Into the Storm (58 page)

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Authors: Melanie Moreland

BOOK: Into the Storm
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She giggled. “I thought maybe you needed that.”

I grinned at her and leaned forward, kissing her lovingly, nuzzling her lips. “Are you okay?”

She nodded. “I’m fine. Dr. Sue said touching
was allowed, Joshua. I asked.”

I closed my eyes briefly in both embarrassment and gratitude. “I feel rather guilty about not being able to, ah, return the favor, Rabbit.”

She laughed softly. “I’m good, Joshua. Right now, I don’t think I’d enjoy it. I’m too achy.”

I stroked her cheek and leaned forward, brushing her lips with mine. ”You just took care of my
, Rabbit. Rather effectively, I might add. So, I’ll take care of yours.” I pulled off my shirt and wiped her hand. “I’m going to go and, uh, freshen up and when I come back, I’ll rub your back. Deal?”

She nodded happily.

Ten minutes later when I returned, cool drinks in hand and the iPod ready to play some soft music, I found her sound asleep in her hammock, a small smile on her face. Bear was now sitting at the end of the hammock, eyeing me with distain, no doubt at my recent activities with Rabbit. I stared back at him. “She offered,” I muttered. He huffed and laid his head down on his paws. “Don’t judge me,” I huffed right back at him.

Damned disapproving dog.

I set the drinks down and grabbed the blanket, and tucked it around Rabbit, not wanting her to get cold.

I leaned down and kissed her cheek gently.

My girl,” I whispered. “I love you.”





A few days later, I stood outside listening to the wind blow through the trees as I replayed the phone conversation with Adam that had just ended.

Joshua, I thought you would want to know Randy is back in Canada. He came to see me.”

I had immediately stood up and gone outside. I didn’t want Rabbit to wake up and hear this conversation. “Why?” I had hissed.

He’s alone.”

Where is James?”

In jail. In Russia.”

I had stopped pacing. “What? What the hell was he doing in Russia?”

Adam had sighed. “They were traveling. One night, Brian got a little drunk and high-handed with Randy. It was the first time he had ever actually seen that side of him. I guess what Lizzy said to him hit a nerve and he was very vocal with Brian who, of course, said it would never happen again.”

But it did?”

Yeah, in a bar in Russia. He accused Randy of flirting with another man. Randy denied it and left the bar after Brian started pushing him around again. Apparently, after he left, Brian decided to keep drinking and then got into it with the guy he accused Randy of flirting with. He hurt him pretty badly, but the guy is going to recover. It turns out, though that he is the son of a bigwig in the military there. Big mistake on Brian’s part.”

I whistled.

How serious is this?”

Adam laughed. “He’s in Russia, in jail and is up on attempted murder charges. Randy walked out on him and his lawyer here won’t even take his calls. Brian fired him that day at the airport so he is under no obligation to talk to him. He is doing jail time, no matter what. His money means nothing there. His name means nothing there. There is no way out of this for him. He finally picked on the wrong person at the right time with a bar full of witnesses. He can’t come home because he’ll face jail time here as well. So basically, he’s fucked.”

I chuckled darkly. “Couldn’t happen to a better guy.” I paused. “What are Randy’s plans?”

He is moving back to Alberta. He is done with Toronto and wants to go home. You don’t have to worry about him bothering you or Lizzy. He came specifically to tell me that.” He paused. “Are you going to tell her?”

I sighed. “I can’t keep it from her, so eventually, yes. She would want me to tell her. But not now. She needs to stay calm and the babies are due soon. He isn’t even a blip on the radar right now for her and I want it to stay that way. Someday, I will tell her.”

Adam laughed into the phone before he hung up. “Good decision, Joshua. Never hide stuff from your wife. Somehow, they always find out.”

