Into the Storm (45 page)

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Authors: Melanie Moreland

BOOK: Into the Storm
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Brian regarded Adam for a moment. “She’s not worth it,” he muttered and, shrugging, he turned around.

That’s where you’re wrong,” I hissed.

In an instant, he turned and lunged, his greedy hands reaching out for Rabbit. I reacted, pushing her back towards Daniel and tackling James down to the ground. All around me there was movement and gasps of surprise and shock, along with Bear’s angry snarls. I stared down at him, rage seeping through me as I looked into his cold eyes. I watched him briefly, struggling for air against my arm that was pinned across his throat. I leaned down, pressing harder, glaring at him. My voice was rough. “I told you. You will
touch her again. You will
see her again. Your reign of terror over her is over. Accept it, because it’s not going to change.” I drew in a ragged breath, struggling to keep my promise to Rabbit. “Now, get the fuck off my property … before I do something I may actually regret.”

I pushed myself off him, ignoring the ripple of pain that tore through my leg. Gasping for air, he sat up. I looked around at our odd stand-off. Not once had the men with Brian moved. A glance to my right told me why, though. Frank was standing straight, the butt of the rifle firm on his shoulder and the muzzle pointed straight at them in silent warning. Adam was beside me now and Daniel just behind him, holding a visibly shaking Rabbit upright. Trevor and Cecilia were behind them desperately trying to keep Bear from breaking loose.

I looked down at Brian. “Get up. Leave. Do what Adam said and tell your lawyer to wait for his call.”

I started to turn and stopped, watching him struggle to his feet. “Don’t you dare destroy anything of hers. Have someone pack up her books and get the boxes of her parents’ belongings out of her closet. I don’t want your hands touching what belongs to her. Adam will instruct your lawyer where to send them.”

Turning, I met Rabbit’s eyes and the shamed and fearful look in them pierced my soul. She had done nothing to be ashamed of.

Without thinking, I spoke, my hand reaching out to her. “It’s okay, Rabbit. It’s over.”

A biting laugh had me turn. “Rabbit? Oh, that’s fucking rich. Hope you don’t expect her to fuck like one, because she’s the lousiest lay I ever had,” Brian sneered, his voice loud and cruel.

I didn’t remember moving. The first hard punch caught him in the stomach and he stumbled back toward the truck as he was gasping for air. My hand grasped his hair, pulling his face up as the next punch landed square in the middle of his face. I felt the satisfying crunch of bone under my fist and felt the warm rush of blood as it spurted from his nose. As he fell, I grabbed him, forcefully throwing him onto his back on the damp ground as I fell with him, pinning one arm behind him. I smirked grimly as I heard the bone snap at the same time my knee drove agonizingly hard into his groin. I heard his sharp inhale of agony as the pain tore through him from different angles. Behind me, I heard Rabbit’s wail of horror and felt Adam’s arms wrap around my waist, wresting me away from Brian as he rolled onto his side, gasping in pain.

I pulled away from Adam, panting; struggling to calm myself. As much as I wanted to continue to beat him into a bloody, senseless pulp, and didn’t regret my actions, I wouldn’t hit him again. I had promised her, and Rabbit was right. She had already witnessed enough violence and she didn’t need to see it from me as well.

But I wasn’t done with him. I could use my words.

How does that feel, hmm, James?” I snarled. “To be on the receiving end? I hope it fucking hurts, you worthless piece of humanity. I warned you, but you wouldn’t listen, would you? You will
disrespect her in my presence again. If I hear that you’ve been belittling her anywhere, I’ll fucking come after you. I will destroy you, you insignificant son of a bitch.”

I crouched down on my haunches and stared at him. He glared back through the haze of pain, but I could see the cracks in his armour. Bullies never take on someone their own size. I spoke slowly and without hesitation.

You may think you’re a big man in your little world, James, but in the real world—out here? You’re nothing. Just another businessman. Out in this world—
words carry weight. Thousands and thousands of people read what I write. You so much as look towards the place where she is or say
derogatory about her or act like a bigger idiot than I already think you are and try and stop this divorce? I will use my words to let the world know what a pitiful excuse for a human being you are, Brian James.”

I leaned closer, dropping my voice. “I will use every bit of my arsenal to bring you down. My celebrity status, my reputation, my money; everything. I’ll bring a shit storm of press down on you like you have never seen before. And everything; every goddamn twisted act you did to that perfect little person over there will come out. Everything. Your life, your precious reputation, your business will be worthless. No one will come near you.” I leaned closer, my voice venomous. “I don’t think your
will be very happy about that.”

I saw the shadow that crossed his face and I knew I’d hit my mark.

I stood up. “You don’t deserve to breathe the same air as she does. Now, for the last fucking time, get off my property.”

I turned and walked over to Daniel. I bent down and swooped Rabbit’s shaking form up into my arms and walked towards the house. She burrowed her face into my chest and I dipped my head to graze her crown with my lips.

