Jackson (The Love Family Series Book 8) (6 page)

BOOK: Jackson (The Love Family Series Book 8)
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“Wait…isn’t that the company that Landon, Avery, and Reed work for?” Scarlett mumbled.

“Marsh Corp. has been trying to clone those abilities for years. Dating back to when your parents were our age. Several of the test subjects died from the vials of blue liquid they were injected with during the testing, and they were replaced by new subjects. They lied to the families about how all of the individuals died. The FBI director’s sister, Regina Storm, oversees the lab where the testing was done, which is why it wasn’t safe for me to do anything with the information. Somehow, they had found out that I was looking into it, and stuff started happening. I knew I was in trouble.”

“I don’t understand,” Jackson whispered and paused the video. “That company has been good to Jackson, Avery, and now Reed.”

“Maybe they haven’t realized that the Loves have abilities, or maybe Marsh Corp. does know and is testing them to determine if they do. Avery doesn’t,” she answered as she entwined her fingers with Jackson’s to offer support as he pushed the play button again.

“In those files, you’ll find a name that, at first, I didn’t recognize until I saw the picture. Martin Heart’s story is remarkable. He and one other woman escaped the facility almost forty years ago, and they were never found…until now. I don’t know how to tell you this.”
Rosie closed her eyes and exhaled a breath before reopening them
. “Martin Heart could never be found because the last name was wrong. When I saw the picture, I immediately made the connection. His last name isn’t Heart; it’s Love. Martin escaped that day with a woman named Mary. Jackson…Your aunt and uncle were subjected to those tests, and Marsh Corp. has been searching for them all these years.”

Jackson paused the video and dropped Scarlett’s hand. He walked to the back of the storage unit and ran his hand through his hair. The muscles in his arms clenched, and his jaw ticked.  Scarlett held her hand to the knots in her stomach. This whole thing was worse than she could have ever imagined. She’d never be able to tell the story without exposing the test subjects and making them potentially an even bigger target. And she’d never do anything to hurt the Loves. Rosie must have known she’d never expose the information, so why hadn’t she gone straight to Jackson with this data? Her actions didn’t make sense. 

Jackson stomped back over to the computer and stabbed the play button again.

“I’m sorry to put all of this on you two. This is a heavy burden to carry, and to be honest, I have no idea how you’ll handle it. These people are inhumane and are stealing people off the streets to run their tests on. They need to be stopped, but you’ll have to figure out at what cost. If you’re listening to this, then I didn’t make it, and I’m sorry for that too. I wanted to help you. I wanted to warn you, and I’m sorry.”
Rosie lowered her head and continued talking
. “This computer has an external hard drive. Take it with you. In the downloaded files, you’ll find some actual video footage of what they were doing as proof and how some of the people died, contradicting the files on the desk. Use it as you will. I wish you all the luck in the world, my friends. God speed.

“Jackson, I’m so sorry.” Scarlett wrapped her arms around his waist. “This is the worst thing we could have ever found.”

Jackson turned her into his arms and rested his chin on the top of her head. Her heart clenched for him and his entire family. There was no easy fix. There was no easy out without exposing the Loves’ secrets.

“We need to leave.” He dropped his hold on her and disconnected the hard drive while she took the stack of files.

“Where are we going?” She walked beside him out of the storage facility. “We can’t go back to the house. Avery and Landon already told their boss where we were. It’s not safe.”

“I know.” He hit the fob for the SUV and climbed in. “We need to personally meet with the others so I can debrief them on the situation, and we need to talk to Uncle Martin, Aunt Mary, and my father. It makes sense now.”

“What does?”

“My promise to my mother.” He glanced in her direction as he started the SUV and pulled out of the parking lot. “She made me promise to protect the family from the past. I just assumed she was talking about hiding our abilities. I had no clue she meant my aunt and uncle’s past. She also made me promise some other things.”  

“What other things?”

Jackson’s brows dipped, and he shook his head. “It doesn’t matter. What matters is that I moved back to the Island. It’s hard to protect something when you’re not there.”

“That’s why you’re in security too, isn’t it?”

He nodded. “It’s time I delivered on that promise. The hounds of hell are about to rain down on Marsh Corp., and I’ll be the one leading the charge.”





Chapter 7



Jackson drove straight back to the house and packed up his belongings and some stuff for Scarlett. The place was compromised, and so was everything Frank owned. Marsh Corp.’s reach was endless. The car and accounts would be traced if they weren’t already. If Marsh was working with the feds, they were in deeper shit than Jackson could have guessed. He was surprised agents hadn’t shown up yet to kill them. He needed to get a message to Avery and Landon. Something to let them know that they needed to meet and to keep it within the family. He called Reed as Scarlett waited in the living room for them to leave.

“We’ve all been compromised. How can you get a message to Landon and Avery that we need to meet without them telling anyone where we’re going?”

“She has an encrypted personal phone that I gave her for emergencies. What’s going on?”

“Assemble all of the Loves, including my dad and your parents. We need to meet some place that isn’t tied to any of us. You have any suggestions on a place big enough for us and off the grid?”

