Into the Light (Untwisted series Book 3) (6 page)

BOOK: Into the Light (Untwisted series Book 3)
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Luckily I had already put my briefcase down otherwise there was no doubt I would have dropped it as Natalie spoke.
Holy frigging shit!
Nathan was here? Why? Why the hell was he
? Because of the text I just sent? Suddenly my knees felt rather weak, and my office felt oppressively hot. Fanning myself with my hand I wiped gingerly at the film of sweat that had instantaneously formed on the back of my neck before looking back to Natalie and trying to school my features into a non-panicked expression.

Completely oblivious to my sudden palpitating shock and approaching mental breakdown, she continued, ‘He runs such a huge important company that I'd always assumed he'd be old, you know? But my God, Stella! He’s young! And he's so hot! You won't believe it!’

My lip twitched. Actually I would believe it. He's smoking hot not to mention absolutely killer in the sack. And here at my office.
Trying to swallow down the sudden urge to throw up the lunch I'd eaten in my last meeting I tried to make my face blank as I feigned disinterest and turned to Natalie with a tight smile.

‘Really? He's hot, huh? Well, it's better than the Mayor, I suppose.’ I murmured as an attempted joke, but with my current nerves the humour was slightly lacking from my strained tone.

‘Totally. I Googled him when I was waiting for you, he's obviously pretty secretive because there wasn't much on him except for the fact that he's totally loaded, thirty-one years old, and probably single because he's never really pictured out with the same partner twice.’

Why hadn't I thought to Google him? I wondered with a wry smile, perhaps I could try that tonight and see what else I could discover about him. Then a shudder ran though me, actually, on second thoughts no, Natalie's statement of ‘
he's never pictured with the same partner twice
’ made me change my mind as my stomach twisted uncomfortably. I didn't want to turn into some jealous little bimbo trawling the Internet and looking at pictures of Nathan with a horde of different women on his arm as I cried into a glass of wine and a tub of ice-cream.

Desperate to distract myself from
images, and mindful that I shouldn’t keep Nathan waiting any longer I smoothed down my teal silk blouse and thanked the gods that I had opted for my best black skirt and heels today. At least I looked professional and presentable … and possibly slightly sexy too. Crikey, my tiredness was a thing of the past, I was wide awake now and more than slightly terrified. Who needed caffeine when you had Nathaniel Jackson and his surprise visits around?

Nodding to embolden myself I headed from my office towards the conference room standing as tall and confidently as I could and leaving an uncharacteristically flustered Natalie behind me faffing with her hair.

I entered the conference room and closed the door behind me before even daring to look at Nathan. When I did I swallowed loudly, too loudly, before licking my lips nervously as my eyes ran over his appearance. He was wearing a navy three piece suit, navy shirt, and burgundy tie and looked absolutely frigging stunning. Breathing became far harder than it should be, until my flustered state had me almost on the verge of panting. We stood in silence for an absolute age, me avoiding eye contact, trying not to wheeze and wiping the sweat from my palms guiltily, and Nathan standing coolly with his hands tucked in his trouser pockets and his legs slightly spread with an unreadable expression on his face under his lowered brows. Blimey, Nathan looked so unbelievably hot when he was brooding like this that I was tempted to throw myself on the conference table there and then and offer myself to him.

Just when I was wondering if Nathan was going to speak at all I suddenly saw him start to stalk towards me and my belly flip flopped at the determination in his steps.

‘I like your hair.’ he murmured, but considering the text I'd just sent him the irony of the comment wasn't lost on me. Stopping in front of me Nathan reached up to flick my long hair back over my shoulders and exposed my love bite and necklace. A small growl of appreciation rumbled in his chest as he traced his fingers first across the chain, before landing on the ridiculously red bite on my neck with the tips of his fingers. As usual his touch sparked tingles of delight across my skin and I only just held back a fevered moan of pleasure. Well, at least I think I held it back.

‘So which of these seventeen men do I need to kill first?’ Nathan questioned softly in a suspiciously deadly tone as his fingers continued to caress my neck with small, warm swirls of his thumb. Oh God! I should never have sent that bloody text, there was going to be a massacre in my office and it was all going to be my fault.

‘None of them … I was only joking,’ I murmured sheepishly as I turned my head to give him greater access to the red circle on my skin that claimed me as his.

