Invisible (A Night Fire Novel Book 5) (6 page)

BOOK: Invisible (A Night Fire Novel Book 5)
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He flopped onto the lounge beside me, like three peas in a pod we sat on the lounge and watched the entertainment report.

There!” Nate exclaimed as he turned the sound up.

A picture from Evan and Harmony's weekend of debauchery appeared beside the reporter's head.

It has been confirmed that Harmony Roberts will play the lead role in the latest from acclaimed director Ronnie Weiss. Also confirmed for the male lead is none other than her recently acquired husband and guitarist for Night Fire, Evan Cooper.”

Holy shit.” I whispered, completely shocked.

The reports of a soundtrack deal is yet to be confirmed by the management team for Night Fire but word is that it's a done deal.” The reporter continued.

Well management team, is it a done deal?”

Sure is.” Brad mumbled. “They're in there hammering out the details of the contract.”

How big?” I asked as I turned on the lounge to face him. “How many songs?”

Brad grinned as he lowered the can from his lips, his eyes gleaming bright.

How about the whole fucking album, that big enough for ya?”

I sank back to the lounge with pure, undiluted shock. An entire album. Most bands get one, maybe two songs for a soundtrack.

This was big. This was huge. This was epic.

Chapter Nine


It was Friday, one day left before I turned twenty-one. If El had wanted to spend the day ensuring that preparations for the party tomorrow night were on track, she was mistaken. The clubhouse was being inundated with calls, it was so bad that I was no longer on holidays and she came in to help. Eden powered through the morning, amid the mad dashes to the bathroom to throw up. The boys were somewhere downstairs, in lock down for writing and composing this new album. They had a fair amount of time but they didn't want to be lazy about it.

Because of the nonsense with Jaxon, I was no longer Kaylee when answering the phone. I was the nameless nobody that answered, took the message and avoided their persistent questions. The constant attention was great for distracting the mind, forgetting about all of the things that were right and wrong with my life.

Hunger gnawed at me, under El's insistence I had an early lunch. Getting into the kitchen on the second floor wasn't easy when we were in lock down. There was an internal set of stairs between the studio and the chill out area, done this way so they could lock the doors at the main set of stairs to avoid being disturbed.

I huffed when my code wouldn't work on the keypad. They really hadn't thought about the layout properly when they built this place. Lock down meant that I couldn't get to the kitchen to get lunch and it's not as if I could walk outside to get lunch. So I went the long way around, going through the studio.

My thumping on the door earned me a frown from my father.

The doors are locked.” I said as I pushed through.

Yes, I know that Kaylee.”

Yeah well, I want lunch.”

I trudged up the stairs and made my way through the mess in the lounge area, stopping at the doorway to the kitchen. A burning heat filled my body as I heard the giggles of an unknown woman. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, opening them again and stepped into the kitchen. Once in view of who was here, I could honestly say that I wasn't shocked.

She leaned on the bench and had the stupidest grin on her face as she nibbled on a red vine. She's touching my fucking vines, the bitch. Jaxon turned and gave me a tip of his head, a sly smirk on his face.

Thought you were in lock down.”

We are.”

No guests allowed for lock down.”

Jaxon looked at me and he knew this was going to be one hell of a throw down. If he thinks he can swan into my world and destroy my attempts at finding someone without repercussion, he's got another thing coming.

Sorry but she has to go.” I smiled sweetly.

His eyes narrowed at me as his hands went to his hips.

Does Jerry know she's here?”

Eyes widened and then narrowed again. I'll take that as a no then.

Sorry sweetheart.” I turned the smile to her. “I'm afraid you have to go. Here, let me help you out of the building.”

What?” she frowned with confusion, looking to Jaxon.

I pulled her by the elbow and led her to the stairs. Rather than the main stairs, I dragged her through the studio so that everyone knew that she had been here. The looks on their faces were ones of impending doom, especially my father. It didn't help that Jaxon was two steps behind us, trying to stop me.

The crowd of paparazzi went crazy as I brought the woman to the front gate, pushing her through. I stepped into the little hut to speak with the guard.

She's not to come back, ever. Understand?”

Yes ma'am.”

I turned around to the glass door, on the other side was Jaxon who looked pissed. The cameras trained on the two of us. His eyes flicked to the ones who were to our side, the clicks of the camera were almost deafening. I pushed through the door and said nothing, returning to the safety of the clubhouse.

My lips pursed at the sight, the packet of red vines ripped down the center and left open on the bench. Some of them had even fallen out onto the bench. The bench that was dirty because it had been subjected to a morning of eight men. The sticky note that was attached to it was cast aside, clearly no one cared about another person's proprietary claim.

