The abbreviation of the early Asimov collection (many of these stories have been reprinted in later Asimov collections) in which the short story is reprinted is also given in the following list. Full titles of those collections with their abbreviations following in parentheses can be found under "Science-Fiction Short Stories and Short-Story Collections" (p. 240). The full title of the appropriate Foundation Trilogy volume or of Opus 100 is given following a short story that later appeared as part of that work.
Short Stories
"Marooned Off Vesta," Amazing, March 1939; AM, TBOIA.
"The Weapon too Dreadful To Use," Amazing, May 1939; TEA.
"Trends." Astounding, July 1939; TEA.
"Half-Breed," Astounding, February 1940; TEA.
"Ring Around the Sun," Future, March 1940; TEA.
"The Callistan Menace" ("Stowaway"), Astonishing, April 1940; TEA.
"The Magnificent Possession," Future, July 1940; TEA.