Irrepressible (57 page)

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Authors: Leslie Brody

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Ginsberg, Allen
Gladstein, Grossman, Sawyer and Edises
Gladstein, Richard
Glasser, Abraham
Glossop, Honoria
Gold, Herb
Goldmark, Kathi Kamen
Gollancz Publishers
Gottlieb, Robert: on
A Fine Old Conflict
; as Decca’s editor; on Decca as muckraker; on Decca’s money
“Grace Darling,”
Grace Had an English Heart
Graham, Katharine
Grande Hotel de Calvi
Grant, Joanne
The Great American Funeral
Great Terror, second
Green, Buddy
Greenglass, David
Greenglass, Ruth
Greenwich Village
Grogan, Ed
Grossman, Aubrey
Grossman, Danny
Grossman, Hazel
Guinness, Bryan
Guinness, Catherine
Guinness, Jonathan
Guiton family
Gumbo (Albert), Judy
Hajos, Aranka.
Treuhaft, Aranka
Hall, Barbara
Hammett, Dashiell
Hampton, Fred
Hannibal Crossing the Alps
Harvard University
Hastings, Selena
Hawkins, Williametta
Hayden, Tom
Hellman, Lillian
Herman, Jan
Highlander Folk School in Tennessee
Hill, Derek
Hill, Frederick
Hill, Heywood
Hilliard, David
Hinckle III, Warren
Hiss, Alger
Hitler, Adolf: death of; Decca on killing; invades the Netherlands; learns of Decca’s elopement; Mitford tea with; Muv’s sympathy for; nonaggression pact with Stalin; Unity’s friendship with; Unity’s potential break with; as witness to Diana’s wedding
Hoffman, Abbie
Hollywood Ten
Holt, Patricia
Hons and Rebels
(Mitford): Nancy on publication of; title debate; writing of
Hoover, J. Edgar
Hopson, Louise
Horne, Ann Farrer
Hôtel Paradis
Houghton Mifflin
House Committee on Un-American Activities: activism against; the bar as terrorized by; on civic activism as Communist; Decca’s first impression of; jails writer Hammett; Jerry Rubin at; as making Decca American; mandate of; McCarthy era; Red Tide scare; sentences Hollywood Ten; subpoenas the Treuhafts
“Howl” (Ginsberg)
Hungary: Decca’s misimpressions of; Hungarians; Soviets crush uprising in; Treuhafts on socialism in
Hurok, Sol
immigrants, U.S.: Aranka as; assimilation; Bob as educated by; Decca as; NY Jewish; Russian-Jewish, in Petaluma
Inch Kenneth: Decca sells; family reunion on; Farve on; last summer with Muv; loneliness of; memoir writing on; Muv and Farve on; as sisters’ inheritance; Treuhafts buy; Unity and Muv on
Independent Progressive Party
Ingram, Kevin
Ingram, William
inheritance: Decca as banned from Redesdale; Inch Kenneth; from Nellie
Internal Security Division
International Brigades
Izzy Gomez’s
Jackson, Derek
Jackson, Mississippi
Japanese internment
Jeanette Rankin Brigade
Jeffers, Robinson
Jew Süss
jobs: Civil Rights Congress (CRC); glamour of subversive; ideology of employment; jewelry sales in Miami; lecture tour idea; market researcher; Meyer commissions; OPA inspector; performing career; professorial; and relational power balance; secretary;
Washington Post
article/ad for; Weinberger’s dress shop;
see also
activism; journalism
Johnson, Diane
Johnson, Lyndon
Johnson, Samuel
journalism: abortion research; apprenticeship in; on the civil rights movement; CRC work; Decca’s advice on; Dr. Spock trial coverage; exposing Famous Writers School con; fame for; on “fat farms,” ; as a goal; honing ability for; interviews, learning to take; McGee case reports; Meyer commissions on Montgomery riots; muckraking; objectivity in;
People’s Daily World
application; personal style; porn industry; radical; “St. Peter, Don’t You Call Me,” tour circuit; “Trial by Headline”;
see also
Joyce, James
Romilly, Julia
Kahn, Barbara
Kahn, Ephraim
Kahn, Kathy
Kempton, Murray
Kennedy, John F.
