Jake's Justice, Book Three of Wizards (28 page)

BOOK: Jake's Justice, Book Three of Wizards
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The table’s shape had changed. It was now U shaped with Fluffy and I at the straight end. I affected not to notice the changes as I didn’t want them thinking I was unsophisticated. Fluffy, however, seemed to find it highly amusing. He laughed, with inevitable consequences.

Flames bounced across the table, except that most of them fell straight through it as though it wasn’t there. The table was largely an illusion. None of the elves made any attempt to dodge the flames, which went out when they got too close. I assumed they were probably used to sitting at tables with dragons.

Sitting on the chair I pulled it up to the table. The elves, who had stood up when we landed, sat down again and looked grave. This was my first chance to weigh them up and I ran my eyes over them somewhat self-consciously, as they all stared back at me

They looked very like each other. Tall, thin to the point of looking stretched, especially in the face and most especially ageless. I noticed there were no fat or short people among them.

“My name is Elissia of the Gall Clan,” the woman who had spoken earlier said in a serious tone. “Rather than give you the names of the members of the council, they will introduce themselves as they speak. I hold the Chair at this time. The Chair is rotated among us, changing every fifty years or so. Our calendar is not the same as yours so time scales are only approximate.”

One of the men leaned forward. Though he spoke softly it was as though each word was carved from a solid block of ice.

“Garolan of the Sunna Clan, at your service. You have killed a dozen elders this day. People who have earned the respect we gave them. What gives you the right to murder them?”

[They were trying to kill us. Feel lucky I am not a Dragon Elder or I would be demanding a cull of their clans in reparation.]

Wow, when did my dragon grow a pair that size? I decided to stay out of it as he seemed to have everything under control.

“The decision to terminate you was Farolan’s,” Elissia said sweetly. “Perhaps he should explain his actions to the council.”

She looking over to the fourth man on her right and I realized with a start that it was Farolan. The elves looked so much alike that I hadn’t spotted him. He smiled at Elissia in a friendly way.

“Farolan, Representative of the Elves. Though, of course, we have already met.” He waved in our direction. “The human wizard is a threat to all. He has convinced the Dragons through base deception that he is the Wizard of the Prophesy, though even they sought his death when he betrayed us to the Valhallans.”


It seems the Dragon Leader had tapped into Fluffy and the conversation. The elves identified the new presence and some of them gave small bows.

“You grace us with your presence, Galator. But can you really be sure that this child is the one?” Elissia asked.


Farolan smiled thinly. “The Dragons are mistaken, but it is of no matter. I promised not to attack the wizard. Yet he and his tame dragon assault us within our own worlds and seek our destruction.”

[Who are you calling a

I stood up, mainly to stop Fluffy from leaping over the table and eating Farolan. I’d never heard him sound so angry. My hand on his flank seemed to calm him. Time to stick my oar in.

“You sent the Knights of Justice against me and I was forced to kill most of them. You sent the Braton Stars against me and millions died. You sent the Fedre against me and millions could have died, too many people did that day, including a good friend. You sent your own people against me and a dozen elders have died so far. Their deaths are on your hands, not mine.”

I was trembling with rage by the time I finished. The elves looked unexpectedly cowed, as if a kitten had roared like a tiger and shown his teeth.

“The Braton Stars are a great loss. Many of our worlds are no longer protected by their husbandry of our suns.” Elissia spoke with such sadness that I felt my anger slide away. It’s difficult to maintain a rage against those equally hurt by what had been done.

“Jaston of the Trell Clan. Farolan has acted within the authority delegated to him by this Council. Are his actions that dissimilar from those that any one of us would have done?”

There were murmurings and nods from most of the Council. It appeared that killing wizards was all in a day’s work for a good elf councilor.

[Let us slit Farolan’s throat and we shall say no more on this matter.]

I looked at my dragon in astonishment. That
jibe must have really got to him.

“Impossible,” Elissia said sharply. “Whether we agree with him or not, he acted on the Elves behalf and is therefore under the Council’s protection.”

[Then we will accept the deaths of the members of the Council in reparation. Since as you have pointed out, you take full responsibility for his actions.]

Maybe I should eat more roast lamb? I didn’t think for a minute that Fluffy actually meant it, but he was one hell of a strong negotiator.

There were gasps of indignation from around the table.

“How dare you make such demands?” someone asked. This woman looked a little younger than the others, probably not in her second millennia yet.

[We killed a dozen of your elders in less than a minute. Do you think we could not kill you all if we chose?]

The elves were all on their feet shouting. Elissia shouted louder to make herself heard above the din.

“Perhaps we should take a short break before continuing this hearing? It will allow time for tempers on both sides to cool.”

Everybody seemed to think that was a good idea except Fluffy.

[If this Council continues to hide behind its self-importance, it will kill you.]


“What the hell was that all about?” I whispered to my scaly companion. The council had materialized food and drink for us, but I wasn’t touching it. About the only thing I could tell you of ancient stories about the Fey was, don’t drink their wine and don’t eat their food.

[It was necessary, Jake. The Dragons believe that the Council is not acting in a normal fashion. They have asked me to push them to try and reveal the truth.]

