It Could Happen Again (Zulu Spectre) (6 page)

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He took a nipple in his mouth and sucked. Hard. Longing poured into her. His teeth grazed the pebbled tip.

“Dale,” she moaned.

He put her through exquisite torture as he laved attention on both breasts, leaving them sleek and red from his ministrations. His scruff added to the experience. Brand new in one aspect, yet on another, a totally familiar one. It allowed her to know just how much pleasure she could expect.

“Get out of your clothes,” he ordered, releasing her nipple with a pop.

She captured her lower lip in her teeth and held his gaze. “How do you propose I do that? My legs are hooked around you. Your cock is pressing against me. I’m wearing boots. My Timberlands, fully laced. I can’t do a damn thing from here; you’re going to have to put me down.”


Her sentiments exactly.

He slid her down his body, dislodging his towel on the way. His shaft, freed from the cotton restraining it, rose, long and thick. She swiped her tongue along her lower lip and curled her fingers around him.

His groan was music to her ears. His thickness throbbed in her hand, and she began to stroke him.

Dale captured her wrist and halted her. “You need to strip or I’m going to yank your jeans down around her thighs, bend you over and fuck you that way.”

“You always did know what I liked.” She tightened her grip on his shaft and smoothed her thumb over the large head, smearing the moisture there.

A snarl left his lips, and he tossed her over his shoulder, offering her a spectacular view of his firm ass. He dropped her on his bed and rummaged through his bedside table drawer, coming up with a condom.

She got off the bed and took the condom from him. Holding his gaze, she opened the foil packet and rolled the protection over him like they’d not been apart for ten years. “There,” she said.

“My turn.”

He undid the button and zipper of her pants and, as promised, yanked them down to her thighs; her panties followed. Then, he spun her around and pressed her forward so she was bent over his bed.

She cried with pure pleasure as he shoved two fingers fully inside her.

“So wet, Allie. You’re so wet for me.”

She gripped his bedding and arched back into his touch, desperate for more. Although she knew it had to happen, when he removed his fingers, she gave a mewl of protest. But then, his dick was there, sliding between her legs, filling her, stretching her muscles.

With one long, continuous stroke, he sank into her heat then held himself still. An orgasm tore through her, shaking her like a leaf in a storm. He didn’t move until it subsided. His palm, resting against the small of her back, held her down.

“Move, Dale,” she begged.

“Give me a sec, Allie. Christ, you’re so God damn fucking tight.” He dug his fingers into her left hip as he began to withdraw.

She flexed around him, determined to keep his shaft within her. He didn’t disappoint. In and out, he moved his length. Filling her. Delivering her to a level of pleasure she’d been unable to hit without him. Her legs shook, breathing became difficult. In and out. Slow and deep, he moved, minutely increasing his speed.

If not for the grip on her hip, she’d have thought he wasn’t as into this as she was. Didn’t have the same near-desperate need clawing at her to be released and fulfilled. But, his hold was one she recalled from times long past. Possessive and nearly painful. Powerful and telling her he wanted her as much if not more than she craved him.

He was struggling to keep himself in check. She didn’t want him to. She wanted him to lose control as she was. She clenched her internal muscles around his thrusting shaft and smiled smugly when his groan filled her ears. She may not be able to see him but she still knew how to read his response.

She worked her ass back into him with each forward stroke he took, bringing him in as deeply as she could. Just how she liked it, having him so far within her she couldn’t tell where she ended and he began. Deep enough that every emotion he elicited in her she knew he experienced as well.

It worked for his growl reverberated up from his throat, and his grip tightened on her hip, even as he pressed down on the small of her back even more. His strokes increased, in speed and intensity. Perfection.

She longed to spread her legs wide and take him in even more, but her jeans hampered that. Allie bit at his blankets as her screams began to slip free. He upped his tempo, fanning the flames, making her burn hotter and hotter.

With a keening cry, she came again, collapsing over the precipice he’d taken her to. His fast, filling thrusts continued through her orgasm. Only once she’d finished did she feel him jerk inside her as he, too, came with a vengeance.

Heart pounding hard, she pulled herself up on the bed more when he withdrew. Immediately, he sank to his knees and went to work on her boots. Within moments, she was as naked as he was, and he was reaching for a new condom as she lay there, waiting for him.

Regrets may happen later, but she didn’t care right now.

Chapter Five

Dale looked at the men—and woman—he ran beside. Morning’s light struggled to push back the night. The last stars were pale as they began to fade away.

“How’s it going, Lights?”

“I thought we were running and not offering a therapy session, Gambit. Or have you opened up a couch that I don’t know about?”

“Non. Just curious since you’re running with that shitty ass grin on your face. You never smile when you run.”

“He’s right, you know,” Jack commented, her strides easily keeping pace with the men’s longer ones.

“Don’t start as well, Jack. You know you’re just sentimental now that you’ve gone and gotten married.”

“You should try it someday, Lights. You may just like how it feels.”

He snorted and focused on the shoreline before him. Endless miles stretched out in front of them. On his left, the ocean. To the right, more beach, and the farther down they ran, soon it would be buildings.

