 n., 234 n., 293 -294


Radcliffe-Brown, A. R., 125 n.

Ramsey, Charles E., 9 n.




in rural areas, 133 -135

(love marriage), 175 , 176 , 217

Retirement age, 73

Riecken, Henry W., 214 n.

ringi seido
(joint consultation), 149

Rituals, 122

, 63 , 153 ;

defined, 46

Rosovsky, Henry, 6 n.


Japanese attitude toward, 94 , 278

, 211 ;

defined, 81


Salary man:

term defined, 5 ;

and samurai, 5 , 280 ;

statistics on, 6 ;

relations with employer, 7 ;

security of, 7 , 18 ;

bureaucratic setting of, 32 -39;

and entrance examinations, 40 -67;

as consumer, 71 -85;

and government, 86 -101;

and reading, 100 ;

moderate views of, 100 -101;

and community relationships, 102 -141;


value system of, 142 -162;

and decline of
, 165 -180

and division of labor in the home, 181 -194;

and authority in family, 194 -200, 206 -207;

and family solidarity, 208 -226, 280 ;

and child rearing, 241 -243;

as present-day model, 266 -268

Samurai, 5 , 6 , 280

"sarari man," 5 .

See also
Salary man

Savings, 73 -74, 76

Scalapino, Robert A., 90 n.

Scarr, Harry, 146 n., 149 n.

Schneider, David M., 214 n.

Security, economic, 19 , 34 , 35

Security Pact (Japanese-American), 94

Seniority, 43 , 156 , 160 ;

importance of, 43

Sentence-completion tests, 31 n., 34 n., 106 n., 119 n., 127 n., 138 n., 209 n., 242 n.

Sexual behavior, 107 -108, 220 , 296

shiken jigoku
("examination hell"), 40

Shinozaki, Nobuo, 220 n., 221 n., 222 n.

Shintoism, 142

shobuka kekkon
("work-place marriage"), 107

Shopkeepers, 30 -32, 160 ;

position of, in Mamachi, 30 ;

and leisure, 31 ;

and wife, 31 -32;

and children, 32

Shopping, 13 , 79 , 83 -85

Sister, younger, 129 -130

Small enterprises, 6 , 7

Smith, Robert J., 9 n., 38 n., 83 n., 119 n., 166 n., 180 n., 224 n., 232 n.

Smith, Thomas C., 41 n.

Social control, 138 -141

Social stratification, 9 n.

Socialization of group, 144

Spiegel, John, 104 n., 285 n.

Spock, Benjamin, 227 , 228

Steiner, Kurt, 145 n., 149 n., 172 n., 256 n.

Stem family, 184 , 256

Stepchild, 240 -241

Stepmother, 241

Strangers, 122 , 123 ;

attitude toward, 117 -119


in the home, 251 -252

Suga, Princess, 89

Suicide, 44 -45

Superstitions, 181 , 287 -288

Supersitions, 181 , 287 -288

Survey data, 72 n., 98 n., 168 n., 172 -173 n., 178 n., 186 n., 189 n., 220 -221 n., 222 n., 241 n., 267 n.


Taeuber, Irene, 256 n.

Taira, Koji, 41 n.

Teacher rating, 57

Teachers, 58 -59

Television, 33 , 188 , 201

"Three Imperial Treasures," 72

Toilet-training, 247 -248

(decorative alcove), 121 -122

Tokugawa period (1600-1867), 5 , 255


and national culture, 10 ;

climate of, 11 ;

suburbs of, 271

Tominaga, Kenichi, 6 n., 7 n., 41 n., 267 n.

Totalitarianism, 92 , 128

Totten, George O., 262 n.

Tutoring, 53 , 54 , 55


Universities, turmoil of, 273 -274

, 276


Value-integration theory (Kluckholn), 146 n., 156

Value system, 142 -146;

lack of, 142 -144;

and problems, 144 -146;

consensus on, 146 ;

and loyalty, 263

Vietnam, 278

Vogel, Ezra F., 175 n., 217 n., 285 n.

Von Mehren, Arthur Taylor, 145 n., 149 n.


Wagatsuma, Hiroshi, 218 n.

Wages and hours, 7


attitudes on, 95

Weaning, 231 , 239

Welfare services, 15 -16

Western culture, 87 , 88 , 271

White-collar workers:

as salary men, 4 -5;

statistics on, 6 n.;

in small companies, 32 -33.

See also
Middle class; Salary man

Whyte, William H., 81 , 107 n., 161 n.

Widows, 17


as wage earner, 16 ;

and age of marriage, 18 ;

of businessman, 22 , 23. 24 ;

of independent professional, 26 , 28 ;

of shopkeeper, 31 ;

of salary man, 37 ;

and household budget, 76 -77, 82 ;

and social life, 102 -135

and friends, 136 -137;

and division of labor, 182 -193;

and housework, 185 -193, 280 ;

and family authority, 194 -207

and relations with husband, 216 -224

Wolfe, Donald M., 183 n., 219 n.


Yoshinaga, Hazuko, 66 n., 244 n.


Zimmerman, Carle, 166 n.

Preferred Citation: Vogel, Ezra F. 
Japan's New Middle Class: The Salary Man and His Family in a Tokyo Suburb, Second edition. 
Berkeley:  University of California Press,  1971 [c1963] 1971 1963. http://ark.cdlib.org/ark:/13030/ft8z09p23r/

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