It Takes Three to Fly (40 page)

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Authors: Mia Ashlinn

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: It Takes Three to Fly
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“That isn’t entirely true,” Shannon rebutted. “We knew the what and why. Since you wouldn’t have slept with any other men without a rubber, we knew the who. It was the when and where that had us stumped.”

“How?” Katie-Anne inquired, needing to know how the hell her friends knew her last secret. “How did you know?”

“Seriously?” Shannon asked. “You turned down wine for
. You couldn’t have been more obvious unless you hung a sign around your pretty neck and announced it in every language known to man.”

“Son of a motherfucking bitch,” Katie-Anne cursed, using her husbands’ favorite swear word. “Was I that obvious?”

Jaycee tsk-tsked her. “You need to watch your potty mouth. Our babies might hear.”

“Fuck you,” Katie-Anne snarled with a wink. “So you all knew.”

All four of her friends smiled and nodded.

“I knew when I saw Brooklyn rubbing your belly in front of Lou’s,” Ella admitted.

“And I knew the day after you came home,” Sarah confessed.

? “Wait, what?” Katie-Anne asked. “I shouldn’t have given a damn thing away that day. I was well behaved”

Sarah nodded. “You were well behaved, but you didn’t thump on Leila in The G Spot. Even when she made you furious, you only tripped her.”

“And so?” Katie-Anne pressed. “What does that have to do with the price of tea in China?”

Shannon smacked her forehead with the palm of her hand. “Duh,” she said. “I can’t believe I didn’t think about that.”

“Shush,” Jaycee murmured. “You already knew anyway.”

“Bite me,” Shannon returned, “hoe-doggy.”

Jaycee giggled. “Hoe-doggy?”

Shannon harrumphed. “Yes, I said hoe-doggy.”

I’m losing them again. What a shocker
. Gently guiding them back to the topic at hand, Katie-Anne rephrased her earlier question. “Why does it matter that I didn’t beat the shit out of Leila? I don’t generally run around fighting people.”

“No you don’t,” Sarah agreed, “but you hate Leila. And you have been looking for an excuse to take her down for years. When it was offered to you wrapped in a box with a neat little bow, you didn’t really take it. So I figured you had to be protecting something or

Okay, maybe, I was that obvious.
Katie-Anne should probably be more frustrated and less amused that her friends had stolen her thunder, but she wasn’t. This was what it was like to be a part of their inner circle. And, God knew she loved being in the middle of this group of women. Who knew a sexless ménage could feel so good?

Chapter 30


Lounging on the couch with his husband kneeling between his legs, Shane stared blankly at the television screen. He couldn’t see the game that Landon had turned on an hour ago. He couldn’t see anything past the lust clouding his eyes.

When his husband had suggested they watch an NFL football game, he should have known better. The Super Bowl had already been televised so this was not a live game, and it was not like Landon to watch a game more than once unless there were special circumstances.
Well, this is special circumstances…of the erotic kind.

“Mmm,” Landon said around Shane’s cock.

Glancing down, Shane admired the blond-haired, blue-eyed man mouth-fucking him. His gorgeous husband had his sexy lips open wide and pure carnality creasing his face as he generously took Shane’s cock into his mouth—over and over.

Instead of being intense or fast with his movements, Landon remained relaxed and unhurried. Frustrated, Shane grabbed a chunk of Landon’s hair and held him in place as he turned the tables and face-fucked him brutishly.

Landon groaned, the vibrations sending Shane’s ecstasy straight to his balls. The swollen sacs morphed, going from a decadent prickle to a full blown burn.

Unable to control himself, Shane thrust his hips up and propelled his dick as far into Landon’s mouth as it would go, pressing until his crown hit the back of his husband’s throat. “Damn,” he cursed as Landon swallowed around his cock. “I thought we were, um, watching the game.”

Landon tried to pull back, but he couldn’t without Shane’s permission. Curious to hear what his husband was going to inevitably say, Shane released his grip on his hair and allowed him to free his shaft from the warm haven of his mouth. “Do you want to watch the game? Really?”

