Read Jaded Online

Authors: Ember Leigh

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Erotika romance

Jaded (30 page)

BOOK: Jaded
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“I couldn’t sleep.”

He thought back to the roses he’d left the night before, hoping that in combination with his note they would have had some effect on her. “Why not?”

“Too much thinking.”

. “I’m glad you’re home today.”

She sighed. “Well, I can’t hide forever, I suppose.”

His heart sank. “I’d hate to think you have to hide from me.”

She was silent.

He moved closer to her. “What are you watching?”

Romeo and Juliet

“I’m glad you’re talking to me.”

“I suppose I can’t ignore you forever, either.”

He was close enough to her that he could sit on the couch, so he did. He noticed she stiffened slightly.

“I won’t bite,” he said. With a grin, he added, “Unless you want me to.”

She cracked a brief smile, and then quickly erased it.

“Oh, I saw that smile,” he teased, nudging her with his arm.

She sighed and continued to stare at the TV.

“What are you doing tonight?” He felt shameless but he knew he couldn’t stop trying. His heart would never forgive him if he didn’t pursue the one woman who had captured his heart.

“A lot of things,” she said.

“Any room in there for a cup of coffee or something?”

“Probably not.”

“Are you just lying to me?”


He stared hard at her, slightly dismayed. “Isabella, I don’t want you to hate me for the rest of your life.”

She said nothing.

“You’re too important for me to give up on.”

She bit her bottom lip, never breaking her gaze from the TV.

“Just let me spend some time with you. That’s all I want.” The range of emotions that played across her face signaled to Luke that she was struggling on the inside. He was getting close.


“I’ll think about it,” Isabella said, when all she wanted to say was that she’d been craving him near her, talking to her, laughing with her, and putting his lips all over her body. She wanted him more than she could admit to herself, which scared her. She’d taken to watching sappy movies and listening to heartbreaking love songs, skipping entirely the treadmill phase. That was bad news.

Luke gazed at her with such intensity that it unnerved her without his even making eye contact. She gulped back tears—although she wasn’t sure where they’d come from—and prayed he wouldn’t touch her or try to venture any closer. One more inch, and she’d melt into his arms. Two more inches, and she’d melt into his heart.

He finally stood and silently retreated. Isabella heaved a sigh of relief and sank deeper into her couch, feeling the creeping fingers of fatigue claw at her mind. She’d been up almost half the night, the strong message of Luke’s note and flowers dancing across her mind incessantly. She needed to sleep but it seemed as though her heart was in too much of a knot to allow it. She needed Luke too but it seemed as though her mind was in too much of a knot to allow that, either.

She wasn’t sure what she should do at this point. Kitty’s wedding was in a matter of days and she still had the godawful task of picking someone to come with her. It was perfectly feasible that she could just go alone, but the scorn that would ensue from her solo flight to her sister’s wedding was enough to make her contemplate finding even a complete stranger to accompany her.

Luke popped into her mind, as he did often, and she tried to ignore the urge to invite him to the wedding. That would send him the wrong message, and...

Wrong message
? Her heart writhed in her chest.
The message that you want him and still love him is hardly the wrong message!

She felt dizzy. There was too much thinking and too many conflicting emotions. The only way she’d be able to make a coherent decision was to sleep on it.

Just as she made the decision to go upstairs and get in bed, she drifted off into a deep sleep.


“Isabella?” Luke gently shook her shoulder, trying to rouse her from her slumber. “Isabella, we’re gonna start working in here probably won’t want to stick around.”

She grumbled something and turned her face from him.

“’s gonna be loud, and annoying, and I know you want to sleep.”

She didn’t move.

“Let me take her upstairs, guys,” he said to the workers who were setting up equipment at the far wall of the room. “I’ll be back in minute.”