“I’ll figure it out. When will you be back?”

That was a good question. “I haven’t figured out how we’re getting out of town. Frank’s vehicles are compromised, and I haven’t met any other locals.”

“I know someone that can get us out of here,” Scarlett said from the doorway.

“Hang on.” Jackson pressed the phone to his chest and turned to Scarlett. “Who?”

“You’re not going to like it,” she said.

“I’ll take pretty much anything at this point. Who?”

“Salvatore offered his help.”

Jackson pressed the phone to his ear. “We’ll get wheels and be back on the Island by noon tomorrow. Make the arrangements and get everyone back, including Avery and Landon; make sure to tell them that it’s a code red. They can’t tell anyone, least of all their boss.”

“Jackson, what the hell did you get into?”

“I’ll explain when I get there. Just make it happen. It could destroy us…all of us.”

“I’m on it,” Reed said. “Be careful, and call me if I can help.”

“Thanks, Reed. I’ll call when we’re close to finding out the location.” Jackson disconnected the call and shoved the phone in his pocket. “Do you know where we can find Salvatore?”

She nodded. “He has a guarded compound outside of town. He only used the club to handle his business transactions.”

Jackson’s jaw clenched. Scarlett needed a good scolding when this was over. If anyone was aware she had that information, she’d be a wanted woman by more than the feds. If a territorial fight ever broke out, she’d be a sitting a duck with that information. Salvatore’s enemies would crush her. “After today, you forget all that information.”




The entire time they were at the compound, Salvatore was attentive to Scarlett. He watched her and the length of time he held her hand when they first got there had Jackson seething red. Scarlett was oblivious to the other man’s attention and affection, but Jackson noticed everything.

True to his word, Salvatore honored his offer to help, and within five hours, they were landing on the Island via helicopter. The pilot had reserved two rental cabins. One cabin for Scarlett and Jackson and one for himself, all under the pilot’s name so it couldn’t be traced. The pilot was ordered to stay in case they needed him again. Salvatore had gone out of his way to help Scarlett. His motives were what Jackson questioned. The quicker they got away from the mob boss, the better.

This was the only downtime they’d have, where they didn’t have to constantly look over their shoulders, before the meeting in the morning at a nearby warehouse. This was probably the last night he had with Scarlett, depending on the plan they came up with at the meeting. Either way, she wasn’t going with him after this point. Jackson’s heart clenched every time she put herself in danger, and he’d refused to be the reason she got hurt…again.

Scarlett plopped backward on the only bed in the cabin and sighed.

“Are you tired?” Jackson asked as he dropped his bags by the dresser.

“Not really.” She leaned up on her elbows. “I’m starving, though. Do you want to go raid the cabinets with me and see what the rental agency meant by well stocked?

“I need a shower first. I can still feel the cobwebs from the warehouse.”

She nodded and pushed to her feet. “You shower, and I’ll cook. I plan on getting in the hot tub after dinner with a glass of wine to relieve the knots all over my body.”

Scarlett walked to the door, and Jackson caught her arm and twisted her back into his hold.

“Thank you for not wanting to write the story.”

“I wouldn’t ever do anything to hurt you or your family.” Her eyes searched his. There was a soft conviction in her voice, and his heart clenched tightly in his chest with the realization that Scarlett was his.

“I would never do anything to hurt you either. You know that, right?”

She smiled up at him. “I know.”

Jackson captured her lips in a kiss that neither one of them would soon forget. His tongue danced with hers as he held her body close. She tilted her head and wrapped her arms around his neck. This was what he’d been dying to do to her. To give her a taste of what lay ahead after this was all over. Her soft body melded with his, and he had to still himself from taking things further. He wanted her, and he’d have her, but not yet. Not until the time was right, and not until she realized that, this time, they’d figure things out and see how far a relationship would go.

Jackson eased away with a nibble to her lower lip. “Go on your raiding spree. I’ll help you cook when I get out.”

She nodded. The rise and fall of her chest matched his, and Jackson’s lips twitched.  He kissed her once more before grabbing his bag and heading into the bathroom.




Scarlett’s hunger for food was forgotten and replaced with the need for more.  She silently watched Jackson disappear into the bathroom before lifting her fingers to her tingling lips. She’d never get enough of Jackson’s kisses or touch. What was wrong with her? The slightest graze of his fingers on her body left her wanting more. When he kissed her, the troubles of the world disappeared and it was just him and her.  

He’d started the shower when the haze lifted from her head. It was now or never. Would she always be that girl with her nose stuck in her book or was she willing to go after what she wanted most? Jackson had crushed her heart years ago, and she believed in her soul that he wouldn’t make the same mistake again.

Scarlett kicked off her shoes and undressed, leaving her clothes on the floor as she headed for the bathroom. Desire, pooling in her belly from his kiss, had turned her into a wanting mess. She dropped her bra as she stepped into the steamy bathroom. Jackson had the shower on but was standing naked in front of her with a hand on his cock. He held her gaze and stroked it. He wasn’t the least bit shy that she was watching or curious why she’d entered without invitation.