Fuck no.
“I thought you did,” Shane replied with a knowing smirk. He was tormenting his husband and loving every minute of it. “I mean. You did ask me to watch it, and you did turn it on.”

Rocking back, Landon sat down and rested his ass on his calves. “And you are the one who demanded that I suck your cock for it.”

Landon’s smart ass retort wiped the smile right off Shane’s face. “I meant after we watched the game, Landon.”

“Yeah, well, you should specify these things to me,” Landon shot back.

“You want me to clarify my commands, huh?”

Landon nodded enthusiastically.

“Fine. I can do that,” Shane said, bringing out the dominant voice his spouses loved so much. “Take off your clothes. Fold them neatly and put them on the coffee table. Then come sit on my cock and ride me until I come in that tight ass of yours.”

“Yes,” Landon hissed then added, “Sir.”

As Landon rose to his feet, there was a knock at the door.
Who could that be? And what the fuck did they want?

“Talk about bad timing,” Landon muttered.

“I’ll get the door,” Shane snapped. “You get naked.”

Chuckling darkly, Landon said, “Yes, Sir.”

Rather than playing along, Shane got to his feet, pulled his jeans up and around his hips, and left the room. He had to see what the unexpected visitor wanted then get them the hell away. His cock wanted to be embedded in his husband’s hot ass, not dealing with some bullshit visit. And he knew it was bullshit. Katie-Anne was meeting the girls at Lou’s Café for a nice dinner then she had a late-evening business meeting. And all of their male friends had plans for the evening. So this had to be someone he did not want to see or deal with right now.

As he made his way to the front door, he buttoned and zipped his pants with impatient fingers. A second knock floated through the air, irritating him further. “I’m coming,” he hollered. “Keep your pants on.”

Jerking the door open, Shane cursed quietly.

“Mmm,” Leila purred. “Maybe I don’t want to keep my pants on. Maybe I want you to finally fuck me.”

Son of a motherfucking bitch. I don’t need to deal with this or her right now.
“Leila,” he said curtly. “What do you need? I’m actually very busy, and I don’t have time for interruptions. Could we maybe talk another time?”

Leila’s face closed up, the friendly expression fleeing and a furious one replacing it. “It doesn’t matter what you are doing. You’re going to make time for me, and you are going to listen. You owe it to me after stringing me along.”

“I didn’t string you along.”

“What do you call it?” she inquired, scowling at him, her normally angelic face taking on a sinister glow that he’d never seen before from her. “You dated me, but you wouldn’t fuck me. The best I got was a few measly kisses when you stayed the night.”

“I’m sorry that I hurt you,” he apologized. He wasn’t all that sorry because he’d made her no promises or emotional declarations. However, he hadn’t been entirely fair to her by letting it go on for so long.
Maybe I am sorry after all.

She rolled her gray eyes. “You didn’t hurt me, asshole. That would mean I gave a shit about you. I just wanted your cock and your cash. There are bigger and better fishes in the fucking sea.”

Not feeling so sorry now.
“Fine then,” he said, “why are you here? Do you need something?”

“Yes,” she snapped. “I do need something. I want to show you what the fuck you left me for, and you are going to goddamn look at them. The bitch you married is cheating on you and the bastard you call a husband. She has been all along. What goes around, comes around, sucker.”

“Excuse me?” he asked, not even attempting to conceal his insolence. The audacious woman had piqued his dominant side with her arrogance, and he didn’t deal well with people who acted like she was. “What makes you think I’m going to do jack shit after you talk to me like that and order me around?”

Leila flinched at his harsh voice, her bitchy bulldozing coming to a screeching halt. Sighing, she seemed to pull herself back together. “I have pictures of your
,” she sneered, “with her dear friend, Rafe. Aren’t you just the slightest bit curious about that?” She smiled maliciously. “I know I would be if I were in your shoes. With her being pregnant and all, I figured you would want to know who the baby daddy is.”