“Sure thing, Jack. I’ll think about it.”

Her look mirrored exactly what his subconscious said. He already was thinking of it. He and Allie had been together since that day in August when she knocked on his door.

Not exactly together. She wouldn’t go out with him on dates, wouldn’t hang out with him unless it was for sex. Any time he brought up doing something as a couple, she shook her head and left. Her words were they were scratching an itch.

They were now about to head into October, and he wanted more. Today, when she got back from work, he had plans to sit down and talk to her about this setup. Not that he minded the sex but he wanted to be more than a God damned booty call.

I’m fucking pathetic.

Shoving Allie and what she did to him to the back of his mind, he concentrated on the rest of the fifteen-mile jaunt Griz was leading them on. He sparred with Sweets once they returned to the base. It wasn’t until afternoon when he was able to walk through the golden afternoon to his vehicle and head back to his apartment.

He tried her door before he went to his. There was no answer so he went in his place. Digging through the fridge, he grabbed a beer and popped the top. Two hours passed, and she still hadn’t returned.

A knock on his door had him turning down the volume on the television and going to answer it. “About time you got—”

Julie. She stood there, wringing her hands and appearing docile. Suspicion flared to life within him.

“Do you have a moment to talk, Dale?”

No screeching. No crying or wailing. No ridiculously tight outfit and trying to get into his place.

“What do you want, Julie?”

“I wanted to apologize for what I did.”

“Fine. Now, go.” He began to close the door.

“No, wait. I know I ruined what we had. I made all kinds of excuses, most of which came back to me blaming you for being gone. I never meant to hurt you.”

“He cheated on you, didn’t he?”


“Not a good feeling. Bye, Julie.”

Behind her, the elevator grate opened and out stepped Allie, wearing the fuck out of her uniform. He wasn’t sure why it played hell on his libido but it did and made him think of taking her fast and hard against the nearest surface.

She wasn’t paying attention, digging in her pocket for her keys. When she spied them, she slowed as her gaze travelled over the both of them.

Shit, Julie is here, and I’m without a shirt on.

No expression change on her face. Allie gave them a perfunctory nod then fit the key in her lock.


“What do you need?”

“I need to talk to you.”

“Sure, come by later.”

Julie looked between them and stepped across the hall to Allie’s side. “Look, don’t get the wrong idea. I was just here to talk to him about something. There isn’t anything going on between us.”

Allie shrugged. “Not any of my business. Nothing going on between Dale and me either.” She stepped inside and shut the door.

Julie glanced between him and Allie’s apartment. “Sorry, I thought—”

“Let it go, Julie.”

She gave a wry smile and walked away. Dale didn’t care. All he heard was Allie’s words reverberating through his mind like in a pinball game. “Fuck this,” he uttered.

Slamming his door behind him, he stood before hers and knocked sharply. Then, entered.


He strode up the hall to the kitchen and made his way through to the rest of her place. She popped her head out of her bedroom.

“What the hell are you doing in here? Why didn’t you knock on the door?”

“Nothing going on between us?” Christ, those words made him furious.

“Not that she needs to know about. If you’re fucking her again, what the hell do I care? All we have is a sexual relationship.”


“Excuse me?”

He vibrated with tension as he stomped toward her. “Bloody hell, you can be dense sometimes. This isn’t just about sex. There is more between us.”

She reared back, like he’d smacked her, eyes wide and disbelief in her expression. “No. Oh, no, no, no.”


“Hell, no. Is that clear enough for you?”

He narrowed his gaze. Her uniform shirt was unbuttoned, showing a glimpse of a white bra beneath. “No?”

Fury leaked into her expression. “I’ve done a relationship with you before, Dale Curtayn. I ain’t going through that again. Fucking you is one thing; that is just a need. Nothing more.”

“I was wrong about accusing you.”

“You didn’t even give me a chance to tell you my side. Just assumed that Billy wouldn’t lie to you and that I was such a whore I would sleep with him. Because, oh my God, he was just so, like, hot and I couldn’t keep my hands off him.” Her tone poured free, completely valley girl and utterly mocking.

He held up his hands. “I get it. I was wrong. I made a mistake.”

Anger flashed into her gaze, turning it glacier cold. “You made a mistake?” She approached him, backing him up into the living room and toward the kitchen. “You made a mistake?”

“Yes, Billy came clean when I caught him sleeping with another girl while he was dating a different one.”

An ugly sneer filled her countenance. “You poor man. Do you know what kicking me out did? Do you have any idea?”

Of course he didn’t. It couldn’t have been good, whatever she was about to enlighten him about. Her hands fisted, opened, and fisted again in an endless cycle at her side.

“Let me tell you about your mistake. Which was more my mistake for trusting you.”

Unease filled his gut. “Allie—”

“Shut it, Dale. I get to talk now. You know my parents didn’t approve of us moving in together. That wasn’t a secret of any kind. They were less than pleased.”

That was true.

