Read Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis: The Untold Story Online
Authors: Barbara Leaming
sole jolts of color:
New York Times
, May 24, 1994.
The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your e-book. Please use the search function on your e-reading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.
Addison’s disease
Agnellis, Gianni
Agnellis, Marella
Aldrich, Winthrop
Alexandra, Czarina (of Russia)
Alphand, Hervé
Alsop, Joseph
Ambassador Hotel, Los Angeles
American Psychiatric Association
Anderson, Sherwood
Angkor temples, Cambodia
Archer, Jeffrey
Arlen, Michael
Arlington National Cemetery, Virginia
Arms and the Covenant
Army Corps of Engineers
Arthur, King (legendary figure)
Arvad, Inga
Asquith, Raymond
assassination of JFK
books about
Jackie’s trauma from
Warren Commission’s investigation of
assassination of King
assassination of RFK
The Astaire Story
Astor, Brooke
Astor, Jakie
Atget, Eugène
The Atrocity Exhibition
Auchincloss, Hugh D., Jr. “Hughdie”
Auchincloss, Janet (daughter)
Auchincloss, Janet Lee Bouvier (mother)
Auchincloss, Louis
Balanchine, George
Baldrige, Letitia
Baldwin, Billy
Baldwin, Stanley
Balenciaga, Cristóbal
Ballard, J. G.
Ball, George
Bartels, Elmer
Bartlett, Charles
Bartlett, Martha
Baudelaire, Charles
Baxter, Charles
Beardsley, Mimi
Beaton, Cecil
Beaverbrook, Lord
Bellow, Saul
Bergquist, Laura
Bernstein, Leonard
Berry, Lady Pamela
Bethesda Naval Hospital, Maryland
Billings, Lem
Bishop, Jim
Boston Globe
Boston Herald
Boston Post
Boudin, Stéphane
Bouvier, John “Black Jack”
death of
Bowdoin, Aileen
Bowdoin, Helen “Bow”
Bradlee, Ben
Bradlee, Tony
Brady, Matthew
Brenner, Marie
Breuer, Marcel
Brittain, Ann
Browne, Anthony Montague
Buchan, John
Buckley, William
Bundy, McGeorge
Burke, Edmund
Burke, Richard
Burke, William “Onions”
Burns, James MacGregor
Bush, George H. W.
Callas, Maria
Camelot (Kennedy-era reference)
Campbell, Joseph
Campbell, Judith
Canfield, Cass
Canfield, Michael
Carpenter, Liz
Carter, Jimmy
Cassini, Igor
Cassini, Oleg
Castro, Fidel
Catherine I, Empress (of Russia)
Cavafy, C. P.
Cavendish, Andrew
Cecil, David
Cedars-Sinai Hospital
Chappaquiddick incident
The Chattanooga Times
Chicago riots (1968)
Churchill, Clementine
Churchill, Randolph
Churchill, Winston
Clapton, Eric
Clark, Kemp
Cleland, Max
Clinton, Bill
Clinton, Hillary
Cohn, Roy
Concerned Citizens of America
Congdon, Don
Connally, John
Connally, Nellie
Cooke, Terence
Cooper, Duff
Cooper, Irving
Cooper, John Sherman
Cooper, Lady Diana
Corbin, R. Beverley, Jr. “Bev”
Cowles, Gardner
Cowley, Malcolm
Cuban Missile Crisis
Curry, Jesse
Daley, Richard
Dallas, Rita
Davies, Marion
Davis, Peter
Davis, Sir Daniel
The Day Christ Died
Day, John
The Day Kennedy Was Shot
The Day Lincoln Was Shot
The Death of a President
See also
Manchester, William
DeBeers diamond cartel
de Gaulle, Charles
de Gaulle, Yvonne
de la Renta, Françoise
de la Renta, Oscar
Democratic Convention, 1956
Democratic Convention, 1960
Democratic Convention, 1964
Democratic Convention, 1968
Democratic Convention, 1980
Democratic Convention, 1988
de Renty, Countess
Devonshire, Andrew
Devonshire, Debo
de Zulueta, Philip
Diaghilev, Sergei
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
Dillon, C. Douglas
D’Oench, Russell, Jr.
Douglas-Home, Rachel
Douglas-Home, William
Ebenezer Baptist Church, Atlanta
Eden, Anthony
Edgeworth, Maria
Eisenhower, Dwight
Castro plot by
Eisenhower, Mamie
Eldridge, Florence
Elizabeth I, Empress (of Russia)
Elizabeth II, Queen (of United Kingdom)
Faulkner, William
Fay, Anita
Fay, Red
The Feminine Mystique
Ferber, Edna
Field, Patsy
Fitzgerald, F. Scott
Fitzwilliam, 8th Earl
Forrestal, James
Fortas, Abe
Fraser, Hugh
Freud, Anna
Freud, Sigmund
Friedan, Betty
The Front Page
Galbraith, John Kenneth
Galella, Ron
Gallagher, Mary
Garoufalidis, Artemis
Gates, Ellen “Puffin”
Georgetown University
George Washington University
Gill, Brendan
Gilpatric, Roswell
Givenchy, Hubert de
Glaser, Vera
Glory of Russian Costume
Goldwater, Barry
Goodbye Darkness
Graham, Katharine
Great Crash of 1929
Great Society program
Greco-Turkish War of 1922
The Greek Way
Grenadier Guards (WW I)
Gromyko, Andrei
Guest, C. Z.
