Ivan the Terrible (93 page)

Read Ivan the Terrible Online

Authors: Isabel de Madariaga

Tags: #Non-Fiction, #Eurasian History, #Geopolitics, #European History, #Renaissance History, #Political Science, #Amazon.com, #Retail, #Russia, #Biography

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Adashev, Aleksei Fedorovich,

(‘ruled Russia’),

Adashev, Daniil Fedorovich,

Adashev, F.A.,

Afanasii, Metropolitan (1564–6),


Akakii, Bishop,


Aleksandrovskaia Sloboda,

Alexander the Great,

Alexander, Grand Prince and King of Poland–Lithuania

marries Elena Ivanovna,


Alexander Nevsky, Prince,

Alexander (Utemish Girei),

Alexander II, Tsar of Russia,

Alfer'ev, P.,

Alfonso II of Este, Duke of Ferrara,

Anastasia, Tsaritsa (Anastasia Romanovna Iur'eva Zakhar'ina):

marriage to Ivan IV,



and Sylvester,

and Prince A.M. Kurbsky,

analysis of bones,

influence of her death on Ivan IV,

see also under
Ivan Ivanovich, Grand Prince of Vladimir/Moscow

Andrei Ivanovich, Prince of Staritsa,

Andrei, Archpriest,
Afanasii, Metropolitan

Antonii, Metropolitan,


Armus, Castle of,

Arnold, Dr
Lindsay, Dr Arnold




Atkins, Dr Robert,

see also
Elizarov, Dr Roman

Augustus Caesar, Emperor,

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