Janelle Taylor (29 page)

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BOOK: Janelle Taylor
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Reading is fun and educational, so do it often! To learn more about me and my works, check out Internet web sites at www.kensingtonbooks.com/janelletaylor, www. janelletaylor.com, and (very detailed) www.readersheart.com.

Best wishes from Janelle Taylor

has written eight
New York Times
bestsellers and has received many awards for her varied works which include
First Love, Wild Love, Stolen Ecstasy, Whispered Kisses, By Candlelight, Savage Conquest, Not Without You
Can’t Stop Loving You.
IN TOO DEEP is her forty-second novel.

ZEBRA BOOKS are published by

Kensington Publishing Corp.

850 Third Avenue

New York, NY 10022

eISBN: 978-1-4201-2753-9

Copyright © 2002 by Janelle Taylor

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