Read Jaci Burton Online

Authors: Nauti,wild (Riding The Edge)

Jaci Burton (19 page)

BOOK: Jaci Burton
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other with their bodies, communicating in a way that said

everything. She dug her nails into his shoulders and he

grunted, driving deep until she cried out because it both hurt

and felt so good. Her back scraped the rock as he fucked her,

but she had no complaints. She wanted him deep inside her,

fucking her fast, because she was going to come again.

“Oh yeah, just like that,” he said, and she knew he felt her

pussy contracting around him. She tilted her head back and

watched with him where their bodies were joined, knew he

enjoyed watching his cock slide in and out of her. She held

back, wanting to suspend this moment, holding her breath as

if that very act could hold back the rushing tide of her climax.

But then he lifted his gaze to hers.

“Ava,” he said, his fingers digging into the flesh of her hips.

“Come on my dick.”

With a hard shudder, she let go, her orgasm catapulting her

to a place where logic had no play—only mindless pleasure.

Rick went with her, thrusting hard against her once, twice,

before letting out a guttural cry that was lost in the crash of the

waves. He pul ed her against him and she held tight to him,

al owing herself to just feel every pulsing sensation of him

rocking inside her, of her own body’s response to being with


She’d never experienced anything so perfect.

When he let her down so her feet touched the ground, she

realized how shaky she was. He kept his arm around her

waist until she found her footing. She laughed, looking at the

bottom of his jeans, soaked by the water rising up around


“I hope you brought swim trunks.”

“I did.”

“Maybe you should change.”

“Maybe I should.”

He did and they spent time playing in the water together.

After, they spread towels out and laid on the beach, soaking

up the sun.

This was so much better than reading a book in her room.

Or, she had to admit, hanging out with Lacey, who’d turned out

to be a dud.

Rick rol ed over onto his stomach, his hair flicking water

onto her breasts. She laughed and rubbed the water off.

“Keep playing around with those and we’l be back where

we started.”

She laughed. “Is that so bad?”

“No.” He tipped his head toward the hotel. “Where’s Lacey?

Ava turned on her side to face him. “Passed out in her room

again, I imagine.”


She nodded “She’s either going nonstop talking and

running me ragged, or out cold.”

“So you haven’t been having a good time?”

She shrugged. “I thought Lacey and I would reconnect like

we used to. I see now that’s not going to happen.”

“What do you mean?”

“I think it took this trip to make me realize she’s not the

same person she once was. She doesn’t live the same

lifestyle. She’s different. And maybe so am I. We can’t seem

to communicate anymore . . . at least from my perspective.”

“You’ve grown apart.”

“I guess.” She picked up a handful of sand and sifted it

through her fingers. “I feel kind of stupid for doing this.”

He frowned. “For doing what?”

“For coming to bike week and trying to immerse myself in

her life, become what she is. For coming to Mexico with her. I

realize now that she has her life and I have mine, and they

don’t mesh anymore.”

Rick smoothed his hand over her hair. “You were worried

about your friend. That’s admirable.”

She shrugged. “Not that it did much good. I thought I could

make her into who she used to be. I can’t do that.”

“At least you found that out.”

“You’re right. I needed to know that.”

“And now you can let her go and move on with your life.”

“Sort of.”

“What do you mean?”

She sat up. “I’m stil worried.”

He sat, too. “About Lacey?”


“Tel me what’s bothering you.”

“You’l think it’s stupid. Plus, your cousin is involved.”

“I’m not married to Bo, Ava. If something’s bothering you

about him, I’d like to know about it.”

She studied him, the sincere look of concern on his face.

He had come al the way down here to find her, to apologize to

her. That meant he cared. Even if they didn’t have a long-term

relationship in the works, she felt he was someone she could


And even if she and Lacey were no longer tight, she wasn’t

going to just walk away if she had concerns.

“Why does Bo keep sending Lacey down here?”

“To Mexico?”

“Yes. She told me he gifts her with a trip down here once a

month at least. Don’t you find that strange?”

He shrugged. “What’s strange about it?”

“I’m not stupid, Rick. I know what goes on with the

Hel raisers.”

“Do you? Then why don’t you tel me?”

“I think they’re running drugs. And I think Bo is using Lacey

as a mule to carry drugs from Mexico into the U.S.”

Whoa. Rick had to bite his tongue to keep from spitting out a

response to Ava’s accusation.

Because she was dead-on right. But how had she figured it

out? He’d have to play things pretty close. The less she was

involved the better.

“That’s a pretty big leap. Why would you think that?”

“Lacey seems high. Like al the time. And she was smoking

pot in the room the other night. Drugs seem to be used freely

among the Hel raisers. Plus a trip to Mexico once a month

while Bo travels”—she held out quote marks with her

fingers—“‘on business’—I mean come on. What kind of

business does he have?”

“I have no idea. We haven’t gotten into it yet.”

She cocked her head to the side. “You aren’t involved in al

this with him, are you?”

“In al what?” Now he’d have to be real y careful how he

answered her, and make sure to play dumb.

“In whatever he’s doing.”

He held up his hands. “Hey, I just got back into town,

remember? I have no idea what Bo’s up to. He told me he

was sending Lacey down here for R&R. That’s it.”