I heard Jaxon stalk into the kitchen, before he could say a single word I picked up the sticky note and held it out.

What does this say?”

His face became rigid as his hands went to his hips again, holding strong in his defensive pose.

Did you or your friend open the packet?”

He glanced away, unable to look me in the eye which was all the confirmation I needed. The note was simple, it was written clearly and it was as it had always been in this place. I bought several packets of red vines for them but one was always mine. The note said that this packet was mine and that if they wanted any they had to get them from the jar.

The jar that was full of them. So it wasn't about a lack of long red candies, it was about sticking it to me in a quiet way. I tossed the note back to the counter and walked to the candy jar, lifting the lid.

Did you want a red vine Jaxon? Did you not know that these were here? I buy one fucking packet and leave it in here for storage. Look at what you did. Then again, you weren't eating them. Were you? What's the matter, did she say that those ones weren't good enough? Did she fret for unsanitary fingers on those ones?”

Because that's the reason I had my own packet. I knew where these people put their fingers.

Did she say that she wanted these and you said, yeah sure babe. Whatever you want. Who gives a shit if they belong to someone else?”

I grabbed my lunch out of the fridge and pushed past him.

You owe me a packet of vines. And clean the fucking kitchen.”

The afternoon was boring in comparison to the morning. So much so that El and I had a chance to confirm the details for the party. As I looked over the guest list I wanted to cry, Jaxon had replied with a plus one. Yet again another birthday rolls around and yet again Jaxon brings a date.

Nate leaned on the counter, his shadow blocking the light over the list.

Bringing a friend for you Kaylee but we need to talk about him first. Can you handle things for a minute, mom?”

Of course darling.”

She waved him off and I followed Nate into the boardroom. He closed the door behind him to ensure that there wasn't anyone listening.

I've invited an old friend from school. Haven't seen him in a while but I ran into him yesterday. He agreed to be a part of this, uh sham if you will and come tomorrow night.”

Sham?” I frowned as I asked.

He's gay but not exactly out, so don't go saying anything. Look Kaylee,” he sighed as he leaned on the table. “I don't know what's going through Jaxon's mind but to everyone who looks at the situation from the exterior, it doesn't make sense. Nothing that he does ever makes a lot of sense but when it comes to you it's as if... I don't know. I'm probably wrong anyway.”

Nate pulled the phone out of his pocket and flicked over the screen, turning it to show me a picture of a guy offering a cheesy smile. A gorgeous guy. A guy that could make you go weak at the knees. Sandy blonde hair that was about collar length with deep green eyes. He had square jaw line that had the makings of a beard that was tidy.

I told him everything so that he was clear on what needs to be done.”

Everything?” I frowned again.

He's going to hang out with you tomorrow night, flirt with you and everything that a girl could want. Uh, except for that one thing. You don't get that.”

I rolled my eyes with a slight huff. I didn't want that one thing from him.

So does he live in Las Vegas?”


Eats meat?”

Nate nodded with a mighty big grin.

And his job?”

Entertainment manager for Luxor.”

That's great Nate, thanks. I'm sure it will only backfire slightly.”

Come on Kaylee, have a little faith.”

As I pulled open the door I wondered if it were possible if I could leave this fair city. Maybe I could find another town to live my life in. Slowly rotting away in an apartment somewhere. Maybe I could go to San Diego, that sounds nice.

El's head lifted from the desk with a warm smile. It was likely that she was in on the plan to hook me up with a closeted gay man as well. I smiled back at her and I knew I could never walk away from this city, not when she was in it.

Chapter Ten


The hand that shook mine was firm and warm, invitingly soft. And the smile, whoa. It was incredible and made me smile as a response.

Sebastian Colt but you can call me Seb.”


I wanted to sigh like a love sick teen girl but there was no point. Seb was gay. Seb didn't like girls. It was a boon for the gay men of Vegas but us poor girls were left to look at the pretty man and wish for something that could never be. Like a lot of things really.

Is the thorn in your side here yet?” he whispered conspiratorially.

Uh, no.” I said as I grinned.

I think I found a new love. His name is Seb and he was adorable.

Nate and Seb were only a step or so behind me as I stood with Jerry and El at the front door, greeting the guests as they arrived. Everyone hugged and kissed as they offered their hellos, wandering into the house to join the other guests. I don't know where Brad was but looking at the devious smile on Nate's face, I'd say that he wasn't that far away. They were up to something and I dreaded to think of what it might be.

