Iron Rods: 1 (Strip Club) (17 page)

BOOK: Iron Rods: 1 (Strip Club)
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“Ouch. Take it easy over there.”

“Serves you right, ya damned Yankee.” She wiggled herself
beneath the additional warmth and stretched her aching legs. “I had my audition
when they originally cast the show, long before it ever thought about moving on
to Broadway. Who knew a musical about high-fashion rivals would turn out to be
such a huge hit? Did you ever see it when you lived there? I hear finding
tickets is next to impossible.”

Bennett shrugged. “It helps when one knows the producer.
Alan Sanders is a friend of mine. He gives me tickets whenever I ask for them.”

That little nugget of information had her head spinning.
Alan Sanders was the same man who had auditioned her, as well as the man who
had sent her packing.

In retrospect, Mr. Perfect’s connections with the who’s who
of New York really shouldn’t have come as that big of a surprise. He was the
son of Lyle Truitt and Gwen Ashton. Of course he knew the people who mattered.
He probably had more connections than the President of the United States.

“Since we’re playing twenty questions tonight, I’ve got one
for you.” She licked her dry lips. Did she really have the
to ask
him the question that had taunted her since meeting him?

Of course she did.

“Why did you come to Austin to work for your dad?”

He took so long in answering, she wondered if he’d heard her

“I want to help Lyle build up the company,” he replied

No way would she let him off with a bullshit answer like
that. She’d spent the last half an hour spilling her guts to him, the least he
could do was be honest in return.

“So you left your job at the empire that is Ashton Paper
Products in New York only to help Lyle, the father you seem to have a grudge
against, a thousand miles away in Texas? I find that rather hard to believe.”

“Ah-hum,” he murmured. “I see someone’s been nosing around
in my affairs.” He smiled another lazy smile and brushed a finger along the
curve of her cheek. “Right now I want you so bad I can’t think about anything
else. I have a feeling you’re in the same boat. So here’s what I suggest.”

He slowly drew his finger down to the V formation at the
base of her neck where her pulse beat like a tom-tom.

“We indulge first,” he said, practically purring. “After
we’re done, if you still want to know, I’ll tell you.”

Desire zipped along the path he stroked. Below, heat and
expectancy unfurled like the petals of a morning glory in the warmth of the
sun. Indulging in the Bennett buffet would be a fantastic treat, like gorging
on ice cream sundaes after dieting for a month. But she shouldn’t agree to
anything physical. The man had just come home from the emergency room.

“You’re injured. I don’t think that’s a good idea.” She
forced out the unsavory words.

“Trust me.” His voice mutated from a purr to a throaty
growl. “Right now my arm and my ribs aren’t the parts of my body that are

Proving his point, the bedspread covering his groin, which
now looked more like a pup tent, twitched.

Bennett leaned over her and placed his lips on hers. “Don’t
make me beg,” he whispered into her mouth.

The desire traipsing through the fine hairs of her skin shot
down and hit as though a cannon had fired off an iron ball, nailing her low in
the gut. Her pussy exploded in a barrage of cream. The silky wetness moistened
the aroused apex between her legs and trickled onto her inner thighs. She was
ready for him and more than willing to comply with any of his requests. He was
a grown man. If he could tolerate the pain, then bully for him.

Answering him, she slipped a hand over his shoulder and
around to his nape. Her fingers busied themselves in his thick hair while she
opened her mouth, inviting him in. His tongue swept over hers with long,
leisurely strokes, setting the pace. This evening there would be no rushing, no
hasty assent to their joining. Tonight they would take their time, relish in
the pleasure of their lovemaking.

The slower tempo couldn’t have suited Tatum more. She longed
to explore every firm plane and soft cranny of his body. Taste the skin of his
lips, his chest, his cock. As if a well had sprung, her mouth watered at the
thought, wetting their kiss.

Bennett’s fingertips grazed down along the curve of her
breast and the slope of her waist. When the soft digits slipped over her belly
and found their way between her damp folds, they both moaned. The licentious
sound reverberated in her mouth.

