[Invitation to Eden 24.0] How to Tempt a Tycoon

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Authors: Daire StDenis

Tags: #Tantra, #sexy contemporary romance, #Bestseller, #billionaire bad boy, #adult contemporary, #bestselling romance, #alpha males, #tantric sex

BOOK: [Invitation to Eden 24.0] How to Tempt a Tycoon
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How to Tempt a Tycoon

A Savage Interactive



Daire St. Denis

Copyright © 2014 by Daire St. Denis

All rights reserved

This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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One word describes Daire’s Savage Tales...HOT!

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“SUCH a turn on! Hot! - Best ménage story I've read hands down.”

“Holy hotness! Quick, dirty, and tasty ménage. - This book is short and hot and manages to incorporate a good storyline too.”

“Holy Hell!! - I don't even know where to start other than saying this was just freaking HOT!”


We are very pleased to issue your Invitation to Eden, an exciting series coming to you in 2014 from 27 of the biggest names in romance. Join us as we take you on an exciting adventure to Eden, where anything... and everything goes!

HOW TO TEMPT A TYCOON – A Savage Interactive

Tessa Savage has traveled all over the world but she has never been to Eden. So when she receives a personalized invitation to this enigmatic island location, there’s no way she can refuse. She’s been told that Eden will fulfill her every fantasy but instead Tessa is faced with the choice of overcoming one of her two greatest fears; total vulnerability or total submission. To Tessa there is very little difference between these two things...except that the choice means she must make a decision between two very special men, one from her past...the other from her future.

Tessa doesn’t know what to do and she needs help. Your help. Help Tessa decide in this smokin’ hot, emotionally charged interactive tale!

Table of Contents

Dear Reader

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen - Christophe

Chapter Fourteen - Christophe

Chapter Fifteen - Christophe

Chapter Sixteen - Christophe

Chapter Seventeen - Christophe

Chapter Eighteen - Christophe

Chapter Nineteen – Christophe

Chapter Twenty – Christophe

Chapter Twenty-One – Christophe

Chapter Twenty-Two – Christophe

Chapter Twenty-Three – Christophe

Chapter Thirteen - Chase

Chapter Fourteen - Chase

Chapter Fifteen - Chase

Chapter Sixteen - Chase

Chapter Seventeen - Chase

Chapter Eighteen – Chase

Chapter Thirteen - Tessa

Pleasure Games – excerpt by Jessica Clare

Invitation to Eden Books

About the Author

Dear Reader,

y name is Tessa Savage and I believe in love...the end.

Okay, my editor says that’s not enough. She says I’m supposed to tell you a little bit about myself. Who I am and who I’m not. I guess that’s fair, seeing as you’re the one who is about to read my story.

The first thing you should know about me is that I have no fixed address; I travel the world for business and...pleasure. While I believe in happily ever after—for others—it is not what I’m about. As a self-proclaimed polyamorist, I believe in experiencing love over and over again with as many partners as possible.

This is
a story about one guy and one girl who, despite all odds, find a way to be together for life. If that’s what you want, you may wish to look elsewhere. No hard feelings.

If you’re looking for a story with fun sexual banter, plenty of scorching hot sex (with one or more hot dudes), told with some intense emotions, then this is the story for you!

While each story concludes with some sort of resolution it may not be the happily ever after you’re used to. But, if you’re adventurous, daring, and are looking for something a little different with an ending that might be satisfying while unexpectedly bitter-sweet, then turn the page...

Happy Reading!

Tessa Savage

PS: If this is a SAVAGE INTERACTIVE, you get to choose how the story ends and who I get to be with, which is so much fun because sometimes it means I get to have
both guys
...at once! (
How to Choose a Cowboy anyone

PPS: If badass bikers are your thing, check out
How to Debauch a Biker
. If you’re interested in a story about a Greek Tycoon vs. a hot young Adonis, check out
How to Train a Lover
. So many men, so little time!

Chapter One

y name’s Tessa Savage, and although I believe in monogamy—for the grey wolf—it sure as hell doesn’t work for me. I’ve tried. Let’s just say it was a failed experiment, a story for another time.

Now I live my life according to my natural instincts, embracing the lifestyle of ninety-seven percent of all other mammals—you know, the ninety-seven percent who are polyamorous.

I’ve never been happier. Particularly today. Know why? One word...

Monte Carlo.

Okay, I guess that’s two words.  But it’s one place...and what a place it is. Monte Carlo is a feast for the senses, the playground of the rich and famous, a study in excess and politics.

The best thing about Monte Carlo is that no one knows me. Though I blend in with the wealthy masses because of my Vera Wang strapless gown and the borrowed jewels around my neck, I’m still a nobody. Completely insignificant.

Know what that means? It means I get to people watch to my heart’s content, and let me tell you, it is fascinating. Take the couple we shared a box with at the opera. Edward Kohl, president of one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in Europe, and his mistress, British fashion model Celia Moore. I have to wonder if their quiet discussion about engaging in a threesome later that night was for our benefit or theirs. I’m thinking the fact they couldn’t agree on whether the third should be male or female means the former.

