Izikiel (5 page)

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Authors: Thomas Fay

BOOK: Izikiel
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Izikiel couldn’t
remember falling asleep. Opening his eyes, he found himself lying on the grass in the main cavern. Te’Anne slept soundly next to him. Not wanting to wake her, he got up quietly and walked over to the underground stream. Washing his hands and face, he was startled by a white robed man bringing him food. Thanking him, Izikiel examined the strange yellow and purple sponge like cubes he had received. Tasting one, he found it to be slightly chewy but not unpleasant. He finished them quickly and washed down the salty taste with some water. Walking through the underground passages, he found Da’Amo in the ancient library.

‘Are you ready to continue your training?’ was the greeting Da’Amo offered.

Nodding, Izikiel turned his attention to the four elements. Without hesitation, he reached out to the Eternal Flame and felt the heat ignite within his body. Focusing on one of the elements, he channelled the power through his body and watched as the water lifted into the air. Holding it there, he felt the heat building within him.

Good, good. Now return the element to its vessel,’ Da’Amo instructed.

Closing his eyes, Izikiel focused the fiery power of the Eternal Flame through
out his body. Visualising the individual drops of water suspended above the cavern floor, he willed them back towards the black vase. Slowly, he felt the water respond as the burning sensation intensified within him. Just as he felt that he could hold on no longer, he opened his eyes and saw that all the water was back in the vase. Releasing his connection to the Eternal Flame, he dropped to his knees.

Do not fear, Izikiel. Soon you will become strong enough to wield the power of the Eternal Flame,’ Da’Amo said as he moved to one of the ancient bookshelves lining the walls. Izikiel absently noted that the damaged bookshelf had been repaired and once more obscured the machinery which drew the clones’ vital fluids. Sliding his ruined hand across the books, Da’Amo turned towards Izikiel as he spoke.

Listen closely, Izikiel. They say that knowledge is power so I will teach you all that I can about the Void Lords. You already know that they are not of this Universe, that they are shrouded in eternal darkness. Beware that darkness for they will use it against you. When facing the Void Lords, they will bring the cold and emptiness of the Void to bear on you. They shun light above all else. Remember that.’

A sudden realisation struck Izikiel as Da’Amo’s words registered.

‘Is that why you chose
to build the Great City?’

The question had a surprising effect on the ancient true believer.
Da’Amo pulled in a deep breath and released it slowly as his hand moved across the ancient tomes. He opened his mouth and then closed it again. He seemed unable or unwilling to answer the question.

, he said, ‘Yes. The twin suns meant that it was impossible for the Void Lords to set foot upon its surface. Now, with the sacrifice of the true believers, even at night their light protects us. The Void Lords will never set foot here.’

But you said that they were coming?’

Yes, they are. While no Void Lord will descend to the planet’s surface, they will send their void spawn. Genetically engineered creatures, they combine elements from the Void and our Universe to allow them to survive in any environment. It is them that you will face first before you battle the Void Lords.’

You keep referring to this impending battle with the Void Lords. But how can one man face these dark legions?’

Da’Amo laughed. It was a strange and guttural sound, somewhere between a cough and a
growl. Turning his sightless eyes upon him, he replied.

You are a disciple of the Eternal Flame. The Void Lords serve their dark master, the Void itself. You on the other hand stand as the lone champion of the Eternal Flame. You see Izikiel, you and I are only a small part of a much greater struggle.’

Izikiel’s mind began to fill with images of a stellar spectacle involving sweeping tendrils of flaming light igniting vast regions of darkness and being swallowed by the same darkness
in turn. It was a struggle played out on a truly galactic scale.

Yes, Izikiel. You are beginning to understand,’ Da’Amo said, nodding his head slowly.

The struggle between the Eternal Flame and the Void will not be resolved during either of our lifetimes. It is a struggle that has existed since the beginning of time and will endure until its end.’


Izikiel lay down on the soft grass
in the central cavern and closed his eyes. One by one the day’s events filled his mind. He saw himself training with Da’Amo in the ancient library. He watched the incredible medical robots frantically reconstructing Xavier’s arm and chest cavity. A smile crossed his face as he remembered exploring the remains of the Great City with Te’Anne by his side. Slowly, Izikiel felt his mind wander as he reached outwards and upwards. Soon the familiar coldness of space embraced him as his ethereal form sailed up into the night sky. Reaching a point high above the planet’s surface, he looked back down.

