Invisibility Cloak (12 page)

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Authors: Jill Elaine Prim

BOOK: Invisibility Cloak
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manda watched the movie start as the heroine, the fresh faced Cecilia Joy bustled through a busy New York street with an armful of packages.

She rolled her eyes.
Of course, how else would you start off a Cecilia Joy movie?

But then she’d felt Ryder’s arms tighten around her and she’d totally forgotten about the movie and Cecilia Joy. His capable hand splayed on her hip was all she could think about at the moment. The warmth of his large palm swept through her body making her feel so many things all at once. She’d felt wanted and desired as a woman, something she hadn’t known in so long. For the first time in a long while, she felt . . . happy and secure. It was a feeling she hadn’t felt in years; with a man, that is.

After her divorce ten years ago from Wayne, she’d dated some, but not that much. She’d never felt truly comfortable with any other man other than Wayne until she met Ryder Stevenson. Some men were put off that she had two children and that was a huge red flag she was happy to see right up front, because she’d never seen them again if they had a hard time with that. A few others wanted to hop right in the sack before they even got to know each other, to see if they were, uh,

Again, another red flag waving clearly in front of her. So after a few pathetic attempts at some blind dates and fix ups from friends, she couldn’t do it anymore.

Threw in the towel on dating and put all her energies into work and raising her children. And that effort worked until meeting


He tugged her closer and she smiled. She could definitely get used to this. Her children were growing up and needed her less and less every day she realized. Sure, she knew that was a good sign, but it displaced her as a mother. In the past, she’d been there for them and took them places, but now they only wanted their friends around. She’d tried not to take it personally. Reflecting on her own adolescent years she’d supposed she was just like that―fighting for independence to show how truly grown up she was. Nickel already had his learner’s permit and was driving all over the place. Nope, they just didn’t need her like they used to.

For anything.
They were becoming so independent it truly amazed her. Tears stung at the corners of her eyes as her chest swelled with pride at the same time. It was obviously time to jump start her personal life again. Was she ready to get involved in a relationship?

Swiping at her eyes with the hand that wasn’t trapped next to Ryder, she blinked her eyelids open in an effort to watch the movie. But it was no use. Instead, she turned her body toward the man sprawled out on her sofa underneath her and snuggled closer, reveling in the comfort he offered.

With her ear pressed against his chest, she focused on his soft breathing. Closing her eyes, she recognized she had to go to the Institute of Physics tomorrow and find out what project Wayne was involved with before his death. Her gut told her that was where the answers lied and after that realization, she’d finally let herself succumb to the sleep that pressed heavily on her and closed her eyes.

Chapter 8

She walked down the cold sterile hallway to the examiner’s room that held her ex-husband’s body. The Harbor Falls Police Department called her to come down to identify a body they’d thought was Dr. Wayne Harris. After walking down the long hallway, a door opened. Bile pushed up through her throat as she entered the room. It was empty except for a drawer pulled out from a wall of shiny stainless steel cabinets. No! Didn’t she already live this scenario? Why did she have to do it again? She opened her mouth and let out a silent scream. Turning, she saw Wayne’s head. It was detached from his torso as well as his arms and legs. Then
Wayne started talking to her and his detached limbs moved and they were crawling toward her! No! She did not want to go through this again and turned to go. But, she couldn’t move, her arms were trapped.

Yes! Yes! She screamed to the vacant white room. This is my ex-husband, she shouted out and fell to her knees. Sobbing, she grasped onto the hard force underneath her. She heard people talking. Why couldn’t she see them? All she could see was Wayne’s disembodied form coming at her and then he was crushing her to him asking him to save her.

“No!” She struggled some more screaming, “Leave me alone!”

Distantly someone said softly, “Wake up, honey, you’re having a bad dream.”

Crushed against a hard torso, a breath tickled her ear. It wasn’t Wayne. Immediately she recognized this deep voice and relaxed.


“Amanda,” he said softly, pressed his hands against her lower back, bringing her closer.

Shaking, Amanda blinked her eyes open. “What happened?”

Her nape tingled as his deep voice vibrated near her ear. ”You were having a nightmare.”

“Oh,” she said pulling back at the same time and caught a glimpse of his grim expression. The shadows from the television screen blinked behind him. Relief at seeing Ryder’s handsome face and not Wayne’s fragmented limbs had her sighing. “Sorry.”

“Are you all right?” His deep voice rumbled as he rubbed both of his palms soothingly down her back. “You were saying Wayne’s name over and over again.” Reaching over, he grabbed the remote control and flicked off the movie, plunging them into total darkness.

“Oh, Ryder, I was dreaming of the day I had to identify his . . . ” She took a free hand to swipe at her nose. “ . . . body parts,” she finished in a whisper.

“It’s okay.” Ryder gathered her close again and rubbed his hands slowly up and down her back. “It’s all over.”

She buried her runny nose into his big, hard chest and fell back to sleep from pure exhaustion.

