Janie's Tempting Submission [The Men of Treasure Cove 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (11 page)

BOOK: Janie's Tempting Submission [The Men of Treasure Cove 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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After taking their boots off at the door, Caleb slowly opened the door and peeked in. Giving his brother the all clear, they quietly made their way through the living and down the hall.

The objective was to get to their rooms without Janie seeing them, but Caleb had a feeling that tonight their luck was about to run out.

After showering, the brothers headed into the kitchen to find it spotless. Opening the oven, Jeff looked in and saw nothing. “Check the fridge. Maybe she put it in there.”

“Nothing,” Caleb said, closing the fridge door.

“The microwave?” he questioned.

“Nope, already checked it.”

“Is she even home?” Caleb asked.

“I haven’t seen her,” Jeff replied, walking toward the master bedroom. Slowly opening her door, he flicked on the light to find an empty bed. Walking into her bathroom, he had found it the same way he did the rest of the house, neat and clean, and no Janie.

“Did she call and tell you she was going to be late?” Jeff turned, asking his brother.

“Nope, I knew she was goin’ into town with Emma for a bit. But she said she would be back before dinner.”

“Fuck! Where in the hell is she?”

“Uh, did you check the gym?” Caleb asked cautiously.

“She wouldn’t,” Jeff replied when realization dawned.

“God give us strength if she is,” Caleb said, mostly to himself, turning and heading for the gym. Taking a deep breath, he slowly turned the knob and opened the door. What he saw floored him. “Better kill me now, Jeff, ’cause I am getting fucked tonight!”

“What are you talking—” Jeff asked then stopped as he saw what had his brother panting like a dog in heat.

There in the middle of the room stood their Janie.

Dressed in a black-studded seducer teddy with straps crisscrossing across her torso, the cupless attire was only held together by attached O-rings strategically placed for effect. The crotchless bottom and cupless top accentuated her most heavenly attributes. Her legs were encased in the finest sheer black thigh-highs with leather string bows, and her four-inch black suede heels made her legs look miles long. But it was the studded black leather collar around her neck and the cattail she held in her hand that finished off the scene for a full mouthwatering frontal effect.

Looking very determined, and twirling the eight-inch cattail in her hand, she spoke. “I want to be fucked now.”

With a click of a button, the soft, blatant, and suggestive sounds of Silk’s “Freak Me”
played loudly throughout the room.

“Oh, fuck me,” Jeff replied.

“Well, dude, if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em,” Caleb said, slapping his brother on the back and entering the room.

Chapter Eight


The moment the door handle turned, Janie felt her pulse hitch, her heart beat faster, and her breathing she controlled. She had thought of everything. Tonight was all planned out. There was no room for error. She was getting fucked tonight, even if she had to whip them into submission herself.

She steeled her face, refusing to show any form of emotion.

Her eyes landed on Caleb first, and thank goodness, she was ready for his response, because the look upon his face was priceless. She knew out of the two, she could count on Caleb to give in first, and by his reaction, he was hers tonight.

Waiting for Jeff, she took a small breath. Seconds later, his face appeared, and when their eyes collided, she knew the sweet savory feeling of victory.

Looking them both up and down, she licked her lips and swallowed hard.

Damn those men were sex on a stick!

Seeing them dressed in only their jeans, their wet hair still glistening from their showers, made her pussy clinch and hunger for their cocks.

She watched as they moved further into the room, and with a resounding bang, the gym door was slammed shut. Their hungry stares and strong poses started to scare her.

Thinking she may have bitten off more than she could chew, she gently lowered her head, trying for a more demure look.

“Get the blindfold, Caleb. Janie needs a lesson in what happens when you top from the bottom,” Jeff said in that strong voice of his. Her pussy immediately responded with a gush. Closing her eyes and savoring the feeling, she moaned softly. Standing still, a wave of pleasure ran over her as Caleb put the blindfold on.

She was in total darkness.

She could hear them moving around, and then the cattail she held in her hand was gently removed.

Someone turned the music down low, so only the soft beat of the melody was heard.

Oh shit!

Her body was humming. Her heart picked up, beating so loudly she was sure they could hear it. Her panting she tried so hard to control was coming faster as their movements around her aroused her more.

The clanking of metal piqued her interest as the noise grew. She felt the coldness on her wrist as the hard, cold steel was attached to both wrists, then to her ankles. Then very slowly, that clanking sound returned as her arms were raised above her head.

“Spread your legs, Janie,” Caleb ordered. Doing as he requested, she widened her stance.

“Wider!” Jeff demanded harshly.

Immediately complying, Janie gasped as the cuffs on her ankles were pulled tight.

She couldn’t move at all!

She was chained in the middle of the room, forming a

Holy shit!

What had she gotten herself into?

“Safe word, Janie, now or this doesn’t go any further,” Jeff asked, giving no recourse.

“Austen,” she whispered quickly as the word popped into her head. And for some reason, she was thankful she now had one because she had a feeling she might just need it tonight.

“Interesting, the librarian chooses an author,” Jeff began. “Now, just so we’re clear. You initiated this scene, and even though I believe you are not ready, I will oblige you. Understand me, Janie, because I will not hold back. Now with that said, when are you to use your safe word?” he asked.

“When the pain becomes too much for me.”

“And how will you know when it becomes too much?”

“Because I won’t like it anymore.”

“Good girl. Now, let’s get Janie in the mood, Caleb.”

Silence descended.

Seconds ticked by then minutes. She heard no movement, only her breathing to keep her company. The suspense was killing her. Her senses were going on overload. The nothingness in the room was nerve wracking.

