Jackson Pollock (49 page)

Read Jackson Pollock Online

Authors: Deborah Solomon

BOOK: Jackson Pollock
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Hart, Pop

Hartigan, Grace

Hassam, Childe

Hauck, Fred

Hayter, Stanley William

Heller, Ben

Heller, Edwin

Henderson, Joseph

Hess, Thomas

High Priestess

Hofmann, Hans

Holty, Carl

Holtzman, Harry

Hopkins, Harry


Horn, Axel


Hubbard, Elizabeth

Hults, Edward

Hunter, Sam

Huxley, Aldous


“Indian Art of the United States” show

Institute of Modern Art (Boston)

Jackson, Martha

“Jack’s Shack”

Janis, Sidney

Jenkins, Paul

John Reed Club

Johnson, Alvin

Johnson, Buffie

Journal of Liberty

Jung, Carl

Kadish, Barbara

Kadish, Reuben

Kainen, Jacob

Kandinsky, Wassily

Kaz, Nathaniel

Key, The

Kiesler, Frederick

Klee, Paul

Klein, Ralph

Kligman, Ruth

Kline, Franz

Kootz, Samuel

Krasner, Lenore (Lee)

artistic ambitions of

childhood of

collages of

Cubist style of

discrimination against

Federal Art Project job of

illness and death of

Jewish background of

lawsuit against

“Little Images” paintings of

marriage of

one-woman shows of

physical appearance of

Pollock family’s relationship with

Pollock’s career supported by

Pollock’s paintings given to

Pollock’s relationship with

professional reputation of

rebellious nature of

stylistic change of

window designs of

“Krasner/Pollock: A Working Relationship” show

Krassner, Anna Weiss

Krassner, Joseph

Krassner, Pesa

Krassner, Ruth

Krishnamurti, Jeddu

Lam, Wilfredo

Landscape with Steer

Lansford, Alonso

Larkin, Rosanne

Laurent, Robert

Levitt, Marie

Leen, Nina

Léger, Fernand

Lehman, Harold

Leslie, Alfred


Pollock picture-story in

Little, John

Little King, The

Lord, Cile

Lord, Sheridan

Los Angeles Times


McClure, Anna

McClure, Cordelia

McClure, John

McClure, Mary

McCoy, Alexander

McCoy, Nina

McCoy, Rebecca

Macdonald-Wright, Stanton

Maclver, Loren

McMillen Inc.

Macy, Happy

Macy, Valentine

Magic Lantern

Magritte, René

Male and Female

“Man and Wife” show

Manet, Èdouard

Manheim, Ralph

Mannerist painting

Manual Arts High School

Marin, John

Mark, Grant

Marot, Helen

Martha Jackson Gallery

Martha’s Vineyard

Masqued Image

Masson, André

“Masterworks of Early de Chirico” show

Matisse, Henri

Matta, Roberto

Mayer, A. Hyatt

Mayer, Joseph

Menemsha Pond

Metropolitan Museum of Art

artists’ boycott of

Metzger, Edith

Mexican mural movement

Miller, Dan

Miller, George Sid

Minsch, Jacob

Miró, Joan

Mitchell, Joan

Mitchell, Sue



Mondrian, Piet

Moonlight Over South Beach

Moon Vessel

Moon Woman

Moon-Woman Cuts the Circle, The

Moran, Thomas

Motherwell, Maria

Motherwell, Robert

collages of

Pollock and

“Spanish Elegies” of

Mumford, Lewis



Museum of Fine Arts (Houston)

Museum of Modern Art

Pollock’s sales to

shows at

Museum of Non-Objective Art

Myers, John Bernard

Naked Man

Namuth, Hans


Neel, Alice

New Deal

Newman, Annalee

Newman, Arnold

Newman, Barnett

New Republic

New School for Social Research


New York Emergency Relief Administration (Home Relief)

New Yorker

New York Herald Tribune

New York Hospital, Westchester Division (Bloomingdale Asylum)

New York Times

New York World-Telegram

“Nine American Painters Today” show

“Ninth Street Show”

Number 1, 1948

Number 4, 1948

Number 5, 1948

Number 7, 1951

Number 8, 1952

Number 11, 1948

Number 14, 1949

Number 25, 1951

Number 29, 1950

Number 32, 1950

Olsen, Fred

One (Pollock)

