Invisibility Cloak (32 page)

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Authors: Jill Elaine Prim

BOOK: Invisibility Cloak
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“Por lo tanto, ¿dónde está la mujer”

So. Where is the woman?

The hairs on the back of Ryder’s neck stood straight up. Amanda.

“Probably at home,” Jeffrey muttered.

“You have
!” Castillo pushed the knife deeper until Jeffrey squealed and said to his two bodyguards, “Show him around Canelo Hills.”

“No!” Smeth cried pushing his hand against his bloody cheek.

Castillo waved off his goons as they carried off a sobbing Jeffrey Smeth. Ryder heard Smeth’s struggles and grunts as the two thugs dragged him through his home. When the front door slammed violently, Ryder realized he was done here and turned to leave.

“Was that really necessary, Castillo?” A deep baritone voice asked.

Who the hell was that? He stopped in his tracks. Ryder had no idea there was someone else in the room until now. A man stepped out from the shadows and faced Alejandro Castillo with his hands clasped behind his back.

General Holmes.

I’ll be damned
. Ryder shook his head.

A top government official in cahoots with a sleazy Drug Lord? All for money. And power. Can’t forget the most alluring aphrodisiac of them all. He’d seen it plenty before.

Nothing new here. Time to get back to his house to make sure Amanda was safe and still asleep in his bed. Carefully extracting his body away from the open window, Ryder walked to his Jeep. When he rounded the corner of Smeth’s townhome, he saw a dark SUV tear off down the street.

Smeth deserved everything he had coming to him and more, especially if he was involved with Castillo, Ryder reasoned.

He swore to himself and hopped into his Jeep Cherokee, following Alejandro’s thugs down Highway 83. He had no idea why in the hell he was going to help Smeth out, but here he was, turning down Red Rock Road a few miles behind him. He’d already formulated a plan of some sorts―beat the shit out of them. But he did need the element of surprise.

Staying well behind the big SUV, he followed it down the desolate road and killed the lights. He didn’t have to drive far before they pulled off into a small trail. Ryder rolled down his window and turned the car off.

“Out!” A car door slammed then one of them said to Smeth. “Gringo, we are going to have some fun with

After the car coasted to a stop, he eased his door open, following the men’s low murmurs and Smeth’s panicked voice.

The night creatures’ sounds barely halted at the cars intrusion.

“No! What are going to do to me?”

“First we cut off your fingers and if you still do not tell us what we want to know . . .” A muffled laughter tinkled the air. “Then we cut off your hand and then your arm and then bit by bit we get what we want.”

“No!” Jeffrey’s hollow shriek echoed through the dark. “I’ll tell you whatever you want to know. Just don’t cut anything!”

Ryder thought he’d wait to get some Intel from Smeth before he intervened, but the guy was crying like a five-year-old kid.

Oh Hell.
When he couldn’t take any more sobbing, he crept up and positioned himself behind the first man guarding the perimeter. Instead of keeping a lookout, the guard was pounding a pack of cigarettes against his palm. Yanking one hand out, he grabbed the big guy’s head and pushed with his other hand against the thug’s temple. The guard slumped to the ground.
Slip and Slide

“No!!!” Jeffrey wailed into the quiet night a few feet away.

Ryder saw the other guy positioning his knife to cut off Smeth’s index finger.

Ryder stalked up behind the thug and whispered in his ear. “What do you think you’re doing?” Hey, he knew it was a sick use of power, but he hadn’t had this much fun in years.

The burly guy craned his neck around. “Huh?”

Ryder elbowed him in his Adams Apple and he shrugged to the ground instantly.

When Ryder glanced over at Jeffrey, he had his eyes closed and it looked like he was praying. Until he opened his eyes and saw Ryder.

“Oh, Stevenson!” Smeth sagged over. “I never thought I’d say this, but . . .” Sarcasm laced every single one of Jeffrey’s words. “I’m so damn glad to see you, I could kiss you.”

“The feeling is definitely not mutual. Besides, I had to do something.” Ryder sneered at him. “You were embarrassing the male species with your crying. Actually I’d like to string you up by your balls and let the buzzards come for you, but they’d probably spit you out, you scumbag.” He yanked on Smeth’s ropes that bound his hands. “I want to know just what is going down here. And I want to know yesterday.”

