Read Irreplaceable Online

Authors: Angela Graham

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

Irreplaceable (27 page)

BOOK: Irreplaceable
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I hadn’t even seen him remove his pants, let alone his
boxer briefs; however, his erection pressing at my entrance got my blood
pumping again and heart racing, reminding me there was more to come. Much more.

His lips were on my stomach, kissing, when I heard him
speak. “Condom.”

No problem, there, thanks to Hilary’s
goodie bag. I reached over into my nightstand, pulled one out, and tore it open
with my teeth.

He smiled, taking it from me and rolling it on. The
darkness and my sated hangover left me unable to see his manhood, and I
couldn’t deny the disappointment in that. But then again, the night was still young.

“I’m shocked Mr. Playboy doesn’t keep one handy.”

I wanted to slap a hand over my mouth as the smile fell
from his face. But he seemed to shake it off, hovering back over me and nipping
at my nipple.

“My plans tonight involved spending time with you, doing
anything you wanted as long as we were together. This incredible turn of events
wasn’t expected, so no, I didn’t feel the need to keep them

“I’m sorry.” I shook my head. “I didn’t mean—”

“Shhh, I know.” With that, his lips were on mine as his
erection pressed against me again. “Tell me you really want this. That you want

I couldn’t help myself as I cupped his face and held his

“Us. I want us…ahhh.” I winced as he slid into me,
stretching me.

He was so big it took a moment to adjust. I clutched his
shoulders, my nails digging into his flesh.

“Are you all right?” he asked, his eyes wide. “You’re
so…tight. I’ve never felt anything so…”

“Please, I’m fine. Move. Just…I…I need more,” I pleaded,
clawing at his back, pumping my hips up to meet his thrust.


With each thrust of his hips, I melted into him, my mouth
roaming over the swells of his arms, his tight muscles. My hands couldn’t get
enough, digging into his hair, bringing him closer. The moans that spilled out
of me were like no other—strong, fierce, and full of life. I’d never felt so
wanted, so needed, so adored.

Making love to Logan was something I’d never get used to.
With each thrust, he held me as though he’d never let go, kissed me as no one
else ever could, and when he could stand it no longer he brought my legs up
higher, deepening the angle and taking me to a climax that rivaled the first

“Us. Always,” he panted, driving in once, twice. Then,
with a deep husky groan, I felt him still inside me, his lips breathless
against my cheek with his release.

Logan’s arms were on each side of me, palms planted
firmly against the mattress, caging me in. I never felt safer or more wanted.

When we began to sit up, I pulled him in closer, not
ready to lose the connection. I wanted to stay there forever with him inside
me. I wondered if he felt the same, because when he rolled over, he took me
with him so I was on top of him, resting on his chest, still connected as his

“That was…”Logan was panting, a sheen of sweet covering
his warm body. “Unbelievable.”

I nodded, smiling to myself as I placed soft kisses to
his chest where I lay.

“Extraordinary.” I laughed lightly, and his chest rumbled
under me with his own soft chuckle.

His hands caressed my back and I could feel his subtle
throbs inside me. Slowly, I sat up, the movement sliding him out of me. It was
then I noticed the card peeking out of my jeans lying beside the bed—the card
from the flowers.

Logan must’ve followed my gaze, because before I could
stop him, he reached down and snatched it.

“What’s this?” he asked.

“Nothing, give it here,” I pleaded as he eyed the

He wasn’t listening to me. Instead, he was pulling out
the card from inside. Slowly, his gaze landed back on mine.

“You keep this on you?”


“Then why was it in your jeans?” he asked curiously,
watching me as I lay back down on my pillow.

“I found it in the pantry earlier. Hilary left it in the
vase after she cleaned it for me.”

“Did you read it?”

I swallowed. “No.”

A small smile drew over his lips as he leaned down and
handed it to me. “Well then, I think it’s about time, don’t you?”

I had no reply, so I took the card and inhaled a deep
breath that caught in my throat as I read:


My soul aches
with regret for what I have done to you. I’m at your mercy till the day I take
my final breath. I am yours, and can only hope for the honor to someday prove
myself to call you mine. I love you, Cassandra. Yesterday, today, and forever.


Releasing a ragged breath, I tore my glossy eyes from the
card and looked up at him sitting beside me.

“Logan, I—”

“I love you, Cassandra. I think I always have,” he said
with a confidence so strong I felt his words rebuilding the final pieces of my
mending heart.

“I love you.”
Did I just say that?
The look on my
face must’ve told him I was just as surprised by it as he was. He kissed me,
smiling against my lips.

“Say it again,” he demanded.

“I do. I don’t know when it happened or how, and I know
it took me so long, but I love you.” I swallowed a sob, tears blurring my
vision, emotions rushing through my veins.
I love him—Logan. I love Logan!

Unable to control the grin growing over my lips, I threw
myself into his arms and held him tight, placing a long, gentle kiss to his
ear. His arms encompassed me, his breath tickling my searing cheek.

