Jacks: BBW Billionaire Menage Romance (Billionaire Brothers, II Book 1) (8 page)

BOOK: Jacks: BBW Billionaire Menage Romance (Billionaire Brothers, II Book 1)
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I couldn't speak. All I could do was open my mouth and let a low, guttural cry of relief escape my lips as I felt Owen’s thick head breaching my entrance. And then I couldn't even do that because Lyle's tongue was filling my mouth.

Owen's arm was tight and firm around my waist as he entered me slowly with a controlled but unstoppable thrust. He pulled out slightly and then pushed back again and again until my muscles surrendered to the sensation of roaring pleasure that rolled through my body like a thunderclap.

In moments, Owen was thrusting deep into my ass with long strokes. I felt his thighs quaking with the strain of being as gentle as he could. His arm lifted me slightly off the ground and I hung there and submitted to the incredible invasion.

Lyle's hand left its hold on my breast and plunged into my newly shaven pussy. I gasped as rockets of desire shot through me. His fingers circled the desperate nub of my swollen clitoris in a fast flickering swirl. Then I felt his cock head sliding back and forth across my nether lips. I pulled him closer to me so he would know that I wanted it.

For a moment he hesitated, guiding himself with his hand to press himself just at my entrance. Owen pumped faster inside of me and I could feel the thin barrier that separated them. The hunger inside me became more ravenous. I rolled my hips forward and down, grasping with my pussy at his hot tip.

“Yes," he moaned and charged for my entrance. He pressed against the hole which was already tight from my body being filled in a way it never had been before. As Owen pulled out slowly Lyle entered me fully. Then he withdrew and both of them thrust into me at the same time.

It seemed to take forever. I felt a fullness I never had. I was choking and gasping at the impossibly overwhelming sensation of it. Two huge cocks in me at the same time, enjoying me loudly. Ravishing me.

Lyle's fingers found my clit again and a pink bomb went off in my body. Instantly I was rocking and heaving with the motion, needing them both to fuck me into oblivion.

And oblivion came. My desire swelled like a fruit, ripening in the hot sun past the point that the skin could hold the fruit together. I felt it expanding and expanding in my mind so clearly I thought I could see it. And just when it couldn't expand anymore it split, burst open and spilled all the seeds and hot red juices inside.

With a simultaneous roar, both men arched their backs and thrust upward, picking me up off the ground, impaled on their twin, convulsing cocks. I was filled to overflowing with their hot cum. It splashed out of me and onto all of our thighs as they arched their backs and groaned with me pinned between them.

For a long time we stayed that way, all three of us breathing together. Our moans bounced off each other in the big room, becoming softer as the seconds ticked by, lapsing into a thick silence.

Panting and covered in a sheen of sweet, musky sweat, Lyle folded his arms behind me so that Owen could disengage first. I heard Owen pad across the room and a tap go on in the bathroom as I fell against Lyle's chest, my eyes still closed, my heart beating so fast in my chest.

As Lyle's manhood slowly loosened in me and slid out, he stroked my hair and kissed the top of my ear tenderly.

I was still in Lyle's arms when I felt a warm, soft cloth being drawn up my thighs. Owen cleaned all traces of our passion from my trembling legs with a diligent and gentle hand.

I felt Lyle lean down and place a hand behind my knees, then he scooped me up smoothly and carried me to the bed, laying me down in the center of it and then curling his body around mind with his head on my shoulder.

In a few moments, Owen crawled to my other side, dragging the blanket and sheet over my shivering body. He kissed my ear and nuzzled my neck as he mimicked his brother’s position and curled around me from the other side.

I felt like I was floating on a warm sea. The hunger had been completely satisfied. A confusing and intense montage of sensations and emotions swirled through me and I let it flow through my body as though I were floating in it.


I woke some time later and sat up with a start. My eyes stung and I squinted against the side table light that was still on. Owen slept soundly, his breath deep and rhythmic through his nose. A light shadow of stubble was already growing across the square jaw.

To my left Lyle slept with his arms thrown up over his head. His brow was furrowed as if in concentration. He looked like a diver caught in mid-dive. Every muscle along his rib cage was knit neatly into every other muscle, like an anatomy diagram.

The air was heavy with musk and salt. I pulled the sheet up to cover myself and cringed, remembering how utterly naked I had been. More naked than ever. Not just nudity; it was as though the extreme physical experience had opened a door in my emotions and there was a bloody, hot flood still pouring through that door.

I needed to get away.

Sliding carefully down the bed I untangled myself from the sheets and crawled backward as slowly as I could manage. When my feet hit the floor, I dropped to all fours and scanned the carpet for my dress and shoes which were still by the sofa.