Kennedy, Robert
Kesey, Ken
KGB spy
Kim, Jungmin
Kind and Usual Punishment
King Jr., Reverend Martin Luther
Kliot, Al
Koko (dog)
Kopkind, Andrew
Krieger, Wilbur M.
Kubrick, Stanley
Ku Klux Klan
Kunstler, William
labor activism: Congress of Industrial Organizations; in the Durr household; education; by Joe Gelders
Lady Chatterley’s Lover
Landauer, Ida
Lang, Dan
Lapin, Adam
Lapin, Eva
Lapin, Mark
Lasch, Christopher
Ledbetter, Huddie William (Leadbelly)
Leftists: authors; Bloomsbury meeting-place for; Decca’s written spoofing of; Esmond and Decca as; ideological disputes; Marge Gelders; new generation of; as pro-price control; “reactionary” as used by
Legg, Sheila
Leonard, Karen
Lerner, Gerda
Lessing, Doris
Lewis, John
Lifeitselfmanship; or, How to Become a Precisely-Because Man: An Investigation into Current L (or Left-Wing) Usage
Livingston, Mary Walton
Lomax, Alan
London Times
Lorca, Federico García
Los Angeles
Lothian, Lord
The Loved One
The Loved One
Love in a Cold Climate
(Nancy Mitford)
Lovell, Mary
loyalty oath, professor’s
Loyalty Order
MacGibbon, James
Maine Chance
marriage, to Bob: Aranka on; Bob’s affair; child rearing; courtship; Decca looks back on; family parties; his pursuit of her West; home life; intimacy of; jealousy; odes to her; proposal; retirement years; wedding ceremony
marriage, to Esmond: basis of; Decca as soldier’s wife; deepening intimacy in; equality in; lack of money; long-distance strains; Martha’s Vineyard vacation; Virginia Durr on; wedding ceremony
Martha’s Vineyard
Maverick, Maury
May Day
Mayflower Hotel
McCarran Act
McCarthy, Joseph Raymond
McClure, Jane
McClure, Michael
McDew, Charles
McGee, Rosalee
McGee, Willie
medical system: Hillary Clinton’s reform efforts; obstetrics; pee-in activism; psychiatry; public wards
memorial services, for Decca
Menemsha Inn
Meyer, Agnes
Meyer, Eugene: as a big shot; commissions by; Decca on; finds work for Decca; gold mining success
Meyer, Kay
military service: avoiding the draft; by black soldiers; by the Mitford family; personnel deployment; Romilly, Esmond; Treuhaft as unfit for
The Mitford Girls
Mitford (Cavendish), Deborah “Debo” (Dowager Duchess of Devonshire): as British nobility; censors Nancy’s estate; curiosity about Decca’s memoir; daughter Emma; Decca’s relationship to lifestyle marriage to Cavendish; scrapbook flap; sense of humor; Society of Hons; visits Oakland
Mitford, David “Farve” (Lord Redesdale): crackpot schemes; cuts Decca from the will; death of; Decca’s pain about; on Decca’s running away; Inch Kenneth home; Muv and Decca discuss; personality of; schism with Decca; splits with Muv over politics; teasing of; writes at Nicky’s birth
Mitford, Jessica Lucy Freeman “Decca”: on Adolph Hitler;
The American Way of Birth
See The American Way of Birth
The American Way of Death
See The American Way of Death
; antifascism of; appearance of; attempted rape of; Black Panthers benefit; children of.
pregnancies; children by name; citizenship application; as Communist Party member; CRC work;
death of; drinking habit; education of;
Faces of Philip
; family.
family relationships, Mitford; finances.
inheritance; money; fondness for the U.S.; home life, childhood;
Hons and Rebels
; hospital pee-in; housekeeping ability; housing segregation protest; vs. the HUAC; illnesses of on Inch Kenneth; jealousy of; jiggery pokery (theft);
Kind and Usual Punishmen
; McGee activism; at Montgomery riots; as a muckraker; on New Dealers; as Oakland resident;
People’s Daily World
fundraiser; performing career; personality of;
Poison Penmanship: The Gentle Art of Muckraking
; police brutality activism; politics, Mitford family; politics, personal.
