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Great Time Coming
, 288–93.

Franklin and Higginbotham,
From Slavery to Freedom
, 548–61.

Jackie Robinson quoted in “Harlem Pickets Switch Tactics: Threaten a Demonstration against Jackie Robinson,”
New York Times
, July 14, 1962.

Jackie Robinson quoted in Woody Klein, “Jackie Robinson . . . on Sports, Blacks, Politics, Dope and Children,”
Baltimore Sun
, October 12, 1969. Robinson’s reference to a “talented tenth” of the black population recalled a term first coined by Du Bois in 1903. See Du Bois, “The Talented Tenth,” in Washington,
The Negro Problem
, 31–32.

Great Time Coming
, 293.

“Robinson Backs Defense of Black Group,”
Pan African Press
, October 24, 1968.

“Jackie Robinson Criticized Police in Panther Inquiry,”
New York Times
, April 11, 1969; U.S. Department of Justice, “Memorandum: Jackie Robinson and Black Panthers,” J. Edgar Hoover to John D. Ehrlichman, July 24, 1969,
Document No. 100-428850-
, declassified on March 13, 1984.

“Jackie Robinson Says Son’s Plight Now ‘A Family Problem,’”
St. Petersburg Times
, March 6, 1968; William Borders, “Jack Robinson, Jr. Is Arrested on Heroin Charges in Stamford,”
New York Times
, May 15, 1968; Robinson and Duckett,
I Never Had It Made
, 165–72, 229–46.

Rachel Robinson
, Jackie Robinson
, 193–207.

Robinson was elected to the Hall of Fame in 1962, his first year of eligibility. He received 77.5 percent of the baseball writers’ votes, just 2.5 percent over the required 75 percent for induction. Of the ten players elected during the decade of the 1960s, only Lou Boudreau, Cleveland’s manager-shortstop, received fewer votes. Nor did Robinson’s original plaque make any mention of his breaking the color barrier; this was added more than half a century after his historic quest. See Bryant,
The Last Hero
, 166; Chafets,
Cooperstown Confidential
, 116.

Jackie Robinson, “Speech at Pregame Ceremony,” World Series, Game Two, Cincinnati, Ohio, October 15, 1972, Jackie Robinson File, National Baseball Library, Cooperstown
. During the last year of his life, Robinson constantly promoted the hiring of a black manager in baseball. See Anderson, “A Flame Grew in Brooklyn”; Eric Lincoln, “Robinson Sees Little Progress after 25 Years,”
New York Mirror
, December 8, 1971; “Rap with Jackie Robinson on Racism in Sports, ‘Progress’ and the Black Athlete,”
Black Sports Magazine
, March 1972, 19–22, 51–54.

Roy R. Silver, “Campanella Fractures His Neck in Crash: Recovery Is Expected,”
New York Times
, January 29, 1958; Tommy Holmes, “Campy’s Crash Ends Brilliant Career,”
New York Herald Tribune
, January 29, 1958; Lanctot,
, 368–86.

Newton H. Fulbright, “Campanella’s ‘Heartsick’ over His Son’s Plight,”
New York Herald Tribune
, February 16, 1959; “Campy’s Heart Is Hurt,”
New York World Telegram
, February 25, 1959; Harold A. Rusk, “Campy’s Unforgettable Courage,”
Reader’s Digest
, October 1978, 153–56.

Henry Machinella and Loren Craft, “Campy Suing for a Separation, Says Wife Broke Training Rules,”
New York Daily News
, August 12, 1960; Fimrite, “Triumph of the Spirit,” 100.

, 398–402.

Fimrite, “Triumph of the Spirit,” 100; “Roy Campanella, 71, Dies,”
New York Times
, June 28, 1993.

Campanella quoted in Robinson,
Baseball Has Done It
, 81, 85–86.

Campanella quoted in
Pittsburgh Courier
, February 25, 1961.

Lee Marguillies, “Campanella Jr. Focuses In on Blacks in Films,”
Los Angeles Times
, May 13, 1986; Dan Chu, “Roy Campanella Jr. Begins a Hit Streak of His Own as a Director of
, May 19, 1986, 22–23.

New York Amsterdam News
, May 16, 1964.

Maury Allen, “Campy: Time for a Black Pilot Is Now,”
New York Post
, February 9, 1972. In 1974 Buzzie Bavasi, then president of the San Diego Padres, gave serious consideration to naming Campanella manager of the team. But Campy’s physical condition as a quadriplegic who struggled with diabetes ruled out his candidacy. Instead the honor of becoming baseball’s first African American pilot went to Frank Robinson in 1975, when the Cleveland Indians signed him as a player-manager. See Associated Press, “Campanella Ready to Manage Padres,”
San Francisco Chronicle
, June 29, 1974; Lanctot,
, 407–8.

Red Smith, “From Jim Crow to Cooperstown,”
New York Times
, February 14, 1978.

, 422–24.

Campanella quoted in Anderson, “In Roy Campanella, the Heart of a Hero.”

Robert M. G. Thomas Jr., “Roy Campanella, 71, Dies: Was Dodger Hall of Famer,”
New York Times
, June 28, 1993.

Red Smith, “Man behind the Plate,”
, February 10, 1958, 13.


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National Baseball Hall of Fame and Library. Cooperstown

U.S. Department of Justice.
Freedom of Information Act Unit, Office of Public and Congressional Affairs, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Washington

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