Jacks, Marcy - Mason Returns to His Mate [DeWitt's Pack 8] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) (8 page)

BOOK: Jacks, Marcy - Mason Returns to His Mate [DeWitt's Pack 8] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)
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When Mason’s eyes met his, and  the other man winked, Derek’s  body responded and everything inside him tightened, preparing for  release.

He pumped his hips hard until Mason was forced to release him

Mason Returns to His Mate

and just let him do it. So close, his balls became tight between his  legs, he was so. Fucking. Close.

Mason halted that by grabbing onto the base of Derek’s penis,  squeezing tightly enough to almost cause pain but in reality just  stalling the release of his orgasm.

Derek shouted his despair. “No, no! What are you doing?” he  demanded, desperately.

“You’re not coming yet. Not until I put my cock in your gorgeous  ass,” Mason said, keeping his grip on the base of Derek’s prick just as  tight as they stared at each other.

Mason meant it. There would be no coming for Derek until Mason  could enjoy himself with him.

Already Mason’s hand was moving up and down the exposed  flesh of Derek’s thighs, tickling him as they moved down and around,  touching his crack. His fingers went in, finding the sensitive hole, and  they circled.

Derek gasped and lifted his hips as much as he was able to allow  those wicked fingers a chance to really move.

Mason’s eyes were no less wolfish as he watched Derek. They  watched each other, really.

“I’m gonna put my heavy dick in your ass, and I’m gonna fuck it  until you pass out.”

Just like the last time, Derek realized, and he shivered with


“Oh, yes, Daddy,” Derek moaned.

Mason’s eyes quirked a little, but that was probably because he’d  never heard Derek say that before.

Well, he was going to get used to it.

Derek shimmied out of the jeans and tossed them someplace  where they wouldn’t get ruined. It was bad enough that he was going  to have to find another black Spider-Man T-shirt for Tristan. He  didn’t want to be ruining the jeans he’d borrowed from Corey.

Mason didn’t undress. He grabbed Derek by the hips and pulled

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him up, positioning him on his hands and knees. Derek was a mess of  excitement. This was happening. This was finally happening.

He heard the zipper come down roughly from Mason’s jeans, but  then he stalled with his hands on Derek’s hips.

Derek looked behind him to the utter despair on Mason’s face.

“What is it?” he asked, hardly able to contain his impatience.

Mason shook his head a little. “We don’t have any lube.”

Derek’s eyes widened. Christ, he’d forgotten about that too. It  wasn’t like he came to this pack prepared for sex.

He got to his feet and rushed bare assed to the bathroom.


“Stay right there, I’ll be back,” Derek said. There was no way he  was putting this off. No way in hell.

He looked in the medicine cabinet and found something that could  be useful. Hand lotion for dry skin. It would have to do, and Derek  was going to make sure it worked.

He went back into the kitchen with the small bottle in hand and a

grin on his face.

Mason returned it at the sight of him. “What do you have there?”

“Something to ease the way. Here,” Derek said, tossing the bottle  at him. He couldn’t help but notice his cock when Mason caught the  bottle. It was thick and heavy. He nearly winced at the color. Poor  guy had some serious blue balls there.

Mason grinned at him just as Derek got down on his knees and  kissed him. “This should work,” he said.

Derek happily got back into position. Mason opened the cap and squeezed the white contents into his hand. Derek felt the intrusion of a wet and slick finger against his pucker. The lotion was cold. It had been a while since he’d done this, but he was no  less eager, and he

pushed back against the intruding digit.

Yeah, this should definitely work.

Mason moaned, likely at the sight of watching his finger disappear

in Derek’s asshole.

Mason Returns to His Mate

When Derek began humping back against the finger, Mason

added another.

Derek closed his eyes and moaned a little. It felt good. Those fingers were just what he needed right now. Thank God that bottle had been handy.

Then Mason added a third, and for a second the pleasure was offset by a sharp, burning pain. Derek clenched up and held still for a minute, adjusting himself.

“You all right?” Mason asked. “Is it not working?”

Derek blew out a breath and shook the hair out of his eyes as he looked behind himself. He smiled at Mason. The pain was manageable. He would be fine.

“Great. I’m ready now,” Derek said, spreading his legs wider to emphasize that point.

Mason’s nostrils flared, his eyes becoming sharp and golden.  Derek could still remember those eyes from the last time they had been together.

Mason grabbed his dick, poured pretty much the rest of the bottle into his hand, and covered his cock with it, biting his lip as he did, and then lined it up with Derek’s hole.

He was so strung out on the anticipation that it was nearly too much for him, nearly better than actually having someone inside him, stretching him, filling him.

Then Mason pushed in, stopped, and then thrust the rest of the way when he felt Derek relax beneath him.

Derek moaned and bucked as the tip of Mason’s heavy cock touched his prostate. “Oh fuck! Oh fuck!”

He tried thrusting against Mason to get it going, his cock and balls ready to shoot out his cum, but Mason was too fast for him, and he reached around and grabbed him by the base of his penis once more.

“You fucking prick,” Derek cursed, letting his head fall down between his hands. Despite being unable to come, that didn’t stop him from humping into Mason’s hand or back against the dick in his ass.

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Mason chuckled. “I’m going to make sure you only come when I tell you to.” Mason thrust into him for good measure,  and he groaned brokenly.