Her chest heaved in response. Her breasts ached under his gaze. He didn’t question if she’d lost her mind. No. He closed the distance between them and kissed her again. This kiss held more passion than the one before. He held her breast in one hand and her ass in the other, and she melted into him. She slid her hands around his neck, never feeling close enough.

He lifted her onto the bathroom counter and broke the kiss from her lips. His lips descended slowly down her throat and to her chest. When he took her breast in his mouth, she moaned in pleasure and let her head fall back. She was damp with need between her thighs. The only thing that could have made the moment better was if he touched her where she wanted him most and eased the ache between her thighs.

She’d no more than had the thought than he touched her. He slid his fingers through her wet folds before penetrating her. The quick in-and-out slide of his fingers left her toes curled as the pressure built in her core. She was already so close to exploding. He switched to the other breast, as she held on to his hair, afraid that he’d stop.

“Oh, Jackson.” The words were a whispered desire from her lips.

Every fiber in her body was standing at attention and ready to explode as she neared the crest. She was close, so very close. Within seconds, he pushed her over the edge. Her slick passage squeezed his fingers as his name left her lips.

He continued to ease in and out of her. Her breast forgotten, he stared at her until he kissed her lips again. “Damn, you’re beautiful. But that was just an appetizer.”

He ran his cock between her slick folds. “Are you ready for me?”

Was she ever. She nodded, and without another word, he filled her. Her breath caught as he seated himself fully. She could feel the pulsating throb of his cock as he slid out. He held her gaze as he did it again.

Scarlett wrapped her legs around him and grinned. The small move was the only sign he needed before taking her, taking all of her and everything she so willingly offered. And he did. On the counter, in the shower, and on the bed.

Hours had passed since she’d stripped to join him and they lay in each other’s arms. Both fantastically exhausted.

Scarlett’s stomach growled, and Jackson lifted his head and kissed her lips once again. “Let’s feed you and build your strength back up. That was just round one.”

She chuckled and pecked his lips before sliding out of the bed. She grabbed one of Jackson’s long shirts from the bag and slid it over her head before grabbing a pair of his boxers.

Jackson grabbed her hand as she left the room. He cupped her cheek and lowered his head until their lips met again. He kissed her with the tenderness she’d yet to experience.  “That’s a good look on you.”

“Thanks, I kind of like it myself.” She smiled. “Any chance I can talk you into eating in the nude?” She glanced down at his erect cock.

“No, but once you’re fed, I have every intention of eating you on that table.” He winked and smacked her ass.  




Jackson dressed as Scarlett disappeared out of the room. There was no way he was going to screw this up. The minute he’d intimately connected to her, he’d felt their souls connect in more than the single way he’d planned. He’d given into his desire and taken her, even if he’d been thinking of nothing more than to please them both and to forge the emotional connection to keep her safe. He hadn’t expected the rush of feelings from their connection. The way their souls entwined.

The connection was something he’d never experienced with another woman. His mind had exploded with color, and instantly he’d recognized he was home. She was his home. He’d somehow entwined them both, unlike anyone or anything before. He’d felt it to his core, in every fiber of his being. Scarlett was his, and there was no more denying it. Getting her to see it that way might be a challenge, but one he was ready to accept. They belonged together. The thought excited and terrified him.

Jackson had never considered himself a weak man with much vulnerability, but now he had the biggest one of all. He loved her, even though he wasn’t ready to say the words out loud. He loved her, and now understood why his mother had made him make the other promise. Love and family really were the keys to a happy soul, and Jackson was on the verge of having both.

He met her in the kitchen as she was cutting up some sandwiches. “I guess their idea of stocked didn’t include steak?”

She glanced over her shoulder and smiled. “Actually, it did, but they are frozen. I put them in the fridge in case we happen to be around tomorrow night.”

He moved behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. He kissed her hair. She leaned back in his embrace. “This is nice.”

“Get used to it. When this is all over, I want more. More of you, more of us, more of the mind-blowing sex, and more of a relationship.”

“Boy, you don’t ask for much.” She giggled and shoved one sandwich half into his mouth before handing him the other and grabbing her own.

Jackson swallowed the bite he’d taken and followed her out onto the deck. He had been gone from the Island only a few days, but he’d missed the peace the place offered. “I’ll slow down if you need me to, Scar, but I’m not going away.”

She spun on her heel. “I don’t want you to slow down. I’ve waited years for you to figure it out.”

Jackson smiled. “Good, I mean not that you had to wait, but good that you’re ready for me…for us.”

They both took a seat in the lawn chairs that overlooked the lake. Alexis’ house was across the water with some of the lights on inside. “Do you have plans to come back to the Island?”

“Actually, I was coming back, after I finished getting the information on Salvatore. I’d been planning to move back and write from here…from home. What about you? Are you still in the security business?”

“Yep. I think I always knew that it was my mission in life to keep everyone safe. You do realize that your parents’ house needs renovations from the years of no one living there, not to mention upgraded security. So I guess you’ll be staying with me.” He took another bite of his sandwich and hoped she didn’t hear the hopefulness in his voice.

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