“Have the Dragons considered that this might get us both killed?”

[It was considered, but they felt it worth the risk.]

Brilliant. Sometimes my friends were more dangerous than my enemies. We were pretty powerless before these people and it was only luck that got us out of their trap. We were indulging in a big bluff and I was getting an uncomfortable feeling that the elves were getting ready to call us on it. I’m not that good at reading body language, but even I could see the stiffening of sinews taking place as Farolan moved from one council member to the next.

“Look at Farolan, he’s stirring them up.”

Fluffy glanced at the councilors. [I will inform the Dragon Elders.] His face took on that communicating look.

I could feel tension rising around us. Or maybe anger was a better description. It was getting ugly and the second half of this meeting was not going to be like the first.


“Let us resume,” Elissia said in a tone that brooked no argument.

[As you wish.] Fluffy had finished talking to his people and there was a strange hesitancy in his reply.

“Farolan will chair the remainder of the meeting.”

There were loud mutterings of approval and I readied my defensive magic. I had a feeling I was going to need it. Farolan stood and faced us.

“You are the murderers. You, the betrayers. Over a thousand years of protecting worlds from the rapacious grasp of the Valhallans is about to end because of the selfish actions of one stupid human wizard. One tiny insignificant wizard who was unable to defend himself from a little girl.”

The muttering from the other elves got nastier. In some manner I didn’t understand, Farolan had moved the elves from a path of reconciliation to one of rage. It was almost as if he was controlling them.

Fluffy stood and spurts of flames shot from his nose.

[We are not the aggressors. The elves started this and it is time for you to bring it to an end.]

He really could have phrased that better. It was highly likely the elves would take him up on his offer, and not in a good way. I switched to magic sight to see if I could see any signs that Farolan was controlling the council. It didn’t seem possible, but half an hour ago these people had been almost friendly. Green glows in many shades shone from the forms of the Council. There was plenty of magic around them, but no signs of control. Farolan glared at Fluffy and slammed his fist on the table.

“You invaded our territory and killed a dozen of our most revered elders. There is still time to protect the multiverse from your combined stupidity and we should take it.”

There was something strange about the aura around Farolan’s head. There was a darkness that flitted through the green like a fish darting through water. I sensed the buildup of magical forces and created the strongest shield I could manage.

The first attack nearly destroyed us. Flung back by the force of fifteen immense bolts of magic we slid across the council floor. It was as if a nuclear bomb had gone off in front of us. The blast drove the shield and the two of us with it up the curve of the amphitheater, smashing tree chairs to matchwood as they got in our way. My head was ringing and it was difficult to focus, half my reserves were gone in that attack and I could see the elves were far from finished with us.

The elves stepped towards us, taking up a V formation with Farolan at its point. His face contorted so much that he looked more like a demon than an elf.

“Now you will die for your insolence.”

I could see his aura clearly now he was closer. He glowed much the same green as the other elves except that a black shape, something like a spider or maybe an octopus, writhed across his face. It looked alive and grew bigger as I watched, feeding on his rage.

“Kill them,” Elissia hissed. They were lost in their anger, all of them. Fifteen faces filled with hate glared at us. I felt the forces rise and struggled to concentrate enough to strengthen the shield before they struck

The second blast carried us up to the lip of the amphitheater. My reserves were gone and the shield faded away. The Elves came after us, walking slowly, as though we weren’t worth hurrying for. I tried to hop us away without success. It wasn’t clear if they were blocking me or if I was just empty of magic.

[I can’t glim] Fluffy thought at me desperately. [The Elders cannot help us. They believe the elves have gone insane.]

“What’s black with lots of tentacles and lives in an elf’s aura?”

[Jake, this is no time for stupid jokes.]

“There’s one of them on Farolan’s face.”

I felt Fluffy calm himself by a massive effort of will. [You believe that some creature is directing the elves to attack us? It does not matter. Elves cannot see auras; it is not part of their magic.]

“I don’t want them to see auras. I want them to see the truth.”

The Council was upon us.

“Plead for your lives,” Farolan said. “Or for a quick death. That we might grant you.”

“Keep him talking,” I whispered to Fluffy. There was nothing left to lose, but I still needed the time. I slid behind Fluffy as if I was using his body as a shield. Farolan mustn’t see the knife.

[Hurt us and you will bring the wrath of the Dragons upon you.]

The Council members laughed.

“We do not fear the Dragons. You are a pitiful remnant of the race you once were,” Elissia told Fluffy. “Your human hides behind you as though you can protect him. Soon you will be nothing but roasted lizard.”

‘Oow!’ Pricking my finger hurt. I hastily smeared my blood over both sides of the blade and waited to see if anything happened.

[Your leader is possessed. If you had the eyes to see, you would know it for the truth.]

It sounded like the biggest church bell I have ever heard, going off inches from my ears. I rolled from behind Fluffy, clutching my hands to my head. They were all feeling it too. Especially Farolan, who writhed in agony on the ground. The black shape on his face grew in size and morphed to take on the form of a big black bird. Then it flew away as the sound of the bell slowly faded.

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