“Fine, fine, just stop with this and fuck me!” Derek had had enough of foreplay and waiting, and while he was the kind of person who liked to draw out his pleasure, right now he was more interested in just coming.

He and Mason would take their time later.

Mason, however, did not release his dick, but he did continue to

thrust into Derek’s hole, still touching the very edge of Derek’s  prostate and moaning deliciously as he did.

It was good, so fucking good, and despite his anger over not being  able to come, Derek thrust back against him like it was the first time  he’d ever had sex all over again. They had zero rhythm, and he felt  when Mason’s balls slammed against the back of his thighs as Mason  rocked against him. He took pleasure in the groans coming out of the  other man.

“You’re mine. Never leaving you. Mine,” Mason said.

“Fine. By. Me,” Derek gasped, and then he collapsed down to his  elbows, listening as Mason moaned at the new position.

That was apparently all it took, as Mason’s  already-fast hips sped  up, pumping into him like there was an engine inside him doing all  that work.

Derek squeezed his eyes shut, pressing his forehead against the floor, and cried out as Mason finally let go of his prick and he came.

Derek’s hand shot down like it had a mind of its own and grabbed his cock, jerking it as he came, drawing out the pleasure.

He was still on his high when he felt Mason release his fluid inside of him with a long shout. His fingers were digging so sharply into Derek’s hips that he thought he might have bruises later.

Hell, he would have bruises later.

Derek’s body turned into Jell-O, and the second he felt Mason let up on his grip, he collapsed, not even minding the fact that he now

Mason Returns to His Mate

had a small puddle of his cum sticking to his stomach.

Mason didn’t seem to mind much either as he came down, gently,  on top of Derek’s back.

Derek felt the warm press of those lips against his back and his  neck.

He crossed his arms to rest his cheek on them and then turned to

look behind him.

Mason’s eyes were blue again, and he was looking at Derek in that same way he remembered being looked at back when he was a scrawny little stick figure.

That never got old coming from this man.

Mason snuggled down next to him, and they both took a moment to just breathe and let the strength in their limbs return.

“I don’t know too much about werewolf strength,” Derek said after some companionable silence. “But I’m thinking the next time we should take this into the bedroom.”

Derek wasn’t too sure if it would be considered rude for him, as a

guest, to be having sex in the guest house in which he was staying,

but it was way too late for that now.

Mason chuckled. “Least I didn’t destroy the kitchen this time.”

Derek laughed.

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Chapter Six

Tom slammed down the radio, causing Billy to jump. The bandages on his fingers were comical as he tried to clean out the guns they had and collected from that pawn shop before it burned to the ground, but Tom was not feeling very peachy right now.

“No word yet?”

When Tom glared at him, Billy quickly went back to what he was doing.

No, there hadn’t been any word yet. The other hunters in Tom’s circle were all either scared away from the site, having heard the stories of other hunters not returning, or returning after losing so much ammo and coming back with so few pelts, if any at all, that there were not many people out there willing to take the risk of hunting these creatures.

At least not in this area.

Cowards. It was the most dangerous ones who needed to be taken out as quickly  as possible! Did they not see that? Tom had sent a message to those wolves when he burned down the establishment of that supporter. He and Billy couldn’t yet take a trip to the house, not with the police watching it to see if the boy would come back. He’d been listening on the local radio. No bodies found within what remained of the shop. Apparently there was a window that the guy had slipped out of.

It was a shame, really, but at the same time not at all. Burning that little prick to death would have been  a good punishment, but at least now he could hunt the man down and watch him burn instead.

Tom hoped the little bastard got cocky enough to try coming back

Mason Returns to His Mate

so he could skin him like he would any werewolf. He’d skin the little  prick alive, dry the hide, and then make sure the wolves got the skin  as a little present.

He’d work out the details of the delivery later.

Persistence always paid off. After another hour of calling his  contacts, he was given the number of a group of younger hunters, still  fresh on the idea they were invincible and searching more for a thrill  than for the eradication of one of the world’s most dangerous species.

They weren’t too far away from the area, maybe a day’s drive.  That was better than Tom could’ve hoped for. He could plan through  the night and expect to have his new team in by tomorrow afternoon.

From what Tom has seen so far, there were plenty of werewolves  in this area, more than enough to keep a bunch of thrill seekers happy  while Tom searched for the pack where that kid came from.

* * * *

Derek was now able to walk more freely around the land now compared to before. It wasn’t as though anyone had been preventing him, but more like he just didn’t feel comfortable going for a stroll around a crowded area filled with strangers who were avoiding him.

Then suddenly, people were smiling at him, inviting him out to their barbecues, shaking his hand, and making him feel like he’d been friends with these people forever.

Somehow he got the feeling that was partly to do with his and

Mason’s getting together.

He doubted Mason had gone around telling everyone they’d had sex and were now a couple. It was more likely that the thin walls of the cottage paired with the stupid smile Mason had sported ever since leaving the small cottage was more the culprit.

He tried to hide his embarrassment to the best of his ability whenever another member of the pack put their arm around his shoulder in a welcome-to-the-family sort of way or smiled at him in a

Marcy Jacks

knowing fashion.

Currently, Derek was with a few of the werewolves that had made

him feel the most comfortable.

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