My panties were nowhere to be seen. Happily, my bra was only a few feet from where my dress lay in a crumpled heap. I hoped that Melita had a dry cleaner she trusted.

I got my bra back on and wriggled the dress up over my hips. Reaching back, I had the zipper about halfway up before my flexibility and finger strength gave out. Then I felt someone else's fingers taking over and I let my arms drop to my sides.

“Let me do that for you,” Lyle said with a sleepy sigh.

His hands dragged the zipper up slowly and it was such an intimate gesture that I almost wanted to fall into his arms again immediately.

What is wrong with you? It's only a zipper.

His lips traced the curve of my shoulder.

“You know, you don't have to leave. In fact, I would really rather you didn't."

I took a deep breath.

“Oh I think we've all had our fun,” I said with a light lilt in my voice, surprised at how well I kept the bitterness out.

He nodded against my shoulder, nuzzling me with his cheek. His hands slipped around the front of my dress and he pulled me close to him. I could feel his heavy cock pushing between my thighs again and another wave of memories flooded through the door, along with a sadness I couldn't explain.

I turned toward him and placed my hands against his chest, cupping my palms across the swells of his muscular pecs. It felt strange to be clothed while he stood there completely naked. Once again I was amazed at how comfortable he was with no clothes on as though he feared no judgment or criticism at all.

“I had such a wonderful time tonight,” I said, my voice suddenly going hoarse.

He grinned openly. “I told you you would.”

His smile was infectious and I let a grin pinch my cheeks. “Yes you did tell me that.”

I could have stood there all night and stroked his chest and shoulders and simply feasted my eyes on his long, strong form. But I didn't think my heart could take it. I wanted very much to go home.

“Thank you for everything,” I whispered as I slid my feet back into my heels and picked my handbag up off of the table.

“Thank you,” he growled, stepping forward and catching my jaw gracefully between his palms. He tipped my head back and gave me a long, lingering kiss. He just stood there sucking lightly at my lips, a vivid contrast to the raging hunger that he had displayed just a few hours ago.

When he finally pulled back he left me breathless. I had two competing desires in my mind: part of me desperately wanted to leave and part of me desperately wanted to stay.

I stumbled forward and smiled as I felt my cheeks go pink again. It seemed like it was so easy for him to simply connect with me. I felt raw and at the same time knew that the best salve was just to touch him again. And yet I couldn’t. I wouldn’t.

“When will we see you again?” he asked.

“I'll have that proposal for you in a couple of days,” I answered smoothly.

“Well that wasn't what I —”

“I know,” I interrupted him. “But it is what I meant.”

He nodded curtly as though accepting my answer.

I walked away from him and opened the door without looking back to make sure that I didn't lose the will to leave.

The light in the hallway was harsh and bright. It had that new carpet smell and everything seemed to have been recently redecorated. I looked over my shoulder and noticed how clean everything was. Or perhaps these kinds of luxury establishments were just always in a state of newness.

The penthouse door began to swing closely closed, the hydraulics hissing softly. I looked the other way down the hallway and saw two figures coming toward me laughing, falling into each other. She had her shoes dangling from her fingers and he held her with both arms around her shoulders, pulling her tight to his front side.

My lips tightened. I glanced over my shoulder and saw the door was still open. When I glanced back, the couple had stopped. Carl stood with his mouth hanging open, his face going gray and bloodless. Whitney's rust red lips opened in a perfect O of surprise and her fingers shot forward as though she was determined once again to get to me. I felt steel bands clamp around my rib cage and all my breath seemed to curdle in my lungs.

The door finally closed,
. My only escape was gone. I was going to have to walk down the hall.


End of “Jacks” Book 1 of Billionaire Brothers.
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reading Book 2 “Jokers” now..


Carl's disgusted scowl settled on Lyle's thick and now growing manhood. Lyle seemed completely unaware and smirked vaguely at the pair of them.

“What — what is going on here, Brienne?” Carl demanded in a quaking voice that made Whitney shoot him a look over her shoulder.

“I really think that's none of your concern,” I said coolly and admired my composure. I mean, at least I had clothes on.

The corners of Carl's mouth turned dramatically downwards and he stuck his chin forward like a temperamental gradeschooler.

“Who is this?!” he demanded.

“Oh, how rude of me. I'm Lyle Jack,” he said, offering his hand to shake and folding the other hand along with my panties behind his back. Carl stared at it with a horrified expression.

The door to the penthouse swung open again suddenly and Owen padded out, rubbing his eyes and squinting against the hallway light. The dark line of hair that extended up from his dusky and engorged member was still sticky and matted from our combined fluids.

“Brienne,” he sighed sleepily, “are you leaving? Don't leave."


Owen blinked as though shaking the sleep from his eyes.