She laid her head on her knees. “Are you positive? You

wouldn’t lie to me, would you?”

He felt the gut punch of the lie he had to tel her. This is one

of the times he hated his job. “I’m positive. That’s al I know.”

“Stil , it doesn’t make sense. This is a prime resort. Where’s

he getting the money?”

“Maybe he does have a legitimate business. Did you ask


“No, I haven’t. I don’t want to do anything to alienate her. Our

friendship is tenuous enough as it is. Saying anything negative

about Bo wil only push her further away.”

“Do you have any proof?”

She wrinkled her nose. “No.”

“Then what do you want to do?”

She inhaled, sighed. “I have no idea. I don’t trust Bo. I can’t

help but think his motives in sending Lacey down here aren’t

pure ones.”

“Maybe you should talk to her. Find out what she knows. It’s

possible—and I’m just saying it’s possible—that if Bo is

running drugs from here, maybe Lacey already knows that.”

Her eyes widened. “Oh, God. Do you think so?” She shook

her head. “That’s not possible. Even madly in love and blind to

everything, Lacey wouldn’t be that stupid. She wouldn’t risk

going to jail for any man.”

He shrugged. “If you say so. You know her better than I do.” It

was about time that Bo’s game reached an end. An

enlightened Lacey was a start.

“You’re right. She might get mad at me, but I have to say

what’s on my mind. I wouldn’t be a good friend if I didn’t.”

He stood, wiped the sand off, and held out his hand. “Come

on. I’l go with you.”

Rick grabbed his stuff and took it up to Ava’s room. They

showered—together—which was always a fun experience. If it

wasn’t for Ava’s distraction over wanting to talk to Lacey, Rick

would have lingered with her in the shower, making her come

again. Then he’d have liked to take her out on that nice

secluded balcony and fuck her.

Maybe later.

They dressed and Ava cal ed Lacey, told her they were

coming over.

“She sounded groggy, like she’d spent the entire day

asleep.” Ava sighed, worry etching her features.

“Maybe she stays up al night partying. What did you two do

last night?”

“We went out to dinner, then to the club downstairs to dance

and have a couple of drinks. I was exhausted so I came up

and went to bed about midnight. Lacey said she wanted to

stay and party.”

“With who?”

“Some random people who joined our table. She said she

knows them from coming down here a lot.”



“Hmmm.” Probably the ones who dumped the drugs on

Lacey. He could be wrong about that, but he doubted it. Bo

would have people in place to keep an eye on his mule.

They headed over to Lacey’s room and knocked. Lacey’s

hair was a mess, makeup smeared on her face like she

hadn’t bothered to wash it the night before. She leaned

against the doorjamb and yawned. “What time is it?”


“Real y?” She laughed. “I slept al day.”

“Yes, you did.” Ava walked in and Rick fol owed. They took a

seat at the table near the sliding doors to the balcony.

Lacey came in and flounced onto the rumpled bed.

“Hey, Rick. What are you doing down here?”

“I missed Ava. I wanted to talk to her.”

“Awww, how sweet. So you two are back together?”

“We’re fine,” Ava said. “But I’m worried about you.”

Lacey lifted her chin. “Me? Why?”

“You party al night. Sleep al day. You’re a mess, Lace.”

She frowned. “Excuse me. I am not a mess. I’m just a little

tired from dancing last night. Jose and Marco took me to this

rocking club. I didn’t get home until after dawn.”

“That’s exactly what I’m talking about. How do you manage

to stay up so late?”

Lacey laughed. “I sleep al day.”

“This isn’t the kind of life you used to lead.”

Lacey sighed and leaned against the headboard of the

bed. “Ava, we’ve been over this. I know it isn’t. But it’s who I

am now. Why can’t you just let it go?”

Ava got up and sat on the edge of the bed next to Lacey,

picked up Lacey’s hand. “Lace, I’ve known you since

kindergarten. We’re like sisters. I love you like you’re family.

That’s why I have to be honest and tel you . . .”


The door flew open and Bo walked in.

Rick stood. Lacey squealed in delight, leaped off the bed

and into Bo’s arms, planting kisses al over his face.

“Baby! What are you doing here?”

“My business was finished early so I thought I’d surprise


“Oh my God, you so did.”

Ava shot a look over her shoulder at Rick, who held up his

hand, signaling now was not the time for a come-to-Jesus

discussion with Lacey.

Because given the hard edge to Bo’s gaze as he looked at

Rick, he had a feeling the come-to-Jesus meeting was about

to happen between the two of them.

Bo was not happy to find Rick here.

Which was okay, because now that Bo was here, Rick’s

plan was working out perfectly.


va looked from Rick to Bo, watching the tense exchange

between the two men. Bo wasn’t happy to see Rick. She

wondered why.


“Rick. Weren’t you supposed to be somewhere else, doing

something else?”

Rick didn’t seem at al concerned. “Already got it done. So I

thought I’d pop down here and see Ava.”

“Yeah?” Bo set Lacey on her feet and moved toward Rick.


“I don’t think that’s any of your business.”

Uh oh. The tension grew thicker.

“I’m making it my business.”

Ava stood and moved next to Bo. “We had a fight. He came

down here to make up with me.” She tilted her head back and

BOOK: Jaci Burton
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