Jace: The Pride of the Double Deuce (2 page)

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“Me either. Look into that for me. Perhaps there are a lot of nasty people in the world that are trying to take more advantage of the family.” He said that he would. “Give me the name of the store where he works and I’ll go by there. What was his name again?”

“This one is called Zachery. He goes by Zach, however.” She told him she was on the way. “Miss Snow, there is more you should know about. Miss Douglas has an appointment with the bank in an hour. If I were you, I’d head there instead of the store. You might be able to help her better there.”

She turned her car right instead of left at the end of her drive. “I’ll go there. Can you meet me there as well? I asked Dad, but he has meetings all day.”

“I can do that. However, I will be a little late. I have an appointment at eleven with another land owner. They have ten days to come up with the funds or they will be out. This one is the last on your list, if you don’t count the Douglas farm. And if you don’t mind me saying so, Miss Snow, you are close to becoming in no better shape than the people you’re trying to help.”

“I know. I have enough to pay off the taxes on the Douglas place and I’ll…I’m going to have to go to Dad for a loan.” Mr. Clarke snorted. “It’s not a business if he gives me the money every time I need to have more.”

“No. But you are one of the wealthiest families in the country. I’m very sure that your father can afford to give his only child a little extra to help her make a dream come true.” She was sure he would, but that wasn’t standing on her own two feet. “I have a call from your father. I’ll see you at the bank shortly.”

Holly was at the bank just as Georgie was pulling in. It hurt her to see how much the woman looked weighted down; more so knowing that Georgie was working harder to keep what was hers more than any of the others Holly had helped. But it was a good plan. A very sound plan, and she was going to make it work.

“Georgie? It’s Holly Snow, do you remember me?” The hug that the older woman gave her brought back so many memories that she had to fight the tears. When Georgie pulled back and looked at her, Holly no longer even tried. She was crying as well. “I’ve been trying to contact you for ages.”

“I’ve had some…I’ve been sort of busy. Oh my, how you have turned into a lovely young woman. Goodness, your father must be proud of you.” Holly told her that he was. “We have to catch up, child. Why don’t you come out to the ranch and let’s see if you’ve forgotten any of the lessons that I taught you?”

“I’m not even going to embarrass myself by showing you how little I’ve practiced. But I do want to talk to you. It’s about the bank.” They both looked up at the large imposing building. “I want to help you and your family. I’ve been looking into things for you and a lot of other ranches, and I think I can help you catch up.”

“Oh dear, that’s very sweet of you, but I can handle them.” Holly was shaking her head. Georgie looked at her, then at the bank again, before continuing without looking back. “How did you find out?”

“I’ve been…there are more farms going under than not. And when I had Mr. Clarke look into it, your name came across my desk. I can help. I want to help.” Georgie turned then, and she could see what it was costing her to tell her no. “Don’t do that. Don’t tell me no, Georgie. I want to help you. I told Dad about it this morning and he said that he wanted to help you as well. He said you were a good woman and had done so much for us that he wanted to help you as well.”

“We’re nearly under, child. It would take a great deal more than your pen money to save us.” Holly nodded and told her she knew how much. “I can’t do that. I can’t let you use your money to help us. I’m not even sure…I don’t know if I’ll ever have the money to pay you back. And there is so much more than what we owe the bank. So much more.”

“I know, Georgie. I know it all. I’ve been…let’s go and talk to the banker and get this part straightened out. Then we can go and have a nice lunch and talk about the rest of it.” Georgie looked like she wanted to say okay, but Holly just grabbed her arm and led her into the bank. “I have this great place in mind where they serve those little meatballs like my aunt used to make. You remember her? Aunt Caroline?”

“Worst cook in five counties.” Holly laughed and said that was her. “I heard that she passed away recently. I’m sorry to hear about that.”

“Me too. I miss her all the time.” Entering the bank together caused heads to turn. She knew it was because of her name, but thought very little else about what people thought of her. Usually it was good things, but there were a few, like the bank manager, that thought she should have been using his bank and not her father’s. It was one of many sore points that she and the banker exchanged harsh words over when they were together.

They had to wait for fifty minutes. In that time not only had Mr. Clarke shown up, but also a few people from her office. Two of them left, but one, Sharon Guest, her personal assistant, stayed. Holly was talking to her dad when they were finally called back. Nigel was close to getting her dander up, as her aunt used to say, and he still might.