A few hours later, her eyes fluttered open and streams of faint light spilled through her wood blinds on her family room windows. Fascinated by the tiny dust particles that floated aimlessly through the beam of light, she followed their chaotic pattern as the tiny particles danced in front of her. Amanda took in a cleansing breath. It was a new day. Finally the ordeal from Saturday night was over, it was Sunday morning at last. Levering her hands to push herself up, her fingers felt around. She was sprawled on top of something hard and warm.

“Good Morning.”

Jerking her head up, she found herself looking into the smooth pools of Ryder’s chocolate brown eyes. “I’m sorry,” she said as she pushed herself off his torso. “Am I smushing you?”

He grabbed her arms and chuckled. “Nah, I don’t think you have to worry about smothering me, Amanda.” He lifted himself up higher up on the couch, so that he was in more of a sitting position and Amanda had been re-arranged even more on top of him than before. His eyes narrowed. “Do you want to tell me about your nightmare you had a few hours ago?”

She pressed her mouth together and slowly shook her head. “It was about Wayne.”

“I figured he had something to do with it.”

Cocking her head, she crinkled her forehead.

“You kept saying his name. Over and over,” he prompted.

Her face warmed and she brought both of her palms to her cheeks. “Believe me, it was nothing like that.” She pushed up to get off the couch and him again. “I should make some coffee.”

“Hold up.”

Her eyes darted to him. “Yes?”

“Why don’t you let me make the coffee and you can relax. Either sleep some more or shower? It was a pretty rough night. I think you’re still exhausted.”

“But―” she started to say, then stopped. The way he was looking at her confused her. Her stomach flipped a few times as the warmth of his words reached out to her, and she had no doubt he was sincere. She was so used to being by herself, especially functioning on a daily basis. It was different having someone actually being here and offering to help. “Okay.” She nodded and smiled slightly.

“You want to sleep some more?” He shifted up higher bringing her up as well. “I’ll make coffee and an omelet.”

“You sure?” She grinned.
Maybe I can get used to this.

“Absolutely.” He glanced at his wristwatch. “It’s only oh-six-hundred-hours. Still early for a Sunday,” he pointed out before grinning at her. “Even for you, Miss Harris.”

“Okay. Go for it Mr. Stevenson.”

His heated gaze swept over her face and he leaned over and whispered. “Not yet honey, but I’m damn near close.”

Her body instantly tingled as it lay sprawled over his hard form. But she only popped her eyebrows up at his implication.

His grin widened as he leaned over and kissed the tip of her nose and scooted out from underneath her effortlessly.

Her eyes followed him as he crossed the room and move into the kitchen.

. No one ever offered before to take care of everything; well breakfast that is.

And how’d he move so smoothly?

yder chuckled to himself as he poured the water in the coffee maker. Scooping the measured spoons of coffee grounds into the filter, he shook his head.

Go for it
. If only she knew how much restraint he’d shown. Not sure how much longer he could wait. Busying himself, he opened the refrigerator and pulled out the egg carton, milk, peppers and onions. Cooking. Well, that was one way to keep his mind and hands off her, he supposed as he sliced into an onion.

The coffee pot gurgled and he stopped mid-way chopping up the vegetables and snapped his fingers.

Cheese. He’d almost forgotten the cheese. He opened her refrigerator to see what she had in her deli drawer. Shredded cheddar and Swiss. He could do either, but wanted to check with her first.

Grabbing two mugs, he filled one with coffee and walked over to the couch. The top of her head peeked over the sofa and he wondered if she’d gone back to sleep.

Setting her coffee cup on the table in front of her, he asked, “Cheddar or Swiss, Amanda?”

“Hmm?” She had her arm draped over her eyes. “You aren’t going to let me go back to sleep, are you?” Her forearm dropped to her side and she opened her eyes.

“Just need your favorite, darlin’,” he prodded her. “Come on, you can level with me. What’s your cheese preference?”

She made a face. “This decision will define the future of our relationship, won’t it?”

Ryder held out his palms in front of her. “Absolutely.” Lifting his left he said, “Swiss?” Turning his head to study his right hand in mock concentration he said, “Or cheddar?”

“I like either,” she grunted vaguely.

“Okay, left or right then?” He put both arms behind his back and pretended to mix up his choices.

“I thought I was going to be able to sleep some more,” she grumbled softly before sitting up. Leaning forward, she grabbed her coffee mug and took a sip. “
.” She took another sip before playing along. “Okay,” she said and wagged her index finger between both choices. “Eenie-Meenie-Minie-Moe.”

“You can do better than that, can’t ya?”

“So much for going back to sleep.” She set her coffee mug back on the table. Pushing off the couch, she made a grab for his right hand.

“Aha, the lady wants Swiss,” Ryder said as her arms circled around him. Yep, that was really what he was after wasn’t it? Pretty pathetic, but decided to take advantage of the situation anyway and caged her in with his arms.

“You plotted this didn’t you?” She smirked. “Unbelievable. And yes, I like Swiss cheese better than cheddar most definitely.”