“You’re incredibly wet,” he said on a heavy exhale after
breaking their kiss. “So damned hot. I was right about you feeling the same

“Yes.” The admission carried more weight than she could tell
him. Yes, she wanted him, but not just in bed. He had captivated her from the
beginning. And after each time they spent together, she pined for him even

She crossed her legs when his finger found her clit,
effectively trapping his hand and preventing further titillation. “Hold on
there, Slick. It’s my turn to play.”

Releasing her hold on the back of his neck, Tatum carefully
pushed on his shoulder, forcing him to lie flat as well as remove his hand from
her aching mound. Bennett offered no resistance. Instead, he closed his eyes
and sank deeper into the mattress, putting the reins in her hands. She had no intention
of releasing them until she’d satisfied her unbridled curiosity.

After pushing off the covers, she sat up to examine him. The
light from the nightstand cast a soft glow on his chest. Between his
well-defined pecs, a smattering of dark, springy curls glistened. Farther down,
deep valleys connected the graduated lengths of his ripped abs, which ended at
the rise of his honed groin muscles. All of this led the way to what lay in
wait below the rumpled sheet.

A thrill ripped through her. So much man meat for the
taking. And this was prime, grade-A man meat, not the chopped steak she had
settled for in her youth.

Bennett lifted one eyelid. “Not having second thoughts, are

Was the man crazy? She was always eager for the opportunity
to ogle his nakedness and jump his bones.

“Oh no. Just wondering where to start.”

“Glad to hear it.” He smirked and closed his eye.

Not wanting to jostle him more than needed, she got on her
hands and knees and scooted to his side. Placing one palm above his right
shoulder for support, she lowered herself until her lips connected to his neck
just below his ear. She sucked the spot while breathing in. She detected traces
of wood tones and citrus in his cologne, as well as the faint scent of shaving
cream. Though the notion was silly, she decided right then and there this
unique combination of fragrances was her favorite in the entire world of
aromas. Nothing and no one could ever smell as good as Bennett Truitt did at
that moment.

After kissing a moist path down from her favorite spot, she
allowed herself to linger on the curve where his neck met his shoulder. Her
mouth fit over the slope so perfectly. She applied a little suction. His body
responded with a quick shiver. His reaction pleased her so much, she sucked
again, but this time she grazed the tender flesh with her front teeth. His skin
broke out in fine goose pimples.

“You trying to tickle me?” he asked.

“You’ve already put in your allotment of questions for the
evening. Now hush up and let me get back to having fun.”

“You’re having fun?”

Tatum swept her hand across the elevation of his pumped
pecs, found a nipple and squeezed. He groaned.

“That’s another question,” she warned. “I think we’re done
talking here.”

Since her fingers had already scouted out her next favorite kissing
spot, she inched her way lower and reveled in the feel of his chest hairs as
they tickled her cheek. Bennett was nothing if not a manly man. Some women
preferred guys with slick, hairless upper bodies, but not her. Given a choice,
she’d take guys with soft down dusting their chests every time.

Placing her mouth atop the entire dusky ring, she swirled
and nipped on the nipple, causing it to swell. When she was thoroughly
satisfied with her work on the puckered peak, she moved to the other, repeating
the process until Bennett let out a quiet hiss.

She’d saved the best piece of man meat for last. The pièce
de résistance.

While tugging with her teeth on his hardened nub, she glided
the flat of her palm over the rippled terrain of his abs and slid under the
white sheet amassed over his hips. Her fingers raked through a nest of soft
curls, then hit upon the base of his cock.

Unrestrained lust delivered a fresh wash of warm cream to
her pussy. Not happy simply to feel his thick root, she pulled back the covers
until every inch of Bennett’s naked glory was available for viewing. And
glorious he was, all the way from his perfectly sized, well-tended toes to his
dark halo of midnight hair on his head. In between, his penis, thick and
shimmering with a glaze of pre-cum, stood at attention as if to say, “Look at
me! Look at me!”

She licked her lips.

Oh, I’m looking, big fella. Not to worry.