Everything froze. And the world quit spinning. Standing in the doorway, Shane felt poleaxed and pissed the fuck off. This woman was pretty goddamn brazen to darken his doorway and throw around accusations about Katie-Anne. Surely she didn’t think he would believe her.

“You know I made excuses for you,” Shane snapped. “I told everyone that you were misunderstood, and I took bullshit for dating you. But everyone is right. You are a deceitful, lying bitch.”

Leila’s face mottled, the blood-red color doing nothing for the complexion of the malicious woman. “Yeah, well. It takes one to know one,” she retorted. “And your wife is a deceitful, lying bitch. If you don’t believe me then take a look at these. That will change your fucking mind. Better yet, why don’t you swing by Lou’s for dessert. That’s where she is—with Rafe. When you get a damn clue, give me a call. I can always use a good screw and some shiny, new jewelry.”

Tossing a handful of photographs in the air, Leila whirled around and stormed away, leaving her bad attitude and expensive perfume behind her.

Not watching Leila leave, Shane bent down to pick up the pictures that had just rained down around him. Immediately, his eyes were drawn to one particular photograph, and he picked it up.

It was a picture of Katie-Anne and Rafe going into The Edge together. They’d been lovers, and Rafe had been her Dom. She’d lied to him and Landon.

Fuck. I’m going to spank her ass after I kick his.

“Landon,” he barked. “Get in here. We need to talk.”

Stomping into the foyer, Landon growled, “What?”

“You need to see these,” Shane said. Picking up every picture, he shuffled through the incriminating images of his wife in intimate clenches with Rafe. Then he silently handed them off to his highly-aroused, nude husband.

As soon as Landon saw the first picture, he groaned. “Oh God.” Flipping through the rest rapidly, he spun on his heel and marched toward the living room then barreled through the doorway and disappeared inside.

Grabbing his jacket off the hook, Shane shrugged it on. He slid his feet into his boots and snatched up his keys. A minute later Landon returned fully clothed, and he appeared ready for battle, too. “Let’s go,” Landon growled. “We have to have a little chat with our wife.”

You chat with her. I’ll chat with Rafe. My fist and foot will fucking love that.

Shane nodded. “I know just where to find her.”


* * * *


Stretching in the booth at Lou’s Café, Katie-Anne yawned. It had been a long day, and she was ready to go home to her men. It had been nearly an hour since her friends had all left, going their separate ways and leaving her alone with Rafe. The crowd around them had dwindled with time and now only a few stragglers remained.

Even Leila had slipped out.
Thank God.
Katie-Anne had been rather shocked that her arch nemesis had left without some sort of dramatic scene, especially considering she’d been in earshot when Katie-Anne announced her pregnancy. But she had left quietly. Other than a few snide remarks when she walked by, she’d been on good behavior
. I should probably be shaking in my sneakers.

Katie-Anne yawned again, her exhaustion taking hold of her and refusing to release her.
God, I want to go home
. If it weren’t for the fact that she had to finish discussing her first international exhibit with Rafe, she would hightail it home. But she had to get this over with before Rafe left town. Since he rarely stayed around any area for long, she knew he would be gone like the wind in the next few days.

With her trying to break into the international market, she needed all the help she could get from Rafe. This man was the be-all and end-all when it came to the art world. And he was her staunchest supporter. She would be a fool to not work with him as much as possible.
If only my mind weren’t in bed at home cuddled between two hot bodies.

“You look tired,
mia tesoro
,” Rafe said, his Italian accent sounding stronger than normal. Sliding from his side of the booth, he joined her on her side. “Let me—”

Before Rafe could say whatever he had planned to say, a sudden fist to his face stopped him short. His head snapped back, and he groaned.

With a gasp, Katie-Anne whipped her head to the side and found her two husbands breathing fire—one at her and one at Rafe.
Next time I will keep my seat facing the fucking door.

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