“Oh, hey there, Carl,” Owen said, stifling a yawn that arched his back. He also stuck out his hand to shake Carl's but it was ignored. He let it drop to his side and his palm smacked loudly against his hip. “What is everybody doing out here?”

Carl took a step backward.

“Brienne,” he said in a quavering whisper, “just come with me now. We can talk about this.”

Owen looked Carl up and down as though confused. Then he shrugged and dipped his head to nibble at the base of my neck again, which seemed to be his favorite spot. I tipped my head to the side and closed my eyes for a moment to savor the sweet sensation of his lips and to mentally escape the hallway if only for a moment.

“Don't leave,” he murmured again. “Let's go back to bed.”

I felt Lyle's fingers hooking behind my elbow and his gentle tug back toward the penthouse.

For a moment I wondered what I was supposed to do. There was no protocol for this. It was completely an uncharted interaction and totally outside the realm of anything I had ever planned for.

I couldn't bring myself to address Carl or Whitney. I couldn’t even really consider the whole event by wading into it, for fear I would drown after the first step. I could only skirt around the outside of the vast well of anger that boiled in me.

“No,” I said over their heads, vaguely directing the word down the hallway, away from me, away from anything resembling a conversation with either of them.

Then I rolled my head toward Lyle and rested my cheek against his naked shoulder. His hand cuffed the bottom of my chin sweetly and Owen’s arm looped under mine. The penthouse door opened and the three of us glided back inside of it, acting as one graceful unit.


End of the preview.
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reading Book 2: “Jokers” now..






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Meg is an old-fashioned, dewy-eyed romantic who really believes that longing and passion begin and end with true love.


All my books on Amazon at
and here is just a sample of a few…


Billionaire Brothers

Margot Trask is on a collision course with destruction - her love life is in shambles but she just can't stop herself from going back to the man who rejected her. Her paintings aren't finding collectors, and her expensive home is on the verge of foreclosure.


But a chance turn of events lands her in the private jet of Declan and Jackson Burke. They're charming but insistent, and they demand that if she won't date just one of them,
she'll have to take them both.


Little does she realize, their attentions are just what she needed to feel like her life and work have promise. Can it work out? Can she take on two alpha males and have anything left of herself?


Her Dark Desires, series

Her whole life, Camille has been haunted by urges and desires that she can’t explain, but she knows they are wrong. By applying herself rigorously to her studies and drowning herself in work, she’s been successful in her efforts to distract herself from her deepest needs.


But while Camille may have thought she was cleverly suppressing her feelings, William witnessed all of it. Son of a billionaire legacy and bred to a life of excess and pleasure, he doesn't have the same willingness to resist temptation. In fact, William embraces every desire...
no matter how dark


And now it’s time, he thinks, to see just how far Camille is really willing to go. All she needs is a little push...


Her Father’s Friend

Lauren has been hiding her feelings for Mike ever since her dad invited him to live with them. Mike is just the kind of man she wants - mature, handsome, strong…


Mike has barely been able to keep his eyes averted from Lauren’s ripe curves, but honor holds him back. Still, something about her makes him think that life could be so much better. What could the future hold with a woman like that?


Their secret fantasies of a fairy tale home life come to a head when Lauren’s friend Nikki throws herself at Mike. All of a sudden Lauren realizes - she has to act. She has to tell him, and offer him the best her womanly body possesses before it’s too late. But will he be willing to really commit? Will he be willing to give her what she really wants - make her a woman and give her a baby?


Her Guardian Neighbor

Kimberly knows that innocent, goody-goody Mandy wants more from the hunky older man next door than just some household chores here and there. But Mandy is so caught up in keeping her toes on the line, how will she ever get the courage to even ask?


Vince has been the silent watchdog at the end of their dead-end street for years, protecting Mandy and her mother and never asking for even a word of thanks. But suddenly he can’t help but be aware of the beauty on the other side of the fence. Yet, an afternoon of eavesdropping leads to a shocking revelation - could Mandy possibly respond to him?


On a darkened street on the wrong side of town, it’s Vince’s urgent call to action that really exposes the kind of man he is, and just how far he is willing to go to save the woman he’s thought of as his to protect. And with her guardian angel just inches away, Mandy will have to speak up and ask for the life she really wants!


The Billionaire and The Baby

Tara wanted the beach house to herself to work on her tan for the last warm weekend of the summer. After a failed romance, a weekend alone was just what she thought she needed to get herself back on track.


But Timothy Granate, the billionaire owner of the house, is already there. He has some words of wisdom for her, and some hard-won advice.


But it’s his life-changing offer that really has her perplexed. Does he really mean it? Does he really want her… to have his baby? The idea is overwhelming, especially since she’s never had a man, let alone one as powerful and intimidating as Timothy.


Is she finally ready to take the plunge?














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