Read Into the Nothing (Broken Outlaw Series Book 1) Online

Authors: BT Urruela

Tags: #Broken Outlaw Series, #Book One

Into the Nothing (Broken Outlaw Series Book 1) (24 page)

BOOK: Into the Nothing (Broken Outlaw Series Book 1)
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didn’t want to be here. I mean, I wanted to be in this situation with her, but not
. Not anywhere Jack Watson owned. But holy fuck, what the hell am I to do? She’s insatiable. And though I know how wrong this is, my cock doesn’t seem to care

My roaming hands unintentionally rub up against her panties. Shit, she’s completely wet. Now I’m aching at the idea of being inside her.

My mind fights to rationalize the situation, but my dick is like a laid-back pool shark who already knows what’s coming.

I pull her drenched panties to the side and thrust two fingers in. She squeals first, and then it turns into a moan as my fingers meet her G-spot. I just want to fucking taste her.

to taste her.

I trail kisses down the side of her neck, along the curve of her waist. Her body tenses as I kiss over her stomach. I grab onto her thighs and gently shove them apart, my fingers still working deep inside of her. My lips hover over her pussy and I blow a long breath across her delicate skin before I run my tongue against her clit. She lets out a breathy, fervent moan.

Her moans make my cock twitch.

I feel her body shudder and then stiffen. Her hands grab desperately at my hair. I know she’s about to come and I want to feel its warmth against my tongue. Her body arches off the bed wildly as she screams and moans my name. Her legs shake against the sides of my head as she watches me clean her up…every last drop.

I work my lips up to her stomach—to her neck, and then I kiss her. She’s in a lustful haze coming out from the fog of her orgasm. She looks at me hungrily and grabs a handful of my hair. I can’t fight the urge to taste her again. I want to savor every bit of it. I push her panties to the side and slowly swipe my tongue over her.

God, she tastes so fucking good.

The second my tongue circles her clit, her heels dig into the mattress, and her back bows away from the bed. “Shit,” she breathes, fisting my hair. “You gotta stop.”

My tongue reluctantly parts from her insatiable pussy and she pulls me up toward her, and I kiss her. Knowing she can taste herself on me, makes me grow harder by the second. Both her hands grab my triceps and she digs her nails in as I work my mouth over to her neck, sucking and biting.

I rip her panties completely off and throw them to the floor. She pulls her shirt over her head, nearly tearing it in the process, and her hands meet her hardened nipples. The sight of her playing with them makes my dick beg to be inside her. With the sexiest look in her eyes, she tugs on my briefs now soaked with precum.

I fight the urge to lose myself in her. I know in just a few moments I will be inside her. I’ll feel all of her. And once I’ve had her, I fear I’ll never want to leave. The desire to be inside her is running as high as it could ever be.

Paige shouts out, “Fuck me, Xander. Oh god, please just fuck me already!”

Nope. Scratch that. I was wrong.

I pull off my briefs and throw them to the floor. I rest the head of my cock against her clit and then lightly rub, teasing her. She squirms beneath me as she grips my arms tightly.

“Please,” she says, breathlessly, her face completely flush. “I need you inside me.”

Paige closes her eyes the moment I slip the head of my cock in, and she throws her head back as I go in just a little more. As she settles her legs around my waist, I shift my weight off her just enough that I can watch myself fuck her. I can feel my cock pulsate and swell against her walls; it makes me feel as if I may come any second. But I fight the urge and slide in ever so slowly. Her pussy is warm and inviting. My body is charged with anticipation and pleasure I’m not sure I’ve ever felt before.

Paige releases a little whimper that makes me want to thrust harder and faster, but I don’t. I take my time running my throbbing cock in and out, but it’s as if the slower I go, the hotter she gets. Her nipples are stiff and waiting eagerly for my mouth. I take them in, one at a time. I bite them lightly and then circle my tongue around them as I continue to tease her.

In… Out… In… Out… slowly, meticulously. Just enough to get her to squirm. But I’m only getting started. My dick settles into the perfection of her pussy and the building pressure fades just a little, the feeling of complete ecstasy still going strong. I pick up speed. The faster I go, the wetter she gets.

She grabs for handfuls of hair, but I hold each wrist to the mattress. She fights back as I continue fucking her… In. Out. In. Out… Picking up speed, I take both of her wrists into one of my hands and pin them above her head. My other hand grabs a fistful of her curly blonde hair, pulling just a little bit more with each thrust inside her.

“Oh God, Xander, don’t stop. Don’t fucking stop. I’m so close!”

The throbbing at the base of my dick is not something I can control anymore. Her intensifying moans will me to thrust harder and deeper. Her restrained hands ball up into tight little fists and she drives her hips up into me. The barrage of warm come sets off my own release—a release that makes my entire body shake and floods my brain with so many endorphins it feels as if I may float away at any moment.

I lower myself and pull Paige into my arms, and she rests her head on my chest. The only sounds in the room are our ragged breaths and the pulsing of our heartbeats. No words are spoken between us. None need to be said.

I kiss the top of her head as our breathing evens out. She snuggles deeper into my side, sighing peacefully. I lie awake long after she falls asleep, wondering what I did right in my wretched life to deserve someone like her.

