January (Calendar Girl #1) Anthology Anthology (50 page)

BOOK: January (Calendar Girl #1) Anthology Anthology
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Closing my eyes, I moaned and tipped my head back in offering. I could feel the edges of my hair trailing along the exposed skin of my bum. “I love your touch.”

A wet sensation covered my right breast and then I felt the nip of his teeth pinching the skin. A fresh bout of desire leapt from where he plucked and sucked straight down the length of my torso to settle hotly between my thighs. My clit throbbed and ached, primed for the moment he’d touch me
. And I knew he would. If I knew anything about Alec Dubois, I knew he loved the taste of me on his tongue.

For long minutes, Alec feasted on my breasts, sucking, plucking, massaging, and biting down on the tips until they were ripe, red, little strawberries ready to be eaten. My hips rotated in the air, searching for something, anything to relieve the ache.

“Alec,” I pleaded, and he grinned against my nipple, sucked hard, and then pulled away. When I opened my eyes, I knew what he must have seen. A woman who was ready to be fucked. Only Alec didn’t fuck, he made love and told me so repeatedly.

His hands went to his jeans where he unbuttoned and pushed them down his toned thighs. The thick knob of his cock was weeping at the tip when it sprang free of its denim confinement. I leaned forward and licked the pearly drop, groaning at the remembered taste.

Oui, mon amour
, take the edge off so I can gorge on you.”

I was on my hands and knees when he tunneled his fingers into my hair and thrust into my mouth. I took him deep, so deep he slipped down my throat the way he liked. “
Si bon
.” So good, he said. And he wasn’t wrong. It was unbelievably good to be servicing Alec. His taste, his scent, reminded me of amazing times, of great sex, and a lot of laughter, love, and friendship. All of the things I needed in my life now. With Alec, I wasn’t alone.

I doubled my effort taking long laps of his length, and worshiping the tip, sucking every drop of precum like a kitty with tiny little flicks to a saucer of cream. He watched me take his length over and over. When I looked up from my position, his nostrils were flared, his eyes intense half-lidded slits, his mouth a firm slash, twisting into ecstasy as he powered into my mouth. I took what he gave and loved every second of it. Then, with no warning, he never did warn before, he pressed deep and filled my mouth to the brim with his essence. Hot bursts of his seed rushed down my throat. I swallowed reverently, milking him for every drop until his hand turned into a fist at the roots of my hair and pulled me off his cock.

ma jolie
, I’m going to show you again how to love yourself, and others, by loving you this night. That, my beautiful Mia, was a prefect start.”




We’d just exited the shower after two rounds of serious fucking. “Thank you for coming tonight,” I cuddled into his bare chest. His fingertips traced along my arm and the ball of my shoulder in patterns I couldn’t place. Didn’t try to.

Alec rubbed his jaw along the crown of my head. “Why are you so alone when you are paid to be with someone?” he asked. The tone was inquisitive not accusatory.

Snuggling in, I licked his nipple then kissed it sweetly. “I don’t sleep with all my clients, Alec.”

His arms tightened around me. “
?” Really? He asked.

That brought out a chuckle. “Really,” I answered.

“I do not understand this. Why, if they are paying you to be with them, are you not
with them
in the most beautiful way possible?”

Again I giggled into his warm skin. Of course, he would lack understanding. “You know I didn’t have to have sex with you.”

His eyes narrowed, and I could tell he was trying to work something out. “
you and I were meant to love one another. It was never a question,

, but that isn’t the case with everyone, Alec. I’m not paid to fuck.”

“I do not fuck.” He reiterated strongly, his voice a growl and something I knew very well.

I lifted my head up, placed my hands on his chest and set my chin on top of them. “I know. And I adore that about you.” His hands trailed up and down my back as if he were painting something. For all I knew, he could have been. He was an artist. “You taught me to love the one you’re with, but that doesn’t always mean you have sex with them.”

His eyes narrowed and he looked positively affronted. “Why not? Everyone needs to release tensions, connect physically, and making love is the best way to do that.”

Of course, my Frenchie would see it that way. “Well, the client after you was gay.” I shrugged.

