Jane Austen's Pride & Prejudice Sequel Bundle: 3 Reader Favorites (137 page)

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‘That was my intention, but a matter to be settled with my steward brought me here a few hours before my companions. They will join me early tomorrow, and among them are some who will claim an acquaintance with you – Mr Bingley and his sisters.’

I could not help but think of all that had passed between us on the subject of Bingley, and I guessed her thoughts tended in the same direction. I wondered whether I should say something; give her some indication of my change of sentiment; but I did not know how to begin.

Instead, I said: ‘Will you allow me, or do I ask too much, to introduce my sister to your acquaintance during your stay at Lambton?’

‘I would like that very much.’

There was a warmth in her voice, and in the smile that accompanied it, that greatly relieved my fears.

We walked on in silence, but more easily than before. The air was not so tense, and there was, if not ease between us, at least no more embarrassment.

We reached the carriage. Her aunt and uncle were some way behind.

‘Will you come into the house? Would you like some refreshment?’

‘No, thank you,’ she said. ‘I must wait for my aunt and uncle.’

I was disappointed, but I did not press her.

I tried to think of something to say. I wanted to tell her how wrong I had been. She, too, looked as though she wished to speak, but what she wanted to say I did not know.

At last she began, but it was only to say: ‘Derbyshire is a beautiful county.’

‘Have you seen much of it?’

‘Yes. We have been to Matlock and Dove Dale.’

‘They are well worth seeing.’

My conversation was inane. Hers was little better. There was so much that lay unspoken between us, but now was not the time. Perhaps, in a few days, when we came to know each other better again…

Her aunt and uncle drew closer. I invited them in for refreshment, but they declined. I handed the ladies into the carriage and it drove away. I watched it for as long as I could without my regard seeming particular, and then walked slowly into the house.

I had not said any of the things I wanted to say, but the knowledge that I would be seeing Elizabeth again sustained me.

My spirits felt lighter than they had done for a very long time.

Wednesday 6th August

I was out of bed very early. I could not sleep. I looked for Georgiana and at last she arrived, with Bingley and his sisters. I greeted them warmly, and then telling Georgiana I wished to show her a new specimen of tree in the grounds I invited her for a walk. She went with me readily. When we were some distance from the house I said: ‘Georgiana, there is someone I would like you to meet.’

She looked at me enquiringly.

‘When I was in Hertfordshire last autumn, I met a young lady by the name of Elizabeth Bennet. I liked her very much.’

Georgiana looked surprised, then pleased.

‘She is visiting Derbyshire, and she is staying at a nearby inn. If you are not too tired, I would like to take you to meet her this morning.’

I knew that it was sudden, but now that I had found Elizabeth again, I could not wait to introduce her to my sister.

‘No, I am not too tired. I would like to meet her.’

We returned to the house. Caroline and Louisa were upstairs, and Georgiana followed them, promising to come down when she had washed the grime of travelling from her hands and face, and when she had changed her gown.

Bingley was in the library.

‘There is someone I think you will like to see, staying nearby,’ I said.

‘Oh?’ He looked up.

‘Miss Elizabeth Bennet. She is travelling with her aunt and uncle. By chance, they visited the house yesterday, just as I arrived. I said I would visit her this morning. I will be taking Georgiana with me, and I thought you might like to come.’

He looked surprised, but said: ‘Of course, Darcy. I would like to see her again.’ He hesitated, then said: ‘Might it be better if I do not ask after her sister? Or would that seem particular?’

‘I think you should certainly ask after her.’

He smiled, and I was pleased with the turn events had taken.

Georgiana returned to the room. I ordered the curricle to be brought round and we drove to Lambton, with Bingley following on horseback. I hoped Elizabeth would not have gone out. I caught a glimpse of her at the window and was reassured.

I believe I was as nervous as Georgiana when we were admitted. Elizabeth seemed embarrassed, but no sooner had I introduced Georgiana than she regained her composure. Between the two of them there seemed a genuine warmth. Georgiana was shy, and spoke in no more than monosyllables at first, but Elizabeth persevered, asking her questions and gently leading her to speak. Georgiana grew easier in her manner, and before long they were sitting together.

