Jaded Hearts (9 page)

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Authors: Olivia Linden

Tags: #new adult, #triangle of love, #interracial and multicultural romance

BOOK: Jaded Hearts
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"What are you saying? How do you know that
this feeling is going to last? It always feels good in the

"Do you remember when we first met? When you
bumped into me?
Amor a primera vista.
wanted you since then,” he said.

Love at first sight? Oh lord...

"Wanted. That sounds physical,” I

"Yes, that's part of it. I also want more. I
want to know that you're mine. I want to take care of you. I want

"Take care of me?"  I mused.

This reminded me of Evan.

"Can't we just get to know each other
first?" I asked. The level of attraction I had for him was enormous
and terrifying, but I wanted to tell him that I barely knew

I'm not doing that again.  

I knew he wouldn't like my response and the
frown on his face showed it. He rolled onto his back, pulling me on
top of him. I straddled his hips and leaned into him, holding onto
either side of his broad chest. I heard the pounding of his heart,
and then I heard him sigh.

"Jade, I know this is too fast, too soon,
crazy, whatever you want to call it. I also know that I've never,
ever, thought about someone as much as I do you, or wanted someone
as much as I want you. I went home last night planning on teaching
you a lesson. When I saw the dejected look on your face when I said
I was going home it nearly killed me. When Victor dropped me off, I
couldn't even go into my own home, and drove myself back here to
find your lights still on. I knew you were thinking of me too.
Baby, tell me I'm not going insane."  He buried his face into
my hair even as his voice demanded that I answer.

He was right. My heart surged for the first
time instead of my lady parts. I sat up on his chest pressing my
face to his. He cupped my face in his hands as he studied my eyes
trying to read my reaction. I felt the same emotion that was
dancing in his eyes. Fear.

"I love looking into your eyes.
Tienes los ojos más bonitos del mundo." He placed small
kisses along the side of my face as he continued to tell me how
beautiful I was.  I had to force myself not to squirm away
from his embrace. I still wasn't used to such an intense display of
affection, and my insides flip-flopped as my emotions battled
against my mind.

Can this be real? Can he be real?

"I'm no good at this Jules. I'm scared," I

"I think about you just as much and I want
you constantly. That scares me. I've never felt so out of control.
I feel like I'm losing it, and I don't know what to do,” I
confessed between ragged breaths.

Julian held me tighter as he tried to
comfort my sudden anxiety attack.

Bella. Don't be
afraid of your feelings."  

I rested my head on his chest until the
pounding in my ears lessened and then I heard his heart beating.

I kissed every inch of his face to ease the
emotion that I saw since I knew my words wouldn't. For once he was
silent. So I continued.

"Give me some time. I just need to know that
this is right."

Still silence. His eyes were closed so I
couldn't read his expression, but I could feel his need and desire
growing against my stomach.

"Jade." He spoke with his eyes still

I kissed one eyelid.

"Yes, Papi?" I answered. Papi? I must be
going crazy. I am crazy, I have to be.

Yet, I kissed the other eyelid as I waited
for his response.

"Show me how you feel then, make love to
me." He wrapped his arms around me as I kissed his lips.

The ache in my heart was now joined by the
greedy ache of desire. He understood my language.

Hours passed as we spent the day in bed. We
had breakfast in bed. The only time we spent outside of the bed was
for him to watch me make breakfast and to rifle through my music
collection as we lounged on the couch waiting for lunch. He liked
my classical and swing collections, and created a play list to
listen to as we ate lunch in the hot tub. He called it our Sushi in
the Jacuzzi mix and I fed him with chopsticks as we lounged in the
luxurious bubbles. This was what I needed, to connect with him
without being connected to his body. I was in heaven. In typical
Julian fashion he had a bottle of Laurent-Perrier Rosé brought to
us by one of his employees. He must have read my mind as he walked
back over to the tub with the bottle and two glasses.