Pausing, I turned around. Brian was struggling to get to his feet, his two sidekicks helping him. Blood dripped down his face onto his shirt and his one arm hung uselessly by his side. He was unable to stand up straight and was hunched over against the pain. But his stare was intense and filled with hate. I was stunned as I surveyed how much damage I had inflicted in a short period of time, yet I couldn’t find it in myself to regret my actions. He deserved it. I wasn’t concerned with any backlash from what I’d done to him; he knew the consequences if he ever talked. I met his glare steadily and I sneered at him meaningfully; he didn’t look so tough now. I held Rabbit tighter, knowing he would see my arms flex. Knowing he would understand I
her and I wasn’t letting her go. He’d never get to her again. “Frank, make sure they get off the property as soon as possible. Lock the gate.”

I strode toward the house, pausing in front of Trevor. Bear was calmer now that Rabbit and I were in front of him. “Give me his lead, Trevor.”

He handed it to me. “Come on, boy,” I urged.

I walked in the house holding the two most important things in my life.

Chapter Thirty-Nine


Cecilia and Daniel followed me in. I carried Rabbit directly into the bedroom and sat her on the bed. I pulled the parka off her shaking form. Daniel appeared beside me with a damp cloth and wiped away the dried blood from her neck, examining the site. While he was doing that I went and washed the blood off my hands, not wanting Rabbit to see it. Returning to the room, I winced when I saw the scratch marks she had inflicted on herself before I had managed to pull her hands away. Her appearance was almost frightening. She was so pale, her face haunted in its expression, and her lips ragged from where she had been chewing on them the entire time. She was shaking so hard, I sat down beside her needing to comfort her. The tension in her body made it impossible for me to draw her into my arms. “Rabbit,” I soothed. “It’s done. He won’t be back. I promise.” She didn’t respond or relax. Nor did she raise her eyes to look at me.

I looked at Daniel, who mouthed ‘shock’ at me. He turned to Cecilia. “Get me something warm and sweet. Lots of sugar, not hot, just warm. Tea, coffee; whatever is fastest. Please.”

She disappeared; returning quickly and Daniel knelt down in front of Rabbit with the mug in his hand. His voice was quiet and kind when he spoke. “Lizzy? I need you to drink some of this for me, okay? It will help you feel better. Please.” He helped her by holding the mug and I watched her struggle to swallow the warm liquid, her eyes shut.

After a few minutes, she spoke. “Can you take this out, Daniel?” she whispered, her voice ragged as her hand went to her neck.

Tomorrow, Lizzy. I’ll arrange it for tomorrow when you’re at the hospital for the other tests.”

Not today?” Her voice was almost plaintive and I looked at Daniel with concern. Had what just happened been too much for her to handle?

He shook his head. “It’s going to require stitches, Lizzy. I don’t have the supplies here.”

But you’ll do it?”

He nodded. “I will. I’ll introduce you to Dr. Woods, as well. She will take good care of you. You’ll like her. Okay?”

Rabbit nodded but still didn’t look up. “May I lie down, please?”

Something in her voice broke my composure and I stood up. “Excuse us.”

They moved towards the door. Cecilia murmured something about getting food for everyone and Daniel placed his hand on my shoulder. “Patience, Joshua. She’s very vulnerable right now,” he instructed firmly. I nodded.





I closed the door after Cecilia and Daniel left and turned back to Rabbit. She had moved and was laying on the bed as far away as she could get from my side, curled into a small ball. Her eyes were shut and I could see her chest moving in small distressed breaths. I picked up the blanket and draped it over her. Bear jumped up and lay at the end of the bed watching her anxiously. Unsure, I knelt down. “Rabbit … open your eyes, baby. Please.”

Slowly they opened and I winced at the bereft, lost expression in them.

I slowly wrapped my hands around her cold ones, stroking them gently. “I’m sorry I broke my promise, Rabbit. But, I just reacted. Frankly, he deserved it with his offensive remarks. I won’t stand by and listen to anyone degrade you,” I insisted. “I tried to walk away; I didn’t plan it. It just happened.”

She nodded silently, her eyes still glazed over in anguish. I squeezed her hands and rested my forehead against hers. I heard her soft, stuttering sigh and I pulled back and looked at her, worried.

Her eyes dropped and I gently lifted her chin. “It’s over, Rabbit. Done. You’re safe now.” I reached up and touched her neck. “This will be gone tomorrow. There will be nothing left of him. Nothing.”

She stared at me, not saying anything. Then slowly her eyes shut. “I’m tired, Joshua,” she whispered. “Can I go to sleep now?”

I felt my throat tighten. “If that’s what you want, of course, Rabbit.” I paused. “Do you want me to stay with you?”

I was surprisingly hurt by the small shake of her head. I stood up, unsure what to do next, “I’ll, ah … I’ll be down the hall if you need me.” I turned to leave and felt her hand grab mine.

I love you, Joshua. So much. I just ... so awful … I just need … a little time …” the last word was broken off with a small sob.

Swiftly, I leaned down, kissing the tears that were silently sliding down her cheeks, feeling both resigned and relieved. She just needed a few minutes alone. She wasn’t rejecting me. I needed to understand that she needed a little time to process what had happened.

I love you as well, my Rabbit. I’m right here, and I’m not going anywhere.” I gently pulled the blanket up around her, kissing her forehead before I left the room quickly, fighting to keep my own emotions under control.

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