Guinness, Gloria
Guinness, Loel
Guinzburg, Thomas
The Guns of August
Guthman, Edwin
Haag, Christina
Hamill, Pete
Hamilton, Edith
Hannan, Philip
Harlech, Lady (Sissie Ormsby-Gore)
Harlech, Lord (David Ormsby-Gore)
death of
Harper & Row
Harriman, W. Averell
Hartington, Billy (Marquess of Hartington)
Healing and the Mind
Heath, Edward
Hecht, Ben
Hemingway, Ernest
Hepburn, Audrey
Hill, Anita
Hill, Clint
Hitler, Adolf
Holme, Bryan
House Committee on Veterans Affairs
Hoving, Thomas
Humphrey, Hubert
Husted, Helen Armstrong
Husted, John G. W., Jr.
Ibsen, Jackie Henrik
Illinois National Guardsmen
Inquiring Camera Girl column
International Rescue Committee
In the Russian Style
“I Think of Those Who Were Truly Great” (Spender)
Jackson, Michael
Jacobson, Max
Jefferson, Thomas
John F. Kennedy
(aircraft carrier)
John F. Kennedy Library, Boston
John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard
John, King (of England)
Johnson, Lady Bird
Johnson, Lyndon B.
Jackie’s relationship with
JFK assassination and
RFK’s relationship with
Vietnam War policy by
Johnson, U. Alexis
Julien, Alfred
Kazan, Elia
Keating, Kenneth
Kefauver, Estes
Kennedy, Arabella
Kennedy, Caroline
birth of
bomb ignited near
Jackie’s death and
marriage of
Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Washington, D.C.
Kennedy, Ethel
RFK assassination and
Kennedy, Eunice
Kennedy, Jean
Kennedy, Joan
Kennedy, John F. “Jack” (JFK).
See also
assassination of JFK
books written by
burial/reburial of
campaign, presidential, of
campaign, vice-presidential, of
Castro plot by
children’s births/miscarriages and
Cuban Missile Crisis and
death of
family dynamics and
health of
Jackie’s courtship by
as journalist
marriage of
as president
as senator
womanizing of
Kennedy, John F., Jr.
birth of
Jackie’s death and
political appearances by
Kennedy, Joseph P., Jr.
death of
Kennedy, Joseph P., Sr.
family dynamics and
image shaping by
Jackie’s relationship with
womanizing and
Kennedy, Kathleen “Kick”
Kennedy, Patrick Bouvier
Kennedy, Robert “Bobby” (RFK)
assassination of
Jackie’s relationship with
JFK books and
JFK’s death and
Johnson’s relationship with
King’s assassination and
presidential campaign of
as senatorial candidate
as vice presidential candidate
Vietnam War policy and
Kennedy, Rose
JFK assassination and
RFK assassination and
Kennedy, Teddy
Chappaquiddick incident by
Jackie’s death and
as presidential candidate
RFK assassination and
womanizing of
Kerouac, Jack
Khan, Ayub
Khrushchev, Nikita
Kilgallen, Dorothy
King, Coretta Scott
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
Kirkland, Gelsey
Knickerbocker, Cholly
Knights of the Round Table
Kris, Ernst
Kris, Marianne
Krock, Arthur
, Nguy
n Cao
Labouisse, Henry
Lambert, Eleanor
Landis, Paul
Lawford, Pat Kennedy
Lawford, Peter
Lenin, Vladimir
Leonard, John
Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
Lincoln, Abraham
Lincoln, Evelyn
“The Locust Years” (Churchill)
Lodge, Henry Cabot
Loewenstein, Rudolph
London, Martin
Long Hot Summer of 1967
Los Angeles Times
Lowenstein, Allard
MacArthur, Charles
Macaulay, Thomas Babington
MacDonald, Phyllis
MacDonald, Torby
Macmillan, Harold
Magna Carta
The Making of the President 1960
Malenkov, Georgy
Malraux, Andre
Manchester, William
Mankiewicz, Frank
Man of La Mancha
Mansfield, Mike
Mao Tse-tung
March, Frederic
Margaret, Princess (Countess of Snowden)
Marie Antoinette, Queen (of France)
The Master Builder
Maverick in Mauve
McCarthy, Eugene
McCarthy, Joseph
McFadden, Mary
McGovern, George
McGrory, Mary
McMillin, Miles
McNamara, Marg
McNamara, Robert
Jackie’s relationship with
JFK assassination and
Vietnam policy by
McSorley, Richard T.
Mellon, Paul
Mellon, Rachel “Bunny”
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City
Meyer, André
Meyer, Mary
Mikoyan, Anastas
Millay, Edna St. Vincent
Miller, Arthur
Miss Porter’s boarding school, Farmington, Connecticut
Mistral, Gabriela
Monroe, Marilyn
Moran, Lord
Morrison, Norman
Moutsatsos, Kiki Feroudi
Moyers, Bill
Museum of the City of New York
Muskie, Edmund
My Fair Lady
National Cathedral, Washington, D.C.
Newman, Larry
The New Yorker
New York Herald Tribune
New York Post
The New York Times
Niarchos, Stavros
Nicholas, Czar (of Russia)
Nichols, Mike
9/11 attacks
Nixon, Richard
non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Nureyev, Rudolf
O’Donnell, Kenny
Onassis, Alexander
Onassis, Aristotle
Callas’s relationship with
Churchill as guest of
death of
Jackie’s courtship by
Jackie’s marriage to
Onassis, Christina
Onassis, Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy.
See also
assassination of JFK; posttraumatic stress disorder
in boarding school
children’s births/miscarriages and
college studies, European, by
college studies, Georgetown University, by
college studies, George Washington University, by
college studies, Vassar, by
death of
as debutante
as editor at Doubleday
as editor at Viking
health of
Husted’s courtship of
JFK books and
JFK’s assassination and
as journalist
Kennedy’s courtship of