I saw a glimpse of the blonde of his hair before I actually saw him, making his way through the gardens. My body tightened at the thought of the next few minutes. I hated this part. With other people it was fine, a greeting kiss or a hug and they were on their way again. But with Jaxon it was so different. He got so close that I could smell the aftershave. I could feel his skin burn against mine as he gave me a peck on the cheek. I loved it and I hated it. So much given yet so little received.

He stepped through the doors with a different woman, she was dressed in a slinky black dress that left little to the imagination. A glass of champagne appeared beside me, I looked up into those amazing green eyes and whimpered when Seb smiled at me.

What the hell was that about?

There you go Kaylee.”

He smiled again and my heart went thud.

Thank you Seb.”

Seb grinned and then leaned into my ear, whispering in my ear.

If you're a good girl, I'll let you suck it later.”

My body tingled with ecstasy as my cheeks flamed with heat. Seb chuckled and lifted away from my ear, offering a cheeky wink.

I didn't know what to say. I had nothing. Was he gay or not? Someone cleared their throat, bewildered I looked around to Jerry who had a raised eyebrow.

Hey Kaylee, happy birthday.”

Thanks.” I said softly.

Even though he hadn't spoken to me since the kitchen debacle, he still hugged me. A little awkward for the woman who had been holding onto his arm. Forced to let go and the poor thing wasn't happy about it. Then things became more awkward, Jaxon lingered in the hug for a little too long, slinky black dress was frowning and Seb was watching with interest.

I uh... I'll leave your present on the table.”

His eyes darted to El's mother who had just struggled her way up the stairs. The dear thing was in her nineties but was fiercely determined to have as much independence as she could. I offered a smile to Jaxon as he looked at me and then turned away, forgetting about the woman who stood there rather aghast. She stomped her way into the house and I looked at Jaxon's fleeing figure and in particular to the white envelope in his hand.

The same as last year and the year before and before that again. Spoil Kaylee but never give her what she really wants. It was only an envelope but it was guaranteed that the value was in the thousands. I never wanted for such an excessive present and I had tried to give it back, to ask him not to and to try and stop him but it never worked. Now I had resigned myself to acceptance.

Hello darling.” A raspy voice filled the entry. “Happy birthday.”

I smiled to the sweet sound of Grandma.

Thank you.”

She hugged me and planted a wet, whiskery kiss on me. Then she toddled off into the house, slowly but surely making her way through the crowd.

I looked at Seb who was still smiling at me.

I thought that you were, you know.”

I am.”

So what the hell was that about?”

He grinned again and I smiled back. Damn he was beautiful.

That's why Kaylee. Your response to a simple smile is enough to arouse attention but to whisper something wicked, you blushed so damned hard we could have toasted marshmallows just by standing next to you. It was a golden moment, right Nate?”

Sure was.”

Great.” I groaned.

All of the guests were here and the place was full. Everyone had been directed to the larger of the entertainment areas, it overlooked the pool and the side garden. Laughter and conversation filled the space, wait staff meandering through the crowd. I stood on the exterior of it with my glass of champagne, searching the crowd and finding him in an instant. Slinky black dress was leaning against him, one arm draped over his shoulder. She whispered something in his ear, something that made him smile. Bitch.

If looks could kill, huh?”

I looked up at my newly arrived company, Seb with two fresh drinks.

She'd be dead hours ago.”

Seb chuckled, it was loud enough that it turned certain heads. I smiled up at him, wordlessly thanking him for finding humor and making it obvious.

He leaned in to whisper in my ear, I hoped that certain people were still watching.

You know Kaylee, I think we'll be great friends.”

I smiled broadly, thinking that I could be friends with this guy.

I'd like that.”

Seb lingered close, his hand slipping around my waist to pull me closer. Girl parts have just exploded. Bye-bye ovaries. See ya later tubes. Pretty sure the hymen could withstand an atomic blast so no doubt it's still there.

He's an idiot.”

The grip around my back became firmer, pressing me against his body. My body flushed as his breath dragged over my jaw, returning to whisper in my ear.

But rest assured he looks like he's ready to punch me.”

He let me go enough that I could breathe again, his hand stayed on the small of my back.

How can you do that?”

Easy. I pretend that you're my partner. He loves it just as much as you do.”

I chuckled, unable to hide my smile. I was envious of this mystery partner.

The inquisition known as Jaxon Ryan never happened. He kept his distance, rather sending his partners in crime to do his dirty work. First on the scene was Fraser, the man was like a mountain. Even Seb seemed small by comparison.