Janie never thought the sound of emptiness could be so erotic, but she stood there chained in the room as the serendipity of the silence played her body, fine-tuning it. She allowed the vast quietness to wrap her, leaving her alone with her own thoughts, just her imagination of what they were going to do, to heighten her awareness.

The soft tickling of a warm breath blew against her neck, sending shivers rippling over her body. A slight touch of something so soft trailed up between her legs, making her pussy wet. The teasing licks of a tongue aroused her nipples, peaking them instantly. The gentle brush of lips across her mouth had her moaning. The smell of musk assaulted her senses.

She was being seduced from every conceivable vantage point. The carnal assault on her senses was causing an orgasmic reaction within her body.

When she thought she could not endure another second, rough, warm hands splayed across her thighs as the first lick of a hot, wet tongue had her screaming, “Please!”

“You want more?” the coarse, jagged voice whispered in her ear.

“Yes,” she whimpered.



Jeff stepped back, admiring her. She was so responsive, so beautiful. For the last weeks she had truly made his life a living hell, and now it was payback time. He had wanted to postpone all sexual activity until he got to the root of her misconceptions, but after last night and the demand she posed just minutes ago, he knew a new tactic was called for.

He watched as his brother had trussed her up, securing and stopping all movement, while he shed his jeans and put on his leather attire. When Caleb was finished, Jeff surveyed his prize as Caleb changed.

Tonight was a night for firsts, and they wanted everything done right. Every protocol, even the slightest approach, needed to be adhered to, because for what he had in mind, cupcake was going to be screaming “Austen” before the night was out.

The entertainment began simply with a light touch, a hair’s breadth, and a soft whisper, just enough to get her aroused and wanting more. Her soft whimpers and moans were music to his ears. She was getting into the scene. Grinning at his brother, he nodded and watched as Caleb quietly dropped to his knees and administered the first strike.

Janie’s screams roared from within her as she begged, “Please!”

Smirking at Caleb, Jeff leaned down just millimeters from her backside. “You want more?”

Her whimpering was adorable, but it wasn’t going to get her out of the punishment he had in mind. “Yes,” she answered.

Knowing he had her right where he wanted her, he smiled at Caleb as he landed the second strike. “Beg.”


* * * *


The brothers watched as her body stiffened, and like clockwork, she began to resist her binds, screaming and fighting them, trying to break free. “I won’t beg ever!”

“Did you hear that, Caleb? Janie said she won’t beg ever,” Jeff smugly replied as he walked over to the metal shelf along the far wall. Looking at the instruments of pleasure, he reached for the one that caught his eye and walked back over to Janie. “You know something, Caleb, Janie has been begging us for days, and now when she is finally getting what she wants, she won’t do it. Why is that?” he asked.

“Beats me, brother,” Caleb replied, taking his instrument of torture from the same shelf.

“You know what, that’s a great idea,” Jeff said, and with an arm raised, he firmly lowered the round leather paddle on her ass.

“Shit! That hurt, you son of a bitch! Warn a girl next time,” Janie screamed.

“Well, well, well. Looks like Janie has a potty mouth, Jeff. You know what that does to me,” Caleb whispered in a deep, husky voice as he took his finger and placed it against her nipple and watched in awe at her reaction.


* * * *


Janie’s whole body was on fire!

The erotic tickling ran through her body like a flash fire. Her nipple was the epicenter as wave after wave of electricity flowed out and around her body. She felt alive within the universe as if she was a part of it. As Caleb held his finger against her nipple, the heat at the core was a jolting sensation unlike anything she had ever imagined

The tickling became more, a harder, more pinching pain.

“Janie, this is a violet wand, my preferred form of torture or pleasure. Depending on my mood, I can turn up the voltage, like this...”

The extreme heat robbed her of her. She was spiraling out of control. It was almost unbearable as the intense jolt stripped all of her sanity away. Then as quickly as it began, it stopped.

“Or I can take it away. Very good, Janie, and to think, that wasn’t even on the highest setting,” Caleb whispered in her ear.

Gasping for breath, she tried desperately to regain some semblance of control as the second smack landed hard on her ass.

“Fuck!” she screamed as the heat from her ass intensified the current still zipping through her body.




Screaming until her voice was hoarse, Janie finally understood.

After weeks of conversation, she now knew what Jeff was talking about. To be a true submissive, she would have to know her boundaries, trust her partner and completely submit to them, trusting them to know how to bring her the pleasure she desired. Dominant, submissive, they were all intertwined. She couldn’t have one without the other.

Sagging against the restraints, she gave in. Could she do this anymore? This was all too intense. She wanted them with everything in her, but to submit to them, to trust them with her being, she just didn’t know. Too much had happened in her life to give someone that much control over her.

Janie whispered, “No more, please.”

“Are you using your safe word, Janie?” Caleb asked.

“Please, I can’t take anymore,” she said as tears ran down her face.

“If you’re not using your safe word, Janie, then we will continue,” Jeff informed her.

Janie stood there panting. The strain on her arms was becoming excruciating. She had dealt with a lot in her life, surviving the death of her parents and being shuffled from foster home to foster home. She barely remembered her parents, but what she did remember, she knew they loved each other.

For most of her life she lived a silent existence. Nobody ever gave her a second glance. She was just there. Ignored and socially depraved, Janie muddled through her life on her own, avoiding all forms of emotions. All these feelings she was feeling were foreign to her. She didn’t know how to handle them. She couldn’t comprehend most of them. They were just too much.

BOOK: Janie's Tempting Submission [The Men of Treasure Cove 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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