"Penny for your thoughts," he asked as he
poured my glass. I waited for him to pour his own so we could toast
and took a long sip.


"I was just thinking that until the
champagne this is what normal people do. They share meals without
rushing out to rip each other's clothes off, and they spend time
finding out what they have in common and so on..." Julian laughed
at me as he took in my words.

"So, you don't like when I rip your clothes
off? I will be sure to make a note of that."

I narrowed my eyes at him as I splashed his
face, then he grabbed my leg as if he were going to pull me under
the bubbles, but he just massaged it instead. I leaned back with a
sigh of relief, and he laughed some more.

I love it when he laughs.

"What?" He asked.

It took me a moment to figure out that I had
spoken out loud. I stared at him for a few moments speculating if I
should answer or play stupid, but the seriousness of his stare
waited for me to repeat myself. I pulled my foot away and waded
through the bubbles to wrap myself on his lap.

"I said I love it when you laugh."

He took in a long breath as my words
affected him, and my heart raced wildly as I waited for his
response. His eyes grew dark with emotion as he rested his lips
against mine.

"Just like I love so many things about you.
The laughing, smiling, crying, running, feisty, sensual, lustful,
breakfast making, pink champagne drinking, Frank Sinatra, and
Beethoven loving Jade."

Tears welled up in my eyes as I was
overwhelmed with the unexpected declaration of his heart. No one
has ever said anything so sweet to me. Emotions that I couldn't pin
down swirled around inside of me.

How did I get here?

Julian wiped the tears that were rolling
down my cheek.

"Baby, what's wrong, talk to me."

 I tilted my head with indignation.

"I am not lustful," I exclaimed with fake

An uproarious laugh escaped his chest before
he composed himself and held me tighter. I giggled as he nipped and
sucked on my lips, relief washing over us both.

"Oh yea? Well, let's see."

His hands investigated each curve of my body
as his fingers flicked over my suddenly erect nipples past my navel
and between the folds of my lower lips. He slowly circled the
entrance of my desire playing with the slickness that betrayed my
body even in a hot tub.

"Yep. "He declared. "Definitely,

I giggled some more at his confirmation of
my guilt and then my giggles turned to moans as his fingers
investigated the soft insides of my sensitive pussy, massaging my

Oh yes!

He smiled against my lips enjoying my
display of just how right he was.

Sunday I was awoken to being served
breakfast in bed. I was so exhausted from the previous day full of
lovemaking that I didn't even notice when Julian had left the bed.
After breakfast, we made love some more and then we shared a long
shower. Then Julian left to take care of all the business he had
blown off the day before. In the last twenty-four hours things had
changed so drastically between us and I was reeling, but


Make That a Threesome



Winter shifted into spring, days turned into
weeks, and weeks turned into months as we pretended to take things
slow. Slow just didn't seem possible with a man like Julian. For
the first time in my life I could say that I was totally swept off
my feet. Not only did he shower me with gifts and affection, but
also he took an active interest in my life. He wanted to know
everything about me, my past, and my dreams. We took trips
together, to Atlantic City, The Poconos, and even a quick weekend
in Las Vegas. I felt like I was always on the go. If we weren't
planning a weekend trip, we were at the club feeding my newfound
party-girl habit.

And the thrill I felt when I was with him
never faded. Every time he touched me it sparked flames of desire
inside of me. His passion consumed me, and elicited a mirrored
response. Julian had no trouble getting through the walls that I
erected around my heart, walls that had been up since I was to
young to even understand that I was guarding my heart.

Those where my thoughts early one Monday
morning before work. Standing in my closet, I chose to set my focus
on deciding which new suit to wear. As much as I was caught up in
Julian's snare, I still had a bigger desire for success in my
career. So I picked out a gray chambray skirt suit with a lavender
camisole underneath. It was hard to dress for success in the
sweltering heat and humidity of spring in the city.

I settled in at my desk as Donna walked in
with our morning caffeine fix. Two iced cold hazelnut cappuccinos.
She sat at the chair across from me and snacked on a muffin
eyeballing me suspiciously.