‘You must not forget you promised to fish in my river,’ I said to Mr Gardiner.

He looked surprised, as though he thought I might have changed my mind, but he agreed readily enough.

I could not help my gaze drifting to Elizabeth, and I believe it would have remained there had we not been interrupted by Bingley. Fortunately his sisters had not come downstairs by the time we departed, or we should have been obliged to invite them to go with us.

Elizabeth’s expression softened on seeing him. She did not hold his inconstancy against him, then. I was glad. I had been the cause of it, not he. If not for his natural modesty, he would have pursued his own course instead of listening to me.

‘Your family are well, I hope?’ said he.

‘Yes, quite well, I thank you.’

‘Your mother and father?’

‘They are in good health.’

‘And your sisters?’

‘Yes, they are well.’

‘Good.’ He paused, as embarrassed as I had been the day before. ‘It is a very long time since I had the pleasure of seeing you.’ She opened her mouth to reply, but he went on: ‘It is above eight months. We have not met since the twenty-sixth of November, when we were all dancing together at Netherfield.’

How long ago it seemed. And what dramas had unfolded since then.

‘When will you be returning to Longbourn?’he asked.

‘Soon. In a little less than a week.’

‘You will be pleased to see your sisters again.’

Elizabeth smiled. She could not be ignorant of the cause of all this talk about her sisters.


‘And they to see you.’

‘I’m sure they will.’

‘I am thinking of returning to Netherfield myself,’ he said nonchalantly.

‘Oh? I had heard a rumour you meant to quit it.’

‘Not at all. It is quite the pleasantest house I have ever come across.’

‘And yet you have been a long time away.’

‘I had business to attend to,’ he said. ‘But now I am my own master.’

Elizabeth’s eyes met mine, and we smiled. I was sure she knew what Bingley meant when he said, Now I am my own master.

I noticed her aunt glancing from one to the other of us, but I did not disguise my admiration for her niece. Let her know it. I would like to let all the world know. I am in love with Elizabeth Bennet.

I made it my concern to be agreeable. It was not difficult. I simply pretended that I had known the Gardiners all my life. It is remarkable how simple it is to be easy with strangers once one has the knack. And the determination, I could not help admitting. I would not give myself the trouble before. Now, I made an effort to be liked.

We stayed above half an hour. It was a little over-long for a morning visit, perhaps, but I could not tear myself away. At last I noticed Mrs Gardiner glancing at the clock, and knew we must be on our way.

‘I hope you will join us for dinner before you leave the neighbourhood,’ I said, glancing at Georgiana so that she joined me in the invitation.

‘Yes, we would like it very much if you could join us,’ she said shyly.

I looked to Elizabeth, but she looked away. I was not concerned. There was a look of awkwardness, not hostility on her face, but in time I hoped we would come to know each other better, and her awkwardness would fade away.

‘We would be delighted,’ said Mrs Gardiner.

‘Shall we say the day after tomorrow?’

‘The day after tomorrow it is.’

‘I will look forward to it,’ said Elizabeth.

She caught my eye as she said it, and I smiled. I saw an answering smile rise to her own lips, and I was satisfied.

‘I am also looking forward to it,’ said Bingley to Elizabeth. ‘We have a great deal to talk about. I would like to hear about all my Hertfordshire friends.’

We departed, and returned to Pemberley.

Georgiana returned to her room to remove her pelisse and bonnet. I went into the morning room with Bingley, to find Caroline and Louisa there.

‘You have been out?’ asked Caroline.

‘Yes, visiting Miss Bennet,’ said Bingley.

‘Jane Bennet is here?’ asked Caroline in surprise.

‘I should have said, Miss Elizabeth Bennet.’

Even worse, said Caroline’s expression. She quickly schooled it, however.

‘Dear me, what a coincidence that she just happens to be in Derbyshire when you return, Mr Darcy.’

‘Yes. It is fortunate, is it not?’ I asked.

She looked as though she would like to say something satirical, but thought better of it.

‘I would like to see her again. I think I will pay her a call. What do you say, Louisa? Will you come with me?’

‘There is no need,’ said her brother. ‘She is coming here.’

‘Here?’ Caroline sounded horrified.