“What? Jeffrey rolled his eyes and coughed out, “So, Conan the Barbarian hasn’t figured it out, yet?”

“Cut the crap.” Ryder jerked on his bindings again. “I’m not letting you go until I get some answers.”

“I can’t. Alejandro will kill me.”

“Yeah, but the other choice is I leave you right here and I let Castillo know where you are. My way you have time to run.”

No!” Smeth wriggled his fingers and yanked his wrist against the rope.

“Ryder’s eyebrows shot up. “Fine, I’m outta here.” Unrepentant, he walked by him toward his car.

“Okay, okay!” Smeth called out in a strangled voice. “Wait!”

Ryder stopped and turned to look at him. “What?”

“The Cartel wants the invisibility Cloak that The Institute of Physics has developed.”

Chapter 18

yder gripped the steering wheel to center himself. He was so hyped up; he didn’t know how he’d gather himself before he saw Amanda. Adrenaline coursed through his veins. Smeth filled him in on about everything, confirming what he surmised on his own. Amanda’s ex-husband leaked classified Intel to Castillo for money. The Cartel wanted the technology of the Invisibility Cloak to walk anything over the U.S. border they wanted to right in front of the Border Patrol’s noses. He could’ve kept going tonight and headed over to Sophia Edgington’s place, but Amanda’s well-being flooded him. Although no one knew where she was, he still had a feeling something wasn’t right.

Pulling into his complex, he hauled it to his place. After he tapped in the security code, he opened the door and looked around. All was quiet, but that uneasy feeling persisted; especially after Smeth spilled his guts. He’d sensed the A-hole withheld some other information; felt it in his gut. And that pissed him off. Restlessness invaded his body when he entered his home and her lavender scent swamped his senses. Too much energy and not much he could do about it.


Obviously his libido didn’t feel the same way, because his skin tightened with need around every organ in his damn body. And he was in pain.

The woman that he’d thought about for months and couldn’t get out his mind was here, in his bed. He shook his head at his thoughts.

Stand down asshole. The poor woman is asleep.

Walking to the kitchen, he pulled a Bud out of the refrigerator. While he cracked it open, he treaded lightly to his bedroom to check on Amanda. He grimaced as the door squeaked when he edged it open with his hand. Immediately he looked at his bed, expecting to see her form under the covers. Instead, panic hit his chest like a freight train and he pushed the bedroom door open wider.

She wasn’t there. Fear overtook the lust hammering through his body. While his head pounded with alarm, he frantically looked at the possible points of entry into his room. There were none. So, where in the hell was she? He froze where he stood in the doorway, thinking of all the possibilities someone could have snatched her from his highly secure perimeter.

He had to clear his head, damn it! Setting the beer can on the nightstand he stared at the rumpled covers and took in a few deep breaths. That was when he heard the splatter of water.

Damn woman was in the shower?
He narrowed his eyes and stalked to his bathroom door and flung it open.

Furious at his own reaction.

Frantic at the feelings that went through him.

Ryder ripped open the glass door and settled his hands on his hips; ready to let her have an earful for scaring the living shit out of him.

“Oh!” Amanda squeaked out. She’d half turned her body to see what was happening. Both of her hands were in her hair as if she’d just got done rinsing out the shampoo. “Ryder?”

He opened his mouth to . . . to . . . Instantly the rage evaporated. All he could see was Amanda. And she was naked standing under his showerhead.

His eyes travelled up and down her body and all thoughts flew out of his brain. Only one remained. He took a deep breath in.

Ryder?” Amanda stepped closer to him and her left toe bent under and she lurched forward before he caught her. Reaching around him to grab a towel, she asked, “Are you all right? Did something happen?”

He had to beat down his desire.

Stand down.

But all he could see was her delectable little body in his shower. Slick with water. He took the towel out of her hands and groaned. Lifting her in his arms, he growled, “Amanda. I give up.”


“God, I need you.” He covered her mouth with his and carried her back to his bed.

yder’s raw profession of need sent a shudder of excitement as well as confusion careening through her whole body. Laying her gently on his bed, he followed her down.

Something happened. “Ryder?” She reached up to cup his jaw and her eyes roamed over his face. “What happened?”

Not saying a word, he leaned down and kissed her.

Excitement shimmered through Amanda as parts of her body softened and tightened at the same time. Still damp from the shower, she twined her arms back around his neck, until he finally pulled away to shed his own clothes. She’d hated losing the feel of his body on hers and instantly reached out to him to come back. Dropping back on top of her, he said, “I can’t wait anymore, Amanda.”

