Invitation to Love (4 page)

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Authors: Groovy Lee

BOOK: Invitation to Love
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 “But when he died, the whole
world suddenly lifted from my shoulders. For the first time in years, I could
breathe.” She leaned her had back to view the black, starless sky. “Maybe, I
should feel guilty for feeling this way. All I know is that I’m glad it’s over,
and I don’t intend on going through anything like it again.” She felt his hand
touch her shoulder, causing her to straighten and give him her full attention.

didn’t deserve what you went through. But, don’t let that sour you from ever
committing yourself to someone you may come to love in the future. Sometimes
the past is only good for remembering the bad times. Don’t look back; Learn
from it, and live for the future. Only then can you ever really be happy.”

she appreciated her new, understanding friend. No accusatory, “What did you do
to maybe provoke him?”—no judgmental, “Why did you stay?”

right. I should appreciate what a strong woman I’ve become because of it. Now,
I can face life with a much wiser outlook. How’s that?”

you go,” he said, then lifted his hand to brush his fingers up and down the
side of her cheek. Her eyes closed involuntarily from the comfort it brought.
“Come on,” he finally spoke. “Tomorrow’s our last day. And, we need all the
sleep we can get if we’re going to survive.”


and Rachel sat in chairs facing Michael and Remi at the airport early Monday
morning waiting for their flights to be called. She couldn’t help observing
them as they talked, their heads buried in a brochure showcasing all the fun
they had.

was then she began her own study—of him. Her eyes traced his lean thighs
confined in those black pants; Then moved up from his torso in the silk shirt,
to linger on his mouth, his eyes. He smiled at Remi, and her heart quickened
its beats. She shifted in her seat to change her field of vision. But, the
vendor guy restocking the snack machine couldn’t hold her attention two seconds
before her attention drifted back to him. This will probably be the last time
they’ll ever spend together. She was on her way back to Nashville, and he to
California. No doubt, someone’s there waiting to welcome him home—A gorgeous
model eager to show him how much she missed him. (God, how fortunate can one
woman be?) She sat up straight to end her train of thought. He was fun to be
with while it lasted. And, that’s all it was—fun. It’s best to leave it at
that. Just then, he looked up and caught her staring. They exchanged smiles,
and their flight for Nashville was called.

still have our address, don’t you, Michael? And, you won’t forget to write?”
Remi asked after all the hugging was over.

Remi, I still have it. And, I promise to write.”

it was time for Taryn to say her good-byes, they stood eyeing one another as if
to make the moment stretch on. She was crushed when he finally extended his

Take care of yourself.”

do the same. And, don’t forget to write”, she tried to make light of the
moment. “Or they will never forgive you.”

hand slipped away, causing her to swallow at the tightness in her throat.
Before they exited down the passageway, and while the girls threw him one last
wave, she soaked his essence deep in her mind before turning to scoot them
along. But, she was unaware that he stood there in his own regretful silence
long after they had vanished around the corner.


peered out the kitchen window of her quaint four bedroom house to see what the
twins, and their cousin Bobby, were up to in the backyard.

the coffee ready, yet?” her sister, Nora, shuffled in. The navy-blue jogging
suit she wore sagged over her round physique like a comfortable friend.

ready,” Taryn poured the steaming black liquid into two round cups. After
adding the sugar and cream, they went into the front room to relax.

and I are having company for dinner this weekend,” Nora snuggled into her
corner of the tan and black couch. “You’re invited.”

turned her attention from the evening news on the flat screen television across
the room of pale-yellow walls, and brown carpet. “How many people will be
there?” her eyes rested on her sister’s wavy, chestnut hair she was braiding.

flipped the braid back then retrieved her cup from the coffee table. “Just two
couples; Friends of mine and Jerry.” She sipped the hot liquid and at once
twisted her mouth in disgust. “You didn’t put enough creamer in this.”

teaspoon is all you need. Now tell me, have I ever met these couples before?”

but you’ll like them. Chuck works with Jerry. He got married last month, and we
thought it’d be nice to get to know his new wife. Charlie and Julie have been
married for ages.”

that’s all you invited?” Taryn’s eyes squinted with suspicion.

promise,” Nora laughed. “No eligible bachelors this time. We’ve given up on

a relief.”

have learned our lesson. I mean, when I think about the cold shoulder you gave
Anthony we tried to fix the two of you up. I thought I saw a tear as he sat on
the other side of that table staring down at his food.”

didn’t give him the cold shoulder,” Taryn insisted.

poor guy still wears a sweater from that chilly breeze. You will definitely be
the odd one this time.”


you sure you don’t want to eat with us tonight? You don’t have to eat here
alone, you know.”

know. Thanks for the offer, but I’m going to plan out my day for job hunting
tomorrow, then I’m going to turn in early. Thanks for letting Remi and Rachel
stay overnight.”

problem. Oh, look,” she pointed toward the television. “It’s my favorite show, OMG

was no talking when that show started. Nora fully immersed herself in the
program that kept her up-to-date on her favorite stars and their Hollywood lives.
While she wooed over Brad Pitt, and remarked on Halle Berry’s dress she wished
she could fit into, Taryn’s attention honed in on the back screen door slamming,
and the approaching rush of three energetic kids.

we’re thirsty. Can we have some juice?” Remi stood over her with Rachel and
Bobby close behind.

eyed their hair and play clothes now covered with most of the backyard. “Yes,
Remi, it’s in the refrigerator. Be careful not to spill any. Why don’t…”

late, they were already gone. A few minutes later they were back, juice boxes
in hand.

we have to take baths?” Remi was standing over her again, sipping as much apple
juice as she could in one gulp.

honey, I thought we talked about this…”

look,” Rachel screamed at the television and pointed. “It’s Michael.”