‘Ah, I see. Lying to me, Miss Marsden? I think perhaps there should be consequences for such actions,’ he murmured. Consequences? Like punishments? My thumb ring was being twirled at the speed of light by this point and I swallowed loudly, shamefully acknowledging that I definitely hadn't managed to suppress my moan of arousal that time, because Nathan's mouth twitched as he finally smoothed my hair back into place and lowered his hand to his side.

‘So … do you, er … do you want a … er … a tour?’ Jeez, I was stuttering like a complete gibbering fool, but my tongue felt so thick in my mouth I could barely speak.

‘Of the office? Or of you?’ Nathan murmured salaciously, inching himself closer to me so that he was well within my personal space where I could smell his delicious scent and instantly wanted to bury my face in his neck. ‘Because I'm already rather well acquainted with your body, but I certainly wouldn't turn down a re-cap.’ Wow, how did he get me so hot with just a few words? My entire body felt shaky and there was no ignoring the fact that I was now damp between my legs and panting. But there was no way I was risking a liaison in the conference room … was I?
 … for one thing I was at work so it was totally unprofessional, but the main deciding factor was the fact that the blinds in the conference room had been taken down for cleaning yesterday so it would be like performing in a fish bowl. Damn the stupidly efficient cleaners.

Desperately needing to recover my usual control and momentum I turned and opened the door holding it wide for him. ‘A tour of the office.’ I replied curtly with a raised eyebrow as I tried to hold back a smile at how light hearted and teasing he seemed to be today.

Stepping past me Nathan ran his hand across my hip in the briefest of touches that could have been interpreted as accidental if viewed by an outsider, but I knew full well had been every bit intentional as he stepped into the corridor, ‘Spoilsport,’ he murmured as he passed me.

Keeping a professional demeanour whilst showing Nathan around the offices was almost impossible. Firstly, he kept ‘accidentally’ brushing against me, perhaps a small touch of his fingers to my elbow as he questioned me about something, or a brief passing of his hand across the side of my breast as he stepped aside to let me proceed through a door before him. It was utterly infuriating, but simultaneously the most arousing thing ever and after twenty minutes was making my already wobbly legs even more jellified and my pulse spike wildly with every contact. Secondly, every frigging female worker in the Markis Office had suddenly become insistent on speaking to me whilst flashing flirtatious glances and annoyingly pathetic giggles at Nathan, who just politely smiled back and then smirked at me once they left. It was very obvious that he was well aware the effect he had on the female species, and he clearly loved my barely reigned in jealously as I stood clenching my teeth and trying not to bitch slap each and every one of my colleagues who dared approach him.

After a tortuously slow half an hour the tour was finally done and we were heading back to the blessed sanctuary of my office. Nathan had been the perfect guest – apart from his teasing – smiling at the appropriate moments and appearing interested as I spoke, but I couldn't help but wonder exactly
he was here today. Finally I got to rest my shaky legs and as I took a seat behind my desk I was just about to ask him the purpose of his visit when one of my co-workers Robert came in looking flustered. Nathan sat himself on the couch in my office patiently and listened to me dealing with an urgent emergency with one of
buildings, well, as ‘urgent’ as interior design issues can get – a missing shipment of expensive Italian tiles – and then sat back watching me intently with his eyes narrowed.

‘Very professional, Miss Marsden. I'm impressed,’ he murmured once Robert had left. Then he rested one elbow on the end of the sofa and began rubbing his index finger casually across his top lip. My eyes zeroed in on the movement. Back and forth. Back and forth. In less than two seconds I found myself almost hypnotised by one frigging finger. God this man was just sexiness personified, I thought as I drew in a ragged breath.

‘You should work for me,’ he pondered, still rubbing his damn lip. But his statement finally broke my trance.
Work for him? No thank you, as much as I loved him dominating me on the weekends I didn’t fancy it happening every single day in the office too. I liked my own space, not to mention that I had worked damn hard to get my position at Markis and had no intention of giving up to become Nathan’s personal sex assistant.

‘You are our biggest client, Nathan, so I basically do work for you.’ I replied sweetly, rather pleased with how calm I sounded when under my skin my heart was rampaging from my restless arousal.

He nodded slowly and made a humming noise in the back of his throat. ‘Take off your panties.’ He suddenly requested out of the blue in a complete change of conversation.