“So then you could have made love to both of them.” He pulled me completely on top of him, slid his hands down to my ass and separated my legs so I was straddling him. He was hardening under me. Alec was, by far, the most virile man I’d ever met. When he said he would make love to me all night, I had no doubt that I’d pass out from needing sleep before he stopped loving me.

Licking a trail from one nipple to the next, I sucked on the neglected flat disc until it hardened. “That would have been an experience, but it wasn’t like that.”

“I’ll never understand that. Continue.”

Tilting my head to the side, I used one finger and traced his mustache and beard. His long russet locks had dried and were wavy and sexy in a way that was intensely masculine. “This guy I’m with now, the baseball player. At first, I thought I might want to share a bed with him, but he’s in love with someone else.”

“Ah, and the other woman does not share. Then why did he need you?” He asked thoughtfully, but it was hard to pay attention because at that moment he decided to press a finger deep into my sex from behind. He leisurely fucked me with one finger until I was wet enough that he could fit another. “You were saying,” Alec said with a grin, knowing exactly what he was doing to me. Sexy bastard.

“Uh, yeah. Well, he was kind of an ass when we met and then I helped, oh God, fuck…”I dropped my head and pushed back letting his fingers hit just the right spot. “Uh, get the girl he wanted.”

He clucked his tongue. “Pity. More for me,” he uttered then pushed high into me with those two thick fingers. I pressed back against them moaning and gasping, the sensation splintering all around me. Then I put my mouth on his chest and licked and nipped while he got me off with his fingers. When I was crying out, he rolled me over and kissed a path down my body. “Want your crème on my tongue,
ma jolie
. Need to remember your taste. Going to eat you now. Are you done telling stories?”

Telling him stories. He thought talking was telling stories. Damn, the man was cute and fucking talented. Then I pressed into my heels and pushed up into his face. He growled and stuck his tongue as far inside me as it would go. His hands held my lower lips apart and he rubbed his lips, mustache, and beard all over my sex. “Want your scent all over me while I sleep. Then I’ll have beautiful dreams of my sweet tasting, beautiful, Mia.
Oui, ma jolie

“Fuck yes,” I groaned and cried out when he sucked extra hard on my o-trigger, sending me to the very top of the crest.

Alec took his time between my legs. He sucked, fucked me with his finger, nipped at me with his teeth, and even gave me a rosy quarter sized hickey on my inner thigh. Over and over he brought me to the very pinnacle of release, then backed off until I was so exhausted and out of my mind with need I begged and pleaded for him to finish me off. My sex was so wet I could feel the slippery juices sliding between the crack of my ass. Alec didn’t let it fly. He swooped down with the flat of his tongue and teased the tiny rosette I knew he loved, laid his mouth wide over my opening and drank. His cheeks hollowed out, my back arched, and then he grated his teeth along my clit and I shot into the stratosphere bucking like a wild woman. While I was coming, he slipped on a condom and speared his thick cock deep into me and rode me hard, harder than he ever had before. We were wild, out of control, and fucking like we would never get another chance. At one point, he pulled my legs up high, cutting my body in half and powered into me.

“Love your body.”

“Love your sex.”

“Love your heart.”

“Love your soul.”

“Love you, Mia.”

Except Alec said all of those things in French.

What we did that evening was scalding hot, it was devoted, and it was one of the most passionate sexual experiences of my life. He brought us both to release again, and when the last vestiges of his essence poured into me, he collapsed against my body. Together, we passed out, still connected physically, emotionally, and mentally.


Chapter 8


I woke in the middle of an orgasm. My legs were clamped around Alec’s head as he took me there. Then without even a word, a good morning, he rolled on a condom. I’d lost count of how many we used the night before. He inched his way into overused swollen tissue. Still, it felt divine. My poor hoo-hah tensed and pulsed like it had been through a battle and won. This time he made slow, careful love to me. We both knew it would be the last time, but I wouldn’t say forever. I’d learned not to think that way. Between seeing Wes again and now Alec, never was not a word I’d keep in my vocabulary when it came to the men I cared for.