The jagged rock formations scarred the landscape in
every direction. Izikiel now knew them to be the remains of the Great City, decimated by the meteor shower. Even at this distance he could make out their steady light. Looking across to the day side of the planet, Izikiel saw the twin suns. Poised between them was a tendril of burning plasma. Willing himself towards it, Izikiel felt the solar currents sweep his ethereal form towards the Eternal Flame. The flaming tentacle stretched out towards him as he reached out with his hand.

An intense burning sensation exploded in his mind as his hand touched the flame. Then it subsided and Izikiel suddenly became aware of
everything around him. He could
the solar currents flowing through space. His heightened state of awareness allowed him to perceive the exact position of each planet and moon in the system. Looking down upon the remains of the Great City, Izikiel realised that he could see inside the underground cavern. Da’Amo’s form stood out like a shining beacon in the darkness of night. Focusing on the true believer, Izikiel could see him clearly as he rested in his chambers. The power emanating from him was incredible as Izikiel attempted to get closer.

‘Izikiel,’) a voice echoed in his mind.

‘Da’Amo?’) Izikiel asked, surprised.

‘Yes. I see that you have begun to embrace the Eternal Flame. Join with it Izikiel and learn of its true power.’)
As Izikiel began to form his response an image materialised in his mind with the force of an impacting asteroid. A humanoid creature
shrouded in a veil of darkness with oily black skin and glowing red eyes. It turned its head towards him and opened its enormous jaws. Then it lunged at him. Falling backwards, Izikiel screamed as a sense of panic overwhelmed him. Then he woke up. Sitting up, he realised that he was inside the ancient cavern. His entire body was drenched in a cold sweat. He heard footsteps approaching. Moments later, Da’Amo appeared next to him.

Da’Amo, I -’

What did you see?’ the true believer demanded, grasping him roughly with his ruined hands.

I…don’t know. Its eyes glowed and it opened its mouth to attack me. That’s when I woke up,’ Izikiel replied.

let go of him. He cast his head upwards and stood perfectly still. After a while, he turned back towards Izikiel.

It was a vision from the Eternal Flame. The Void Lords are very close. What you saw was a void spawn.’

What does it mean?’ Izikiel asked.

The remains of Da’Amo’s brow contracted and his sightless eyes bore into him as he
said, ‘It means that we have run out of time.’


Izikiel’s mind raced as he tried to comprehend what was happening. The vision of the void spawn had shaken him
badly. He could still picture its gaping maw with its rows of razor sharp teeth coming towards him. Even Da’Amo seemed genuinely worried as he issued orders to his white robed clones that had materialised in the main chamber at some unseen command from their master.

What can we do to help?’ Izikiel asked.

Nothing. You must get ready to leave. Now,’ the true believer replied in a firm tone.

But surely there is -’

No! You must go. There is nothing you can do to help and if the Void Lords capture you then all hope will be lost.’

Izikiel shrank
away from Da’Amo’s forcefulness. Despite establishing contact with the Eternal Flame and beginning to develop his abilities, he suddenly realised just how helpless he truly was. The glimpse he had been afforded of his enemy had left him feeling cold inside. For that brief instant when he had connected with the void spawn, he had experienced the Void. An overwhelming feeling of emptiness and despair had pressed in on him. Letting out his breath, Izikiel realised that Da’Amo was looking directly at him. As he spoke, the true believer’s voice took on a softer tone.

I am sorry, Izikiel. I did not have enough time to teach you everything that you needed to know. I hope that I have given you enough to survive.’

Thank you, Da’Amo. There is no need to apologise. You saved our lives and opened my mind to the Eternal Flame.’

Izikiel reached out and clasped the true believer’s robed shoulder. For a moment
, it seemed Da’Amo wanted to tell him something else. But all he said was, ‘Go and find your companions. You will need to leave very soon.’

Nodding his head, Izikiel moved away from the true believer and his band of clones.
Walking further into the cavern, he soon located Te’Anne sleeping on a thick patch of subterranean grass. She looked incredibly peaceful as her body rose and fell with the rhythm of her breathing. Looking down at her, Izikiel was suddenly struck by her beauty. Until then he had looked upon her as a determined scavenger, struggling for survival in an inhospitable environment. Now, he saw an attractive young woman. So intent was Izikiel at admiring her flawless features that he failed to realise that her breathing had taken on a more irregular pattern.

Enjoying the view?’ Te’Anne’s soft voice startled Izikiel out of his reverie. Flinching, he cleared his throat in embarrassment.

Da’Amo asked me to get you and Xavier. We need to get ready to leave,’ he said.

Te’Anne’s eyes sprang open as she rolled to a crouching position. Standing up slowly, she stretched
, all the while watching Izikiel out of the corner of her eyes. Izikiel was unable to stop himself from staring as her incredible figure flowed within the polyformic clothing.

