Read It Takes Three to Fly Online

Authors: Mia Ashlinn

Tags: #Romance

It Takes Three to Fly (11 page)

BOOK: It Takes Three to Fly
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“Hey,” Shane grumbled. “It came out wrong, asshole.”

“Can’t we discuss this later?” Landon asked, staring pointedly at Katie-Anne. “We have more important things to discuss than your less than appealing declaration of ownership.”

Shane flipped Landon off, but he ignored him. He was otherwise occupied with Katie-Anne who had started to squirm between them, obviously trying to get away. Like either of them would allow that to happen.

Landon put his hands on her hips, his fingers digging into her flesh, and ground his hard dick against her backside. “Kitten, keep that up, and we’ll show you who owns that delectable body of yours.”

Katie-Anne glanced over her shoulder at him and bit her bottom lip without uttering a word. She didn’t stop her movements in the slightest. In fact, she seemed to be swaying and shimmying now, instead of squirming.
I think someone wants to be fucked and possessed. Oh, kitten, I have you.

Landon dropped his head to the curve of her neck, nuzzling the soft skin there. He smelled a hint of the perfume she always wore. It was subtle but still there. “I think you want us to own you.” He licked her salty flesh in a single lash then slithered his tongue upward to her ear. “I think it turns you on.”

She shook her head feebly, but her body trembled between theirs, proving his point without words. “No,” she sighed.

“Yes,” Shane agreed as he cupped her face in his hands. “You want us to own you.”

She jerked her head side to side again, fighting against Shane’s hold. “No.”

Landon nibbled on her ear. He started at the lobe before sweeping up the curve then back down again. “Just like you own us.”

“No,” Katie-Anne moaned, her body deflating between theirs. “I don’t own you.”

She sounded so sad that it nearly broke Landon’s heart. She really had no clue what kind of hold she had on him and Shane. They’d pissed around for years, and Shane was right. They’d fucked up—more than once. But, surely, she couldn’t be that oblivious. Even when they’d fought their feelings and desires, they hadn’t been able to stay away from her long.

“Kitten,” Landon whispered into her ear. “You own us in more ways than you’ll ever know.” He kissed his way down her jaw, heading straight for her neck. “But I plan to show you for the rest of our lives.”

Katie-Anne cocked her head to the side and gave him perfect access to her neck, which he took advantage of. He kissed the swanlike slope softly then bit into it mercilessly without warning her.

“No,” she keened as her body jerked. She panted, her chest rising and falling rapidly against Shane’s chest. “You can’t. I can’t. We can’t.”

Shane chuckled darkly. “Yes. I can, you can, and we will.” Then he kissed her, cutting off whatever response she would have made.

Leaving his lips against her neck, Landon brought his hand up and tangled it in the lengthy, silken strands of her hair. With a tug, he pulled her head back, tearing her lips from Shane’s, until his lips could come down and meet hers.

Landon kissed her ravenously before releasing her lips. And, using his hold on her hair, he urged her head back toward Shane’s for another kiss from him.

Shane groaned, taking her lips once again. With a sigh, Katie-Anne put her hands onto Shane’s chest. She grabbed the fabric at the hem of his sweater in her hands and yanked his sweater up, but Landon stopped her, refusing to release her from Shane’s kiss.

Landon’s clench on her hair tightened, and he growled, “Not yet.” Then he caught the hem of her blouse in one hand and jerked it up as far as he could. Shane snagged the other side of her sweater, helping him pull it up. The two of them worked, perfectly in sync, to get the sweater to the point where she had to remove her arms from the sleeves.

“Arms up,” Landon ordered.

Katie-Anne complied instantly without comment or complaint. Landon tugged her hair, forcing her lips from Shane’s so they could tug the shirt over her head. The moment her shirt hit the floor, he spun her around. “Strip,” he growled.

Landon caught a glimpse of hesitation in her eyes but he, also, saw the desire swirling there as she fought her need to submit. Ms. Control had a submissive streak that most people never suspected. Only he had, and he planned to tap into it—as soon as he could.