‘Darcy invited her to dinner.’

‘With her aunt and uncle,’ I added.

‘Not the attorney from Meryton?’ she asked in a droll voice.

‘No, the uncle who lives in Cheapside,’ I replied, removing her sting.

She looked annoyed. ‘And is he very vulgar?’ she asked.

‘He must be. My dear! Cheapside,’ said Louisa with a shudder.

‘He is in fact a gentleman-like man, and his wife is a lady of fashion.’

‘And are we to meet these paragons?’ said Caroline, with a flash in her eyes. ‘How entertaining.’

I listened with complaisance as she ran on in a similar fashion. Nothing she could say could pierce my happiness. I thought only of Elizabeth. She had not repulsed me. She had not spoken to me with disgust and contempt. She had been polite, and agreeable, and there had been that in her manner which led me to hope she was not indifferent to me.

When I think how once I had taken it for granted that she would marry me! That I had not even considered the possibility that she might refuse me. And now, though I felt hope rising inside me, I cautioned myself that my feelings might not be returned.

But I will not think so far ahead. I am to see her the day after tomorrow. It is enough.

Thursday 7th August

Mr Gardiner arrived here early this morning and I took him down to the river, together with some other of my house-guests. He is knowledgeable about fishing, and I provided him with tackle so that he might try his luck at catching something. My other guests had brought their own. I was about to join them when a chance remark of Mr Gardiner’s made me change my mind.

‘It was very civil of your sister to pay us a visit yesterday, Mr Darcy. My wife and niece were much struck by the attention,’ he said. ‘They have resolved to return the call this morning.’

‘That is very good of them,’ I said, when I could master my surprise.

‘They did not want to be backward in any attention.’

‘I hope you enjoy your fishing,’ I said to the gentlemen. ‘If you will excuse me, I have to return to the house.’

My house-guests murmured civilities, assuming I had business to attend to, but I saw a look of comprehension on Mr Gardiner’s face. So he knows. I am not surprised. I took no care to guard my feelings when I visited his niece. I am beyond feigning a lack of interest.

I returned to the house and went into the saloon. My eyes went immediately to Elizabeth. I knew instantly that she belonged there. As I watched her, I saw a future stretching out in front of me, a future in which I saw Elizabeth and myself living at Pemberley. I wanted it more than I have ever wanted anything, and I can only hope she wants the same.

‘Miss Bennet, Mrs Gardiner, it is very good of you to call on my sister so soon,’ I said.

‘Oh, yes, very good,’ said Georgiana, blushing. ‘I did not expect it.’

‘We could not do otherwise, after your kindness in welcoming us,’ said Mrs Gardiner to Georgiana.

Georgiana blushed again, but I had eyes only for Elizabeth. Her gaze met mine. She looked away, embarrassed, and yet I thought I saw a welcome in her eyes before she turned away.

Caroline and Louisa were sitting silently, making no contribution to the conversation and leaving Georgiana to perform her duties as a hostess alone.

Mrs Annesley helped her, saying to Elizabeth: ‘The grounds at Pemberley are very fine. I believe you saw them a few days ago?’

‘Yes, we enjoyed walking round them very much,’ said Elizabeth. ‘The trees are very handsome.’ She glanced out of the window at some specimens.

‘They are Spanish chestnuts,’ Georgiana said softly, pleased to be able to add something to the conversation.

‘Have they been here long?’ asked Elizabeth, turning towards her encouragingly.

‘Oh, yes, they are very old.’

Georgiana looked at me for approval and I smiled at her. She has not had much experience of welcoming guests, and none at all of welcoming people whom she does not know, but she acquitted herself very well.

Caroline evidently felt she had been silent long enough.

‘Pray, Miss Eliza, are not the militia removed from Meryton? They must be a great loss to your family.’

I had never heard her speak with such venom. Her satirical comments were usually uttered with some semblance of a smile, but there was nothing humorous about them today, and I realized for the first time how truly poisonous Caroline can be.

I saw Elizabeth’s distress. A thousand recollections flooded my mind. My own ungenerous remarks concerning her younger sisters; her face as she flung an accusation of ruining Wickham at me; my angry retaliation; and then my letter.

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