It’s dark. Mommy and Daddy are away. Sissy is crying from the crib again, but I can’t reach her. I try my hardest. I want to try harder, but my tummy won’t stop growling. I want to eat, but there’s nothing in the kitchen.

Mommy comes home first and she’s crying. She’s always crying.

I don’t think she sees me. She walks right past me. I hope she hears Sissy at least. Sissy is so sad.

Daddy comes home and he’s angry. He’s always angry. He’s throwing things and they’re breaking. Mommy is screaming and she’s holding Sissy. Daddy breaks more things and it’s loud. I cover my ears and close my eyes, just like in hide and seek, but they’re still there when I open them.

Daddy has Mommy by the hair. He’s shaking her and she’s scared. Sissy is about to fall, but Mommy catches her and puts her on the table. Daddy is yelling so loud. I hate when he yells this loud.

Daddy hits Mommy over and over again. I don’t think he’ll ever stop. I grab my wiffle ball bat—the one Grandma gave me before she went to live with the angels—and I hit Daddy on the leg as hard as I can with it.

He turns around and I cry at the sight of him. I can’t help it. He looks like a monster. I back away from him, but he comes closer. I’m against the wall and there’s nowhere to go. Mommy’s crying, but she isn’t moving.

Daddy grabs my arm, and it hurts so bad I drop the bat. He pulls a knife off his belt. It’s the one I play with when he leaves it out.

I shut my eyes and squeeze them tight. I want it all to be a dream.

But it isn’t.

It feels like my arm is burning, like the whole thing is on fire. I scream until my voice goes away. There’s blood everywhere.

I can’t feel my fingers.

I wake up in a cold sweat, my heart pounding in my chest. Paige lifts her head from the pillow with a look of concern on her face.

“Are you okay, baby?” The way the light shines through the window and hits her face settles me. The glow is almost angelic. The way she looks in my white button-up, and
my white button-up… that’s a whole other story.

“Good morning, gorgeous. Yeah, I’m okay.” I smile and rub a hand against her cheek. “I’m not complaining about waking up to this face
one bit.”

She leans over and kisses my chest, my neck, and finally my lips.

“I could say the same about you. Were you having a nightmare, hun?” She sits up and pulls my hand into her lap.

“I don’t know. I never really remember my dreams or nightmares. Why, was I tossing and turning?”

“You were doing a little more than that.”

“Yeah, I’ve heard I’m a pretty violent sleeper.”

“You kept grabbing for your arm…” She sets her hand gently against it. “Where your scar is.”

“Really?” I know, I dream it damn near every night, though I won’t tell her that. She’s better off not knowing.

“Yeah, really. Do you want to talk about it?”

“One day, baby, I swear. Okay?”


“Did my crazy sleep wake you?” I ask, looking over at the alarm clock.

“It did, but it’s completely okay. I didn’t mind watching you sleep.”

I sit up, taking her face with my hand, and I give her a long, deep, passionate kiss. Then I pull away, flashing a coy smile.

“What?” she asks.

“Who’s the creeper now?”

“Oh, shut up. I was well within the creeper parameters,” she says, pushing me away.

“I don’t know. Seems like you crossed a line. And for that, you should probably be punished.”

“Oh, you think so, Mr. Evans? I’m thinking you’re the one with the punishment in store. Don’t make me get my horse whip and ball gag. Mistress Paige will be all over that shit.” She snaps her fingers back and forth.

“That just sounds wrong. You know I like a submissive chick.”

She puts up two fingers. “One, I’m not a chick. I’m a woman. Two, submissive in the bedroom, boss bitch everywhere else. Just don’t get shit confused.”

She dramatically brushes her shoulders off and cocks her head, and I can’t help laughing. She is so adorably

“As long as the whole submissive in the bedroom thing sticks, baby, you can be whatever the hell you want out there.” I point to the bedroom door.

She looks at me, still obviously in dominatrix mode, and then pushes me back down. I try and lift myself up, but she does it again.

“You stay.” She points to the bed as she uses the other hand to rip the covers away. She motions to my briefs.

“Those. Off. Now.”

“What are you doing?” I ask, not sure if she’s just kidding around or if shit’s really about to go down.

She lightly slaps my face.

“No talking. Just get naked,” she demands, and I comply, tossing my briefs at her. She slaps my thigh, harder than she did my face.

“Don’t move.” She holds each arm down to my side.

“Yes, ma’am.”

“That’s better.”

She brings her mouth down to my thigh and bites gently and then she works her way up, sliding her tongue against my constricting abs. Her hands continue to hold my wrists to the bed and I fight against them, but each time she pins me right back down. She looks up at me, a sultry look in her eyes. “
Don’t. Move
,” she repeats.

She teases me for what seems like a century, my muscles flexing and releasing with each pleasing touch. She runs tongue from my chest down slowly to where I yearn for it to go, which has me begging and writhing beneath her. I want her mouth around my cock more than anything at this point and she’s doing her best to use it against me…to toy with me. I need to be in her, a part of her, one with her.

BOOK: Into the Nothing (Broken Outlaw Series Book 1)
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