After her moment of doubt seemed to pass, she stepped to the side and turned to face them. For the first time, Landon saw the bra she’d chosen to don, and he groaned. “A cupless bra?”

“Fuck,” Shane groaned.

“Um,” she muttered shyly, “I need the support, but the lacy cups rasp against my nipples. It isn’t very comfortable.”

“Kitten, feel free to throw out every lace bra you own,” Landon told her, pointing at her beautiful breasts. “That is fucking hot.”

She smiled at them then reached for the side zipper of her skirt. With trembling hands, she lowered the zipper clumsily, moving way too slowly.

Obviously reading his mind, Shane snapped, “Faster.”

“Okay,” she murmured with a little annoyance and a lot of satisfaction, “Sir.”

Shane chuckled darkly. “I like the sound of that coming from your mouth, little one. Now, get your skirt off. You’re testing my patience.”

She nodded then pushed the fabric over her hips and slithered it down her legs. Stepping out of her skirt, she dropped her hands to her sides and stood before them like the sex goddess she was.

Landon’s cock throbbed as he ogled his woman from head-to-toe. The lacy shelf bra pushed her breasts up, drawing attention to the rosy tips standing at attention. Her barely there panties and sexy-as-hell garter belt gave way to black thigh high stockings and too-tall stilettos. This woman was perfect in every way.

When neither he nor Shane said anything, Katie-Anne flushed an adorable shade of pink and lowered an arm to shield her breasts from their gazes.

Shane, apparently, didn’t like that. He clamped his hand around her arm, his hold appearing to be stern but not painful. “Never cover yourself in front of us or we’ll tie your hands behind your back and take you for a walk in the park,” he warned. “You’re gorgeous.”

“W–w–well,” she stammered. “I’ve gained a little weight since before. I j–just eat more when I’m upset s–s–so my diet has fallen to the wayside lately.”

“And?” Landon asked. “Kitten, you look better than you ever have before. We adore your body just the way it is.”

Her mouth formed a perfect
, reminding him of how her soft, peach lips looked wrapped around his dick as she took him all the way to the back of her throat and practically swallowed him whole. He had nearly died from the ecstasy racing through his veins on its direct path to his ready-to-explode cock. The woman knew how to give one hell of a blow job. And he was ready for another one right now.

Landon’s erection ached with the need to feel her sucking him, milking every ounce of cum from his body and filling her own body with it. He groaned. “Don’t do that, Katie-Anne. My control is hanging by a thread.”

“Good,” she replied with a spark of her old sass.

“Mine is shot to hell,” Shane remarked gruffly. “Remove your panties and bra but leave on everything else.”

“Don’t you dare take anything off, Katie-Anne Blakemore.”

Chapter 9


Katie-Anne wanted to scream, and she wanted to cry. She wanted to beg, and she wanted to plead. But, she couldn’t decide what she wanted to do more when she spotted Jaycee and Shannon in the doorway of the bedroom Gray had built in the barn for him and Cade when they needed to work off a little steam.

This is a good thing. They stopped me from doing something stupid. Right?

Katie-Anne, mentally, rolled her eyes. Jaycee and Shannon had fucked up everything, and she wasn’t happy about it—even though she should be.

Landon and Shane both turned, blocking her from her friend’s’ view. Katie-Anne stooped down and picked up her clothing then redressed herself. “Hi, girls,” she murmured before she stepped around the men. Breathing deeply, she strolled toward the door like she had no cares in the world. “You have perfect timing.”

“Fuck that. Their timing sucks,” Landon grumbled.

She nearly smiled at his male petulance but managed to tamp it down. They didn’t need to know how much she agreed with him. It was better that she kept her legs closed for the time being.

If only I can remember that when they touch me. And, fuck, when they tell me what to do.
She couldn’t finish that thought. It would be detrimental to her highly aroused pussy. Just the mere thought of being ordered to do anything by Shane and Landon had her panties dampening all over again.

She’d always loved to be dominated in the bedroom, but if those two went all Dom on her, she would be fucked—in every way possible.
I would love every minute of it.