She was already slick and ready.

“God, you’re so beautiful,” he murmured, as he slid inside her.

Amanda couldn’t concentrate on his words as he filled her completely. Her head and body wound so tightly together she could barely stand the torment. The tension built within her until her body burst open and splintered. Her entire being transformed in to a blazing ball of pleasure that filled her very soul. Unable to hold back the excruciating wonder of it all, she let out a muffled scream as her body arched into his.

That seemed to snap him out of his intense, sensual assault and Ryder buried his head in her neck and shouted before his pace slowed.

Breathing heavily, he shifted to the left slightly and pulled her body flat against his. They dozed silently, still locked in their fragile web. She didn’t know if it was a minute or an hour because she’d lost all track of time.

His eyes popped open and he swore. “Amanda, I―” His jaws muscles flexed. “I’m sorry it happened so fast. I couldn’t stop. Are you all right?”

Chuckling softly, her body sung happily. “Yes.” Suddenly shy, she buried her head in his neck and smiled. “It’s very all right.”

Ryder pulled back to study her face. “You sure?” He scrunched up his forehead. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

“No, it was wonderful.”

“I’ll be better next time.” He was worried she wasn’t satisfied?
Now that’s a first.
Wanting to assure him, she took matters into her own hand, so he’d stay on track.

“Oh, Ryder,” she muttered and leaned forward to kiss him. Bringing her fingers up to his jaw, she softly stroked his dark whiskers.

Placing his finger underneath her chin, he tilted her face. “You sure I didn’t hurt you?”

“No,” she whispered. “Not at all.”

“It was too fast.” As usual, Ryder didn’t give any emotion away, only a muscle ticked between his jaws.

“Let’s see how you do in round two.” She grinned.

His eyebrows shot up before he smiled and ran his hand up and down the sides of her arm. “Did I create a monster?”

“I think you did.” Her body was still singing and she wanted more. Was that being too forward? All she knew was she’d burn up from these feelings blazing through her unless she did something. So, inhaling his outdoorsy, sandalwood scent, Amanda flicked her tongue back and forth on his shoulder, neck and anywhere she could touch his skin. When she moved down to his chest, he called out to her.

A heady sense of power overtook her when he moaned her name. Running her hands on either side of his shoulders, she flipped him onto his back and pulled herself so that she sat astride his hips. When she got situated, she bent to kiss his mouth.

And they made magic again, but this time they took their time.

A few hours later, the early morning light woke Amanda up. Carefully getting out of bed, she didn’t want to wake-up Ryder, who slept peacefully next to her.

She picked up her overnight bag and padded to his bathroom. Stumbling over her leg brace, she figured it was a sign she should start wearing it more and brought it along too.

After she situated the plastic support, she pulled on some jeans and a T-shirt and went out to his kitchen to make coffee.

Amanda peeked around his townhome while the coffee brewed. It was a roomy three bedrooms and two-bath unit with a den, which he’d placed a desk in and looked like he used as his home office. When the gurgling sound reached her, she circled back around to the kitchen and took out two cups. Filling both mugs up, she contemplated if she should go check on Ryder. Would he want coffee in bed or would he want some space? No time like the present to find out what he’s like in the morning, she thought as she carried the steaming mugs to his bedroom. Slowly walking to the door, so she wouldn’t trip and spill any coffee, she fully realized how nice the brace was to walk with.

“Is that my morning coffee?” Ryder’s voice rumbled out of his bedroom.

At least he sounded happy.

Amanda bopped the door all the way open with her hip. “Yes, my lord.” She handed a cup to him. “You take it black right?”

“You make a great servant.” He took a sip and then set his coffee on the nightstand.

“Don’t get used to it,” she snorted and lifted her cup up to take a drink.

“I won’t.” Taking the coffee cup out of her hand, he set it next to his on the nightstand. “This is what I want to get used to.” He leaned over and kissed her, but then drew back. “Really well. So it’s second nature.” Ryder snuck his hands under her T-shirt and tugged it up and over her head.

Amanda automatically lifted her arms and he finished taking it off all the way.

“Mmm, so pretty.” His palms cupped her breasts.

Closing her eyes, she pushed herself into his hands. His caresses slid down her ribcage and onto her waist.

