Irritable Hearts: A PTSD Love Story (47 page)

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Authors: Mac McClelland

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Some of the most significant recognition for this book belongs to people who couldn’t be named in it. I hope I’ve made it clear to those sources and survivors in private correspondence who they are. My deepest gratitude to them, and to those who can be listed: Brannan and Caleb Vines, Kateri and James Peterson, Danna Hughes, Steve and Charlene Payton Holt, Montana Mike, Shannon Gramley, Erin and Anthony Rodriguez, Jack Bauer, Jessica Wanderlust, the loved ones of Sergeant Chris Palmer, and the amazing men and women at Burma Action. They have trusted me with and helped me tell their stories, as have others over the years, including Annette Keys, Houston Herczog, Marilyn Herczog, and other members of my family, who have endless patience and endurance for fact-checking, regardless of tough times or tough questions. Thanks especially to Aunt Luci, Aunt Paula, and my mother-in-law. And to my parents, of course, who’ve always done their utmost to make me feel loved and supported. This book was my father’s idea, suggested to me as a purpose in a time I direly needed one, and was made possible by a love and legacy of lyricism given to me by my mother. Also of invaluable support have been Andy Wright, Tana Ganeva, Lauren Rice, Elizabeth Gettelman, Leigh Ferrara (the best yoga instructor living), Julia Scott, Katie J. M. Baker, Stella and Leon Alesi, John Hazlett, Vanessa Mobley, whose encouragement meant more than she could know, and various staff and board members of
Mother Jones
, including David Corn and Adam Hochschild. Clara Jeffrey and Monika Bauerlein always put their full faith and financial backing behind whatever inkling of a story idea I had, and I was privileged to have Clara’s amazing editing, too, behind me.

On this book, I’m fortunate to have worked with Colin Dickerman, who enthusiastically believed in it the moment he saw it, and Gail Ross, who thankfully never broke up with me. Both of them are brilliant and kind. Bob Ickes is my personal copyediting hero, and he gave the manuscript incredible care.

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