‘No!’ My eyes flew open in shock at his unbelievable request. ‘I'm at work!’

Standing up, Nathan locked my door with a flick of his wrist, pulled the cords of my blinds to angle them so no one could see in and then closed the distance between us, rotated my chair away from the desk, and squatted down in front of me. Without saying a single word he leant forwards, placed his warm hand on my knee and slid it straight up my skirt, pushing my panties to the side before gently rubbing a knuckle across my soft, sensitive skin.

I was utterly stunned. Christ, talk about swift work! All my earlier hesitations about no sex in the office quickly left my mind as Nathan's skilled fingers set to work and in seconds I was so wet I started to worry about soaking my chair and staining my skirt.

‘If you were in my office I could do this whenever I pleased,’ he murmured seductively. That was indeed a persuasive argument and if Nathan kept up his ministrations much longer I may just give in to his crazy demand, but as I lay my head back and sluttishly opened my legs a little wider for him we were interrupted by a shrill and annoying ring which made me try to close my legs in shock.

Frowning, Nathan planted his hands firmly on my thighs and opened them again before he continued with his fondle whilst digging in his inside jacket pocket with his free hand. Removing his phone he glanced at the screen and his scowl deepened. ‘Damn it, it's a meeting reminder.’ Nathan glanced up at me, ‘It's an important one too, I've got to go, I'll have to finish this later.’ he murmured with a smirk as I gasped in disappointment at the thought of being left so aroused and needy for an entire afternoon.

‘Can I see you tonight?’ he asked suddenly, snapping me out of my delicious pre-orgasm fog in an instant. As much as his question thrilled me, I couldn't help my eyebrows rising at his request. Nathan and I had never discussed extending our agreed times together beyond the weekends and as much as I wanted to agree, I'd left work early the last two nights to see my brother and so now had tonnes of tasks still to get done today.

Reluctantly I shook my head, hating myself as I did so. ‘I'd love to … but I've still got loads of overtime to catch up on.’ I was clinging to the arms of my chair by this point, my insides melting and my legs writhing uncontrollably against Nathan's hand and its skilled work as he took me closer and closer to the peak I so desperately craved.

‘That's a shame,’ Nathan murmured, still lightly running his fingers around between my legs and driving me wild with his gentle swirls and flicks and pinches. ‘Seeing you in charge today has been quite a turn on, I was thinking we could have done a little switch.’ With his fingers doing their thing I was pretty much past speech by now, but I managed to frown.
? What the hell was that?

‘Switching is where we change roles, I thought maybe you could be in charge for a night. Well, just a small part of a night.’ He clarified firmly, apparently reluctant to relinquish too much control over to me. ‘But if you're busy then that's just too bad.’ Change roles? I wasn't entirely sure how I felt about that, I loved the way Nathan was in charge in the bedroom. But he'd actually looked quite disappointed when I'd refused, giving me that wide-eyed little boy look that I’d seen briefly at Claridge’s on Monday. Before I could think too much about it Nathan's phone beeped again and on a curse he slipped two more fingers inside my panties and with no warning whatsoever ripped them clean from my body with a loud tearing sound that seemed to echo around my office and shunted me forwards on my seat by several inches.

What the fuck!?
I kid you not, he literally pulled my knickers so hard that they had split at the back and he was now stood upright holding the destroyed material in his hand and looking rather pleased with himself.

My mouth was hanging open in stunned silence, I had absolutely no clue how to respond to that move.

‘They were my favourite knickers,’ I protested weakly. They weren't my favourite knickers, but they were a pretty pair and I needed Nathan to understand that he couldn't just go around shredding my pants whenever he felt like it, otherwise it might become a regular occurrence for him.

He shrugged. ‘I'll get you some new ones, but seeing as you wouldn't take them off and now you're refusing to see me tonight I thought I'd take something to keep me company until I see you on Friday.’ Then with a smirk he folded my ruined panties into some semblance of a triangle and tucked them into the top front pocket of his suit jacket so they stuck out just like a handkerchief. An aquamarine, lacy handkerchief. Even in my shock I couldn't help a small gurgle of laughter at how funny they looked. Patting them, Nathan grinned wickedly at me as he turned for the door. ‘I'll keep them here for my meeting and think of you and your tempting little body.’

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