Remi swung around, the threat of a bath all forgotten.

that?” Bobby asked.

one bothered to answer him, they were too fascinated by the figure on the
screen. The show was now broadcasting a big premiere from last evening.
Everyone who was anyone attended, all decked out in their favorite designers’
creations. But, Taryn’s interest was only on one person in that crowd. Her
heart was beating in her throat as she studied him in his black evening wear being
escorted down the red carpet by his date, facing all the flashes aimed at them.
How handsome he looks. (And there’s that smile) It’s been over a month since
they parted at the airport. The girls received a lengthy letter with a brief
hello, and a hope-you’re-doing-well scribbled at the end for her. She admits
she’s been thinking about him—a lot. Now, she’s sitting here shocked to see him
on TV with a very attractive actress on his arm. Has he gotten married? She
swallowed and turned up the volume on the remote.

children folded to the carpeted floor to listen. The dimpled cheek, dark-haired
actress with striking make-up and bold red lipstick exhibited a melodramatic
smile as she talked ongoing to the reporter about a movie she was starring in.
After a non-stop few minutes, it was Michael’s turn. Taryn held her breath, her
teeth clamped on her bottom lip, waiting.

Vande-xx, I know you must be so happy that your investment in the movie,
Charming Alarming Disarming, has turned into a box-office success.”

Brooke, I am.”

poised and exuding class, Taryn could tell by the look on his face he’d rather
that camera and microphone were aimed somewhere else.

made you invest in a movie that stars virtual unknowns?”

I’m not an entertainment wiz or anything like that. But, I know a good
storyline when I read one. When my good friend, Hal, came to me with the
script, I jumped at the opportunity.”

he just great?” the actress everyone now knows as Raven slid her thin arms
through one of his and pressed against him; Her eyes twinkled adoringly into
his face.

lifted a brow at such temerity, then immediately reprimanded herself for the
nasty sentence that flew through her mind. This Raven woman could be a pleasant
person for all she knows.

you have another career to add to your list of accomplishments, Raven,” the
blonde journalist switched the microphone back to her. “First a model, now a
budding actress.”

she snuggled closer to her date. “It’s all Michael’s doing. He suggested to Hal
that I try out for the role of the best friend Shelly, and voila, I got the
part.” A bubbly laugh followed.

is there something that our viewers out there should know about the two of
you?” she looked into the camera and winked.

it comes) Taryn bit at her bottom lip, her fingers nervously entwined.

mean, Michael, you’re one of the most eligible bachelors of the twenty-first
century. As far as we know, you’re not involved with anyone. And, you’ve also
been labeled as—well, a recluse. So, could it be that you’ve finally found Miss
Right, here?”

Brooke,” he chuckled.

closed her eyes and exhaled.

and I are just friends; Nothing more.”

Nora scoffed. “I mean, do you see the way she’s looking at him?”


would you care to comment on the rumors printed in the tabloids that you’re
gay?” the reporter continued.

Raven’s laugh was more of a ridiculous huff.

question had the smile waning from his face.

gay, Momma,” Remi asked with a puzzled turn to her face.

tell you later. Listen.”

never read those rags, Judy. Everyone knows that ninety-nine percent of what
they print are outrageous lies. Their stories about aliens seem more credible.
But, if people choose to believe what they print about me, then it’s their
right.” The serious look in his eyes sealed his words as final.

graciously agreed with his comment and thanked them for their time. Once they
were free, other network journalists began calling out for them to approach
their spot.

you mail our letter to Michael, Mummie?” Rachel turned all the way around to
address her.

Rachel, I did. Now, the three of you go and play.”

Nora exhaled, her eyes wide and intense. “Is that the Michael you met in
Florida? The one you spent an entire week with? Good heavens, you didn’t tell
me he looked like that.”

what? I said he was nice looking.”

she replied with indignant disbelief. “Your exact words were: He’s a nice
looking guy in his thirties and very successful. Really? Taryn? The man is

just waved her off as if she was over exaggerating despite the excitement still
racing through her.

you still expect me to believe that nothing happened between the two of you?”
she shifted herself around in her seat with one leg curled on the cushion, her
arms held out in disbelief. “No sparks? Nothing?”

Taryn vowed. “We talked, that’s all.”

could you let something like that slip out of your hands?” she pointed at the
television. “Did you see those eyes? That body? If that had been me, girl, I
would have proposed the first day.”

because you’re crazy,” Taryn shook her head at such shameless behavior. “You
need to calm down, or I’ll have to write an anonymous note to Jerry and tell
him what you just said.”

goodness, speaking of Jerry,” she stood quickly. “I’d better get home and start
dinner. He’ll be home soon.”

called out to the kids, and instantly three heads appeared from around the
kitchen wall. “Nora’s ready to go. Get your things and come on.”

barreled down the hall; Minutes later they were back with their cases in hand.
Taryn walked them to the door and kissed them off. Not wanting to be left out,
Bobby stood on tiptoes for a kiss, also.

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