When I say
shared a box, I guess I need to explain. I’m not here by myself, though it sort of feels like it. I’m here with Tal. Or rather, El Talal Bin Ahmed. He’s some sort of prince from Dubai. Or is it the United Arab Emirates? Could be Egypt. I don’t know. He’s Middle Eastern and, unfortunately for him, he’s also gay, which forces him so far into the closet he’s got mothballs in the cuffs of his Armani trousers.

“Don’t forget,” he whispers after the opera, as we make our way across the sumptuous marble lobby of the Hotel de Paris. “No flirting. You’re mine.”

I guess that means no threesome fun for Tessa tonight. Unless Tal is willing to share. “So, does that mean you’re inviting me to join you and Alejandro tonight?”

He smiles and nods at a distant cousin whose family relocated to Monaco thirty years ago. “Of course not,” he says barely above a whisper. “Alejandro is mine. You need to
like you’re mine.”

I stop and move in front of him. He’s not the tallest man, but he is handsome and very well groomed. Though I wouldn’t be opposed to sharing him with another man, Tal is not the least bit interested in me.


I stroke his cheek and kiss him.

He practically gags into my mouth. “What are you doing?” He turns from my lips.

“Alejandro is waiting upstairs. I’m making a scene so we can skip cocktails and run up to the room as if we can’t keep our hands off each other.”

He bends his head, our foreheads touching. From a distance, it must create quite an intimate picture. At the very least, I’m hoping it looks as though we are two people very much in lust.

Which we totally are not.

“How did you know?”

“You fidgeted the whole way through
La Boheme

“Sorry.” His eyes flash. “I couldn’t help it. Did you see that man’s ass last night?”

“In the tights? Yes. Hard to miss.”

Alejandro is a member of Les Ballets de Monte Carlo. Last night Tal and I enjoyed
, where Alejandro played Don Jose. Holy shit, is that man ripped. The little tights he wore left nothing—and I mean nothing!—to the imagination.

I’m semi-turned on just thinking about the dancer, so I can only imagine how Tal feels. I tug him in the direction of the private elevator and the attendant recognizes us. Within seconds we’re aboard and the elevator is on its way to the penthouse suite.

I sigh with great exaggeration. “That man of yours has a body to die for.”

With my arm linked through his, Tal tells me to keep my mouth shut by pinching the tender skin of my upper arm. It’s hard not to snicker. I know I’m being bad, but I can’t help it. Teasing Tal is so crazy easy.

Once we get off the elevator and the doors close behind us, Tal turns to me. “Please. Do not speak of, ‘my man’, in front of anyone. Even the help.”

The help?

Honestly. Despite how well we get along, sometimes I forget how different my life is from Tal’s. While I grew up in a series of foster homes, he grew up in a palace—an actual palace—with hordes of servants. He's got half a dozen palatial residences around the world. I have
residence—well, apart from a vacation home in Greece I haven't visited since I bought it.

Not that I don't have enough socked away to afford a place or three of my own. Still, Tal has
more money than me. He’s probably got more than the GDP of a good number of nations.

He also has an enormous family to answer to.

The only person I answer to is myself.

Not only is it hard to imagine living his life, it’s hard to relate. So, when he exhibits this sense of entitlement—as he is right now—I retaliate the only way I know how.

“I promise,” I say, drawing a cross over my heart, “If you let me have a glimpse of Alejandro, you know, up close and personal,
clothing, I will be good.”


“You’re so greedy,” I complain as he opens the door to the suite.

With the door open, I can hear soft, classical music playing and a husky voice calls out, “Tala? Is that you?”

“Yes,” Tal replies. He steps in front of me, facing me while turning his back to the open doorway.


He regards me with one part snootiness and two parts lusty impatience. “Promise me you’ll behave.”

“Of course I will. I’m just teasing. You know that.”

“I know.” He smiles, but it looks tight. Then he glances quickly into the suite behind him. “This is such a...delicate matter.”

I pat his chest, trading in my mischievousness for solemnity. “I know. I’ll keep my end of the bargain, I promise.”

He takes a deep breath and his shoulders relax. This time when he smiles, it’s legit and not the practiced one he’s been using all night. Reaching into his coat pocket, he removes his billfold and from inside takes out a slip of paper. “Here, you can use this at the casino. I’ll text you when it’s safe to return.”

I glance at the slip and nearly choke on my spit. “Are you kidding me?” I wave the slip in his face. “Tal, I’m doing this as a favor. You don’t need to pay me. And even if you did?
is excessive.” I press the draft for fifty thousand euros back into his hand.

He takes the slip and then my clutch and deposits the draft inside. “You are my girlfriend—for all intents and purposes—so you must act like my girlfriend at all times.” With fingers beneath my chin, he tilts my face up. “That means no flirting, Miss Savage.” He tweaks my nose. “I know that will be difficult for you. But I can’t have people thinking my girlfriend is out flirting with other men while I’m up in my suite working.”

I place a hand over my heart in mock indignation. “Me? Flirt? I can’t believe you’d say such a thing.”

His response is a single arched brow.

“Okay. Okay. No flirting for a couple more days.”

“Three days, Tess. Three.” He holds up three fingers. “No drinks with men. No talking intimately with men. I don’t even want you looking at men. Do you understand?”

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