James, Elle Saint - Unbridled and Unridden [The Double Rider Men's Club 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (24 page)

BOOK: James, Elle Saint - Unbridled and Unridden [The Double Rider Men's Club 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Jessica already had a plan. She moved closer to Gregory and Karl. “I’m on my way to a party right now. But I really hope you can help my friends. There was a block of five rooms on the fourth floor before I left work an hour ago. I’m hoping you can help them with a room.”

Karl said, “Well, I know there haven’t been any room assignments since you left, so go on to your party, and I’ll take care of your friends.”

“Thanks so much, Karl. I truly appreciate it.”

Gregory fairly snarled at her as she passed by and walked over to Deacon.

“Everything okay?” he asked and winked.

“If not, it will be soon. Gregory’s going to have a tough time explaining why five rooms are sitting idle when there is someone wanting one. And why Karl’s code was used to hide them.”

“You and Clay set this up?”

“Maybe. Are you ready to go to the reunion?”

“Yes, indeed. When we get back home, Boyd will have a surprise for us.”

“Will I like it? What is it?”

“If I tell you, it won’t be a surprise.” He kissed her mouth gently.

“Fine. I’ll be anticipatory.”

“Are you ready for your reunion?”

“I suppose. Thanks for deflowering me so I could attend.”

“Trust me, sugar, it was entirely my pleasure.”

She walked up to the table where the name tags were spread out. She picked up the one that said, Jessica Wilder. “I can’t believe I’m married to you and Boyd.”

“Are you happy?”

“Deliriously so.” She glanced down at her big honking engagement ring and the double wedding band with more diamonds on each side and smiled.

Jessica entered the party with Deacon on her arm and the confidence that whatever happened, her husbands had her back.

They never pushed. They were kind, and never complained about her long hours or the fact that she wasn’t the homemaker type.

Jessica caught up with several friends from high school as Deacon patiently sat with strangers he didn’t know.

They danced. They drank. They danced some more. They drank some more. Although he wasn’t drinking nearly as much as she was. At one point during the evening, she was called to the stage to receive an award for attendee who’d traveled the least distance to arrive at the reunion, since she worked at the hotel where the party was being held. Without a moment’s hesitation, Deacon jumped up and went to the stage to accept for her, joking that he was in the process of getting her drunk for later and didn’t want her to trip on the stairs.

Everyone laughed, and she took note of the fact he was her hero for taking her out of a difficult stage-related situation.

On the trip home much later, Jessica contemplated what she could do to reward him for keeping her off that hated stage tonight. She glanced to her left and watched him. The scent of his luscious cologne filled the car.

Deacon stared directly ahead, looking straight out the windshield as he drove. There was no one on the road in front of or behind them. One of his fingers tapped against the steering wheel to the beat of the music playing on the radio. She glanced at his lap, more specifically his cock, and an idea struck. Time for his reward.

Still a bit tipsy, she moved closer to him, slipped partially out of the shoulder part of her seatbelt and rested her head on his leg.

“Are you sick, sugar?” he asked. The concern immediate in his voice. He dropped a hand down to stroke her back gently.

“Nope.” Jessica snaked her hand to his crotch and squeezed his cock through his slacks.

His breath came out of his lungs in a sudden rush. “Holy shit, what are you doing?” His fingers had suddenly gripped the steering wheel the moment she touched him.

She giggled. “I should think it’s fairly obvious what I’m doing.” She pushed aside his seatbelt and unzipped his pants in seconds. She grabbed his cock barehanded. His cock swelled quickly as she stroked it. When she put her mouth around him she felt the car swerve before he corrected it.

He was rock hard and filling her mouth quickly.

“I want to ask why,” he said and started to breathe harder, “but I don’t think I care.”

She pulled off of him. “This is a reward for getting onstage for me. I’m very grateful. Let me show you how much.” She put her mouth over his cock again. It seemed like he’d grown even bigger.

“Sugar, if you continue, I’m going to have to park along the shoulder.”

“Suit yourself. But I’m not stopping if someone comes along to see why you’re pulled over.” She giggled again. She was so very happy. “And you’ll have to explain to the police officer why my face is in your lap.”

Deacon laughed. “I imagine he’ll know exactly why.”

She sucked him deeply between her lips once more and squeezed him with her fingertips. His breathing increased immediately. He slowed the car and did pull over and park, but she didn’t stop.

She heard him turn the emergency lights on and wondered if anyone
stop to see what they were doing. She found the idea of perhaps being caught turned her on. Perhaps there was a slim strand of exhibitionism in her soul after all.

Deacon’s hand went to her head and he stroked the back of her hair. “Sugar,” he whispered.

He was probably close to release. Jessica just sucked harder.

The car windows suddenly lit up along the driver’s side. She could hear the engine of a car approach. Jessica’s heart practically skipped a beat. But she didn’t stop sucking.

“My God, you’re so good,” he murmured. Deacon then groaned and filled her throat with his salty release. She swallowed as the windows around them went dark again. Apparently, the car passed by without caring why they were stopped by the side of the road.

Jessica lifted up from Deacon’s lap, looked out the front windshield and saw a pair of retreating tail lights.

She turned and kissed his cheek. “Guess you got lucky. They didn’t stop.”

“I got lucky in more ways than one.”

“Me too.” Jessica kissed his cheek again and put her head on his shoulder.