Come on, let’s go get Xavier,’ Te’Anne said. Izikiel didn’t need to look at her to know that she was smiling.

They walked into the
underground passages and made their way to the medical chamber. Stepping inside, they found Xavier lying on the operating table, much like he had been for the past couple of days. Te’Anne reached down and gently shook her brother. He stirred slowly.

Where am I?’ Xavier’s voice echoed in the stillness of the chamber.

You’re in a medical chamber deep underground,’ Te’Anne replied. ‘You were injured during our run in with the desert wolves. Da’Amo saved us and has been caring for you ever since.’

Turning to look at Izikiel, she motioned for him to help her.
Grasping her meaning, he helped lift Xavier’s powerful frame into a sitting position. Izikiel noted that the man’s right arm was considerably lighter in colour than his left. The newly grown skin pulsed with thick blue veins as the arm continued to heal itself.

Xavier, we need to leave this place. Please, look at me. Open your eyes,’ Te’Anne pleaded with her brother as she gently shook his shoulders.

Lifting his head up
, Xavier opened his eyes.

Beloved Serafine, what have they done to you?’ Te’Anne cried out as she let go of her brother.

‘What is it?’ Izikiel asked.

‘His eyes!’

Izikiel looked directly into
Xavier’s eyes. What he saw shocked him. While Xavier’s right eye was normal, his left was considerably smaller and dark green in colour. The same colour as Da’Amo’s clones.


Te’Anne recovered from her initial shock.
Taking another look at her brother, she stormed out of the medical chamber. Watching her leave, Izikiel realised where she was going. Running after her, he reached the main cavern just in time to watch her confront Da’Amo.

What have you done to my brother?’ Te’Anne demanded.

Her right hand rested on one of the weapons strapped to her leg.
The true believer stood his ground, appraising her calmly but said nothing. Frustrated, Te’Anne shouted her question.

I did what you asked me to. I made your brother whole again,’ the true believer replied.

No! You did...something, what did you do to him! His eyes..,’ Te’Anne’s voice trailed off as she began to sob.

Izikiel put his arms around her. She leaned into him and rested her head on his shou
lder. He could feel her trembling as she continued to cry. He saw a smile cross Da’Amo’s face for an instant. Just as quickly it was gone, leaving Izikiel to wonder if he had ever seen it. Surprised, he was about to ask the true believer about it when he heard a voice call out from behind him.

What’s going on here? Te’Anne, are you alright?’ Xavier asked.

Izikiel let go of Te’Anne and looked at her brother. Even at a dozen paces the difference between his eyes was clearly visible.
Izikiel deliberately avoided meeting his gaze.

Te’Anne, what’s happening?’ Xavier asked.

It’s ok,’ Te’Anne replied, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. Walking over to her brother, she said, ‘Come on, we need to pack up.’

I’ll help you gather your -’ Izikiel stopped in mid-sentence as the Eternal Flame’s burning touch ignited within him. The heat was so intense that it felt as if his skin were on fire. Closing his eyes, he screamed as the pain reached a fever pitch. Then it stopped.

Izikiel opened his eyes. He was no longer inside the underground cavern. He was back in space,
floating in high orbit above the planet
. Looking around, he saw the twin suns perched in the blackness of space. Between them was the Eternal Flame. Casting around, Izikiel suddenly realised what the Eternal Flame was trying to show him.

Hurtling towards the planet was a gigantic
construct of rock and shadows. Like a dark comet, it streaked through space leaving a dense trail behind it. But this was no force of nature. Izikiel instantly recognised it as a Void Lord citadel. The very creations which had decimated the Earth fleet a thousand years before. And now they were coming for him. Izikiel began to panic as he saw the tremendous citadel heading directly for him. Crossing his arms in front of him, he braced for impact.


Surprised, Izikiel lowered his arms and looked around trying to locate the speaker.

‘Izikiel,’) the voice repeated in a hollow, distant tone.

Izikiel was suddenly struck by an
impossible thought. Looking at the twin suns, his gaze fell on the unwavering tentacle of flaming energy poised between them.

‘Yes, Izikiel.’)

‘How is this possible?’) he cast the thought out.

‘There is no time. You must leave the Great City and go to the star port at New Babylon. From there you will make your way to the planet
The words resonated inside Izikiel’s mind even as he felt himself being pulled down. Accelerating towards the planet’s surface
, he saw the ground rush up towards him at frightening speed. He opened his eyes at the point of impact. His gaze fell upon Te’Anne and Xavier.

We must leave. Now,’ he said.

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