Irresistible Forces (14 page)

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Authors: Danielle Steel

Tags: #Physicians, #Commuter marriage, #New York (N.Y.), #Contemporary, #Investment bankers, #Fiction, #Romance, #San Francisco (Calif.), #General

BOOK: Irresistible Forces
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“What does that mean?” Meredith sounded puzzled, but intrigued by the way he'd said it.

“Charlie handed in his resignation on Friday, which could be a problem, if it upsets the stockholders, or triggers a lawsuit, but I'm hoping that won't happen. We had a long serious talk, and he just can't make his peace with the fact that we're a public company. He doesn't want to answer to shareholders, and he's violently opposed to my acquiring another company eventually. Actually he was pretty decent about it, and he says I've outgrown him. He says he's too old to make the adjustment. And I honestly think he made the right decision, given how he feels.”

Meredith nodded as she thought about it. “It may be for the best, Cal, although I know you have a lot of history with him. You need to find someone now who fits the direction you're taking and is willing to grow with you, and is even enthusiastic about it.”

“That's what I'm hoping,” he said simply.

“Do you have anyone in mind yet? How much notice did he give you?”

“The answers to both those questions are ‘yes,’ and ‘two weeks,’ in that order.”

“That's hardly a generous notice.”

“To tell the truth, I think he made his mind up before the road show, and he was just waiting to tell me when we got back. He doesn't think he should stick around now that he's decided he's going.” And it was hard for him to go too. Callan knew that, in his own way, Charlie loved Dow Tech and what it represented to him. Callan knew that better than Merrie.

“So who are you thinking of for the job? Someone on the outside, or within the company?” she asked him, sounding pensive, trying to think if she knew anyone for him, but she didn't offhand.

“Outside actually.” Sitting at his desk, he was smiling, but she couldn't see it. “I wanted to see what you thought of my idea.”

“Do I know them?” She sounded interested. She had a maternal interest in Dow Tech now, and was touched that he had called her to advise him.

“Intimately, actually. In fact, I think this person is the ideal replacement for Charlie.”

“I'm dying of curiosity, Cal,” she said, smiling. “Who is it?”

“Go look in the mirror, Merrie,” he said softly, and there was a long pause as she absorbed what he was saying to her.

“What does that mean?” She sounded startled.

“I'd like you to be our new CFO, Meredith. You're exactly what this company needs … and what I need. You have the same kind of vision I do, the same goals for the company. You know everything there is to know about this business. And I've shared all my secrets and future plans with you. Merrie, you're perfect.” At first, she thought he was kidding. At least she hoped so. It was very flattering, but there was no way she could do it. She already had a job, a home, and a husband, and there was no way she could leave New York now. What would Steve do?

“That's the nicest thing anyone's said to me in years, Cal.” She hated to turn him down, but she knew she had to. “But you know I can't do it.”

“Why not?” He didn't sound as though he were going to take no for an answer. “Of course you can do it, if you want to.” And he sounded as though he was going to be insulted if she didn't.

“I'm an investment banker, Cal. And I really don't know enough about your business to be an effective CFO. As impossible as he is, Charlie knows a hell of a lot more about it than I do. What's more, I'm a partner in my firm, and I have a husband who works here. I can't just drop everything and move to California.”

“People do it all the time, Meredith, and you know it. They change careers, jobs, fields, that's what life is all about, changing and growing. You'd be terrific at it. And what's more, you're heading for a dead end where you are, and you know that too. It's written all over the walls there. They don't appreciate you, they don't have any concept of how extraordinary you are, but I do. You would be invaluable to me here. And if you want me to be crass about it, you'd make a hell of a lot more money. This could be a great thing for you. And Steve could get a job here. We have trauma units here. SF General has one of the best in the country. Does that answer all your objections?” She was overwhelmed for a moment as she listened.

“Some of them. But I can't just make a decision like that at the drop of a hat. I'd have to discuss it with Steve. He has a great job here.”

“As the number-two man. Maybe he could be the number-one guy here. Why don't you talk to him about it?”