He scooped her into his arms effortlessly, trying not to stare at her as she slumped against him, wisps of hair falling over her eyes and looking beautiful as she slept.
I want this woman to be with me forever.
Luke wanted to kiss her but knew that doing so would be false. He didn’t just want her lips against his—he wanted to know that she wanted

He climbed the stairs carefully, hardly daring to breathe for fear it would wake her. In her bedroom, he laid her down gently, and then peeled back the covers on the other side of the bed. Her head had lolled to a corner of the pillow, and a small smile had made its way onto her face. He felt like laughing and crying at the same time. This woman had changed him in ways he had thought were impossible.

“Sleep tight,” he whispered, dragging his fingertips down the side of her face. She mumbled something and her eyes fluttered open, blinking slowly, obviously still ensconced in her sleepiness.

“I brought you upstairs,” he whispered, “so we didn’t bother you when we started working.”

She mumbled her gratitude and burrowed deeper beneath the covers.

He stood to leave, the touch of her skin against his still burning in his mind. As he was exiting the room, she called out for him.

“What?” He spun on his heels.

“Don’t leave,” she whispered in a sleepy slur, eyes closed. She flung an arm across the empty space in her bed. “Come here.”

Luke’s heart nearly burst within his chest. “Are you sure?”


He approached the bed again and sat on the edge.

“Just hold me,” she whispered, sounding pitiful and desperate. His heart twisted in his chest and without a second thought, he kicked off his work boots and slid beneath the covers. He eased himself in next to her, gently working his arms around her so that she fit against him. His whole body tingled with joy and he exhaled. She felt more perfect than he’d remembered. She snuggled deeper into his arms, forming her body against his.

He skimmed his fingers down the length of her back, delicately inhaling the sweet scent of her hair. A warm, numbing happiness spread throughout his body, and he couldn’t imagine anything that could bring him more joy than this moment.

“Isabella,” he said as he exhaled, brushing his lips against the top of her head. A storm of emotions charged through his veins. This was a bittersweet torture, to hold her and kiss her when he knew that it wouldn’t last forever.

She stirred from within his embrace. He looked down at her, watching the soft curve of her cheek as she tilted her head up toward him. Her eyelashes fluttered softly as she opened her eyes and looked directly at him.

His breath caught in his throat and he prepared himself for surprise, anger, cold shoulder, whatever method she might use to push him away.

She was silent as she struggled to focus on him. He saw consciousness seep across her eyes in waves. Soon, she was clear-eyed and staring hard at him.

He gulped and inched out of her bed, resisting the incredible urge to kiss her.

“Sleep tight,” was all he could muster. He picked up his work boots and, with one last glance at her, retreated from her bedroom.


If there had ever been a look that changed her life, it was the look on Luke’s face as he left her bedroom.

Isabella could scarcely breathe for fear of disturbing the tumultuous thoughts running through her brain. Everything was murky as she struggled to recall what she’d done while half-asleep. Luke’s face was burning bright in her mind like a freshly branded scar. The raw pain of his heartache, surfacing across his hardened features, spoke louder than anything he’d ever said to her.

She remembered being picked up, carried up the stairs, thinking at first that she was floating in a dream, and then realizing a pair of strong arms was doing the carrying. Then, suddenly, she had opened her eyes and Luke was lying next to her, staring into her soul, his hands around her waist.

What scared her more than being unable to recall how he’d gotten there was the pure joy that had exploded in her body when he was the first thing she’d woken up to. She’d had no words for him, so instead stared dumbly at him.

And then he’d gotten out of the bed. Why had he done that? She’d wanted him to stay—she wanted to keep those arms around her waist, the scruffiness of his chin pressed against the top of her head, the seeping warmth of his body forever spilling into hers.

What could she do now? Her body was exhausted, but her senses were on high alert. The feel of Luke so near had done wonders to her mind. He was certainly better than any espresso she’d ever had.

But no, she had to say something to him. The task of finding a partner for Kitty’s wedding hurtled into her mind. Of course! She’d ask him if he wanted to accompany her. She was almost positive he’d say yes, and if he didn’t, then, well...she wasn’t sure what she’d do, but she’d think of something. She needed to be near Luke. The end days of construction were nigh, and if things weren’t resolved before then...who knew what would become of him?