"So, how was your weekend Ms. Spencer?"

I pulled away from my yummy drink and eyed
her suspiciously in return.

"My weekend was good Mrs. Reyes. Thanks for
asking. How was yours?" I attempted to keep my tone neutral.

Donna cracked a smile and then leaned

"OK, out with it missy. You've got a certain
glow and I want to know why. I'm married and that glow wore off
years ago, but I know it when I see it."

I burst into laughter at her inquiry.

"Donna! I can't believe you! A lady does not
kiss and tell," I declared.

She shook her head in refusal. "No, no, no.
You spill the beans, and you spill them now. I don't give up easy
and we have work to do so let's go."

I liked Donna and somehow decided she was a
much-needed friend at that moment. I could use an unbiased opinion
on the situation with Julian.


I gave her a summary of events of the last
few weeks.

"Wow, he's got it bad."

Her response was almost a squeal, and I
shook my head in agreement as she continued.

"And, from the sound and looks of it, so do
you. What are you going to do? I mean, do you really think he's all
dark and dangerous as Vivian says he is?" she questioned.

I considered her questions truly wishing I
had definitive answers. Just as I was about to express my confusion
Donna received a call through her headset.

"Good morning. Jade Spencer's office." I saw
a surprised then curious expression grow across her face.

"Yes, Mr. Benson," she said with raised
brows. "Hold one moment and I will transfer you to Ms.

My stomach quivered slightly as she put the
call on hold.

"OK, so our previous convo is TBC and then
you can fill me in on the details of this call."

I waited for her to close the door before I
picked up my blinking line.

"Good morning, John." I wasn't certain what
else to say and decided since he did the calling he should do the

"Good morning Jade. I know I told you to
call me, but I have an opportunity that can't wait and I want to
involve you. I think we can kill two birds with one stone on this."
His voice was so smooth and soothing he could have been a salesman.

"OK, you have my attention. Fill me in,
please." I was eager to hear his plan.

"That's what I was hoping to hear." John
went on to lay out a brief summary of his plan and we arranged to
meet for lunch to discuss the details.

I was instantly grateful that I had chosen
to wear my hair curly the second I hit the humidity of high noon. I
was meeting John for lunch at Lincoln Ristorante, which he chose
and was a short walk from my office. I was also thankful of the
fact that my gray Calvin Klein pumps were comfortable. John was
already waiting for me when I walked up flashing that award-winning
smile as he greeted me.

"Jade." He grabbed my hand and brushed his
lips against it. I felt myself flush slightly at that simple

What the?

"Hi John. Should we get started? I'm very
excited." And I was. We were seated and after we both ordered the
Pollo Arrosto he began to fill me in.

"OK. So what we have are two clients with a
mutual interest. Hector Delgado wants to promote his tequila and
The Anglers need exposure for their band. I can take it that far,
but I need you to fill in the blanks. Hector is only going to be
here for another two weeks so even though its short notice, I was
thinking by putting them together we would be able to pull a large
enough crowd, and send Mr. Hidalgo back to Peru happy." He leaned
back in his chair after taking a sip of his sparkling water.

As he spoke I couldn't help but notice his
confident, casual, sexiness. The golden highlights of his hair that
played up the hazel tone of his eyes. His strong jaw line, and his
perfectly shaped teeth covered by a set of full strawberry lips. I
snapped out of my daze to respond with my plan.

I must be in heat...

"John, I think I can make this a threesome."
I realized how that sounded when his brow shot up in curiosity. I
laughed at his shock.

"No, not in that way. I have a client that
also needs some exposure for her boutique. She has been working
with a club owner to do some hosting and possibly a fashion show so
I think we can put all three together and create an amazing event.
A fashion show for the boutique serving Delgado tequila while the
Anglers play." I was impressed with myself, and I could tell by
John's growing smile that he was also.

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