January (Calendar Girl #1) Anthology Anthology (57 page)

BOOK: January (Calendar Girl #1) Anthology Anthology
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“Sounds good, baby girl. I have been dreaming about the chocolate cherry pie since you made it for my last birthday.”

That night we talked sister to sister, catching up on everything. I told her about each client and how much I’d come to care for all of them. Being a Red Sox fan, she was most impressed with Mason. That was going to make the signed shirt, hat, and headshot all the more fantastic when I finally gave them to her. Of course, I promised her that one day, I’d introduce her to Mason and all the other guys, if the opportunity arose.

When the topic of conversation got to Wes, I laid it all out. It was almost as if I needed to.

“That bastard!” she swore when I told her that the star of his movie answered his phone and he admitted to banging her.

I shook my head. “It’s nice that you think so and believe me, I did too when it first went down. But, really, think about it. Should Wes wait for me to get my shit together, have fun with whatever guys I want, while he sits back in California carrying a torch?”

Her face turned contemplative. “That’s not really fair,” she admitted.

“No, it’s not. I won’t say that it didn’t sting, and for a full week or so I stewed hard over it, but in the end, I get it. And to top it off, later that month, I met back up with Alec, and you know, one thing led to another.”

Maddy’s eyebrows narrowed. “What do you mean, you met up and one thing led to another? How did he even know you’d be in town?”

I looked off into the distance and sipped my coffee. “Um… the details are hazy.” I tried, but she wasn’t buying it.

“Bull honkey! You straight up called Alec to hook up, didn’t you?” Her accusation held laughter within it.

“Hook up? What does that even mean? I believe the official term is booty call, and I will tell you dear sister, that man has one of the finest booties known to mankind!” I sat back, feeling smug and owning every second of it then shoveled a bite of my second piece of cherry chocolate pie into my gullet. 

Maddy’s cute little snicker had me giggling. She was so young, and naïve to the ways of the world. I just hoped this boyfriend of hers was a standup guy, and he wouldn’t take advantage of her. I guess I’d find out tomorrow night when I met the parents. A tremor of unease swept across my chest. Is this what fathers and mothers think when they meet the parents for the first time? I mean, it’s not like the guy is proposing. It’s just dinner. Normal families do that right?

I had no flippin’ clue.


Later that night, when we were finally in bed, I pulled out my phone to contact Angie, Tony’s sister. We got close back in Chicago, and if anyone would know about dating and meeting the parents, she would.

To: Angelina Fasano

From: Mia Saunders

Hey Angie, it’s Mia. Sorry so late. Question for ya. When a boy’s parents invite the girlfriend’s parents over for dinner, is it a big deal?”


Surprisingly the phone dinged right away. I chanced a glance at the clock. It was three in the morning here. Five her time.

To: Mia Saunders

From: Angelina Fasano

Hi girl. Weird question, but yeah it’s usually some type of formality. They want to make sure that the girl is good enough for their son by checking out the family. Why?


Fuck. I’d call Hector tomorrow and find out what to wear. He’d know. First defense, look like a normal, responsible older sister. Do not mention the job. Do not bring up the fact that dear, old, drunkard Pops is in a convalescent hospital paid for by the state because the ex-boyfriend, the loan shark, beat him within an inch of his life. Christ, it sounded super fucked up even in my own head.

I groaned into the too quiet room and typed out my response to Angie.

To: Angelina Fasano

From: Mia Saunders

My sister’s first real boyfriend. Uggh.


To: Mia Saunders

From: Angelina Fasano

Sucks to be you! Lol


Chapter 2


After a day of being pampered like the true Hollywood socialites Gin and I pretended to be, the last thing I wanted to do was spend an evening with strangers. More than that, I didn’t want those strangers to find me or my familial genes lacking. I’m pretty sure I groaned repeatedly while getting ready for the big dinner with Maddy’s boyfriend’s family. Maddy, though, was fluttering around the house, stopping to check herself in the mirror, smoothing down her flowing sun dress, and putting nonexistent pieces of hair back against her slick ponytail without a care in the world.