Orland Unit

Orozco, José

Ossorio, Alfonso

Otis Art Institute

Out of the Web

Pacifico, Berthe

Pacifico, Ora


Pantuhoff, Igor

Parsons, Betty

Partisan Review


Pavia, Philip

Pène du Bois, Yvonne

Pereira, I. Rice

Peridot Gallery

Perls, Frederick

Phillips, William


Picasso, Pablo

artists influenced by

bull as symbol of

“bullfight paintings” of

collages of

Cubism and

innovations of

Pollock and

Plaut, James

Polar Stampede

Pollock, Arloie Conaway

Pollock, Charles

art training of

Pollock compared with

Pollock’s correspondence with

Pollock’s relationship with

Resettlement Administration job of

Sanford Pollock’s correspondence with

talent of

teaching jobs of

Pollock, Frank

Pollock, James

Pollock, Jay

Pollock, Lee, see Krasner, Lenore Pollock, LeRoy

death of

early life of

family absènces of

family relationships of

as farmer

marriage of

personality of

Pollock’s correspondence with

rheumatic fever diagnosed in

Pollock, Lizzie

Pollock, Marie

Pollock, Paul Jackson:

abstract style of

alcoholism of

“allover” compositional style of

American Indian culture, interest in

American style created by

angry outbursts of

artistic ambitions declared by

artistic influences on

art studies of

automobile accidents of

birth of

“black” paintings of

bravado of

childhood insecurities of

collages of

color schemes of

competitiveness of

country home of

critical appraisal of

death and funeral of

depressions of

draft classification of

drawing ability of

“drip” paintings ofn

earliest paintings of

extramarital affair of

figuration phased out by

film of

financial problems of

first job of

first major work of

“freedom” sought by

as genius

glass painting of

government investigation of

hand injury of

inarticulateness of

independence and originality of

janitor’s job of

line important to style of

lumberjack job of

marriage of

mature style of

museum debut of

museum job of

one-man shows of

photographs of

physical appearance of

poor self-image of

posthumously printed engravings of

printmaking of

productive periods of

professional reputation of

psychiatric treatment of

“psychoanalytic drawings” of

public school education of

rhythmic sense of

rough personal style of

sales of works by

sculpture and

shyness of

size of paintings by

sketching trip of

solitary nature of

suicidal tendencies of

symbolism in works of

technique of

titles of works of

“veiling the image” style of

violent incidents involving

work methods of

youthful personality of

Pollock, Sanford

Benton’s influence deplored by

childhood recalled by

father mourned by

Federal Art Project job of

marriage of

Mexican muralists and

mother’s relationship with

Pollock’s relationship with

selflessness of

works by

Pollock, Stella May McClure

early life of

family reunion organized by

homemaking skills of

personality of

on Pollock

Pollock visited by

sons born to

“Pollock Paints a Picture”

Porter, Johnny

Portrait and a Dream

Pousette-Dart, Richard

Pratt, Caroline

“Primitive Art and Picasso” (Graham)




psychic automatism

Public Works of Art Project (PWAP)

Pugilist, The

Putzel, Howard

Rahv, Philip


Rebay, Hilla

Red Barn


Reinhardt, Ad

Resettlement Administration

Resnick, Milton

Rice, Dan

Riley, Maude

Rimbaud, Arthur

Ritchie, Andrew

Rivera, Diego

Rivers, Larry

Rockefeller family

Rodman, Maia

Rodman, Selden

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano

Rosenberg, Harold

“action painting” essay of

Rosenberg, May

Rosenfield, Paul

Rosenthal, Lou

Rothko, Mark

Roueché, Berton

“Round Table on Modern Art”

Rubin, Williamn Russell, Johnn

Ryder, Albert Pinkham

San Diego Sun

sand painting

Schardt, Bernard

Schwankovsky, Frederick John de St. Vrain

Schwartz, Delmore

Schwitters, Kurt

Scott, Rachel

“Sculpture by Painters” show

Sea Change

Search and Scent

Search for a Symbol


Season in Hell, A

Seeger, Charles

Seeger, Pete

Seiberling, Dorothy



Seliger, Charles

Seligmann, Kurt

Sentimental Journey

Shahn, Ben

Sharp, Chris

She-Wolf, The

Shooting Star

Sidney janis Gallery

Siqueiros, David

Sloan, John

Smith, David

Smith, Tony

Sobel, Janet

Soby, James Thrall

Solman, Joseph

Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum

Sounds in the Grass: Shimmering Substance


“Spring Salon for Young Artists” exhibit

Springs Village Improvement Society

Stable Gallery

Steffen, Bernard

Steinberg, Saul

Stenographic Figure

Still, Clyfford

Strautin, Ed

Strautin, Wally


Studio Paul Facchetti


Sunny Landscape


psychic automatism technique of

Sweeney, James Johnson


Systems and Dialectics of Art

Tanning, Dorothea

Tarwater, Becky

“Ten East Hampton Abstractionists” show

There Were Seven in Eight


Tidrick, Ralph


Tingley Vindicator

Tolegian, Manuel

on Pollock

Tomlin, Bradley Walker

T. P.’s Boat in Menemsha Pond

Troubled Queen

Tworkov, Jack

Tyler, Parker

Naked Man with Knife
) (Pollock)

Venice Biennale

Victoria and Albert Museum




Wahl, Theodore

Wakefield Bookshop

Wall, James

Waples, Dr.

Warhol, Andy

Warrior, The

War Services Program

Washington Square Park art shows

Western Painters Association

White Angel

Whitechapel Art Galley

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