“I love you so much,” he said. He slipped an arm around her shoulders, but he didn’t move to start driving again.

“I love you, too.” They sat on the side of the road snuggled together for several minutes before he zipped his pants back up and headed for home. Jessica took complete responsibility for the goofy grin shaping his lips all the way to the front gate of the property.

Once they were safely on the DRMC property and headed to their house, she was surprised when he took a different road.

“Where are we going?” she asked.

“I told you, Boyd and I have a surprise for you.”

“Oh, right. Is that why you got me drunk?”

“I did not have anything to do with getting you drunk, sugar. I just didn’t stop you from that fifth drink you ordered. But it came in handy for the awards ceremony portion of the evening, too. Don’t you think?”

“Yeah, it did. But I’m starting to sober up. We may need to find another bottle. Will being drunk help with wherever we’re going?” she asked until she looked up and saw the Stadium building looming in the darkness. “Are we going to the Stadium?”


“There’s no one inside though, right?”

“Just Boyd, as far as I know. It’s late. Clay is the only other person on the property these days. He’s probably already tucked in at his security fortress for the night.”

Her back went rigid. “Do I have to get on the stage? Or are we going to your box?”

“I’m not exactly certain what Boyd has planned, but I promised I’d bring you here after the reunion party.”

“I’m not ready.”

“Relax, sugar. We aren’t pushing you. Let’s see what Boyd has in store for us.”

The chill in the air went almost unnoticed as Jessica climbed the stairs into the front doors of the Stadium. She’d actually never been here through this door.

The previous times had been through the private stairs and straight to their assigned box.

The sound of her phone ringing caught her off guard as they crossed the threshold of the Stadium’s impressively tall front entrance space.

Jessica answered, “Hello. Karl? Is everything okay?”

“Not exactly. Did you know that Gregory was using my password to discount rooms?”

“What? How would I know that?” She was careful in her wording since yes she had known, but couldn’t prove it.

“I’m sorry, Jessica. It’s been a terrible night. I wanted to let you know that I had to fire Gregory tonight.”

“Really. How did you find out what he was doing?”

“I called the help desk to find out why our rooms were somehow switching over to deep discount hold rooms. I was told it was a manual process and my password was being used to save the rooms.”

“I’m so sorry, Karl.” Jessica hadn’t been sure exactly how Gregory was doing it, just that he’d been using Karl’s log-on information.

“So am I. I had to change my password.”

Jessica smiled. Karl hated to part with that old password. “Is there anything I can do?”

“No. I just wanted to let you know. And to say thank you. If your friends hadn’t demanded to see the manager, who knows how long this would have gone on. He’s been doing this for months and pocketing the cash he received for the cheap rooms.”

Jessica closed her eyes and smiled. Gregory had gotten exactly what he deserved. She was glad that he wasn’t an issue for her any longer. And she hadn’t had to be the one to out him.

“He blamed you, of course. He also deleted the procedure files to get you in trouble. So I’m sorry for that as well.”

“It’s okay, Karl. I’m glad it all turned out well. Are you sure there isn’t anything I can do? Are his shifts covered?”

“It’ll be fine. I’m promoting the night shift desk clerk, Lena, to his position. Will you help to train her?”

“Sure, Karl. No problem.”

Jessica stood just inside the front doors to the Stadium. The place was dark and seemingly deserted. Her two husbands had something to surprise her with, and she was chatting with her boss on the phone. She rolled her eyes at herself.

“I’ll let you go, Jessica. Thanks. I’ll talk to you next week.”

“Right.” Jessica flipped her phone shut and turned to see where Deacon had gone.

He was right behind her. The minute she faced him he grabbed her up in a bear hug and kissed her lips with tender, loving care.

“Thanks for letting me take that call.”

“No problem. Did everything work out as you planned with the guy gunning for your job?”

“Karl fired him tonight. I’m in good graces again. I’ll have to thank Clay for helping.”

“Are you ready to be surprised?”

“I guess. Where’s Boyd?”

“Boyd is right here.” He suddenly appeared from an open door across the foyer and approached the two of them on a fast clip. When he reached them, he kissed her hard on the mouth. “How was the party?”

“Good. It was really nice going as a newlywed instead of a spinster virgin like what I thought would happen two months ago.”

Boyd laughed. “Did Deacon tell you that I have a surprise for you?”

She nodded. “What is it?”

“Not telling you yet.” He lifted his hand which held a black blindfold. “Here, put this on.”

Jessica didn’t mean to panic. “Why?” She must have sounded unnerved.

He grinned. “Because I want to lead you somewhere, and I don’t want you to see it until I tell you to look.”

Jessica pushed out a long breath, trying to gather her courage. “I know I should trust you. Okay. Fine. I can’t be frightened if I can’t see, right?”

Boyd shrugged and grinned. Deacon motioned her to put the blindfold on. She lifted it to her eyes and Boyd helped secure it.

Bound with the soft black fabric tied gently around her eyes, Jessica allowed the two of them to lead her for a few steps. They went left for a while. Then they went right for a while. They went right again, and then left again. Five minutes later, she was completely turned around. They could be on the moon by now for all she knew. The illicit feeling of being led while blindfolded was exhilarating. She was very aroused. Her clit twitched with every step, and her pussy gushed in readiness for whatever sexual adventure they had planned.

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