Her lack of experience giving head didn’t prevent her from
diving right in. To hell with being shy about her dismal skills. Just like
dancing, she wasn’t going to get better unless she practiced. As long as he
didn’t scream, she’d practice until the cows came home.

She crawled on her knees until she reached his hips, wanting
a better vantage point. Yes, she was on her hands and knees with her ass
sticking up in the air, but what did that matter when the Dom Perignon of
penises was practically being served up on a platter for her? Granted, she
hadn’t seen many up close and personal like this, but Bennett’s easily won the
blue ribbon. Long, thickset and extremely firm, his cock was a beacon of sorts
with a purplish top that sent out a luring Siren’s call. He most definitely
would offer her great pleasure, but in the end he might ruin her. No way she’d
ever again be contented with a lesser tool for sex.

Lightly gripping the substantial member at its lowest point,
then sliding up to the tip where she wetted her palm with the pearl of his
essence, Tatum began to stroke slowly. The cords of muscles in his legs flexed
and tightened with each pump. A sense of empowerment stirred her desire like
her own powerful drug. Seeing his body answer the individual thrusts of her
fist stimulated a carnal part of her she never knew she possessed.

Heady with sensual potency, she lowered her mouth and swiped
at the tip of his penis with her tongue. Bennett jerked as he moaned.

Salty and slightly tangy, his pre-cum wet her lips and
caused her stomach to growl.

Not to worry, tummy. More mansicle coming up.

Fully ready to take him on, she encircled the top of his
smooth cock with her lips and swirled her tongue around its swollen rim before
taking as much of him in her mouth as she could.

Bennett’s back arched. A second later he grunted. Instead of
pleasure, the sound was more like pain.

She shot up, removing his cock from her mouth as she went.
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you.” Her telltale nervousness raised its
head. Even she could hear the thickening of her Southern accent.

“It’s not you. It’s not you,” he protested. “I just moved
wrong and my ribs bothered me, that’s all. Whatever you were doing, do it
again. I loved it.”

“I’ll do no such thing if I’m going to hurt you. Maybe we
should wait until you’re better.”

“No,” he insisted a little loudly. “Really. I can’t tell you
how badly I’ll hurt if you don’t.” Bennett frowned then nodded at his side.
“Move so your chest is beside my stomach and your ass is facing me.”

“You want to see my ass?”

“Just do what I asked you. You’ll see.”

“Okay,” she muttered beneath her breath. “I can’t guarantee
the view is good, but you’re welcome to it.”

“What was that?”

“Oh nothing, just admiring what God graced you with,” she
said over her shoulder, repositioning herself.

Once she was settled, Bennett placed his hand on the inside
of one of her thighs. “You’re so fucking wet. I love how wet you get.”

His voice, low and gentle, sounded like a contented sigh.

He slid his palm onto her rump and gave it a light slap. “We
may not be able to have sex the regular way tonight, but I think we can manage
with something different, if you’re up for it.”

The playful hit sizzled her skin in a surprisingly
delightful way. She had no idea what Slick was doing, but if this was an
indication, she might be in for a truly interesting evening.

“I’m up for it, all right.”

“Spread your knees a little farther apart,” he instructed.
“That’s good. Now continue what you were doing before.”

She did as he asked. Holding the base of his erection with
one hand and supporting her weight with the other, she leaned over him and
placed the stout head in her mouth. While inching his penis deeper, he cupped
her pussy with his palm. She moaned, and the vibrations resonated down the
stiff shaft to her fingers.

By natural instinct, her body responded. Her hips reclined
in an attempt to better feel his touch, press him deeper into her aching pussy.
He placed the pad of a finger onto her hard kernel and flicked. His simple
action produced such an exquisite sensation she temporarily closed her eyes,
centering her focus on the stirring source.

Realizing she had stopped stroking him while she
concentrated on what he was doing, she resumed the twirling of her tongue on
his stretched flesh as she moved her mouth over his generous length. Her hand
returned to pumping, her fist synchronized with her sucking.

“Yes. That’s it. So fucking good.”

Bennett’s encouragement spurred her to take his cock faster
and deeper, pushing the limits of her abilities.

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