I shook my head and went inside. I walked down the hall and stood looking at Rabbit, who was asleep, curled up with the special pregnancy pillows supporting her. I was grateful she had been napping when Adam called. As much as I rejoiced in the fact that James was finally in jail where he belonged, it wasn’t something Rabbit needed to know right now. After his surprising appearance, Adam had indeed been there to meet him when his plane had touched down. What followed had been a ‘no holds barred’ verbal assault that ensured he would never come near Rabbit again. I suspected there was more to the story than Adam had told me, but I let it pass. It was done. And true to his word, Adam made sure he was out of the country two days later. Not long after that Dr. Hammond was indicted and a warrant was issued for Brian James, ensuring if he ever stepped foot back in the country, he would be arrested immediately.

Once we had confirmation that he was out of the country, Rabbit had become stronger and more secure. The old fear that he would suddenly show up was gone. The haunted look had left her eyes and I had to admit that just letting him go was for the best. The fact that he was far away on the other side of the world brought her peace and she was able to move forward with greater ease. Now, looking down at her, I wanted nothing that reminded her of the past or her painful memories associated with him. I only wanted her thinking ahead to her life with me. With our children. I only wanted her to feel safe and loved. Because she was.





Two weeks later, I was at Rabbit’s side while our children came into the world. What I had thought was love for them before they were born was nothing compared to the overwhelming surge of emotion I experienced when I held them in my arms and gazed down at them in wonder for the first time. My tears mingled with Rabbit’s as I kissed her, my lips expressing the gratitude and love that my voice was unable to at that moment.

Nothing prepared me for the adjustments of the next few days and weeks.

I watched in amazement as Rabbit fed our children for the first time.

I marveled at the loving, instinctive way she took to motherhood.

I was awed at her patience in teaching me what seemed to come so easily to her.

The love and adoration I had for her grew tenfold. What before was beautiful, became glorious when it came to her.

The proudest moment of my life was carrying, first, my children, and then my wife into our home and feeling the sense of utter contentment and fulfillment at the sight of all three of them settled safely together on the sofa.

My eyes glazed as I stood watching my family.

Rabbit’s eyes lifted and she met my gaze with a soft, tender expression.

Hey, Daddy,” she whispered softly.

My heart was full.





The afternoon sun was warm as it shone through the nursery windows. I found myself once again standing at the side of the crib gazing down on my children with complete adoration. My hand tenderly stroked the tiny forehead of my son, smiling as his nose wrinkled in his sleep. His sister was tucked against his side, an ever-present appendage. The second crib sat empty. Every time we tried separating them into their own cribs, the end result was the same. Heart-wrenching sobs from Elly and searching hands and angry little growls from Jack.

I thought I’d find you in here.” Rabbit whispered from beside me. My arm instantly wrapped around her and drew her close.

Leaning over, I kissed her forehead. “You’re supposed to be resting,” I admonished her gently. “They’ll be awake soon and looking for dinner.”

Rabbit laughed softly, her hand rubbing Elly’s tummy tenderly. “I can’t stay away either,” she admitted. “Our little miracles.”

I watched in wonder as Elly squirmed and shifted. Immediately, Jack’s hand adjusted and found purchase on her again. “Did you see that?”

Rabbit hummed. “He does it all the time. Protective; just like his daddy. He hates being away from her.”

I suppose after being that close for all those months, separation would be hard,” I mused. I looked at her, grinning. “This is gonna look strange on the playground, though.”

I was rewarded with her smile and sweet laugh. “You know very well Dr. Sue said this was perfectly normal, Joshua. They’ll grow out of it.”

I sighed. “Not completely, I hope.”

Rabbit nestled deeper into my side. “Like I said, he’s your son, Joshua. Something tells me he’ll always be protective of Elly.”

I smiled.

My son.

Jack and I will always look after the women in our lives,” I whispered quietly, my lips nuzzling Rabbit’s soft cheek. “Now back to bed.”

Will you lay down with me? I need some snuggles.”

Well then, you’re lucky, aren’t you? Rabbit snuggles are my specialty.” I grinned as I guided her down the hall and helped her back into bed. I knew her incision from the C-section was still tender, and I carefully lay down beside her, letting her find a comfortable spot against me. I wrapped my arm around her gently and softly stroked her hair as she fell into a restful sleep. The days of nightmares and headaches were behind us and I loved seeing her relaxed and resting serenely.

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