It's What I Do: A Photographer's Life of Love and War (45 page)

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Mine Action Group, 341
Mississippi, 333
Misurata, Libya, 308
Mogadishu, 316–17, 319–21
Mohammed (Afghan Embassy clerk), 57–61, 76, 98
Mohammed (Afghan guide/interpreter), 63–65, 67–69
Moore, John, 316–17
Mosul, Iraq, 125, 128–29
mujahideen, 63, 71
Munadi, Sultan, 296
Muslims, 55, 57, 65, 70, 93, 96–97, 100, 130, 151, 254, 282–83, 285, 324
Nachtwey, James, 177, 191
Namdar, Haji, 251–52
National Geographic
, 249, 270–71, 273, 277
NATO, 209–10, 241–42
Nepal, 78
New Delhi, India, 51–52, 57, 69, 78, 273, 276, 311–14
New York City, 32–33, 37–39, 43, 48–49, 52, 77–78, 85, 89, 199, 241, 309, 321–22.
See also
transgender prostitutes
New York Daily News
, 37
New York Post
, 37
New York Times
, 106, 115, 179
and Afghanistan war, 102–3
on assignment for, 2, 7, 83, 99, 108–9, 139, 314–15, 325, 327
correspondents of, 7–8, 54, 92, 102–3, 155–56, 176, 307, 339
and Darfur crisis, 188, 190
editors of, 2, 12, 92, 108–9, 265, 277, 294, 322
influence of, 54, 252
Iraq bureau, 145–46, 149, 153–54, 158, 162–64, 277, 307
and Iraq war, 120, 139
Jerusalem bureau, 323–24, 328
and kidnappings, 283, 288, 294–96, 298, 301–4, 311
and Libya, 2, 7, 12
and Mogadishu, 316–17
and Pakistan, 92, 99–100, 257
photographers of, 92, 102–3, 145, 270–71, 273, 307
and Syrian refugees, 337, 339
wins Pulitzer, 254, 323
New York Times Magazine
, 103, 188, 322, 332
and northern Iraq, 113–15, 120, 172
“Talibanistan” series in, 249–50, 253–54
and war in Afghanistan, 240–42, 244–46
and “Women of Jihad” series, 93–96
See specific names
, 290, 309, 317, 319
Nga, Jehad, 180, 182–83, 186
night-vision goggles, 218, 223–24, 227–28
Nishe, Abbas, 320–21
nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), 56, 177, 179
North Africa, 9, 199–200
North Kivu Province, Congo, 189–91
North Korean refugees, 114
NPR, 117, 198
Operation Rock Avalanche, 221–42
Ostlund, Lieutenant Colonel Bill, 215, 224, 226
Pakistan, 51, 209, 270, 302, 307
Afghan Embassy in, 56–61
on assignment in, 78, 249
journalists monitored in, 97–98, 102
refugees of, 107, 254–55, 257, 262
and September 11, 84–85, 89–90, 96
Taliban in, 249–55, 264
women in, 88, 92–96, 98–100, 250–52, 254, 261
See also
Peshawar, Pakistan
Palace Hotel (Iraq), 117
Palestine Hotel (Iraq), 139, 154
Palestinians, 93, 323–25, 328.
See also
Pearl Continental Hotel (Peshawar), 90, 250
Pentagon, 90, 102
Peress, Gilles, 101–2
Perkins, Lucian, 120
personal life
education/travels abroad, 32–36
friendships with journalists, 107, 117, 130–31, 146, 198–99, 227
and photography career, 21–22, 83–85, 98–101, 107, 201, 247–48, 266, 332–33, 335
and romantic relationships, 83–85, 98–102, 107–10, 115–16, 131, 137–38, 146–48, 165–67
See also
family life
Peshawar, Pakistan, 59, 88, 90–91, 99–101, 108, 250–51
Peterson, Scott, 130
Petraeus, General David, 125
photo agencies, 2, 77, 84, 89, 114, 316.