I smiled as he stood there, Fraser wasn't a man of many words. Well, not to me at least. Maybe it was because of all the times I had to look after his kids while he fucked his wife on her desk.

Seb, this is Fraser. He's the bass player.”

Oh I know.” he grinned, holding out his hand. “Big fan.”

Fraser nodded and shook his hand.

So what do you do for a living?”

Ahh, question one in the time tested Jaxon Inquisition.

Events manager at the Luxor.”

His pale brown eyes raised with slight astonishment to the answer.

Sounds like a pretty sweet gig.”

Yeah, it's great. I love it.”

As Austin appeared the anxiety in Fraser left, though he still managed to scratch the back of his head. Eden and I had a rather large discussion about the physical gestures people give off for each emotion. She could read Fraser like a book.

Austin this is Seb.”

Events manager at the Luxor.” Seb said as he shook his hand.

Pardon?” Austin frowned.

Figured you'd ask. Hey, I'm Seb.”

Abbey.” she said as she wrapped her arms around Austin's waist.

His dark blue eyes bored into Seb, clearly Austin thought the man was perving on his wife. How wrong he was. Strands of his fringe fell into is eyes, Abbey tutted and pulled the strand of black behind his ear and kissed his cheek.

Did you get to the steakhouse last night?”

Yeah.” Austin answered Fraser. “It was great. Do you like steaks Seb?”

Oh lord.

Absolutely. If it's great then we might go check it out. What do you think Kaylee, maybe tomorrow night?”

I looked up at Seb who seemed pretty genuine.

Sure, I'd love that.”

Fraser huffed with what sounded like a fuck under his breath, rolled his eyes and walked away. Their little inquisition had just earned me a second date. Yippee.

When Nate arrived Abbey and Austin slipped away. Seb became engaged in a rather deep conversation with Nate, so I took the opportunity and moved away. The view of the slinky black dress whispering in Jaxon's ear was crushing, more so when she got a kiss. Bitch.

I was sitting on a garden bench in the darkened gardens when I heard something, two voices that were familiar.

What are you doing out here?” Nate hissed.

Just looking for Kaylee, why does it concern you?” Jaxon asked.

I sipped the champagne, feeling a little light headed. This wasn't good, the last time I felt this breezy I told Jaxon to fuck off.

Why can't you just leave her alone?”

What? Why would I want to do that?”

Are you really that blind?” Nate snarled.

Settle down Nate, jeez. You'll end up having a coronary.

Or is it that she's not good enough for you mister rock star?”


Jaxon's voice was filled with doubt and confusion.

So you are blind. Damn it Jaxon, she loves you.”

I'm going to kill him in the most painful way possible.

Don't hurt her.” Nate turned and looked at him from over his shoulder. “If you do, start running because when I catch up to you, you will beg for death before I give it.”

Whoa, Nate can be dark and evil. I think I like the freak.

Jaxon followed him back into the house and I sat there in the dark wondering what to do now. Nate had outed me and Jaxon knew. With a rather defeated sigh, I stood and decided to brave whatever it was that life decided to throw at me.

My mind was a little scattered, the champagne was making me rather light headed. As I wandered back into the house I ended up at the presents table, looking over the show of materialistic love. I'd rather they donate to a charity but mom said that not everyone works like that. People want to be seen giving something, she said they feel weird coming to a birthday party empty handed. My eyes stopped at the white envelope, my name scrawled with true Jaxon fashion. In a hurry.


With a gasp I swung around, looking at Jaxon who was leaning on the door frame. Okay life, here we go. Please be gentle with me.

Hey.” I said softly.

Quite a haul, you should do it every year.”

Nah. I only did this for mom and dad.”

He nodded and slowly walked over, his fingers running along the table.

I have something for you.”

It felt like my heart fell into the pit of my stomach, I gulped hard and looked into his eyes. Not exactly the wisest of things to do I suppose. He took my hand and led me through the depths of the house, finding a path to the utility room. My heart and mind had wished that the something was a kiss but being dragged through the house made it obvious that it wasn't.

We stopped as Jaxon closed the door, smiling at me like he always does. Meaning well but doing the opposite.

It's in the garage.”

He took my hand again and led me to the external door for the garage. When we reached the door he stopped.

Close your eyes.”

I obliged him and heard the door open with a dull creak and the fluorescent light blink as it came to life. With a gentle tug of my hand he led me into the garage.

Okay, open.”

The light was a little harsh at first, when I stopped blinking I saw a blue sports car in front of us. Holy crap he bought me a car. Not just any car. It's a god damn Lotus.

BOOK: Invisible (A Night Fire Novel Book 5)
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