“I never want to let go,” I confessed. “I love you so
much. I didn’t know it could feel like this. It’s painful and beautiful, and it
consumes me like nothing else.” I pulled back just enough to look into his eyes
to tell him what he longed to hear. “I’m yours, Logan. I always have been.”

A tear glistened in his eye. I placed my mouth over his
cheek as it slipped free, licking it away.

“I’m sorry I doubted you over and over again,” I said,
tears slipping out.

“Shhh, nothing matters except that I absolutely love you
with every fiber of my being and want to spend tonight showing you that.”

“Stay with me tonight,” I said, hopeful.

“You couldn’t get me out of this house without you.”

I laughed again as he readjusted my legs to straddle his

“Good, ‘cause I’m not ready for tonight to end.”

“We’re far from the end, sweetheart.” Logan’s arms pulled
me down, and he crushed his lips to mine.


Chapter Twenty-Three



The next day, I awoke in Logan’s
arms, warm and loved. Was this my life now? Would it always be like this?

Logan placed a soft kiss on the side of my head, and I
lifted my chin to his chest just enough to be greeted by his delicious, relaxed

“Morning, sweetheart.”

His arms wrapped around my waist and dragged me over to
lie on top his body fully, my lips over his. The thought of morning breath had
me struggling to retract, but he was having none of it.

“Get out of that head of yours,” he said, his hands
loosely on my hips, thumbs stroking over my bare skin.

With a smile, I leaned down and placed a small peck on
the center of his inviting lips, then peered up at his deep blues. They watched
as I placed another short kiss on the corner of his lips, then slowly kissed my
way down his scruffy jaw.

I made my way down to his neck, where I ran my tongue
over his salty skin and then placed a lingering wet kiss and looked back up.
The grin creeping over my lips couldn’t be helped, as my hand trailed down his
side and found him ready for me.

With one stroke of him in my hand, the blaring of my
alarm sounded, and Logan reached over casually to turn it off. It was seven
a.m.—time for my morning jog, and then it was off to meet my mother for
breakfast before her shift.

“Please, continue,” he said, resting his arms behind his
head and watching me with a pleased eye.

And I did. Even knowing we needed to start our day—the
man had to work, and I was supposed to meet my mother in a couple hours—I took
my time. With my eyes on his, I slid my body down the length of his, my grip
firm around his erection, stroking until my mouth was over him.

“Oh fuck,” he groaned, his hands in my hair. “God, I’ll
never let this end.”

I peeked up through my lashes, releasing him from my
mouth just long enough to reply. “Me neither.” With a smile, I ran my tongue
down his length.

Logan’s eyes lit up and his grin beamed. He looked the
happiest I’d ever seen him, and suddenly he was pulling me back up and resting
me over him. I wasted no time connecting our bodies, my lips on his as I rode
out a morning of his love—our love—together.

“I’ll be late!” I giggled,
squirming out of his arms that were locked around my back, his mouth
suction-cupped to my nipple.

He let out a fierce, possessive growl and bit down gently
before releasing me with a pop.

“Fine, go if you must, but I want to see you tonight.
Every night.”

“I’ll be here.”

“Damn right, you will.” Logan sat up, releasing me so I
could head to the shower.

It didn’t take long to realize he was following.

“Go!” I laughed, standing in front of the shower. “I’ll
be late if you get in there with me.”


“And my mother will be waiting.”

“Better her than me.” Logan’s finger circled my breast as
I stood nude in front of him. “I hate to wait for anything, yet for you….” His
head dipped down and he placed a kiss over my nipple, then looked back up with
a slight smirk. “For you, I’ll always wait.”

I smiled. “Tonight. I’m all yours tonight.”

“Fair enough. I need to go make sure Jax remembered to
bring Oliver home with him from the city in time for school.” With a long,
lingering kiss, Logan walked back into my room, dressed, and came back for one
more kiss before leaving.

It was strange. Here I was, a month and a half after the
accident, finally able to allow myself to feel what I’d been denying, avoiding.
I loved Logan, and for once I wasn’t going to overthink it.

My mom was already sitting at a
booth with a plate of scrambled eggs and hash browns when I strolled into
Haven, feeling like my world had been finally set right. Any lingering doubt I
had about Logan was somehow washed away by his affection that morning. I loved
him, and without a doubt, I knew he loved me.

“There you are. Thought you forgot,” she said, smiling.
She stood and pulled me in for a big hug, then stepped back, looking me over.

“You look beautiful, honey. How you feeling?” She slid
back down into her seat, and I did the same across from her.

“Wonderful.” I couldn’t help the grin that was stinging
my cheeks.

The waiter approached, and I ordered some pancakes as my
mom’s stare focused on me, a slight furrow to her brow.

“What?” I asked, my lips twitching.