See also specific names
photo editors, 34–35, 37, 92, 172, 241, 244–46, 266, 270–71, 309, 315
photographs, 2, 255
captions for, 238, 241–42, 255
censored by military, 167, 172
downloading of, 238, 241, 262
fine-art, 22, 190, 273
impacts of, 210, 321
influence policy makers, 15, 148, 179, 188, 250, 252
innovations in, 227
intimate, 15, 48, 106, 227
and on-line slides, 244–46
publishing of, 32, 34, 83, 167, 172, 244–46, 262, 270–71, 316, 319
restricted under Taliban, 55–56, 63–65
show truth, 20, 131, 179, 246, 341
telling stories through, 36, 93, 172, 191, 226–27, 242, 245, 273
See also
breaking-news photography; documentary photography
career in, 7, 15, 20–22, 34–36, 83, 107–8, 197–98, 201, 203, 239–40, 249, 266, 321
dedication to, 15, 107–8, 165, 306, 315, 333, 341
skills needed for, 38, 134
and still photography, 227
studying for, 31–33, 38
and adrenaline, 11, 22, 90, 166, 223, 232
bear witness to history, 7, 15, 22, 225, 232, 242
competition between, 20, 102, 146, 180, 266, 323
“conflict,” 7, 10, 15, 20–21, 101, 116, 122, 164–65, 188, 190, 227, 312
and correspondents, 92, 102–3, 106, 110, 147, 188, 226, 237, 273, 339
covering war, 2, 7, 108, 237, 239–40, 288–89, 297, 304, 308–9, 332, 335
“cruising,” 139
and fear, 2, 11, 217, 229, 237, 239, 282, 290
held at gunpoint, 155, 160
pay/salary of, 36, 54, 56, 113, 176, 190, 198, 272, 323
restrictions on, 146, 167
subjects of, 21–22, 36, 52, 64, 335
suffer trauma, 164–65, 240, 247, 266, 294, 296–97, 301–2, 307–8
world-renowned, 101
See also specific names
Piosa, Lieutenant Matt, 217, 225–26, 230
poverty, 42, 52, 61, 64, 72, 74
Powell, Colin, 112
press passes/IDs, 139, 152–56
prisoner exchange, 323–24
Publicitur (Cuba), 42
Pulitzer Prize, 254, 323
Qaddafi, Muammar.
el-Qaddafi, Muammar
Quetta, Pakistan, 101–2, 108
radio, 117, 120, 130, 186, 224–25, 230, 236
Radisson Blu hotel (Tunisia), 301
Ramadi, Iraq, 149
rape, 55
in Congo, 189, 194–96
in Darfur, 176, 187–88, 190–91
fear of, 282, 293
See also
sexual assault
Ras Lanuf, Libya, 3–5
Reuters, 37, 139, 199–200, 273, 310
Rhode Island, 315
Rice, Sergeant Kevin, 230–32, 236
risk taking
after son’s birth, 333
becomes normal, 296–97
and competition, 102
and photographing war, 8–10, 15, 22, 66, 93, 237, 245–46, 249
while pregnant, 211, 314, 317, 321
See also
rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs), 6, 11, 119, 139
Rougle, Staff Sergeant Larry, 219, 231–33, 236–37, 239–40
Rubin, Elizabeth, 240, 245, 250, 306, 309
in Afghanistan, 209–13, 215–31, 236–38, 315
in Iraq, 113, 116–17, 119–20, 122–24, 127–28, 130, 138, 155, 209
pregnancy of, 210–11, 213, 215–19, 221, 223, 226, 315
story on Korengal, 241–42, 244
Ruzicka, Marla, 130, 307
Rwandan soldiers, 189, 194–95
Ryan, Kathy, 240–41, 244–45, 322
SABA (photo agency), 84, 89
Sadr City, 149, 155
Sahel, 180
Sahinkaya, Levent, 300
Salgrado, Sebastião, 36, 83, 177
salwar kameez
, 57, 63, 257, 261
satellite phones, 103, 123, 128, 152–54, 162–63, 213, 221–22
Saudi Arabia, 315
Save the Children, 185
Senegal, 314–15
Sengupta, Somini, 176–77, 180, 182–83
September 11, 2001, 20, 84–85, 89–90, 92–93, 96, 100, 113, 150, 175
Serena Hotel (Quetta, Pakistan), 101–2
sexual assault, 14, 190–91, 284–85, 287, 290–93, 304.
See also
Shadid, Anthony, 7–14, 281–302, 308, 330, 332
Shah, Amir, 57
Shalit, Gilad, 323
Shifa International Hospital, 259–62
Shigekaro, Sudan, 185
Shirzai, Gul Agha, 103–6
Sierra Leone, 116, 274–75, 333
Silva, João, 139, 307–9
Sirte, Libya, 287–88, 293
Somalia, 177, 315–21, 328
South America, 28, 33
South Asia, 49, 84, 101, 108–9
South Kivu Province, Congo, 190–92
South Korea, 114–15
Soviets, 55, 63, 70, 72, 210
Stichter, Sergeant Tanner, 230–31
Stoddart, Tom, 177
stringers, 20, 37, 54, 57.
See also

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