“Uh oh.” His mouth formed a grim line. “Not sure about a woman who likes Swiss over cheddar. Now you may have to convince me, somehow.” Pressing his hands against her spine, he tugged her closer.

She tipped her face up to his and his insides warmed. Capturing her lips with his, he chastely touched her mouth and decided not to deepen the kiss. He wasn’t sure if he’d be able to stop. “Okay, Swiss it is.” He backed away from her but swooped down for one last quick kiss when he saw her disappointed expression. “I gotta cook, or we won’t be having any food for breakfast.”

Heading back to the kitchen, he tried to focus on making the omelet. Turning on the stovetop he got to work whipping the eggs up. He hoped she was impressed by his breakfast making skills, because that was pretty much the extent of his kitchen abilities. Give him some meat and a gas grill . . .

Now that was where his real talent for cooking was he thought as he flipped one side of cooked egg over the filling of cheese, onions and finely diced red pepper.

“Whatcha’ grinning at?” Amanda asked as she moved up beside him.

“Nothing.” He pointed to the toaster. “Push the toast down, will you? Eggs are almost ready.”

“Sure.” She moved over and did as he asked, then took out two plates and some silverware. Reaching in a drawer she pulled out a few napkins. When the toast popped up, she buttered and sliced them dividing up the pieces between the two plates.

“Grab me a plate will you?” When Amanda moved the plates in front of him, he sliced the omelet in half putting a piece on each plate. “Ready to eat?”

“Yes, it smells great,” she said as she sat down at the table.

“I hope you enjoy it.” Ryder poured some more coffee into both of their mugs then rounded back to put the coffee pot back and grabbed his plate.

“Dig in before it gets cold,” he said when he saw her waiting for him.

“Oh, this is good,” she said after two bites. “When do you serve lunch?” She smiled. “And dinner? Ha! I’m only teasing.”

“Good to hear, because this is pretty much the only chow I cook.” In between mouthfuls he asked her, “You can cook lunch and dinner right? Because if not then we are in trouble.” Grinning, he winked at her.

“I have two kids. I think we’re safe,” she countered dryly.

“We don’t need to get down to the station for a few hours, so do you want to shower or try to lie down again?”

“Well, I was going to close my eyes a few minutes ago,” she said narrowing her eyes. “But no, I’m up now. I’ll just nap later on or get to bed early tonight. No biggy, I’ve survived on less sleep than this before. I am actually taking a few weeks off anyway. So I won’t have to worry about getting up for work for fourteen days. Oh, and on Monday my parents are driving down to take the kiddos back home with them for a few days.”

“Where are your parents coming in from?” he asked after he drained his coffee cup. “And FYI,” he pointed to her half eaten omelet to get his point across. “If you don’t eat your ration now, it won’t be here for you later. Just looking out for your welfare, pretty lady.”

She frowned at him. “I suppose that makes you think you had a right to keep me from my slumber, eh?” Holding the last bite of egg on her fork in front of her mouth, she said, “Food! That’s all you men think about isn’t it?”

He grunted. “Ah no. That isn’t all we think about, darlin’.”

She rolled her eyes. “Uh ha, I get the picture.” With that comment she plopped the last bite of omelet into her mouth and chewed vigorously.

“Work is a big one―we think about that a lot. And putting gas in the car.” He kept a straight face as he looked across the table at her.

She sipped her coffee. “Uh huh. Go on.”

“I mean how else would we get to work? And that brings me right into working out at the gym.” Yeah, she was a demure little tiger all right, smirking at him like that.

“Yeah, yeah . . . I’m so glad you told me the other things that flash through a man’s brain every few seconds.” She shook her head. “More coffee?” Amanda refilled both of their mugs then sat back down. “So to answer your question from way, way back there.” She canted her head back. “My parents are from Colorado. Ft. Collins. They still live in the same house I grew up in. They’ve been married forever and they’re still happy.” She moved her coffee cup around on the table before she locked onto his gaze. “So, Ryder.” Clearing her throat, she stood.

Hmmm, she seems a tad bit nervous.

“Before I take Nickel and Sammie to the police station, I want to stop by Wayne’s office.” Grabbing both the plates that they’d licked clean she turned and walked into the kitchen. The faucet turned on and she rinsed the dishes off and put them in the dishwasher.

So that’s what is going on . . . She’s trying to take off and do some recon by herself.

He rose out of his chair.
No. Way.

She didn’t move from the kitchen sink, but turned to converse with him “I think maybe I need to get into Wayne’s office, talk to some of his colleagues to see what he was into before they, they . . .” She stammered, “. . . they butchered him. I have to find out what project he was knee-deep in.” Taking a step away from the sink, she fisted her hands at her sides and looked him straight in the eyes from across the room. “I have to do this alone. They won’t confide in me if you’re there.”

“Why the hell not?” He pushed his chair back and it made a loud screech on the floor.

“Well I don’t know . . .” She cocked her head at him. “Oh, maybe I do know.” After letting out a puff of exasperation, she said, “Maybe it’s because you’ll tower over the other physicists and glare at them in that daunting manner of yours.”

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