“Stand-up, honey.” He fumbled with her jean snap and zipper.

Moving to stand beside him, he pulled her jeans down and kissed her torso as he scooted down the fabric.

Her eyes rolled to the back of her head, it was so pleasurable. He darted out of bed to pull her pants all the way off, pushing her lightly so she’d fall back on the bed.

“This is where I want you.”

She smiled drowsily and lifted her hips so he could take off her panties. The material momentarily got hooked on the white plastic, but he thumbed it around her splint.

Amanda’s face heated up when she remembered her brace.

She’d been so caught up with being with Ryder, it completely slipped her mind. Now it blaringly reminded her of her disconcerting foot drop and wished she could vanish into the woodwork. The white plastic support brazenly glared at her. She froze on the bed wishing she could cover herself with a blanket. “Stop. Please, stop, Ryder.”

“No.” He bent down and kissed her calf as he undid the leg fastener. “You’re still beautiful, Amanda. Put your leg up,” he instructed.

Blindly obeying his command, she stuck her leg in mid-air and he pulled the plastic splint off and put it aside. Before she could plop her leg back down on the bed, he gently brought her toe to his mouth.

“Ryder,” she gushed and attempted to pull away.

“Amanda,” he growled lightly. “I’ve already told you. This is nothing.” Waving his hand at the dark pink polish she’d applied days earlier, he grinned. “Nice color.”

She nodded, but only one thought floated through her head.

I love him

Ryder sucked her big toe into his warm mouth before placing a light kiss on her other four toes and made his way up the rest of her leg.

Every pore in her body sang out in happiness and she closed her eyes.

“And that’s what happens when you serve me in bed.” His deep voice rumbled through his chest and he chuckled.

“Same time tomorrow, then?” Amanda lazily smiled at him.

manda was sprawled on his chest when Ryder awoke hours later. Staring up at his shadowy white ceiling, he faced his feelings. She felt perfect in his arms and in his bed. Hell, she felt perfect in his life. Amanda was meant to be in his life.

Ryder brushed his hand over the top of his head. He even liked her kids. And he didn’t
children, never liked kids and they were teenagers, to boot. They fit into his life too, but it was Amanda Harris that drew him in like a magnet.

They’d fallen back asleep and he’d figured it was close to eleven hundred hours. Shaking his head, he couldn’t believe he’d slept in so late. Shit, he even slept straight through the night; something he hadn’t done in ages. Slipping quietly out from underneath her, he jumped in the shower and dressed. After padding into his kitchen, he pulled out some bacon from the freezer and set it on his kitchen counter so it could thaw out. Not hearing a peep out of Amanda yet, he decided to go check on her. He’d grabbed another cup of coffee before he went into the bedroom to look in on her.

Sliding the door open, he caught sight of her splayed out in the midst of his striped, disheveled bed sheets and grinned. Amanda.

Leaning against the door jam, his heart hammered in his chest. Angling his head down, his gaze roamed slowly over the small woman in his bed. He brought the coffee mug up to his lips and took a sip, because his mouth felt dry. Ryder swallowed a few times, but his Adams Apple seemed to be lodged in his throat. Amanda’s blond hair spilled out wildly on his pillow and her lashes fanned against delicate skin.

Covering those gorgeous green eyes; the ones that seared right through to his soul every time she looked at him. His right hand scrubbed at his face and he tried to ignore the funny feeling that thundered through him.

All hell.
He wanted her. He loved her.


He couldn’t . . . he’d just met her. Could he?

Setting his coffee on the dresser, he hunkered down beside his bed and gently brushed the hair away from her face. With the pad of his index finger he traced her profile softly, lingering only fleetingly before he ventured further down her neck.

She was tastier than a Bud and more enticing than a baseball game. His lips twitched.

A live baseball game or one on T.V.?

Ah hell, he was just fooling himself. He fell for her the moment he looked out his office window last March and saw her father pushing her in the wheelchair to Go Fitness.

A grin slowly formed on his face. Yep. He loved her and wanted her. But, he couldn’t let anything happen to her or her kids, he wanted them safe, so his top priority was to get to the bottom of this mess.

His cell phone burst out in the song he programed for Nickel’s number from his pants pocket laying on the floor.
Not good. He grimaced as he grabbed the phone and pressed the talk button. “Nick?”

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