“And say what? That I'm giving up a career I've spent twelve years on, and I want him to drop everything too, and follow me out there? Cal, this is an enormous decision.” She sounded breathless as she answered. He had really stunned her.

“I know that, Meredith. I didn't expect you to do it lightly. But as your friend, I can tell you that I think it would be the best thing that ever happened to you. Why don't you come out this week and talk to me about it?”

“I can't,” she said, sounding panicked. It was the first time he had ever heard her sound ruffled.

“Why not?” He was relentless when there was something he wanted, and she felt as though there were an express train heading toward her. There were reasons why Callan Dow had been so successful. When he wanted something, he pursued it, until he got it.

“I have meetings this week,” she said weakly.

“Then come next week, or this weekend. But let's at least discuss it.”

“I know the job, Cal. I know the company. I know you. That's not the problem. You don't need to woo me. But I have a life here.”

“You'd have a better life here. Do you want me to speak to Steve about it?”

“No, I'll talk to him myself. But he's going to think I'm crazy, or you are.” She sounded worried, but he seemed euphoric, which scared her. He didn't want to listen to her very sensible objections.

“Maybe I am crazy, but it's the best idea I've had in years. I think Charlie McIntosh did me a great big favor.”

“I think he turned my life upside down is what he did,” she said, laughing, catching her breath finally. Cal was amazing.

“Will you consider it at least? Talk to Steve and see what he thinks. He's a smart guy, from what you tell me. It could just be he'll see this as a tremendous opportunity, which it is. Meredith, I'd be willing to give you options to acquire up to one percent of the company, and I could pay you a lot more than they do.” There was no question about it, with the stock options he was talking about, the offer was very tempting. But they still had a life in New York, and Steve's job to consider. Palo Alto was a long way from Manhattan, and everything they had and knew there.

“Cal, your offer is incredible. But I just don't know. I don't think it would be easy for Steve to leave the trauma unit. I hate to even ask him to do it. It's just not fair to him.”

“And if the shoe were on the other foot, and he were getting the fantastic offer, which involved moving, would you go?” He was putting her feet to the fire and she knew it.

“He wouldn't ask me to, Cal. He's too decent to do that.”

“It's not a matter of decency, Merrie, this is business, big business, and a chance to make some real money for both of you, and have a good life here.”

“I'll talk to Steve,” she said finally, “but don't get your hopes up. I have to respect the fact that he has a good job here, and might not want to relocate. You probably need to find someone right there in California, maybe someone right in the company that you're not thinking of at the moment.”

“No one in my outfit can hold a candle to you, Merrie. Even Charlie suggested that I talk to you. He was very impressed by you. Come on. … I need you. … You can't let me down now, not after everything we've just done together. This is my baby, Merrie, and a little bit yours too. Don't you want to help me make it even better than it is now?”

“Stop guilt-tripping me,” she said laughing, “you're terrible!”

“I just want you to come out here to talk to me about this. The sooner the better. Will you come out this week, Merrie?”

“Let me talk to Steve about it. He's at the hospital but he'll be home on Wednesday. I don't want to talk to him about this on the phone.”

“I don't want to wait that long. Go see him. You could come out on Wednesday.”

“And what am I supposed to say to my partners?” She sounded flustered again at the prospect of dropping everything and running out to California to discuss a new job with Callan. This was beginning to sound scary. But intriguing.

“Tell them you need a vacation. You've earned it.”

“I hate to lie to them, Cal.”

“Oh for chrissake, then tell them the truth, that they don't appreciate you, and don't know their asses from a hole in the ground when it comes to treating you right, and they don't deserve to have you, I do. So you're coming out to California to see me.”

“They'll really love that, Cal.”

“It's the truth, you know, Merrie. And they know it too. Now go talk to your husband at the hospital, and call me tonight.”

“Don't push me.”

“I will push you till you agree to come out here, to talk to me at least. You owe yourself that much.”

“I owe my husband a lot too, Cal. I can't just rip his career out by the roots and tell him to find a job in California, because it suits me. He may just tell me to forget it.”

“Not if he's the guy you say he is. I think he may surprise you.”