She looked young, carefree, and beautiful. Vegas at the tail end of April was warm enough to rock the summer wear, which on her, seemed effortless. I looked her over. She was the epitome of the girl next door. Golden blonde hair and pretty green eyes, the one and only feature we had in common. One day, she’d make a good man the perfect suburban wife. As far back as I could remember, she’d always wanted to get married, have the white picket fence, and a gaggle of kids. Exact opposite of my dreams.

“So what’s Matt’s major?” I asked, curling the last strands of my long black hair.

“Plant sciences, remember?” She sighed and sat on the bed clasping her hands in front of her.

I nodded and caught her gaze through the reflection in the mirror. “Did you decide on your major? I know you were waffling in the sciences a couple months ago?” Internally I chant…
please no forensic science, please no forensic science.
I could just hear the question now. What does your sister do for a living? “Oh yeah, she cuts up dead people.” A grimace stole across my face, but I hid it quickly, not wanting to sway her one way or the other. As much as I wanted to make all her major decisions for her, rationally, I knew I had to let her go to some extent. My sweet baby sis was an adult and it was time I started treating her as such.

She sucked in a breath and pulled up her leg and sat on her foot. “I have actually. Biochemistry.”

Turning around, I let the word roll over my brain. Biochemistry has to have something to do with biology but that doesn’t mean forensics. “Okay, so what exactly is that and what would you be doing with that type of degree?”

Maddy licked her lips and settled in. As she spoke, she became more animated, smiling wide, her cheeks pinking and her eyes sparkling. I tuned out most of what she said because honestly, she started speaking geek and my filter was on. “So basically, biochemists study aspects of the immune system, the expressions of genes, isolating, analyzing, and synthesizing different products. I could work with cancer mutations, mange a lab, or lead a research team. The options are endless.”

Hearing the wide variety of options that were on the horizon for her made my cheeks burn I smiled so large. “I’m so proud of you, Mads. Biochemistry sounds difficult but right up your alley. How much schooling? You’re still going for masters level, right?” She bit down on her pink lip and looked away. “Maddy, now I know you’re worried about tuition, but you don’t have to. I’ve already paid your tuition this year and the remainder of last years’.” Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped open. I grinned, loving that little surprise. “By year’s end, I’ll have saved Dad’s ass, and I’ll have enough money to put you through another several years of school. I do not want you settling. At all!” Not like me, I wanted to add but didn’t. My lot in life was uncertain. For now, I was going with the flow and making the money I needed to in order to help my family survive. 

Maddy jumped up, ran over to me, and wrapped her arms around me, tears filling those gem-like eyes. “I love you. When I’m a rich scientist, I’m going to buy you a house right next to me so that no matter where you are, you will always know where your home is. Close to me.” I petted the side of her head as she kissed my temple. “Now, don’t worry; I’m also going to be submitting for some scholarships because to go where I want to go in this field, I’m going to need a PhD.”

PhD. That one acronym sent a rush of adrenaline through my chest and out each limb. The hair on my arms stood at attention as I let myself freak out. “A doctor!” I said with pure awe and motherly pride in my tone.

Maddy rolled her eyes and nodded, pulling that pouty lip of hers into a smirk. “Yeah sis, a doctor… of philosophy,” she snickered.

“Fuck, I don’t care what type of doctor. My baby sis is going to be a doctor and a scientist. You’ve made my year, sweet baby girl.” I shook my head and thought about the future. Maddy walking the stage getting her degrees, settling into some company wearing a white lab coat that screamed authority. Yeah, my girl was going places, and I’d do anything in my power to make sure she got every last one of her dreams met. Wistfully, I stared off into space then jolted when Maddy tickled my bicep.

“Figured you’d like that plan. Now, can we go? I’m dying to see Matt.”

Matt. The boyfriend. The one she just gave up her v-card to. He better be worth his weight in gold, or I’d steamroll his ass so fast he wouldn’t even see it coming. Nothing was going to prevent Maddy from succeeding. Nothing. 