“I’m not sure why you thought it necessary to bring someone with you, Miss Douglas, but I assure you that this is just about a done deal.” Holly gripped her hand when Georgie started to talk to the banker. “Here, Georgie; you just need to sign over the deed and we’ll take possession right away. Then all this fuss will be over with and you can find—”

“I’m not going to sign anything. I’m here…I’d like to know the balance of what I owe.” Holly had told her to ask, and when he seemed to sputter about her question, Georgie asked him again. “The amount. Surely you know how much you think you’re going to foreclose on me with. I’d think if you don’t know it right off the top of your head, with all the extra time you had while you made us wait, I’d be afraid to put my money in a bank like yours.”

“Well, it’s a good thing you don’t have any then, isn’t it? I have no idea what you think to gain by this show of temper, Miss Douglas, but if you’d just sign the papers, we can—”

“She’s not signing the papers. I’m going to pay her debt off.” Mr. Rogers looked at Holly, then at Georgie. His burst of laughter made her pissed, but she held her temper as best she could. “And when I do pay this off, I’d like the deed turned over to us, please. Today. I have a notary waiting to mark it as paid in full.”

“You think you can just come in here and pay off this debt like you own the place?” Holly nodded. That was exactly what she thought. “We want this property, and don’t think we don’t know about the others you’ve gone in to help as well. They’re going to be contacting you as soon as tomorrow that they’ve changed their minds. I will have all their deeds back by the end of the day.”

“Not this one, you won’t. Either tell me how much the outstanding amount is, or I’ll call someone who will help me.” She had meant her dad, but he assumed the police and laughed at her when she stood up.

“The police won’t do shit to help you. And sit your pretty ass down. Miss Douglas is going to do what she’s told or she’ll be out on her ass by tonight.” He shoved the file at Georgie. “It’s all marked. Sign it and get out of my bank. Riff raff like you should know better than to try and run your own farm. It’s a small wonder you were able to make it this long, but I want it over now.”

The next few minutes were a blur of anger. Holly remembered picking up the wooden name placard on his deck and swinging it, but not much more than that. As she was tackled to the floor, her purse flying, she saw Sharon knocked back as well. Fuck, her dad was going to be pissed.

Chapter 2


Mason drove like a man possessed. He supposed that he was. He’d never been so angry in his entire life. That fucker had hurt his aunt. Mason glanced over at Jace when he told him to slow down.

“If you kill us before we get there, Aunt Georgie is going to be even more pissed at us. She already said to not come down.” Mason huffed. “Well, that’s what she said. She said someone was coming to get them and she’d be home for dinner. Oh shit, I forgot to get out the hamburger before you tore me out of the kitchen. I’m blaming it all on you if she’s mad about that.”

“Yeah, like any of us were going to wait at the house after that call.” Mason did lighten the pressure on the gas pedal. “Did she say anything else? Like what the hell the man had been thinking about, arresting her? Mother fuck, I hate that prick. Jones has been a pain in my ass since I went to ask him for a car loan ten years ago. Motherfucker is going to pay if she’s got a single hair out of place.”

As soon as they pulled in front of the police station, Mason tried to calm his cat. Being a cougar had its advantages, but right now the only thing he could think of was shifting and going in and tearing the throat out of every one of the assholes. He looked at Jace when he laughed again.

“I’m thinking that if we do that, shift and go in on a killing spree, we’ll end up shot or worse yet, behind bars too. And the only bar I want to be around is one that serves cold beers. Not one with bars on the windows.” Mason stretched his neck as Jace continued. “I’m sure that it’s just a simple misunderstanding, and once we find out what it is, we can take her home.”

“Sure it is.” Mason looked at the door as cops went in and out of the door. “That man on the phone, the one that called you a few minutes ago, what did he have to say about this?”

“That Aunt Georgie and his client were arrested and taken to jail. He mentioned that his client was harmed but not how badly, and that her father was on his way.” A huge limo pulled up beside them and they both watched as the very well-dressed man went inside. “I’m assuming that’s someone for the bank.”

Mason just nodded. They should go in, but he was almost afraid to. Not that he didn’t want to get his aunt, but he didn’t want to have to kill someone today. He’d already had a bad enough day as it was. When Jace got out of his truck, Mason followed. Might as well get it over with.

The station was quiet. Not like there was no music playing in the background, but it was quiet enough to hear a pin drop. The well-dressed man was standing at the large window that he knew was the place to pay tickets and to get information, and he did not look any happier than the man behind the glass did. Mason had a feeling that the cop on the other side was glad for the bullet proof glass.

“And if she had one single scratch on her that she didn’t have this morning when she left my house, either of the women, I will personally make your life a living hell. Do you understand me?” The jowls on the cop shook as he nodded. “Bring. Her. To. Me.”