“Nothing, it’s just good to see you smile. Been too

“I agree. So how’s work going?” I asked.

“Fine, but I wanted to meet you to talk about something
other than work.”

That didn’t sound good.

“I heard you went to see a loan officer at the bank.”

“Mom…” I drawled, popping my elbow on the table.

“Now listen, I told you—”

“Don’t worry about it, Logan helped me out. The house
isn’t involved.”

She sighed, relieved. “I’m glad to hear it, but
surprised. Does that mean you are actually on speaking terms with him?”

I nodded, the grin back in place over my lips.
Definitely on speaking terms.

“I see. Well, I don’t know what you and him are doing,
but be careful. I like him—a lot—but I also know he has an arrest on file that
has me a little concerned.”

“An arrest?” Shock was heavy in my voice.

“Yeah, I’m sure he’d prefer me to keep it to myself, and
because I believe that man is in love with you, I’ll do just that. Everyone has
a past, but stay clear of that ex-girlfriend of his.”

“No problem there,” I grumbled.

“How’s Oliver?”

The waiter set my plate down and I poured on some syrup.

“Honestly, I haven’t seen too much of him, but that’s
about to change.”

“So you and Logan West,” she said, more to herself,
smiling. “I wondered how long it would take him.”

“You were convinced I wouldn’t be able to resist?” I half
chuckled, slightly offended.

“Can’t resist the inevitable, honey.”

I took a bite, realizing she was right. I was through
resisting anything when it came to Logan.

We finished eating, chatting about her boyfriend and the
bombshell that I should’ve been expecting: they were moving in together. It was
easy to see how she felt about him in the way she spoke. A peaceful feeling
settled over me. After years alone, she was finally happy.

Now came the part I was dreading—the part that should’ve
happened before or during breakfast, but it hadn’t felt right. So as she pulled
out her wallet, I knew I had to do it now or I’d regret it all day. I reached
into my tote and pulled out the hat box, sitting it on the table.

“What’s that?” she asked, smoothing a twenty through her

“For you. I found it in the attic.”

Her brows pulled in as slid it closer to her.

“I never knew about him and Nina. I had no clue.”

She gasped, her eyes darting up from the box to me in a
panic. “Why would you? You were a child.”

“I’m so sorry.” My heart broke for her.

“So am I. You deserved a better father.”

We sat quietly for a few minutes as she read my grandmother’s
letter to her and then pulled out the picture of my father and Nina.

“I was blindsided when he left… especially with her. She
was barely an adult. Her father was livid, to put it mildly.” She placed
everything back in the box and closed the lid, looking up at me softly. “It
was…horrible. A bad dream that took me weeks to realize wasn’t ending. I never
told you because it wasn’t my place. If your father wanted you in his life, he
could have visited you. I never would have stopped him.”

“It doesn’t matter. It’s been too long now. Wherever he
is, I don’t need him, and neither do you,” I told her as I reached across the
table and took her hand.

Giving mine a squeeze, she smiled. “How did I raise such
a strong woman?”

“I have no clue,” I teased, then drew in a breath. “I
take after my mother: the strongest woman I know.”

“All right, I got to get to work before you having me
tearing up.” My mother grabbed her purse and stood as I finished my orange
juice. “Give me another hug, and drive carefully. Those roads are slick out
there. This winter doesn’t seem to want to let up.”

I nodded and stood as she took the box.

“Maybe we can double date sometime,” she offered, hugging
me tightly.

Double date with my mother and George? I grimaced, but
something told me it wasn’t negotiable.

“I’ll be looking forward to it,” I said.

My mother released me with a knowing smile. “Still a
terrible liar, Cassie.”

She laughed and I watched her walk away, happy.

The drive home was at a grueling
pace due to the thick snow drifting over the road, but I made it safely. I
spent the rest of the day cleaning a little and lounging around a lot. Stir
crazy—that’s how I felt. I missed school, and I missed Logan.

By four o’clock, I was showered, lotioned up, and
throwing on an easy dress—easy for Logan to remove, anyway. I pulled my hair
into a loose bun and stared at myself in the mirror. The reflection that
greeted me was one I hadn’t seen in a couple of years—before the accident, and
before Mark’s betrayal.

I was deliriously happy, and I could’ve sworn I was
actually glowing. My phone chirped and I all but skipped over to it. I hadn’t
been able to control my urge to text him throughout the day, and he hadn’t
seemed to mind.

Still miss me?

I laughed at his reply to my text from an hour earlier.
He’d told me he’d be in meetings most of the afternoon.


Liar. And for the record…I miss u…BADLY.

Good :) Show me how much when u get here.

Butterflies roared to life in my gut, fluttering around
with anticipation as the phone sounded with his reply.

Nothing could stop me

It was just after four thirty
when the doorbell rang. It was so unlike Logan to not just waltz right in, but
I was too excited to drag him back to bed to give it any real thought.

BOOK: Irreplaceable
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