Once we were done, he methodically put on his clothes. “I enjoyed this night with you,
ma jolie
. When you are town again, or are in need of a reminder that you are loved, you will call,

I nodded, got up and threw on a silk robe I had hanging over the door while he pulled his hair into a messy man bun. God, I loved the man bun. I leaned up on my toes and kissed him. He wrapped his arms around my body and held me close while we kissed for long moments.

He pulled back and kissed my nose. “I have much work to do or I would feast on your flesh all day.” He cupped my cheeks and focused his yellow gaze all over my face. “Sadness does not become you. This reason you are sad, is it a man?”

I pinched my lips together and thought back to that phone call. God, how I wished I’d never made that call. I could have just texted him and then we’d both blissfully go on, knowing that the other still felt it deep. And here I was now, doing the same thing he was doing. Losing myself in another man’s body, in sex. Really good sex, toe curling, mind-blowing sex, but it still wasn’t with the one I wanted it to be with.

“Yeah, it was a man, but you know, having you here, helping Mason get his girl, I realize that it’s all part of the process. My journey this year is long and if at the end, I’m meant to be with a certain man then I will.” Alec nodded and I smiled, the thought taking wings.

Alec pushed back my unruly hair and caressed the side of my face. “
Ma jolie
, you are very young. Give yourself time to enjoy life and all its offerings.” He pressed his forehead to mine. “Including the pleasures of the flesh,
?” I knew what he was saying and it reinstated my belief that this year was about me. Not about me and someone else. It was about me saving my dad and finding myself. Wherever that took me is wherever it took me. He was right. I was young and not in a committed relationship and neither was Wes. I couldn’t fault the man for wanting to find a connection to someone, to not be alone even for a short time he shared his body with someone else. I’d done that, too. And you know what, it felt amazing. I felt amazing. Refreshed, ready to take on whatever life was going to throw my way.

“You know, you’re pretty amazing, Frenchie.” Alec grinned that drop dead sexy smile and I swear I felt it in my clit.

“This I know,
.” He leaned forward and kissed me softly. “Only you, you need to remember you too are a gift to this world.”

Alec always had a way with words. Words that could soothe, entice, and always worked their magic on my psyche.

I led him by the hand into the living room portion of the suite. It was far too much to hope that Mason and Rachel would already be out for the day. Then again, I should have just looked out the window. Rain. Heaps of rain smattered against the sliding door. That meant practice would be delayed or canceled.

Rachel and Mason were both completely dressed and sitting at the dining area having what looked to be lunch, not breakfast. Fuck, what time was it?

Mason’s eyes caught sight of Alec and then me in my robe, hair a mess, cheeks probably rosy from the recent orgasm, basically my entire look screaming I-was-just-fucked. Mason grinned. “Hey sweetness, sleep well?”

That’s when Alec jumped in. “I wouldn’t call what we did sleep,” he waggled his brows seductively. My Frenchman was incorrigible. Rachel didn’t say a word. Her mouth was wide open, her fork held mid-air close to her face with a strawberry sitting on the tines waiting to be eaten.

“Uh, this is Alec, that’s Mason and his girlfriend Rachel.”

Rachel’s hand came down and the fork clattered against the plate. “Uh, hi?” she said. That was definitely the first time I’d seen the professional put together woman totally at a loss for words that didn’t involve a large, sexy as sin baseball player.

Mason gave a chin lift. I turned Alec around and led him to the door. We weren’t completely out of sight but he never cared about what people thought. Instead of walking out the door, he pulled me against his body, placed one hand on my ass and one at my nape, crushing me to his lengthy form before he devoured my mouth. Tongue, lips and teeth parried and danced the most delectable of goodbye kisses.

Finally when we both couldn’t breathe he let me go. “
Je t’aime
, Mia.” Alec said, his tone filled with the love I knew he had for me. I held a place in his heart and I always would. That was enough for me.

“I love you too, Alec.”

I watched him until he entered the elevator. “Until next time,
ma jolie
,” he said as the doors closed behind him. Then I turned and went back to the table. When I got there, Mason handed me half of his club sandwich. I sat down and took a bite, suddenly ravenous.

BOOK: January (Calendar Girl #1) Anthology Anthology
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