Mason might have laughed if he wasn’t concerned that the man would turn his wrath on him. The man had a serious temper and Mason was impressed. In fact, it made his cat sort of calm just listening to the man. When he did turn, he stared at Mason and Jace for several seconds before he put out his hand.

“You’re the Douglas men, aren’t you?” Mason nodded, and Jace said yes. “You look like your father. Wonderful man, your dad. There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t think about him and your mother.” They both shook his hand, and Mason realized he was human.

His voice was strong but no longer pissed. He spoke to them like he was their friend with neither of them having a clue, if the look on his brother’s face was any indication. Before he could ask him who he was and how he knew their parents, a cop came around the short gate and cleared his throat before speaking.

“She said she won’t come out until you go back there and talk to her. She’s thinking that we’re lying to her. I don’t know why.” All three of them snorted, and Mason smiled. There was something about this man that he really liked. Jace moved closer to the cop and sniffed him. The cop backed away.

“He’s not lying.” Mason nodded and noticed that the man did as well. “Whoever it is you’re waiting on won’t come out until you go back. And so you know, he smells like Aunt Georgie too.”

“Georgie is back there as well? Damn it all to hell and back. Where are they? And you’ll take these men back with me as well.” Almost as soon as the words were out of the man’s mouth, they were headed to the cells. “My name is Palmer Snow. My daughter is the pigheaded one that is making demands.”

“I heard you, Dad. I’m hurt, not deaf.” The voice came from deep within the cells. As they got closer to the end, Mason could smell blood. While not a lot of it, it was fresh. When Aunt Georgie stood up in front of the other woman on the tiny cot, he rushed forward. She started crying the moment she saw them.

“I had no idea that was going to happen. He was angry the moment we told him we were there to pay off the loan.” Mason started to ask her what loan when she continued. “He just told me to shut up and sign the papers, like he was going to take the farm no matter what. Then he called me riff raff. Riff raff? Where did he get off calling me names? Then Holly hit him and…and…. I just don’t want to be here.”

“Are you hurt?” She waved him off, and he could see the blood on her dress. “I’m going to get you out of here. I’m not sure how, but we’ll think of something.”

“They’re both leaving.” He looked at Mr. Snow as he had the cop that had led them down here open the door. He rushed to the bundle on the seat and held her while he continued to speak. “I’ve had my lawyer pay the fines, and the banker is being taken care of as well.”

He lifted the girl’s face up and Mason felt his cat stir. Had his aunt not touched her hand to his arm, he might have shifted. Christ, it looked like someone had taken a bat to her face. Mr. Snow was talking to the woman in his arms, and Mason could feel his anger like it was his own. But he was calm and never raised his voice as he soothed her. When they stood up she staggered slightly, and Mason moved to help her. Jace knocked him back.

“Don’t touch her.” Mason nodded, not sure what was going on, but backed up another step. “Just…please don’t touch her. I’m having a hard enough time calming him because of her father. But fuck, it hurts.”

“Jace, look at me.” Jace growled low but watched the younger woman, ignoring their aunt. When she said his name again, harder this time, he finally turned. Mason could see how hard it was for his brother not to shift. “What are you feeling? Tell me how you feel about this woman.”

Mason watched his brother struggle with conversation. His cat was nearly too close to the surface for him to tell the difference between the two of them. And Mason thought the cat was winning. Finally when he spoke, Mason didn’t know whether to laugh or…well, laugh.

“She’s mine. My mate. I have never felt this way, but my cat knows what she is.” Aunt Georgie nodded and smiled. “It’s not funny. I want to fucking tear his throat out. Help me.”

“Oh, there is no helping you now.” She looked at Mr. Snow and smiled. “Does she have a clue, Palmer? Any idea at all?”

He shook his head and moved by them. Jace growled again, but Mr. Snow didn’t stop moving. Aunt Georgie touched his shoulder and the two of them spoke quietly. Mason turned his brother so he could no longer see the woman.

“Take a deep breath.” Jace told him he couldn’t do that because all he could smell was her and her blood. “Good point. Maybe we should go outside. Get some fresh air.”

“You’re not helping me.” Mason wanted to tell him he was trying, but he could see that Jace was beyond hearing him. “I have to shift. Help me outside and let me…I’m going to go for a run. Maybe that’ll get her out of my system.”

Mason nodded, but he doubted that was going to help. As he half-dragged and half-carried his brother out of the station, he could only think of one thing. Christ, his brother had a mate. And someone had beaten the shit out of her.