politics, Decca’s; resists fingerprinting; Rotherhithe period;
SF Chronicle
fundraiser; on snobbery; Tom Mooney School fundraiser; travel restrictions on; weds Bob;
see also
marriage, to Bob; weds Esmond;
see also
marriage, to Esmond; work ethic; work of.
jobs; journalism; writing
Mitford (Mosley), Diana: appearance; claim of Tom as fascist; Decca denounces; Decca’s dislike of; Decca’s refusal to reunite with; Decca’s reunion with; imprisoning of; at May Day 1938; release from prison; weds Mosley
Mitford, Nancy: Aranka’s similarities with; death of; Debo censors letters of; dislike for Esmond; on Farve; on
Hons and Rebels
; illness of; informs on Diana; lover Palewski; personality; relationship with Decca; relationship with her mother; response to
; reunion with Decca; teasing by; wartime activities; as a writer; writing success
Mitford (Jackson), Pam “Woman”, care for Diana’s sons; divorce; domesticity of; as a farmer; in the scrapbook flap; travel
Mitford, Sydney “Muv” Bowles (Lady Redesdale): assists Treuhaft family visit; as caregiver to Unity; death of; Decca discloses Bob to; on Decca’s elopement; Decca’s last summer with; on Decca’s memoir; disallows school; on the family reunion; on Inch Kenneth donation; informed of Nicky’s death; as mother of seven; nickname; Redesdale inheritance; reunion photo; savings account for Decca; split with Farve over politics; visits California; wartime updates to Decca
Mitford, Tom: death of; fascist rumor about; military service; as only son; welcomed at Rotherhithe
Mitford, Unity “Boud”: brain damage of; death of; Decca’s concern for; on Esmond; fascist activism; friendship with Hitler; loneliness of; at May Day 1938; Muv caregives for; personality; relationship with Decca; secret meetings with; suicide attempt; updates Decca on Hitler
Modotti, Tina
money: American spending habits; Decca on; Decca’s frugality; end-of-life plans; from Esmond’s copywriting job; as independence; inheriting.
inheritance; need for, in NY; post-HUAC hearing; Rotherhithe electrical bill; running away accounts; savings; trust fund from Muv
Montgomery, Alabama
Mortuary Management
Mosley, Charlotte
Mosley, Diana.
Mitford (Mosley), Diana
Mosley, Oswald: Decca denounces; Decca on; as Diana’s husband; imprisoning of; Nancy on Tom’s relationship to; release from prison; vs. Romilly
Mount Kisco
mourning: Esmond; Julia; Nicky
muckraking journalism
Munich Pact
Murdoch, Steve
music, Cuban
Mitford, Sydney “Muv” Bowles (Lady Redesdale)
Mitford, Nancy
National Democratic Committee, Women’s Division
National Lawyers Guild
National Review
National Selected Morticians
National Student Association
Native Son
Nevile, Peter
New Dealers: cause parties; counter-sentiment; D.C. community; Decca’s appreciation of; as un-American
New Republic
Newson, Jerry
Newton, Huey P.
New Utrecht High School
New York: commissioned articles about; Decca on residents of; emigration to; Greenwich Village move; introduction letters for; Jewish immigrant community
New Yorker
nicknames: of Bob Treuhaft; Boud (Unity); Decca (Jessica); Dinky (Constancia); Dobby (Doris); for fellow activists; for Nellie Romilly; for Nicky; single-word; Woman (Pam)
Treuhaft, Nicholas “Nicky”
Nixon-Mundt bill
Noblesse Oblige
(Nancy Mitford)
nuclear secrets
Oakland: Black Panthers in; Decca as news in; Decca on; Muv on; police brutality; political climate; Treuhaft frugality in; Treuhafts move to
Oakland Seven
Oakland Tribune

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