Matt’s parents were right up there with those old school TV parents everybody wanted but nobody had. Matt Rains, on the other hand, did have the perfect parental units. His mother, Tiffany, was tall with dark hair and dark eyes. His father was a good foot taller, also with brown hair and a set of stunning, clear blue eyes. Matt, the young man my sister was looking at with googly eyes, was smokin’ hot in that nerdy-chic way. He wore a button up shirt that fit tight against what looked to be nicely defined muscular shoulders. Definitely took good care of himself and worked out. His dark hair was wavy, yet styled away from his face in a sleek manner. Perched on his straight nose was a pair of thick, black-rimmed glasses. Nerdy-chic. Like his dad, he had those crystal blue eyes. Ones that hadn’t focused on anyone but my sister all through dinner.

“Mia, I understand your father is in the hospital?” Trent Rains asked when dessert was being served.

I nodded. “Yeah, he had an unfortunate accident. He’s been in a coma for a few months now, but we pray every day that he’ll wake up.”

Tiffany’s features turned soft and she laid a hand on my shoulder. “I’m sorry to hear that. It must be tough on two young women to be managing alone.” She shook her head, not really in pity, but almost sadness. A retort that wasn’t all together kind was on the tip of my tongue. With effort, I choked it back down. They were being nice. What I wanted to say in response sat like acid, burning a hole through the tip of my tongue, was I’d been managing on my own since I was ten-years-old and I was doing just fine, thank you very much. Unfortunately, I had enough sense not to be a bitch. Instead, I smiled and sipped my decaf. Damn, even the coffee here tasted better than what we had at home. Probably some fancy brand stuff they had to grind daily. 

“Okay everyone,” Matt stood up and held my sisters hand. She looked up at him with diamonds in her eyes. “I have an announcement to make.”

Anytime a person claims they have an “announcement” to make, it usually means some shit is about to hit the fan and hard. I watched in horror as Matt tugged on my sister’s hand and pulled her to his side, holding her close—too close in my opinion.

Matt’s head tipped down toward Maddy’s. Complete and utter devotion filled the air. “I’ve asked Madison to marry me and she’s accepted!” He said with bravado and a huge smile. Squeals of excitement came from his mother, a loud clap and a response that sound like Santa Claus saying his “ho, ho, ho,” echoed around the room from his father. Me? I about pissed myself.

What. The. Fuck.

Maddy, smiling like I’d never seen before, looking the most beautiful I’d ever seen her, flashed her gaze toward me. Then her smile dropped, her chin shook, and that lip I knew all too well started to quiver. Tears pooled in her eyes but hung just at the lash line.

“Please Mia… ” I heard her whisper, and I shook my head. I stood up, walked right out of the room, straight out the main door of the house, and into the cooler desert vista seen clearly from the Rain’s family porch. Had I stayed at that table I would have lost it. Ripped my baby girl away from the clutches of suburbia and not stopped until I got her clear of this ridiculous notion that she was going to get married… at nineteen. Fuck.

I paced back and forth, my entire body aflame, sweat prickling against my hairline and upper lip. While stewing and trying to come up with a reasonable way to not look like the evil sister in this scenario as I hauled my sister out of here, I heard the screen door catch and slam behind me.

Twirling around, I came eye to eye with Matt. His face showed remorse but not enough for me to believe he’d take it all back. “I’m sorry I didn’t ask you first, but after last weekend…”

“You mean when you stole my baby sisters virginity!” I roared, not recognizing my own voice. It sounded like a banshee’s wail.

His head shot back as If he’d been struck. “Not that it’s any of your business; Madison is a grown woman, one whom I love very much. What she gave me was a gift, one I’ll treasure always. One I never want another man to have in this lifetime.” His statement was said with conviction and I could almost see him standing a little taller when he released the words meant to bring me to his side of thinking. Not happening. 

Tugging at my hair, I leaned against the railing. “What makes you think you need to marry her? Right now?”

He walked over and stood in front of me. “Not right now. We’re going to get our bachelor’s degrees first. That’s two full years away.” That declaration instantly made the fear start to slowly ebb away, the anger shrinking back down to a manageable size. “I just wanted the commitment. For her to know that I’m hers and she’s mine. And I want her to have something concrete because we’re planning to move in together… soon.”

And then the frustration rolled over me again like a pin smoothing out dough. “Seriously?” I growled.

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