Jace made it outside. The fresh air cleared his head of the scent of her blood, but not of the woman. His entire body hurt with the need to take her. And he was pretty sure it wasn’t just to take her from her dad. He wanted her. Now.

Moving behind the jail, he stripped down as fast as he could and let his cat take him. The big animal was leaping toward the open field in front of him just as he heard Mason tell him he’d meet him at the Snow house.

No fucking way. I’m going home.
Mason laughed.
It’s not funny. I’m not sure what the hell is going on, but I am not going to go near her again until I can get a handle on this.

Good luck with that.
Jace wanted to turn and attack his brother but kept running. He was nearly to the river, the one that ran through his family’s land, when Mason spoke again.
They’re taking her to the hospital. And by the way, her name is Holly. Holly Snow. Her dad is Palmer, as he told us, but he and Aunt Georgie have been friends since before Mom and Dad died. And like he said, he knew them.

I’m sure they worked for him in some way, right?
Mason told him not to be an ass.
Then what? It’s not like they ran in the same social circles. What the hell kind of relationship did they have, if not employer and employee? We’re not in their league anymore than he is in ours. Face it, Mason, we’re the underdog here.

Mom and his wife were school friends. And before you ask, if you were even going to, Holly is going to live. She’s got some pretty bad cuts on her, but she’s going to be fine. The banker, however, has some major bruising. Your little mate is a wild cat when she’s pissed.
He growled and told him to shut up.
Something else, Jace. The loan is paid off, as of now. So are the back taxes, as well as the feed mill, which I’d had no idea about. Mr. Snow said that he’s having it investigated, but in the meantime, things are paid across the board.

Is this because he thinks he can buy me off about being her mate? I want you to tell him right now that I am not going to claim her for that reason. I don’t need charity
. Mason laughed.
This is not fucking funny, you prick. He’s going to tell me to stay away from her.

And you just said you didn’t want her. So make up your mind.
Jace lay down next to the fast-running river and closed his eyes.
Holly was going to help Aunt Georgie out before you even came into the picture. The banker got all pissy about the fact that Holly was there with her, and Aunt Georgie was asking for the total loan amount. He only got worse when he was informed that the bill was being paid. According to Holly’s dad, she’s been helping other farms out for a few weeks now. She was trying to reach you today through a man named Clarke. Did he call you?

Yes. This morning when I was on my way to work. I thought he was a bill collector. He was…does this man have a nasty cough?
Mason said he did, and that he was dying from it. Cancer.
I never called him back. There is probably a message on my phone from him.

I can check if you want me to. But it would probably be more helpful if you were to come to the hospital. Holly is being checked in to keep an eye on her, and Aunt Georgie and I are going to have dinner with Mr. Snow and Clarke. The others are coming in as well. I’d very much like for you to be there.
Jace said he’d be there.
Thanks. And you should also know that Mr. Snow is aware of what we are. But Holly is not.

What am I going to do with her?
Mason didn’t answer.
I’ve got nothing to offer a woman like her. Christ, Mason, she probably charges more on her credit card monthly than I make in an entire year. A woman like her will need a man with a fat bank account, as well as one of those jobs that pays more than seven figures a year. Just to keep up with her spending.

Don’t be a snob.
Jace didn’t feel like a snob so much as he felt like dirt. Less than dirt. Christ, she and her family owned nearly every building in town; and then some, he was sure. As he made his way to the house, he saw Darin and Logan coming out. Asking them to wait on him, he ran up to his room to change. It was going to be a long night, he knew.

The restaurant was the nicest one in town, of course. Once they were seated, he felt like he should have taken better care with his appearance. His pants were worn but clean, of course, but he’d worn tennis shoes instead of dress ones. Aunt Georgie only stared at them and patted him a little too hard on the cheek. He knew he was in trouble. At least he’d put on a tie. Someone had handed Mason a tie when they entered.

“I’m very glad that we’ve finally gotten together. It’s been a long time.” Jace said nothing as Snow addressed the table. He wondered how a person could simply go into a packed restaurant and suddenly be offered not only a seat right away, but a private room as well. “I’m glad that you were all able to come on such short notice. I’ve been…Holly has been working on this project for several months now. It wasn’t until she mentioned your family that I took an interest, I’m sorry to say.”

“You want her to stop doing this, right?” The words were out before he could stop them, and the pain in his shin made him think he was in more trouble with his aunt than just from his attire. But he had something to say too. “I won’t touch your daughter, if that’s what this is about. I don’t think I could be a kept man anymore than she could lower herself to my level.”

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