“Well, when you kicked me out, I went home. My parents were wealthy; I figured they would give me some help to get started again. Only I was no longer welcome. I was a pariah. A shame on their name.” She backed him through the kitchen. “No one wanted anything to do with me. At all. Cut off from all I knew, branded a whore and left to fend for myself. Just the money I had on me.” Her body trembled. “I worked my way out to this coast, worked three jobs to become a paramedic, have this place which as you heard my brother-in-law say is a disgrace because it didn’t come with matching sets of anything. I’ve not talked to my parents since.”

Oh shit.

“I’m busting my ass still, working hard so I can move out of here and into a home of my own. I get to see my nephew once a year because they want a free babysitter. And, they hope that two weeks isn’t enough time for me to corrupt Tyler.

“I have one picture of my parents so I don’t forget those who claim to love me and what they can do. So don’t you dare stand there and tell me we have a relationship. You think I will ever trust you that way again? I never cheated on you, ever. Hell, I was with two men in the ten years since you. But I’ll be damned if I trust in the word of anyone again.” She pointed at the door. “Leave.”

Dale did as she ordered, needing time to regroup and figure out what the flying hell just happened. He stared at her shut door and felt her slipping away from him. He stepped back toward it, only to pull up when he heard the lock engage.

I fucking ruined her life.


Allie slammed her locker shut at work and rubbed the back of her neck. It’s official; this week sucks.

Vic walked up beside her and leaned against the row of metal lockers, arms and ankles crossed. “You all right, little darlin’?”

“You know there are times your Texas comes out, right?”

He flashed a grin. “Only if you’re really special do you get to experience it.” He wriggled his eyebrows. “How much do you want to experience?”

“Not that much.”

“Well, I got a smile, so I’ll take it. Come on, I’m buying.”

She followed him out of the station, waving at a few others as they went. He walked beside her but didn’t touch her. Ever the gentleman, he held the door for her of his SUV.

“You have manners, Vic. Why are you single?”

He laughed as he pulled his door shut behind him. “Not going to ask me where my woman is?”

“I am asking why you’re single.”

He grunted and started the engine. She watched him as he got them moving up the street. Music played around them, and she tried to relax. It wasn’t easy. All she seemed to do with free time was think about the confrontation she’d had with Dale.

“Who’s Dale?”

Crap, I said his name out loud. “Remember the one I told you about that was basically the catalyst which sent me on the path out here?”


“That’s him.”

“So what’s got him back in your thoughts?”

“He’s my neighbor.”

“Are you shittin’ me?”

“I wish. Right across the hall.”

He whistled low. “Damn.”

“You have no idea.” She rubbed her temples. “Just not one at all.”

“So you’re fucking him.” Vic’s words were matter-of-fact. She turned her head and stared at him. “Don’t give me that look, Allie. We both know I’m right. It will save much time and trouble if you just don’t lie to me about this. Then, we can figure out what to do and how to get you happy again.” He smirked. “Although, I’m guessing the sex was awesome since you’ve been grinning for a while now, right up until the start of this week.”


“Mine’s fine, thank you very much. Now, talk to me. Think of me as your girlfriend and, how you say, dish the deets.”

She laughed. “You’re some kind of a fool.”

“And you’re stalling. So, what gives?” He waited at a red light and put his blue eyes on her.

If she were to say she had one friend any more it was Vic. He was her partner in the ambulance and the one she hung out with if she did that. She’d kept to herself when she’d gotten out here ten years ago. She didn’t have girlfriends, not wanting to be around any of their boyfriends. Vic never brought her around whomever he was dating so that wasn’t an issue. Boy or girl, she hadn’t a clue which side he swung with and didn’t care. When they hung out, it was the two of them.

She filled him in on how things had gone down between her and Dale then leaned back in the seat and waited while he thought.

Vic pulled them into the parking lot of an Outback Steakhouse. “Come on,” he said.

“I’m not hungry.”

“I am. Let’s go.”

Dutifully, she followed him to the door, smiling at the greeter who welcomed them. They got a booth in the back. Once their drink order had been placed, Vic removed his hat and placed it beside him on the seat.

“Do you love him?”

“What?” She was shocked by his question. “Nothing about going to kick his ass or anything like that?”

“Answer me.”

“I don’t know, Vic. Honestly. I have feelings for him. I believe I loved him before, but now—”

“You need to let that go.”

She kept her comment contained as their drinks were delivered. “Excuse me?” she asked when they were again alone. “I need to let it go?”

“Yes. That was ten years ago. It was horrible and wrong of him to not trust you. But, what about your family? They committed something even more egregious than he did. They’re your flesh and blood. He reacted foolishly but it’s obvious he wants to try again.”

“It’s not that easy, Vic.”

“It could be, Allie, if you let it.” He took a drink and smiled. “Now, this is for us to have fun so I’ll let it go. And, so you know, I do love you. I’ll go kick his ass if it makes you feel better.”

She nodded. “It does, thanks.”

“Just as long as you patch me up.”

“You, big Texan that you are? You need me to fix you up?”

“Figured it’d be a way to get your hands on me.” They shared some laughs. “Seriously, Allie, are you going to come to class with me? I think you should do it.”

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