Katie-Anne shoved herself in between her two friends and looped one arm around each of them. “Let’s go back up to the house,” she suggested with a serene smile. Or at least she hoped it was tranquil. Right now, she wasn’t sure of anything, except that she had to get out of here before she begged them to do something they would all regret later. “I am thirsty. I think another glass of milk would taste good.”

Everyone in the room stared at her like an alien had invaded her body. Disregarding their stares, she guided her friends out of the room without another word to Shane and Landon. She could hear the two men cursing as she left.

“That little incident won’t change our dare,” Jaycee told her with a smug smile as they stepped out of the barn and into the night. “I think it just upped the ante.”

“Bitch,” Katie-Anne sneered, but it was halfhearted. She, unfortunately, wanted to stay now. She couldn’t explain it, and she didn’t want to. But something had changed in that room. She just didn’t know what. As soon as she did, she would reassess the situation.

It looked as though her dare might be a blessing in disguise. She hoped.


* * * *


The following morning, Katie-Anne, Jaycee, Shannon, and Landon’s foster sister, Sarah Matthews, entered the only adult store in town, The G Spot. As soon as the doorbell jingled, the owner, Ella Dawson appeared from the storeroom. She lit up, her face going from pretty to downright gorgeous. The tall woman had more curves than most women around here, and she worked it well.

Ella had been a plus-size model in New York City before she moved back to her hometown a year or two ago amidst a major scandal. She rarely talked about those days with anybody, not even Shannon, who she’d become increasingly close to over the last couple of months, or Sarah, who was her next door neighbor in one of Serenity’s quaintest apartment buildings. And, despite Ella’s evolution into their inner circle, she had left Jaycee and Katie-Anne in the dark as well. Although, Katie-Anne recognized that, at this point, she and Ella were the least close in the bunch due to her extended trip.
Like the distance between the two of us will last.

Katie-Anne had always liked Ella. She was one of those contagious people who no one could help but gravitate toward—even if they wanted to. Not that anyone did. Between her wild child antics and amazing sense of humor, she was beloved to pretty much everyone who knew her. The fact that Katie-Anne respected the hell out of the vivacious woman cemented her new status in the group of girls. At least from where Katie-Anne stood.

Ella did what she wanted. She said what she wanted. And she didn’t give a fuck what anybody thought about it. That alone made her priceless.

Flipping her wavy brown hair over her shoulder, Ella greeted them, “Hey guys! Are you here to check out all the goodies Shannon and I ordered for her honeymoon?” She wiggled her eyebrows audaciously. “The triplets are going to just die.”

Shannon laughed. “I don’t want them dead, Ella. I want them horny.”

“No worries about that,” Ella replied with a bold smile. “They are going to jump your bones until you beg them to stop.”

Jaycee snorted. “That’ll be the day.”

Laughing, Ella agreed, “So true, Jaycee. She has years to make up for, and everyone knows about this one.”

“Ah,” Shannon exclaimed indignantly but then shrugged. “Yeah, that’s me. I’m a total pervert.”

“Pervert, shmervert, Shannon,” Ella said. “We all have a little bad girl in us. Now, come on. I cannot wait for you to see this stuff.” She grabbed Shannon’s hand and dragged her toward the back of the store. “I might have ordered a little extra something-something for you.”

Jaycee followed Shannon and Ella, but Katie-Anne stayed back with Sarah. She wanted to have a few minutes of peace before the wedding craziness resumed. Plus, she wanted to gossip. Over the last few months, she’d found herself growing closer to Sarah. They had more in common than she’d ever thought.

“So,” Katie-Anne started. “How are you?”

Sarah colored deeply, her face turning red with embarrassment. “I’m good,” she muttered as she moved away, heading toward the far left corner of the store. She stopped by the wall of porn, and muttered, “Um, I met a guy.”

What the fuck?

“But I thought you had a thing for…” Katie-Anne trailed off. She didn’t want to out Sarah’s adoration for Shane’s foster brother, Deke, and his longtime partner, Adam Stanton. Sarah kept secrets for her, and she would be damned before she revealed hers.

BOOK: It Takes Three to Fly
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