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Authors: Groovy Lee

Invitation to Love (14 page)

BOOK: Invitation to Love
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hope I said all the right things.”

Berry couldn’t have said it better.”

praise of her meant she was doing everything right, and that lessened her stress
level. (Here’s hoping the rest of the night goes as smoothly) They pressed
through the crowds that were standing and conversing in the lobby, to the
banquet room.

have a table here somewhere,” he said as they stood at the top of the stairs
and searched over the mass of expensive scents and even more expensive evening

just couldn’t subdue the wide-eyed tourist expression on her face. After all,
she’s here, mingling in the midst of Hollywood; A–list actors and actresses
here to celebrate a friend’s success. Nora will just die. They stepped down
into the crowd as Michael continued to search for their table.

she wiggled the arm she was holding on to. “Isn’t that—that’s Patti LaBelle.”

isn’t she? She sung the musical score. I’ll introduce you later.”

Sutherland just passed us,” she practically wrinkled his coat sleeve.

made a small appearance in the movie,” he laughed. “We’d better find you a seat
before you faint.”

Raven, dawning a silver low-cut gown and platinum-blonde wig, materialized from
out of the crowd with David close behind. “You’re finally here.” She tip-toed
and kissed him on one cheek.

had already decided she would keep an armor of steel up when it came to her.
She’s not about to ruin her once-in-a-lifetime evening.

sitting with us, but first, there’s some people you simply must meet,” she
pulled for him to follow. “We’ll only be a minute, Taryn,” she added, as if she
just noticed her. “David can show you to the table. Can’t you, David?”

love to.”

won’t be long,” Michael assured her as he released her hand.

dancing in the Rainbow room,” David took her arm and folded it around his.
“Want to go?”

why not?” she replied, feeling crushed as she watched Michael fade into the
crowd with Raven attached.

guided her to the room next door where people were dancing to one of the upbeat
tunes from the movie. She looked around her, still amazed by it all. But in
time, anxiousness surrendered to fun as David circled her about and guided her
through the latest steps. The last time she danced this much was at her prom. Oh—my—God,
she wanted to scream, her mouth dropping open. Brad Pitt just bumped into her,
and all she could do was stand there in a stupor as he offered a genuine

Nora is going to need
medical attention when she hears of it. By the time the music ended, she was
full of excitement and out of breath.

fun?” David had to shout to be heard.

she yelled back.

thundering of voices simmered to muffled babble as a Luther Vandross ballad
began to play.

to take another turn?” he asked, and she nodded.

felt somewhat uneasy by the familiar closeness as they swayed, but decided it
was appropriate since the room was jammed wall to wall.

David,” she said when the tune ended.

you want something to drink?” he asked, then looked passed her when a familiar figure
appeared. “Michael.”

was not at all surprised when she turned around to see Raven still at his side.
She prayed silently for strength and fixed a smile to her face.

thought you were going to wait for me,” came the accusatory statement.

decided to dance for a while,” David answered for her.

took her hand. “Come on, there’s some people I want you to meet. Thanks for
taking care of my wife, David; I’m sure you won’t mind escorting Raven around,

barely had time to thank him before Michael ushered her away. Though it pleased
her to see the scowl pasted on Raven’s face, she felt embarrassed by Michael’s
gruff treatment of David. After all, he was only being kind to her; He should
have shaken his hand. Besides, after having to sit through an entire evening of
Raven’s attention-getting antics, she realized she should have been the one to
feel put-off. And of course, there was no doubt who to thank for the seating
arrangement. What a surprise to see Michael’s chair next to hers, while she’s
in between Chris and David. A few more breaths for strength, and a chilled
glass of champagne, were just the remedy she needed. Let her hang all over him
and laugh close to his face. Why should she care? Especially, since it’s
obviously not bothering him.

decided to empty her mind of all the negativity and concentrate on the night.
Chris’ date was more than willing to chat. And despite the cool eye from
Michael, she allowed David to take her for a whirl on the dance floor again.
The party quieted down for the hour it took to recognize the cinematic genius
of Hal Conners, and for him to deliver his speech of gratitude and thanks to everyone
involved. After a banquet dinner, the hoopla started up again.

on, Taryn,” David leaned close to her. “Dance with me one last time.”

was wasted, but was for anything that separated her from the theatrics of those
two. A few glances across the table was the only attention Michael showed her
the entire night, until Raven dominated it again. But, when she stood to walk
away with David, it seemed that all of a sudden, she was worth noticing.

Of course, she pretended to
be having too much fun to care about that look of disapproval etched across his

coming, too,” Chris and his date stood.

the first upbeat melody ended, Chris and David switched partners. Taryn was
grateful for the mellow song that followed, her feet were throbbing from all
the twisting and turning.

you tired?” David asked once he reclaimed her for the last song.

she sighed.

do you like your first Hollywood party?”

like I always imagined—fascinating.”

like the way your eyes light up that way.”

looked away, but her uneasiness was quickly obliterated by the appearance of
Michael approaching.

in,” he tapped David on the shoulder.

respectfully relinquished her to him.

don’t mind if I dance with my wife, do you, Taryn?” There was no mistaking that
bite in his tone.

starchy smile was her only reply. He’s been dismissive all night. Why is
dancing with her so important now?