She rolled out of her bed, stumbling around for a few moments as her exhausted body struggled to find the energy to stand. She tottered out of her bedroom and caught Luke stepping off the bottom step of the stairway.

He turned at the sound of her bedroom door shutting and looked up at her, electricity snapping between them.

“Luke, I forgot to tell you something.” She gripped the banister with both hands, noticing how slick they’d become.

He watched her intently, a smile forming at his lips. “What is it, babe?”

The use of his pet name for her made her heart leap into her throat and happiness oozed through her limbs.
I could hear him call me that for the rest of our lives.
“Uh...I...Kitty’s wedding. It’s this weekend. And, uh...” She cleared her throat. “I need a date. Not a date. I mean, someone to go with me.”

A full smile emerged. “And?”

“And...I need you to go with me.”

He nodded slowly, pretending to contemplate it. “Need me to, huh? Well, I guess I’ll have to help my damsel in distress, if that’s the way to spend some time with you.”

She sighed with relief. “Thank you. This means a lot to me. Really.”

“Isabella, I’d be your date to a garbage dump if you’d let me,” he said, laughing.

She bit back a laugh. “That’s romantic. I’ll see if we can pencil that in some time.”

She saw his fingers twitch and it looked like he was ready to come running up the stairs at her, but he thought better of it. “Sounds good. Now go rest, Bella.”

She offered him one last smile, then retreated into her bedroom and fell into a deep slumber.

Chapter Fifteen

“Honey, it’s the
!” Her mother’s shrill voice rang in her ear and she winced.

“How could we forget? You’ve only been waiting for this day for two decades.”

“Oh, Kitty is just having a hairy
over all of this! Isabella, I’m so excited! Can’t you just feel it in the air? It’s a day made for love!”

Isabella laughed. “It’s a day made for love, and stress, and panicking, and eventually, nuptials.”

“I suppose you’re correct, dear. Now are you all ready to meet at the church? We need to be there in an hour.”

“Yep, just waiting on Luke to get here.”

“Ah, that Luke man. What a man, indeed. Isabella, he is gorgeous. Did you ever think how beautiful your children might be?”

She rolled her eyes. “I hadn’t thought of that, actually. But, I mean, you’re right...”

“Something to think about, my dear!”

“Okay, enough grandchild and future wedding bells talk. I’ll see you guys in an hour at the church.”

“And your hair is all done?”

“Yes, Kitty and I left the salon before noon, our hair is perfect, and she’s with the other bridesmaids at the church right now.”

“Lovely. Good god, Isabella, I can’t wait for this wedding! Don’t be late!”

Isabella calmly set the phone down, noting the swirls of excitement circulating throughout her tummy. To say that she was excited for her time with Luke was a drastic understatement. She was curious to see what he would say to her, how he would behave, and what doors might open for continuing their time together once the project wrapped up.

She was concerned that she might lose all her footing and throw herself at him once the reception rolled around. It was important to her to remain slightly aloof, to withhold the intensity of what she felt for him. With the open bar, relaxed atmosphere, and his inevitable smooth words and heart-melting eyes, she felt the pressure to not do something she’d regret.

But do I have to regret it?
She stared at her reflection in the mirror; her hair was gathered and clipped loosely to the side, the bottom half of her hair spilling in soft curls over her shoulder. She didn’t have to regret anything about this evening if she didn’t want to. If she wanted to spend the evening with Luke and see where things went from there, what was the harm?

Their pending evening together had consumed her thoughts for days. Really, the man had taken over her rational mind since the moment she met him, but the magnitude of this situation had especially left her mulling endlessly. Had she forgiven him? The answer was yes, and she knew it resoundingly. He’d proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was an upstanding man, wildly dedicated to her and ready to try whatever it took to keep her in his life. And that, aside from the other pluses—skilled, smart, good-looking, funny, sociable, tender, and a thousand other things—was one of the most reassuring aspects.

BOOK: Jaded
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