“Yeah, look, your guy dropped it as he was getting into a cab with you. I picked it up and scrolled through his contacts. You were listed as ‘Fiancée’ in his phone. I was on my way over to Blackhound’s but I can hang outside the Living Room a bit longer if you want to swing back around for it.”
Chloe didn’t understand.
“Wait. How did you get this phone?”
The man sighed, exasperated, on the phone.
“You and your man were leaving the Living Room and you got into a cab. His phone fell out of his pocket and I picked it up. I found you listed under Fiancée, so I thought I would call and tell you. Do you guys want to come back and get it? I’ll wait here for another few minutes or you can meet me at Blackhound’s.”
Comprehension was slowly dawning on Chloe.
“Uh, yes, thanks for calling me. I’m actually right around the corner. If you stay right there, I’ll come get it. I’m only a few blocks.”
“Sure. I’m Tim. I’m wearing a black baseball hat.”
The line went dead.
“Could we turn around and stop at the Living Room bar just down the street?” Chloe asked in a shaky voice.
Ben was with another woman. Someone that this nice Samaritan figured was her, since she was listed as Fiancée in Ben’s phone. Chloe remembered Ben listing her that way to be cute. At the time it was romantic. She had never bothered to do the same in her phone.
The car swung out in front of the bar and Chloe jumped out. Sure enough, there was a guy standing outside in a black baseball hat, holding Ben’s iPhone.
“Hi,” Chloe said, “Tim? We just spoke.”
The guy looked at her, confused. “You weren’t the girl I just saw,” he said slowly.
“Yes, I know,” Chloe said dryly, holding her hand out for the phone. “I am the fiancée,” she added, unable to help her flair for the dramatic.
She saw the stranger’s face twist quickly. “Shit. Sorry,” he breathed. With the phone in hand, Chloe turned away, her head held high as she walked back to the car.
“Wait!” she called out, unable to stop herself.
The guy turned back around, his face full of pity for her.
“Would you mind – if it’s not too much to ask – but – could you tell me what you saw?”
The guy took a deep breath. “Look, I’m really sorry. I just figured you were the girl. They were all over each other. Kissing in one of the booths. It was pretty nasty actually. As I was leaving someone yelled that they should get a room.” The man paused. “I think that’s what they did,” he said slowly. “I heard him tell the taxi to take them to the Hilton.” The man looked down, clearly embarrassed for Chloe.
“Thank you,” Chloe said softly, before getting into the car.
She held Ben’s phone in her hand for the entire drive, gripping it tightly. She knew she could go through Ben’s phone and she would probably find emails, texts and other things. But the truth was, that she wasn’t interested. She didn’t need any more proof than what she already had.
She had felt that something was off with Ben. And she suddenly felt a hell of lot less guilty about what had happened with Finn. In fact, she had half a mind to call up Finn and tell him she was on her way back over. What better way to get even with Ben, then to go fuck Finn Harrison?
But she stopped herself. She didn’t want to sleep with Finn out of spite. No. Finn was already too important to her. He was worth more than that. He deserved better of her.
Stoically, Chloe stepped out of the car and went up the steps to her apartment. Everything was as she left it that morning, but it felt like years since Chloe had been there that morning. She didn’t feel like the same person. She shared this apartment with a man who was cheating on her. And Chloe was no better. She had cheated, too.
But she couldn’t help wonder how long Ben’s affair had been going on? And she had a sneaking suspicious it was with his colleague Lis. Suddenly Chloe’s phone began to vibrate with an unknown number.
“Chloe?” It was Ben.
“Hey. I just wanted to call you because I’ve misplaced my phone. I don’t have a friggin’ clue where it is.”
“Where are you Ben?”
“What? Did you hear me? I just told you I lost my phone.”
“I heard you. Where are you?”
There was a pause. “I’m at work.”
Chloe remained silent. Ben didn’t speak either.
“So, why didn’t you call me from your work line?”
“I’m in another room,” Ben lied.
“Well, don’t worry, Ben,” Chloe said coolly, “I have your phone.”
“I said that I have your phone.”
“Jesus Christ! How the hell do you have it?”
Chloe could hear the edge of panic in his voice.
“Some nice man found it. He thought to scroll through your contacts and found me listed as
. He said you must have dropped it as we were leaving the Living Room and getting into a taxi.”
“What?” Ben asked, trying to sound shocked.
“You know, on our way to the Hilton,” she said, disgust taking over as she spat out the last word.
“Chlo, look,” Ben began.
“Don’t even!” Chloe hissed. “Are you there now? Is she with you?”
“Chloe, I can explain.”
“The hell you can!” Chloe cried.
“I’m coming home,” Ben said, his voice certain but flustered.
“Good idea!” Chloe shouted. “Actually, on second thought, don’t fucking bother!”
And with that she hurled Ben’s phone at the wall, feeling satisfied as she watched it smash onto the floor into a thousand pieces.
She picked up her phone and dialed Finn’s number.
Find out what happens next in Part III. Due out in mid to late March 2013.
Leah the Dominant, Lustful Cravings, Naughty Cuckold Twins
Lizzie the Submissive, Lustful Cravings, Naughty Cuckold Twins
Lustful Cravings, Naughty Cuckold Twins Bundle
Milking Vegas: A Lactation Fantasy
Forbidden Desires, A Vampire Trilogy Part I: Revelations
Forbidden Desires, A Vampire Trilogy Part II: Pleasures and Secrets
Forbidden Desires, A Vampire Trilogy Part III: Forevermore
Top of the Class: Screwing the Teacher
Glamorous Torture: A Tale of Male Humiliation
Good Till The Last Drop, Lactation Erotica Bundle
A Sinful Proposal, The Billionaire Seduction Series Part 1
Driven by Desire, The Billionaire Seduction Series Part 2
All For Him, The Billionaire Seduction Series Part 3
Love and Domination, The Billionaire Seduction Series Part 4
Spoken For, The Billionaire Seduction Series Part 5