And as it so happened, he did, when Meredith met him that night in the cafeteria at nine o'clock to report the conversation to him. She felt half crazy telling him about it, but as she stumbled along, explaining what Cal had offered her, Steve looked at her intensely.

“Is that what you want, Merrie?” he asked her bluntly.

“I don't know what I want, sweetheart,” she said honestly. “It's a hell of a good offer, and his company is very exciting. But we have a life here. I've been where I am for twelve years, and I love being a partner in an investment banking firm that's a major player on Wall Street. And you have a great job here. I don't think it's fair to ask you to just walk out on all that, and move to California.”

“Why not, if it's better for both of us in the long run? We might like it out there.” The thought had crossed his mind almost immediately that if he could get her away from Wall Street, she might finally want to have children. And California would be a great place to raise a family.

“Would you really be willing to move out there?” She looked startled by what Steve was saying to her.

“Maybe. If I can find a job, and I don't see why I couldn't. People shoot each other in California too. They even have gangs there,” he said, smiling. He had taken it a lot better than she'd expected him to. He even seemed enthusiastic about it, possibly even more than she was. She was still very nervous about it. It was a big change for her, into a whole new career, although Cal's offer was undeniably very tempting. “Why don't you go talk to him at least?”

“That's what he said.” She still seemed hesitant, but Steve didn't. He was excited for her.

“I think you should do that. When did he want you to come out?”

“Maybe Wednesday. I have a meeting with a new client tomorrow.”

“So go. And if you love it, I'll fly out to meet you on Friday. I'm off again this weekend.”

“How'd you manage that?” She looked intrigued, and touched by how open he was to Cal's offer. It was obvious Steve wanted what was best for her, and he was willing to make sacrifices himself, even big ones, to help her achieve that.

“I sold my soul to get the weekend for us, Merrie. Sounds like it was lucky I did. Maybe we can talk to some hospitals while I'm out there. He must have some connections. And I know a couple of guys at Stanford. They trained here.”

“You're incredible, baby,” she said, reaching across the table to hold his hand. He was even more wonderful than she had told Cal he was.

“So are you. So go home and call him.”

“I can call him tomorrow.” But in the end, she didn't. She called him as soon as she walked into the apartment, and he was thrilled to hear her.

“So what did Steve say?”

“He wants me to come out and see you. He's incredible. He isn't even opposed to relocating.”

“That's because he's smart and knows a good deal when he hears it. And besides, he loves you.”

“I love him too. He has to be the most decent man alive to be willing to do this. He said that if I want him to, he'll fly out to meet me over the weekend, and take a look around. He knows some guys at Stanford.”

“I can help you with that, Merrie. I know plenty of people in hospitals. He can have any job he wants here. And you can be my CFO, and we'll all live happily ever after.”

“You make it sound so simple,” but they both knew it wasn't. It wasn't easy to transplant two careers across a country, or maybe he was right, and it wasn't as complicated as she thought. She didn't know what to think now. The obstacles that had seemed so huge to her at first seemed to be dissolving one by one, and she really had to decide now if this was what she wanted. But before she could make that decision, she had to talk to Cal.

“It can be simple, if you want it to be, Meredith. If it's right, it will be,” he said confidently. “So when are you coming out? What about tomorrow?”

“I have to meet a new client,” she reminded him.

“With any luck at all, you could be wasting his time. At least I hope so.”

“We don't know that yet, do we?” she said firmly. She still had responsibilities to her partners in New York, and she had to respect that. “What about Wednesday? I could spend three days out there with you, if you like. The rest of my week is pretty open.”

“That sounds perfect.” He sounded delighted about it, and she was too. Everything was happening so fast it was a little bit terrifying. “I'll pick you up at the airport, just let me know when you're coming.”

“Are you sure you're not making a huge mistake, Cal? Just because we did a successful IPO together doesn't mean I'd make a good CFO for you.” She had never done anything like it. But she knew a lot about Dow Tech and she loved it.

“Trust me, Meredith. I know what I'm doing. One thing I do know is talent when I see it, and I haven't been as impressed in years. If I'd known you'd even consider it, I'd have kissed Charlie when he resigned. This is the biggest favor anyone's ever done me.”

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