body stiffened when his arm slid around her waist and pressed her against his
hard frame. It took every tranquil nerve she had left to keep in step and not
trip. It dawned on her as they swayed, that this is the first time since
they’ve been married that he’s held her like this—so close, so intimate. The
feel of his masculine body, and his strong cheek touching hers, held her
captivated from the amazing surge of pleasure it caused. His hand made a light
stroke up and down her back causing her to stumble. He loosened his hold and
caught her reluctant gaze. The apology she meant to offer stuck in her throat.
One corner of his mouth lifted wickedly before he leaned in and claimed her
hard with a kiss. When he ended it, all she could do was will her legs to stop
shaking and keep a steady head. By the time they returned to the table,
everyone was standing and saying their good-byes.

embraced the restrained silence governing their ride home in the back of the
limousine. He sat in the dark interior like stone, but she didn’t care; Talking
is the last thing on her mind.

they arrived home, Mrs. Castleberry informed them that the girls were a joy to
watch, and after beating her in all the board games, were now sound asleep. 
Taryn thanked her, and Michael accompanied her to her car. Although she was
still upset, Taryn politely turned out all the lights in the house and waited
for him at the bottom of the stairs. When he came back in and locked the door,
she mentioned she had taken care of the securing the rest of the house. He
thanked her, and they mounted the stairs together.

she murmured after that long silent walk to her door. “I enjoyed myself

could tell,” he replied minus the smile.

was her cue to escape to her room. He’s clearly still in a mood, and she’s not
about to prolong it. “Good-night,” she said once more and turned to hurry

I get a good-night kiss, too?”

froze from that stinging question, then turned to face the austere face before
her. “What do you mean by—too?”

if you don’t know,” his gaze practically seared through her. “Was it my
imagination, or was David all over you tonight? I’m sure he must have stolen a
kiss at one point throughout the evening.”

offensive accusation had her mouth dropping open, but just as quickly she shut
it. So, he’s in a knot because David was more of a date than he was. (And did
he just accuse her of being unfaithful?) If it wasn’t for the fact that she’s
completely worn out, and too tired to think, she’d promptly remind him of who
was more unfaithful this evening.

that I owe you an explanation,” she stressed. “But, David was the perfect

that what you call it?”

not going to argue with you, Michael. Believe what you want, I’m tired. I want
to go to bed.” With that, she wheeled around and marched into her room. When he
followed her in, she turned on his imposing figure. “I don’t want to talk about

I will,” he countered firmly. I watched the two of you tonight. You danced like
lovers. And, when you weren’t dancing, you had your heads together in cozy
conversation and laughter. Surely, his jokes weren’t that funny.”

was only doing what you should have. But, you were so caught up in Raven, you
forgot I was there. If it weren’t for David, I would have spent the entire
evening by myself.” She snapped the silver buckles of her heels and kicked them
toward the closet. “For a moment there, I thought you were going to elope.”

pretty when you’re angry,” he seemed angrily amused. “I guess you aren’t
completely detached after all.”

out,” she pointed a finger at the door, hurt by that unwarranted, but familiar
description of her. “I’m tired, and you’re going to wake the girls.”

yet, Taryn,” he lowered his harsh tone to a sultry whisper. “Not when I know
you’re capable of some feelings. I want to see what else you can feel.”

He strolled
over to her. One hand lifted and his fingers traced a satiny stroke down the
side of her face. A suddenly breathless Taryn brushed it away and hurried to
stand by the other side of the bed.

she warned, her hands gripping tightly to a carved bed-post.

please, don’t,” he was walking toward her. “That’s been your national anthem
since the day we married. It seems you’ve given David free reign over you, but
I can’t even get within two feet without you going into shock.”

disgusting. I can say the same thing about you and Raven.”

least she’s willing.”

since she’s so
, why didn’t you go home with her?”

words, Taryn, but I doubt if you mean them.”

slipped his evening jacket from his solid shoulders and tossed it on the bed;
It took only a second for the bow-tie and upper buttons of his shirt to come
undone. Taryn struggled to keep her angry composure, but the arduous fear
bursting inside of her was paralyzing. They were close—very close. His eyes
flamed like a wild cat ready to attack its prey. She swung to put more space
between them, but he reached out and grabbed hold of her arm, pulling her back
against his hard chest.

it, Michael,” came the frightened gasp. “Forcing yourself on me wasn’t part of
the bargain.”

wonder if force is the right word.” The fire in his eyes heightened to profound
want. Her lungs felt constricting as she struggled to breathe normally. “It’s
there in your eyes. I can see it. You want to be touched oh—so—much,” his eyes
lowered to her trembling mouth. “It just takes the right combination, doesn’t

twisted her head as he tried to kiss her. “Let go of me—no,” she strained her
hands against his chest.

he exhaled a soft chuckle, his sensuous breath fanned her face. “You don’t mean
that, either.”

jaw muscle clenched tightly as one hand came up and held the back of her neck
to keep her still, while his lips pursued and fastened to hers, forcing them to
part. Her mind whirled from his exquisite exploration. He wrenched his mouth
away to plant wanton kisses across her face, down to her neck. Taryn reminded
herself to breathe as his hands slid further down her back to arch her closer,
pinning her to him. He lifted her, and they fell back onto the bed. His urgent
mouth clung to her now responsive ones, and passion took full control. Her
hands pulled from their confinement to enclose around his neck; Her body
urging, imploring him to take her further. He released her warm lips and
pressed fervent kisses across her beast, biting gently on one nipple through the
inhibiting material of her dress. Taryn’s body exploded with hunger. She
grabbed his face and kissed him deeply. When he grew against her, she moaned
and sought desperately to unbutton the rest of his shirt.

BOOK: Invitation to Love
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